Hatred of aisha towards othman, imam ali and abu huraira (or hurayra)

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HATRED OF `Ā'ISHA TOWARDS OTHMĀN We do not wish to discuss the reasons that prompted Mother of the Believers `Ā'isha to hate Othmān ibn `Affān so much, but she was not the only one, and you can read the details of how such hatred and animosity led to Othmān being murdered by a group of attackers who came from various parts of the Islamic world, even from as far as North Africa, to voice their grievances to aging Othmān who brushed them aside. They laid a siege to his mansion for a number of days during which no water or food was allowed to enter, so much so that Ali ibn Abū Tālib  used to get both his sons, al-Hassan and al-Hussain , to smuggle food and water to Othmān's mansion stealthily, from one house to another under the cover of the night. When the mob attacked Othmān, alHassan, Imām Ali's older son , suffered a wound to his forehead which almost killed him. Yet some habitual liars dared to accuse Ali  of plotting against Othmān… This is how far some people can go in their falsehood… Anyway, read what Dr. Taha Hussain, the famous Egyptian scholar, wrote about all the details of the events that led to this great tragedy, to Muslims killing their own caliph, in his famous book ‫الفتنة‬ ‫ الكبرى‬The Great Sedition (cover image on previous page). The oath of allegiance to Ali  as the Commander of the Faithful was sworn in the month of Thul-Hijja of 35 A.H./May 656 A.D. following the Muslims' insistence and despite his reluctance. It was the consensus of the Ansār and the Muhājirūn that he should succeed Othmān as the caliph. Each of Talhah and al-Zubayr during that period hoped to be the caliph as we read in two sermons in Nahjul-Balāgha delivered by Imām Ali . They both hoped to be at least provincial governors of some Islamic countries. According to historian Ibn Qutaybah, "Al-Zubayr and Talhah went to Ali after the oath swearing ceremony and said, 'Do you know on what condition have we sworn the oath of allegiance to you, O Commander of the Faithful?' Ali said, 'Yes, on listening to me and obeying me…' They said, 'No, we have sworn it to be your partners in the matter.' Ali said, 'No, but you are partners in making statements, straightforwardness and assistance.' Al-Zubayr did not doubt that he would be awarded the post of provincial governor of Iraq and Talha of Yemen. When it became obvious to them that Ali  would not appoint

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