PLWH Annual Report 2009

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Content Welcoming address by the Head of the Coordination Council of AUkCO “All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH�


Mission, values, and strategic direction


Achievements of the Network


Development of the regions


Map of activities


Our projects


East Europe and Central Asia Union of PLWH


Financial report







I consider it an honour to present to you the Annual Report of the All-Ukrainian Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS for 2008. This year was rich in opportunities, life lessons learned, experiences gained and new friends and partners made. It also brought something new that has impacted upon every sphere of human life all around the world. In today's world there is no stopping the torrent of talk about the global financial crisis. We can speak endlessly about its possible consequences for our country and for the whole world. Usually, when we talk about the crisis, we mean the economic crisis. Unfortunately, in our country the crisis is not limited to the economy. We must admit that in Ukraine there is an epidemic of the most serious social disease, an HIV epidemic. Many countries in the world have come to the point where nothing can be changed, for them the most urgent and terrifying problem is how to survive. Time, which Ukraine has today, is particularly worth its weight in gold. We still have a chance to stop the impending pandemic of HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis. To miss this opportunity is unacceptable, not only from a moral standpoint but from a purely pragmatic one. Those who are willing to stand up must join together. The result of this joint effort, which we call upon all to take part in, shall be measured against the simple concepts of diagnosis, prevention and treatment, available to all who need it. If we could achieve this, we would reverse the course of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Ukraine. This is not just a goal; joining efforts in these troubled times is the only possible way to stop this terrible epidemic. Nothing has any meaning other than that which we give it. We see the world not as it is, but as we are. Every crisis carries a potential risk or an opportunity. Where there are the gravest perils, there are the greatest opportunities for growth. Since the purpose of all life is to grow and develop, we must avail ourselves of the opportunities that the crisis brings with it, and use them for personal growth. We are committed to our work, and we have much to be proud of. Yet it would be presumptuous to think that our achievements are only due to the professional merits of the Network. Our success would have been impossible without your support and your confidence; hence it is our common success. Let professionalism, partnership, commitment and determination be the foundation of the changes which we are ready to fight for, and the starting point for our work. I wish all of us to pass through this hard time with dignity and to take advantage of its opportunities. We must not only overcome this crisis but conquer it, emerging victorious in our countries, cities, organizations and most importantly as individuals. Self-confidence, personal and professional experience, courage and faith in our team are the main trophies of our victories. Let us work, live, fight, and conquer the epidemic together!

Volodymyr Zhovtyak Head of the Coordination Council All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH


Mission Organization

Based on humanistic principals, to enhance the quality of life of people living with HIV/AIDS by means of joint efforts of all concerned in order to offer psychological, social, counseling and legal support, and to advocate accessibility of treatment and diagnostics for people living with HIV/AIDS in Ukraine.



Life and health of PLWH Healthy life style Harmonious personal development Full value of life Human rights

Strategic Directions of the Activities 1. To promote access to non-medical care, treatment and support. 2. To lobby and to advocate rights of people living with HIV/AIDS. 3. To promote a tolerant attitude towards people living with HIV/AIDS. 4. To enhance the All-Ukrainian Network’s organizational capacity. 5. To advocate effective primary and secondary HIV/AIDS prevention.




Network has saved UAH 40 million for the state Ministry of Health has saved UAH 40 million on government purchases of antiretroviral drugs owing to Ukrainian Network’s activity. For the first time in the CIS region the Tender Committee of Ministry of Health was forced to reduce the price for medical products after the bidding. The winner of the tender LLC "Liudmyla Farm" brought down the price for the drug "Aluvia" to 92 US dollars per package instead of starting price 233 US dollars as a result of negotiations with Network’s experts. In an uncompromising form, with the help of mass media representatives, activists and experts of the Network had to convince the employees of Ministry of Health to sign the contract based on the price 92 US dollars per package of antiretroviral drugs. Funds totalling UAH 40 million were raised due to lowering prices and costs. In the presence of journalists and public representatives, Chairman of the Tender Committee of Ministry of Health of Ukraine announced the intention to appropriate these funds for purchase of drugs for the prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission and drugs for the treatment of HIV-positive children. The saved funds were spent on prophylaxis and treatment for 3000 HIV-positive expectant mothers and HIV-positive children. This is the first fact in the history of Ukraine, when a private business, due to the cooperation with NGOs, refused to receive super-profits and sold the drug at the world price.

Eastern Europe and Central Asia under the supervision of the Network at the International Conference on AIDS in Mexico City On August 3-8, 2008 about 25 000 participants and 3000 media representatives gathered in Mexico City at the International AIDS Conference under the slogan "Universal actions now" to assess the global response to the epidemic and identify priorities for further struggle against HIV/AIDS. To some extent, this conference was the next step towards the recognition of the Network of PLWH not only as one of the most advanced and competent organizations-communities, but as the first organization of PLWHA, which became the GF principal recipient. For the first time 14 representatives of the Network moderated Eastern Europe and Central Asia constituency. Their presentations and interviews were concentrated on the first steps of implementation of national treatment project, the expansion of substitution therapy and the capacity of national structures. They described the situation on HIV/AIDS in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, and presented the achievements of the organization. All Ukrainian Network of PLWH was among the organizers of dialogue space "Besedka" ― Eastern Europe and Central Asia constituency. In the bounds of "Besedka" the regional representatives shared experience, discussed strategies and approaches to programs on PLWH treatment, care, and support. The Network actively shared experience in advocacy, in particular the one concerning procurement reform, with its counterparts.


Auto Race "AIDS–STOP!" In October Ukraine welcomed the next stage of international motor rally "AIDS-STOP!" The route passed through 16 cities in Russia, Moldova, Belarus, and Ukraine. Network was responsible for Ukrainian part of auto race. Rally stopped in two Ukrainian cities – Kyiv and Donetsk. Information campaigns were conducted as a part of the rally; they aimed at the necessity of regular testing for HIV and possibilities for ARV therapy at regional AIDS centres. In Ukraine alone nearly 10 thousand young people, mainly students, took part in this action. Julia Chicherina, Vlad Topalov, group “Den Radio”, and some others singers from Russia and Ukraine took part in rally concerts, where many young people underwent HIV test.

Film "Test" is the Festival Grand Prix On October 7-16, 2008 at the International Film Festival "My cinema" the Network creative team successfully presented its first film "Test" and won the Festival Grand Prix. The film describes seven days in the life of a young man, which will pass since his doing HIV test till getting its results. According to the film executive producer and the leading actor Dmytro Sherembey (the director of Communication, policy and advocacy department of the Network), the film helps the viewers to understand that any HIV test result does not give up anybody for loss, but it gives an opportunity to reappraise the old values and life orientations before it is too late. In addition, the film won the second prize in first competition of social advertising that was held in Kharkiv. It was highly appreciated by critics and ordinary viewers who watched it in dozens of cinemas all over the country.


Action "Pass your test!" On the World AIDS Day, December 1, All-Ukrainian Network of People Living with HIV held the campaign under the slogan "Pass your test!" Its goal was to raise the level of individual and public responsibility in counteracting HIV/AIDS in Ukraine. As a part of the action all citizens of Ukraine had the opportunity to answer the questions: • Have you ever undergone your test for HIV? • Are there HIV-positive people in your close surroundings? • Is the state doing enough to overcome HIV/AIDS epidemic? Thereby many Ukrainians got to know about the necessity to do a personal HIV test, to pass their own tests for tolerance to HIV-positive people, to think about authorities’ responsibility for the epidemic situation in the country. In dozens of cinemas and on television premiere of the film "Test" took place.

For the first time the commemorative meeting near the monument "Red Ribbon" in Kiev was attended by Minister of Health of Ukraine Vasyl Knyazevych and Minister of Family, Youth and Sports Yuriy Pavlenko. It testified a significant degree of high officials’ attention to the problems of HIV/AIDS in Ukraine. Many Ukrainians joined the campaign on December 1. Volunteers visited HIV-positive children and orphans, and patients at AIDS centres. Morning church services were held for the health of HIV-positive people. There were concerts for young people, competitions, sports tournaments; memory processions with candles, spectaculars, and fund raising all-over Ukraine. During the day volunteers distributed information materials and red ribbons.


Action "Life. Inexpensively" On May 16, shortly before the Memory Day of people who died of AIDS, activists of the All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH held a street action “Life. Inexpensively”. Near the Cabinet of Ministers volunteers handed out fiscal checks with an expressive message to the officials “2 hryvnas 33 kopecks is the value of a Ukrainian’s life”. Thereby Network activists craved not only for honouring the memory of people, who died of AIDS, but also for attracting the attention of officials and society to the problems of the epidemic, in particular insufficient state funding. “HIV prophylaxis is 8 kopecks per year, HIV diagnosis is 59 kopecks per year, treatment is UAH 1.66 per year per person. Guarantees are not provided for” – were the words written on the fiscal checks. Not only the employees of the Cabinet of Ministers, but thousands of other officials throughout the country read those words, as the action “Life. Inexpensively” was held in all regional centres of Ukraine.

Adoption of Methadone Program In August 2008 the program on substitution methadone therapy (ST) for drug users started in Ukraine due to hard work of the All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH specialists. The program is funded by the Global Fund. The Network supports 44 ST sites in many regions. One more important achievement owing to expert and advisory activities of the Network is the timely importation of methadone into Ukraine. The measures undertaken by Network allowed to start delivering the medical product to the sites. As of the end of 2008 the metadone ST program provides services to 1640 patients. The information and awareness campaign on ST issues conducted among doctors, patients and officials of central and local authorities during visits to the regions performed an important role in expanding ST. The activity and support of Network affiliates and initiative groups have significantly increased onsites; business contacts have been established with representatives of central and local executive authorities. After having analysed the problems on ST extension in Ukraine Network specialists elaborated a draft decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "About the approval of the implementation of substitution therapy for injecting drug users with opioid dependence", which would solve most of the problems and define the rights and duties of each party involved in the ST process in Ukraine.


Development of regions The initiative group in Berdychiv The street action “Life. Inexpensively”, which was held on May 18, 2008 gained resonance. Volunteers put on T-shirts with stickers “Life. Inexpensively” and “Sale”. Rollerblading, they were handing out flyers, telling people about the Memory Day of people who died of AIDS and about the insufficient state funding of HIV prevention and treatment. People were deeply impressed at the information, and the local television actively highlighted this topic. The legal registration of the Charitable Fund “Victory” as the Network representative office has begun at the end of 2008. Contact person ― Olga Kotyk (067) 288-27-98

Initiative Group

in Vinnytsya

Advocacy of PLWH rights was one of the main activities of the group during 2008. The street actions were held in May and in December. Several charity dinners were organized for HIV-positive children and children born to HIV-positive mothers. Self-support groups and consultations for PLWH were conducted on a regular basis as well. The initiative group of the Network in Vinnytsya has five members, three of them are the members of the Network and two are volunteers. It is planned to register Vinnytsya regional affiliate of the Network of PLWH and to expand the services of the organization: to visit districts of Vinnytsya region in order to provide information about the activities of the organization, to consult HIV positive people, to establish contacts with physicians and potential partners, and to search for leaders who would head the initiative and self-support groups. It is also planned to organize a public centre of comprehensive services for HIV-positive people in Vinnytsya region. Contact person ― Oksana Shevchuk (067) 813-57-69


Initiative Group

in Dnipropetrovsk The initiative group of AUkCO “All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH” has been working in Dnipropetrovsk for several years. There is no regional affiliate in Dnipropetrovsk at present moment, but Network members work in all HIV-service organizations of the city: CO “Help”, CO “Aleks”, CF “Virtus”, CO “Doroga Zhyttya”, CO “Perekhrestya” PO “Dnipro Humanitarian Initiatives”. The local PLWH community had one more advocacy activity after the May action “Life. Inexpensively”. The Network regional representative was accused of violating the Law of Mass Street Actions. After the press conference near the hall of justice, where the activists spoke openly about real intentions of local authorities, Network regional representative was exculpated. Active position of PLWH helped to change officials’ attitude towards HIV/AIDS problem. Therefore the next action “Pass your test!” was actively supported by local authorities. Contact person ― Oleksandr Kolesnyk (067) 811 60 65

Initiative Group on the basis of CO «Club «Svitanok»


Donetsk was the first out of two Ukrainian cities that welcomed the international motor rally “AIDSSTOP!” In the framework of motor rally there was held a round table with the participation of representatives of the Government, NGOs and mass media; besides that there were organized the press conference, lectures in educational institutions of the city, and also free pass concert with assisitence of Russian show business stars and public opinion leaders. In addition, information materials were distributed. People had the possibility to undergo HIV test and to receive doctors’ counsultations. Organization received a grant from the Tides Foundation and the Fund for HIV/AIDS Treatment Preparedness in Eastern Europe and Central Asia for realization of the project “Prevention of failures and interruptions of HAART in Donetsk region”. Due to this project a survey was carried out among HIV-positive people who failed ARV therapy and relatives of deceased HIV+ people who were on HAART, in order to identify the major problems and causes of HAART interruptions. The informational materials were published on the basis of the results of this survey. Furthermore, a Group on Treatment was formed in Donetsk region. It consists of doctors from Donetsk regional AIDS centre, NGOs implementing programs on medical and social support of patients on HAART, representatives of PLWH community, and medical institutions providing services to PLWH on HAART. This group was created for coordination, advocacy, and cooperation in order to improve services for patients on HAART. Contact person – Nataliya Yurchenko (062) 386-82-46, (050) 91-48-088


ZhytomyrRegional Affiliate Five initiative groups in Zhytomyr region (situated in Berdychiv, Korosten, Korostyshiv, Novohrad Volynskyy, and Ovruch) are “under tutelage” of the organization. The initiative groups in Berdychiv and Novohrad Volynskyy received legal status due to the support of Zhytomyr regional affiliate. They provide services to PLWH in their towns at the professional level. The crisis advocacy project was implemented from July 1 till September 30, 2008. It aimed to help leaders of the initiative groups in Zhytomyr region to become the members of the District coordination councils on counteraction to HIV/AIDS. Consequently the representatives of All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH in Berdychiv, Novohrad Volynskyy, Korosten and Korostyshiv are the members of the district coordinating councils and have the opportunity to influence the activities of state bodies in counteraction to HIV and AIDS. A competition of youth interactive theatres is held in Zhytomyr annually. It is aimed at prevention of HIV infection among youth. Representatives of the organization traditionally are the members of the jury. Network members initiated a new nomination for the winners of the competition – "Forming tolerance of the society towards people living with HIV/AIDS". It was approved to be a constant nomination. Contact person ― Dmytro Sapsay (0412) 42-04-82, (097) 498-00-46

Zaporizhzhya Regional Affiliate In May 2008 a street action devoted to the Memory Day of people who died of AIDS was held in “Oak Grove”, the central park of Zaporizhzhya. The following events were organized: a competition of children's drawings on asphalt, anonymous rapid HIV testing, distribution of educational materials, a quiz with awarding the winners, and a charity concert. A new project “Prevention of HIV and STI among vulnerable populations” started in October 2008 as a part of the National Program on Counteraction to HIV/AIDS in Ukraine. The aim of the project is to raise people’s awareness of men who have sex with men, to decrease discrimination, and to form tolerance towards MSM. During 2008 organization received 408 units of baby food as humanitarian aid. Contact person — Ruslan Parshykov (0612) 32-25-91, (067) 631-34-11



Initiative Group

Ivano-Frankivsk initiative group of AUkCO “All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH” started the program of HIV-positive young leaders training. It is planned to train eight people during the study programs “Leadership”, “Skills of public speaking”, “Training methods for trainers”, and “Acquiring the debate habit”. Later on the trained specialists will use their knowledge and skills to assert the rights and interests of HIV-positive people in the governmental institutions and organizations. Trained leaders will head the groups of HIV-positive people in order to share their experience and skills and to involve group members in public activities. Contact person – Viktor Karatov (0342) 77-73-31, (067) 943-28-76

Kakhovka Town Affiliate A theme performance “SPEED” was presented as a part of All-Ukrainian action “Life. Inexpensively”, devoted to the Memory Day of people who died of AIDS. It was organized due to friendly and partnership relations with the students of Luhansk State Institute of Culture and Arts, who were the actors during the event. It is significant to note the participation of the affiliate in the competition of social projects among public organizations, which was organized and conducted by the Unit of Family and Youth of Kakhovka Town Council, Kherson region. The competition commission approved to finance the project “Side by Side”. It was a four day summer recreation camp for PLWH. The camp shift was in August 2008 on the islands near Nova Kakhovka river port. 32 PLWH took part in the recreation program, the youngest participant was a month and a half, and the oldest one was 52 years old. The Cooperation Charter was signed by institutions of local government and town public organizations at the end of October. The document was signed by the mayor and nine representatives of non-governmental organizations, including the chairman of Kakhovka Town Affiliate of All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH. Kakhovka became the first city in Kherson region, where such document was developed and adopted. Contact person – Ruslan Zyuz (095) 843-72-63, (05536) 2-05-92


Kyiv City Affiliate Two psychotherapeutic groups work actively with teenagers on the following issues: the acceptance of their own status, the formation of active life position and the formation of adherence to ART. The groups work on the right and on the left banks of the city in Day care centres. The majority of children who attend these groups are accompanied by their parents. During the meetings with teenagers, social educators and social workers conduct parallel self-support groups for their parents discussing different issues. Children have the possibility to discuss their fears, to draw them and then to sell their fears using “tales therapy” during special classes. Children are able to be frank verbalizing their fears, not every adult can do that. When a girl was on the inpatient treatment in the infectious disease hospital, the rest of the children initiated to send her a hand-made greeting. They created a word “recover” with a help sculpture mass and plasticine. Contact person ― Vitaliy Tkachuk (068) 351-95-72


Regional Affiliate

An exhibition of paintings by Anatoliy Kimnatnyy, a young artist from Kirovohrad, was organized in cooperation with the Art Museum in May 2008. The event was devoted to the Memory Day of people who died of AIDS. The paintings reflected the artist’s view of the problem of HIV in the world. Images of world famous personalities affected by this problem were depicted in his pictures. A theme intellectual game “Brain ring” was held in Kirovohrad penal colony №6 in December 2008. Teams of prisoners, colony instructors, colony teachers and city intellectuals participated in the competition. The questions were related to life with HIV and prevention. Participants could raise their awareness of different aspects of HIV infection during the game. On the city web site “The whole Kirovohrad” the members of Kirovohrad affiliate of AUkN of PLWH present to the public the information concerning implementation stages of regional programs on counteraction to HIV/AIDS epidemic. They regularly cover the activities of the Regional coordination council on counteraction to TB and HIV/AIDS, put the news of HIV service, changes in the legislation, and present the map of HIV and harm reduction services. Contact person ― Anna Pylypenko (0522) 24-69-04, (096) 534-82-62


Kryvyy Town RihAffiliate Kryvyy Rih Town Affiliate of All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH provided services to 1000 HIV-positive clients in 2008. The organization started a new type of activity “Medical, social, and psychological patronage of ART for adults with triple problem HIV/TB/IDU”. The activities in the direction of “care and support for HIV-positive prisoners in penitentiary institutions” were expended. Organization cooperates with Kryvyy Rih penal colony №80 since November 2007. In 2008 it entered into cooperation with Sophiyivska penal colony №45, which is the only specialized penitentiary institution in Ukraine for disabled prisoners. The renewed town AIDS centre and a new diagnostic laboratory were opened on the World AIDS Day. Now the patients have the possibility to undergo tests in the town AIDS centre (heretofore the diagnosing was done whether in local polyclinics or in Dnipropetrovsk AIDS regional centre). The opening event was attended by the Head of the Regional State Administration, the mayor, representatives of regional and city councils and non-governmental organizations. The first city charitable concert was held with the participation of local music groups and the theatre-studio "Baobab". The funds donated during the concert were transferred to the bank account of organization and then directed for purchasing the medicines for the treatment of HIV-positive children who are on the inpatient treatment in Kryvyy Rih Infectious Disease Hospital №1. City authorities provided support for production and placement of external social advertisements. Due to the joint advocacy efforts made together with administration of the city AIDS centre, in summer 20 HIV-positive children visited recreation camps at the expence of city budget. This was possible thanks to close cooperation established with the local executive authorities, in particular the city Department of Health and the Deputy of the mayor on social issues.

Contact person ― Dmytro Lukashenko (0564) 51-05-79, (056) 405-78-70, (097) 404-01-84,



Crimean Regional Affiliate

The total amount of funding in 2008 is UAH 1 149 368. The major part of the funds were spent on implementation of the project “Comprehensive care for PLWH in Simferopol”. It included the work of community centre for people living with HIV and their close surrounding, as well as non-medical and medical care for PLWH. The services were provided to 1143 clients. The project “Support of children affected by HIV” was implemented with the financial support of UNICEF. This project provided not only care and support to children, but also studies on the formation of tolerance towards HIV-positive children among teachers. Special booklets were published; technical assistance was provided for the Crimean AIDS Centre. The humanitarian aid in the amount of UAH 37 000 was provided to the clients in 2008. Contact person — Natalya Yegorova (0652) 54-90-06

Initiative Group on the basis of CO "Ruka Dopomohy" in


A day care centre was opened for HIV-positive children and children born to HIV-positive parents in 2008. The centre functions on the permanent basis. So far it is the first and the only organization working with HIV-positive children. The carried out activities are aimed at improving the psychological state of children and their close surroundings. Self-support groups are conducted for the children’s parents and tutors. Special studies and leisure time activities are organized for kids and teenagers. The social workers provide social patronage and accompany children to medical institutions and the regional AIDS centre in Odesa. Moreover, initiative group implements advocacy activities and lobbies rights of HIV-positive children to attend preschool and school institutions. The project on implementation of standards of social services for clients with co-infection HIV/TB was written and supported in 2008. Medical and social services were provided to 10 clients due to the implementation of this project. All the clients are treated, some of them started to take HAART. Social workers are constantly monitoring the adherence to treatment and the norms of the Standard. The organization had taken a number of advocacy steps to help HIV-positive pregnant woman in asserting her right to be placed in the maternity hospital. This case gives hope for changes in the attitude to the birth of children to HIV-positive mothers and tolerance towards HIV/AIDS problem in the district. Contact person – Olena Leshchenko (04864) 2-12-38, (093) 98-133-70, (066) 376-19-07



Regional Affiliate

The professionals of the organization actively cooperated with the Greek Catholic community and private businesses in 2008. A series of trainings and seminars was held. One of the success stories: “A young woman left her 5-year old HIV-positive child with her mother and went away “to look for adventures”. Grandmother and child were in a fix – they needed money, vitamins, and clothes. Long-term cooperation with the Greek Catholic community inspired us to apply for help to the church. Writing letters of request for assistance in collecting clothes for the child, we didn’t expect such a feedback. The letters were sent to several churches and we believed it to be a one-time assistance for a concrete child at least from one parish. In the result we got not only a permanent source of humanitarian aid, but also a tolerant attitude of the society towards PLWH.” Contact person — Maryna Manievska (067) 423-62-11, (067) 672-27-31

Mykolayiv Regional Affiliate In 2008 the staff of Mykolayiv regional affiliate initiated a record number of trainings and information sessions for youth on primary prevention of HIV/AIDS and tolerance towards PLWH. The trainings and information sessions were conducted due to the support of secondary and higher education institutions in Mykolayiv, as well as the central and the district employment centres. Namely, 36 interactive lessons were held in six secondary schools in Mykolayiv, in five secondary schools in the Mykolayiv region, and in seven employment centres. As a result of the work more than 700 pupils and students gained thorough knowledge of HIV/AIDS. A successful local fundraising campaign became one more significant achievement in 2008. The total amount of the raised funds was about UAH 15 000. In 2008 the head of the organization actively participated in the development and formation of the regional target program of HIV prevention, care and treatment of HIVinfected and AIDS patients in 2009-2013. In the result, financing of HIV-service organizations became one of the budget articles of the program. Contact person ― Igor Konovalov (0512) 58-55-38, (067) 117-87-54


Initiative Group on the basis of PO "Vidkryti Dveri" in


A client of the organization was settled down in a dormitory due to the active work of the lawyer. First the town executive authorities refused young man. In a month of active correspondence and meetings with relevant experts the client got a roof over his head. The memorandum on cooperation of governmental and non-governmental organizations in the sphere of HIV/AIDS was signed in Nikopol on February 28. 10 organizations signed the paper. The parties agreed to cooperate and carry out activities aimed at minimizing the risk of infection and spread of HIV/AIDS, protection the rights of HIV-infected people, as well as overcoming discrimination towards PLWH. Contacts person ― Olena Lyutseday (05662) 4-76-64, (099) 923-81-50

Rivne Regional Affiliate In 2008 the employees of the organization implemented the project “Advocacy of PLWH rights in Rivne region.” In the framework of the project organization signed the cooperation agreements with medical institutions and social security authorities, and also arranged the mechanism of legal counselling to clients. Moreover, affiliate activists successfully conducted an advocacy campaign “Price of Life” aimed at drawing attention of decisionmakers to the problems of financing prevention and treatment of AIDS and opportunistic infections. Since October 2008 specialists of the organization have been implementing the project “Expansion of services for PLWH in Rivne region” that includes two components: a community centre for PLWH and the development of self-support movement in Kuznetsovsk, Volodymyrets district. Contact person ― Yuriy Lazarevych (093) 761-21-49; (098) 133-39-36,,


Initiative Group on the basis of CCO "Havan Plus" in


A festival of social advertising “NOTA BENE!” was held in May 2008 in the Centre for prevention of drug addiction and AIDS “Perekhrestya”. The festival was initiated by charitable organization “Gavan plus”, Sevastopol Centre for Social Services for Family, Children and Youth, the youth movement “STUDAKTYV”, and Centre for drug addicted youth “Dzherelo”. The main purpose of the festival was to attract attention of the local authorities, NGO representatives, city residents and youth to urgent social problems of the city. Social advertising based on the models of the winners of the festival appeared in the city, among them there was the advertisement “SPEEDometer”. Contacts – Denis Troshyn (067) 758-41-21, (068) 477-68-45, (0692) 55-21-82


Map of activities Korosten Rivne

Zhytomyr Novograd-Volynsiy Berdychiv

Lviv Ternopil


Ivano-Frankivsk Ujgorod


Vinnytsya Chernivtsi


Central Office Regional affiliates Town affiliates Initiative groups



AukCO “All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH� consisted of 34 structural units in 2008: Central Office; 15 regional affiliates; 3 town affiliates 15 initiative groups



Kharkiv Poltava



Pavlohrad Dnipropetrovsk Kryvyy Rih

Nikopol Donetsk Zaporizhzhya Mykolayiv Kakhovka Kharkiv


Simferopol Sevastopol 19

Initiative Group on the basis of CO "Oberih" in


During 2008 members of initiative group provided counselling on HIV/AIDS and organized self-support groups for PLWH. One of the success stories: “Six years have passed since I do not use drugs. I arranged my life, found a job, and got married. One happy day I learned about my pregnancy. When the doctor asked me to undergo various medical tests, I had not a single thought that something could be wrong. However, my past reminded about itself again: “Your HIV test is positive”. I was shocked; the doctors assured that the abortion was inevitable, the child would be born sick and would die soon after the birth. That is when I read an article in a newspaper about CO “Oberih” which provided counselling to HIV-positive people. After communication with a consultant, I realized that my life had not finished, that I could live with HIV and be happy. Now I take ART. I have the opportunity to attend self-support groups and the most important thing is that I am a happy mother growing up a nice and healthy child.” Contact person ― Anzhela Shevtsova (066) 903-62-08

Poltava Regional Affiliate On May 18, 2008 in the main park of Poltava HIV-positive activists together with Poltava City Unit of Family, Youth and Sports held a large-scale action devoted to the Memory Day of people who died of AIDS. This event was a particular one as due to the joint efforts organizers managed to achieve the main goal ― to change the community’s attitude towards HIV-infected people. Since May 2008 specialists of Poltava regional affiliate of AUkN of PLWH provide services to HIV-positive people in small and remote settlements. The affiliate render comprehensive assistance and support to people living with HIV in Kobelyaky of Poltava region. Poltava Regional Affiliate of All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH assisted in the development of documentation for legal registration of CF “Znaty shchob Zhyty” organized by the initiative group of PLWH in Kobelyaky. Contact person ― Oksana Lugova (05322)7-38-49, (050) 404-87-20,


Kharkiv regional affiliate More than seven projects providing different types of services were implemented in 2008. The number of clients has increased. Organization is actively developing services in penitentiary institutions. An action “Pass your test!”, devoted to the World AIDS Day, was held in three penal colonies. The stuff of the organization offered the prisoners to undergo rapid HIV tests. The film “Test” was shown; in addition, students performed a musical entertaining program. The action impressed deeply the prisoners and the stuff of the colony. The number of people eager to undergo HIV tests increased significantly after the action. Kharkiv regional affiliate of All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH organized a rock concert devoted to the World AIDS Day. Popular rock groups from Kharkiv and other cities of Ukraine participated in the concert. During the concert participants were speaking about HIV problem, they also demonstrated the film “Test” and held theme competitions. The movement of HIV-positive volunteers increased greatly. Volunteers began to participate actively in organization’s life. Contact person – Kostyantyn Klucharev (057) 751-20-03, 752 -74-38, (099) 368-80-06

KhmelnytskyyRegional Affiliate The charity marathon devoted to the Memory Day of people who died of AIDS was held on May 18, 2008 to raise funds to support HIV-positive children. During the action volunteers were going around the streets with boxes inviting people to join the fundraising campaign and handing out booklets and flyers. As a result of the campaign presents for 32 HIV-positive children were bought in the amount of UAH 2600. Due to the cooperation with the AIDS centre the head of the organization was invited to the meeting with representatives of German Society for Technical Cooperation (GTZ). During the meeting she presented the activities and plans of the organization. Later she was invited to participate in a weekly study tour in Germany as a member of the delegation from Khmelnytskyy region. During the tour she studied the experience of public and governmental organizations providing HIV/AIDS services and visited the exhibition and conference “Munich days of AIDS in Berlin”. As a result of the visit the project on the expansion of the activities was elaborated and supported. The organization received funds in the amount of UAH 48,000 for half-year. Contact person — Snizhana Strilets (097) 584-77-78, (068) 205-53-43


SumyRegional Affiliate In 2008 one of the main tasks of Sumy regional affiliate was to solve problems and protect rights of HIV-positive children and children born to HIV-positive mothers. As a result of cooperation with the Department of Education and Science in Sumy region seven trainings on formation of tolerance towards HIV-positive children were conducted in educational institutions. Due to these trainings 125 kindergarten and school teachers gained the necessary skills and knowledge. During the year specialists of organization worked with 42 families in crisis; therefore, all the children remained in their families. Discussions, therapy groups and self-support groups were held for 124 PLWH and their immediate surroundings as a part of the project “Introduction of gender-sensitive approaches to HIV services in Sumy”. It helped the people to solve their problems through the recognition and elimination of gender stereotypes. Contact person — Olga Lokhonya (0542) 65-07-29, (099) 330-43-43,


Initiative Group on the basis of PO "Dzherela" in

On May 18, 2008 a street action devoted to the Memory Day of people who died of AIDS was held in Ternopil. During the action 1400 informational booklets were distributed and 20 food kits were dispensed poor clients of the organization. Also it was held a party for 30 PLWH. Three publications were printed in media and three broadcasts were organized on local radio stations. In adiition, five educational sessions devoted to the action were held for 300 students in Ternopil National Pedagogical University. The project "Prevention of HIV and STI among IDUs and CSWs in Ternopil" started in November 2008. In the framework of the project an out-reach work was expanded among target groups. Medical, social and psychological support of ST is provided as well. At the end of 2008 organization signed an agreement with STI clinic that improved and simplified the system of readdressing the clients who wished to do STI tests, and also allowed to prescribe timely treatment for clients. Contact person — Tetyana Kozaretska (0352) 53-86-30, (0352) 43-64-53, (067) 768-01-28,


CherkasyRegional Affiliate The employees of the organization conducted two trainings for adoptive/foster parents and guardians “Care and support for HIV-infected children”. This study is one of the most important stages in creating a family for an HIV-positive child. The first training was conducted in September and short after the class two women (one from the city of Cherkasy, another one – from Cherkasy region) adopted children in their families. Other training participants who came from Sevastopol also created an adoptive family. After the second training Network representatives managed to establish communication with a grandmother of an HIV-positive girl who was in an orphanage. The woman plans to put her granddaughter in ward. Candidates from other regions are eager to become adoptive parents as well. Contact persons — Olena Stryzhak, Dmytro Andriychenko (0472) 32-14-01, 32-14-42 (098) 548-99-31 (Dmytro Andriychenko),

Chernihiv Regional Affiliate A campaign on tolerance “I didn’t pass by” was held during December 2008 under the slogan “Do not pass by, because tomorrow this problem might be yours”. An advertising spot aimed at tolerant attitude towards PLWH was shot. It was broadcasted hourly on screens in city supermarkets during 10 days. Dedicated materials were published in mass media. Everybody in the city could put donations into fundraising boxes placed in the city entertaining establishments and supermarkets. Anyone who donated money received a postcard with symbols of the campaign and could write his/her name on it – “I didn’t pass by”. A copy of the postcard remained at the organizers. In total UAH 2600 were raised. A big figure of a man and an inscription “We didn’t pass by” was composed of the postcards in the central city square on November 30. Food (mostly sweets) was gathered for HIV-positive people in three supermarkets within three evenings and then distributed among 30 children and 40 adults. They gathered sweets to the amount of UAH 3500. Contact person ― Anzhela Moyseyenko (0462) 61-47-36, (0462) 970-624, (067) 460-47-78



of Network of PLWH

Project "Supporting HIV/AIDS Prevention, Treatment and Care for the Most Vulnerable Population Groups in Ukraine" Objectives: To scale up comprehensive HIV care and treatment and to ensure equal access to services for IDUs and other vulnerable populations (Network) To expand access to comprehensive counselling services, to develop adherence, psychological and social support and care for PLWH (Network) To create supportive environment for a sustainable and efficient response to HIV/AIDS in Ukraine (advocacy) (Network) To monitor and evaluate grant implementation; and to strengthen the national monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system. Donor: the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Implementation term: Phase 1: August 1, 2007 – July 31, 2009 Phase 2: August 1, 2009 – July 31, 2012

Main achievements in 2008: At the end of 2008, 865 patients were receiving ART-medicines as well as required monitoring (CD4 and viral load). Medical products, worth 804 869 US dollars, were procured during the program implementation. CD4 and viral load tests were purchased in the amount of 129 672 US dollars. The medical products and tests were delivered to regional AIDS centres. The increase of PLWH access to treatment in penitentiaries is an important achievement. ART-medicines delivered to the Ukrainian State Penitentiary Department make up 104 319 US dollars. At the end of the year 196 HIV-positive prisoners were receiving therapy. As a part of expanding the access to ART, the Network began a program of decentralization of care and support for patients receiving ART in three medical institutions located in small towns of Dnipropetrovsk region. 10 720 US dollars were spent for the establishment and development of these sites. A series of specialized trainings was organized for medical personnel in the National training centre in cooperation with the National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education. The training modules were based on international educational plans, certified at the national level. 222 specialists participated in the trainings and 131 persons have been involved in the national mentoring program. The Network supported the National Program on HIV drug resistance prevention and granted 72 230 US dollars to the National AIDS Center for the research in six regions. As a part of the program, medical products for prevention and treatment of opportunistic infections were procured to the amount of 263 225 US dollars. There were 1674 cases of such treatment in 2008. The Network launched mass testing and diagnostics of TB among PLWH, providing for these activities all the necessary components to the sum of 70 000 US dollars. These services were provided to 488 patients.


In addition, projects on establishment of institutions providing directly observed treatment of TB for HIV-positive people in the total amount of 28 593 US dollars were supported in five regions. Eight substitution therapy sites, two ST/TB sites and three comprehensive services sights were established due to the support of the Ukrainian Institute of Public Health Policy. The total funds granted made up 2 502 687 US dollars. 88 specialists participated in trainings for multidisciplinary teams. At the end of 2008 the total number of HIV-positive adults receiving care services and support was 14 386 persons. 72 HIV-service NGOs received grants totalling 3 176 092 US dollars during the program implementation. Programs for HIV-positive MSM were launched: 146 clients have already received services. The Network expanded the geographical coverage of projects in the penitentiary system. Currently the services are covering 27 penitentiaries in 15 regions and 2142 prisoners. The project services are provided to 2124 HIV-positive children and children affected by the epidemic. 23 day care centres for children provided social and psychological support to HIV-positive children and their families. Care and support projects were aimed at expanding the geographical coverage of existing projects and presenting new directions: • 71 grants were given to HIV-service organizations and Network regional affiliates; • 24 organizations provide home-based nursing care and non-medical care for PLWH; • 26 community centers were established for PLWH and their close surroundings where they can pursue leisure activities; receive psychological support and information on HIV/AIDS; • medical, social, and psychological support to HIV-positive pregnant women, recently confined women, and children born to HIV-positive mothers is provided by 21 organizations; • centres for children provide psychosocial support for HIV-positive children and their families and friends in 14 organizations; • care and support for HIV-positive prisoners in penitentiaries is implemented by 15 organizations; • twenty projects for the patronage of ART clients with a triple problem HIV/TB/IDU; • four palliative care projects for patients with a double diagnosis of HIV/AIDS and TB; • nine projects for mobilization of the PLWH communities in small towns and rural areas; • eight projects for the prevention of abandonment of children born to HIV-positive mothers; • three projects for mobilization of HIV-positive MSM-community; • the project of support to the Ukrainian Information Centre on the ART adherence and social and psychological patronage; • four projects of social support to families and other family forms of upbringing children affected by HIV/AIDS. Significant achievements in policy and advocacy should be noted as well. In 2008 five standards of delivering services were developed in close cooperation with stakeholders. The mechanism of providing social services through NGOs was laid down in the law “On AIDS prevention and social protection of the population”. Multisectoral group was formed for reforming services in the sphere of counteraction to HIV/AIDS epidemic. The program also provided an opportunity to conduct trainings for 700 officials on protection of rights of HIV-positive people and their families, as well as on overcoming discrimination of PLWH in the workplaces. A controlling body under the State Department on Labour Legislation Monitoring was formed. The network of trainers among medical staff was established; it joined together 116 experts. In total, 1577 health workers passed the training. The Network officers paid particular attention to strengthening capacity for the monitoring of partners, appropriate technical support and stuff trainings.


Project "Empowering the Most Vulnerable in the Fight against HIV/AIDS" Project aim: to develop the AUkN of PLWH regional affiliates; to raise the access of HIV+ people from small and difficult of access areas to necessary services and information; to introduct the innovative concept for the development of leadership among HIV+ women; to develop and to provide the gender-sensitive services. Donor: Netherlands Agency of International development (Oxfam Novib). Implementation term: 2007–2010 Main achievements in 2008: 1. Gender Policy of the AUkCO “All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH” was elaborated as a result of the working group activity on the issues of gender policy. It became a part of general organization’s policy. 2. The activity of eight Network’s regional affiliates was supported: namely, in Chernivtsi, Donetsk, Mykolayiv, Poltava, Simferopol, Sumy, Zaporizhzhya, and Zhytomyr. The Central Ofice of the Network managed 10 grants, which included monitoring and technical assistance to partner organizations implementing the project. The services provided to the regional organization included: consulting women, men and their families; conducting discussions on the issues of women leadership, formation and support to HIV self-support groups; the formation and support to initiative groups in small towns and rural areas, etc. 3. Two trainings were conducted for the staff of regional partner organizations implementing the project. One training for trainers was devoted to the issues of development and implementation of the gender oriented services; the second one was focused on the management of organizations. 4. 458 legal consultations were provided to HIV+ people and their families. 5. The meeting on strategic planning of AUkCO “All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH” was supported and conducted. One meeting of the Network Coordination Council and two meetings of the Network Regional Representatives Council were supported and conducted. Also within the project there was organized a training for the working group that elaborated the Network’s policy and procedures.

Project "Scaling Up the Response to HIV/AIDS through Information and Services, Support and Mobilization of People Living with HIV" (SUNRISE) Project aim: Decreasing the transmission of HIV among vulnerable populations through providing information, development of initiative groups in the regions, scaling up the organizational capacity of the Network’s regional affiliates; development of relevant skills among HIV-positive people. Donors: The project is implemented in partnership with ICF “International HIV/AIDS Alliance in Ukraine”, Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH); with the financial support from ICF “International HIV/AIDS Alliance in Ukraine” and United States Agency for International Development (USAID).


Implementation term: 2004–2009 Main project achievements in 2008: 1. The CO Network staff on a permanent basis provided consulting to regional offices and initiative groups concerning participation and appropriate representation of PLWH in coordinating councils at various levels. 2. Network officers provided support to the regional affiliates during six visits of technical assistance. The assistance included consulting on the organizational development, solving conflict situations, advocacy of rights and interests of HIV+ people, etc. 3. One meeting of the Network Coordination Council and two meetings of the Network Regional Representatives Council were supported. 4. 12 issues of the electronic bulletin “Informational Newsletter” were released and disseminated among 300 recipients. 5. Four issues of Positive Heart magazine were published and disseminated. 6. The legal unit of the Network provided counselling to 164 HIV+ people and their families. 7. The training on burnout prevention was conducted for 25 employees of the Network regional affiliates.

Project "Monitoring UNGASS-AIDS Goals on Sexual and Reproductive Health" Project aim: To change the national actions concerning monitoring of the state policy on HIV/AIDS, sexual and reproductive rights. Donor: Gestos–Soropositivity, with financial support of the Ford Foundation. Implementation term: 2008–2009 Main project achievements: 1. There was conducted the research “Ukraine: monitoring sexual and reproductive health for the purposes of UN General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS”. 2. During the presentation for the stakeholders in January 2008: • the results of the study were presented; • changes and additions to the report were discussed.


Project "Improving the Lives of Families Affected and Infected by HIV" Project aim: To give long-term support to HIV-positive orphans and children affected by HIV/AIDS. 1. To prevent institualization of children affected & infected by HIV/AIDS . 2. To place HIV-positive children-orphans into family type of care through adoption, guardianship and fostering. 3. To form tolerant attitude towards HIV-positive children in the pre-school and school educational system through trainings on HIV/AIDS issues for teachers and personnel of kindergartens 4. To provide psychological support to HIV-positive children aged from 7 till 11 years and their families in the process of HIV-positive status disclosure.

Donor: The Project is implemented by AUkCO “AllUkrainian Network of PLWH” in partnership with Olena Franchuk "ANTIAIDS" Foundation, Elton John AIDS Foundation, and Romanian Foundation “Romanian Angel Appeal”; with the financial support from "The Big Lottery Fund", Elton John AIDS Foundation, and Olena Franchuk "ANTIAIDS" Foundation. Implementation term: March 1, 2008 – February 28, 2013. Main achievements: 1. 10 regional projects were supported in Cherkasy, Kharkiv, Makiyivka, Melitopol, Mykolayiv, Odesa, Poltava, Sevastopol, Simferopol, and Sumy. The CO Network officers managed 10 grants, which included monitoring and technical support to partner organizations implementing the project. 2. Cooperation agreements were officially signed with key government partners: State Social Service for Family, Children and Youth (Ministry of Ukraine for Family, Youth and Sport), State Department on Adoption and Children’s Rights Protection (Ministry of Ukraine for Family, Youth and Sport), and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. 3. Three trainings on social work with families in crisis were conducted for 70 participants. 4. A training on family type of care was conducted for 20 employees from the implementing partner organizations. 5. Three study tours to Romania were organized and conducted for the regional project social workers and psychologists as well as for Senior Project Psychologist/supervisor. 6. On October 7-9, 2008 a training on forming tolerant attitude towards to HIV-positive children in school and preschool educational system was conducted. 7. The CO project team, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, developed a one-day training module on forming tolerant attitude towards HIV+ children in pre-school and school educational system. 8. A training on provision of psycho-emotional support to children and their families at all stages of HIV-status disclosure was organized by CO project team and conducted by Romanian counterparts on November, 24-26, 2008. 34 psychologists, social workers, and AIDS centres pediatricians from 10 regions, as well as representatives of the Kharkiv orphanage “Zelenyy Gay” participated in the training. 9. The research “Practice, opinions and expectations of adults who have HIV-positive children” focused on HIV-status disclosure was conducted in 10 regions, where the project is implemented.


10.During 2008, as a result of the project implementation in 10 regions, 247 crisis families received comprehensive package of social services, due to which 294 children remained in their biological families. 25 HIV-positive orphans and children born to HIV+ mothers were placed into family type of care. 31 trainings were conducted for teachers from secondary schools and personnel of kindergartens and boarding institutions. In total the trainings involved 599 representatives of pre-school and school educational system. HIV-status was disclosed to 27 children. Currently, 29 families affected by HIV/AIDS are involved into the process of the diagnosis disclosure.

Project "Equal Opportunities for People Living with HIV/AIDS" It is a joint project of the All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH and the UK Coalition of PLWA. Project aim: Providing the reintegration of people living with HIV/AIDS in the society through re-education and subsequent employment; development of lobbying and advocacy of the interests of PLWH at all state levels. Donor: EU/TACIS in the framework of the IBPP program “Support to Civil Society and Local Initiatives”. Implementation term: 2006-2008. Main achievements in 2008: 1. Within the period of project implementation 84 HIV+ people were retrained and 29 were employed. 2. A training on job placement of PLWH was conducted for the public employment services (10 people) and the Network regional brunches (10 people). As a result of the training the cooperation between services and the Network offices was set up in 10 regions of Ukraine. 3. A training on the subject “Successful fundraising: fundraising to implement NGO’s mission” was conducted for representatives of 25 HIV-service organizations. At the end of the training the participants elaborated plans of fundraising for their organizations. 4. In the framework of the project there was held the action devoted to the AIDS memorial Day. 5. The legal unit of the Network provided counselling to 603 HIV+ people and their close environment. Lawyers of regional “legal clinics”, supported within the project, provided 267 consultations.


East Europe and Central Asia Union of PLWH (ECUO) 2008 is the second year of work of the officially registered International Charitable Organization "East Europe and Central Asia Union of PLWH" (ECUO); it is also the fourth year since the actual creation of this regional association on the basis of the All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH. ECUO aims at strengthening the position of HIV-positive people in decision-making process at national and international levels; it unites 14 organizations from the former Soviet Union and the Baltic States: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Byelorussia, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Mongolia, Poland, Tajikistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. During 2008 much has been achieved, and the Union has also laid foundations for future success: • ECUO was represented at all key international forums and conferences: - Co-organizing the Community dialogue space "Besedka" during the II East European and Central Asia Conference on HIV/AIDS (May 2008, Moscow). - Participation in the high level meeting of the UN General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS; the ECUO representative took part in the working group (Task Force) to ensure the involvement of PLWH in the arranging and holding of the meeting (June 2008, New York). - In cooperation with regional partners, the organization of the Eastern European and Central Asian Networking Zone in Global Village during the XVII International AIDS Conference (August 2008, Mexico City). As a result of its successful participation in these activities, ECUO was selected to be a Regional Partner for the XVIII International AIDS Conference in Vienna (2010). In addition, ECUO is represented on the Coordinating Committee of the Conference. • A further two National Networks of PLWH were registered on the territory of CIS (in Moldova and Byelorussia).


• Well-coordinated communication among ECUO participants enhances the capacity of each organization, through extensive experience in providing services, advocacy, and improving the quality of life of PLWH. Focal Point works in each country-participant of the Union and holds the responsibility for structuring, exchange and dissemination of strategic information in the area of HIV/AIDS among the PLWH community within the country and among ECUO members. • The study "Access to ARV treatment in 7 countries of the former Soviet Union in 2007" was conducted together with EATG, ITPC-ru, CEHRN and the Russian Union of PLWH. It allowed not only a review of current progress and barriers in access to treatment, but also supported the advocacy efforts of ECUO members involved in gathering information. • The website of the Union provides more than 21 000 users each year with access to strategic information in the field of HIV/AIDS in Eastern Europe and Central Asia constituency. • More than 100 PLWH from 15 countries of EE and CA increased the level of their knowledge and skills on delivering services to PLWH, advocacy and gender approach (training, expert visits, etc.). • 28 representatives of ECUO member states were trained in 5 countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia. They studied the experiences of organizations and communities of PLWH in EE and CA. Information on the best 11 practices is provided on the website of the Union and widely distributed among partners and stakeholders. • Additional funding of more than USD 130 000 was received to implement the ECUO activities, taking into account the needs of Union members: internships, regional campaigns to reduce stigma, and training on public relations and advocacy.



SHEET December 31, 2008

ASSETS Construction in process Fixed assets Long-term investments Tangible assets Accounts receivable Cash and bank balances (local currency) Cash and bank balances (foreign currency) Total ASSETS

December 31, 2007

49.30 578.90 930.70 42.60 531.20 3 253.20 8 983.90 14 369.80

355.60 263.40 790.70 56.10 445.60 1 230.00 10 176.60 13 318.10

LIABILITIES Grants Current state budget liabilities Current taxes' liabilities Current renumeration liabilities Other current liabilities Deferred revenues

14 344.80 0.00 0.00 7.20 0.00 17.80

13 291.50 2.80 21.30 1.60 0.20 0.70


14 369.80

13 318.10

1% 1% 2%



Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria ICF "International HIV/AIDS Alliance in Ukraine" Netherlands Agency on International Development Oxfam Novib Elton John AIDS Foundation Big Lottery Fund

Donors that funded Network grant activities in 2008


of income and expenditure STATEMENT

2008 thousand UAH

INCOME Individuals' charitable donations Corporate charitable donations Grants from other sources Other incomes Property transferred

2007 thousand UAH

24.93 0.00 48 566.52 17.20 85.37

23.29 0.00 30 257.82 23.55 85.98

48 694.02

30 390.65

Expenses on Statutory Activities Administrative Expenses

49 359.24 3 882.95

19 590.42 2 370.31


53 242.19

21 960.73




93% Expenses on Statutory Activities Administrative Expenses

Expenditures in 2008


Implementing Organisations in 2008 (UAH)

Donors: Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, International HIV/AIDS Alliance in Ukraine, Elton John AIDS Foundation (EJAF), Big Lottery Fund, Netherlands Agency on International Development Oxfam Novib


Charitable Foundation "Nadiya ta Poryatunok" Female Public Organization "Klub Rodynnoyi Tvorchosti" Kakhovka Town Affiliate of All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH Crimean Regional Affiliate of All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH Mykolayiv Association of HIV-Infected "Chas Zyttya" Mykolayiv Regional Affiliate of All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH Mykolayiv City Charitable Foundation "Unitus" Mykolayiv Regional Charitable Foundation "Rozvytok ta Dopomoha" Mykolayiv Regional Charitable Foundation "Vita-Light" Mykolayiv Regional public youth movement "Penitentsiarna Initsiatyva" Sevastopol Town Charitable Organization "Havan Plus" Kherson Town Public Organization "Asotsiatsiya 21 Stolittya" Kherson Regional Affiliate of All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH SUB-TOTAL


Charitable Organization "Aleks" Charitable Organization "Club "Majbutnye" Charitable Organization "Club "Svitanok" Charitable Organization "Club "Tvij Vybir" Charitable Organization "Nashe Majbutnye" Charitable Organization "Novyy Den" Charitable Organization "Help" Charitable Foundation "Donbas proty SNIDu ditej" Charitable Foundation "Impuls" Charitable Foundation "Karitas-Donetsk" Public Organization "Doroha Zhyttya" Public Organization Club "Impuls" Public Organization "Liniya Zhyttya" Public Organization "Majbutnye bez SNIDu" Public Organization "Nikopol Center of Inner and Psychological Rehabilitation "Vidkryti Dveri" Public Organization "Union "Amikus" Donetsk Regional Public Organization "Peremoha" Donetsk Society of assistance for the HIV-infected People Donetsk Regional Charitable Foundation "Oberih" Kryvyy Rih Town Affiliate of All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH Mariupol Town Society for AIDS Prevention and Assistance for HIV-Intected People "Vybir" Nikopol Public Organization ÂŤTsentr pidtrymky sim'yi" Pavlohrad Town Charitable Organization "Oberih" Slov'yansk Town Public Organization "Nasha Dopomoha" SUB-TOTAL


Charitable Organization "Alfa Life" Charitable Organization "Ruka Dopomohy" Brovary Town Charitable Foundation "Peremoha" Public Organization "Alternatyva" Public Organization "Era Myloserdya"


319 715.00 8 390.00 118 101.00 964 228.00 606 096.00 423 178.00 134 386.00 2 580.00 51 197.00 159 588.00 570 005.00 200 501.00 12 176.00 3 570 141.00 129 675.00 2 600.00 427 887.00 60 411.00 82 141.00 33 195.00 311 448.00 79 413.00 10 000.00 271 301.00 58 918.00 142 740.00 238 332.00 18 123.00 225 401.00 103 426.00 62 252.00 385 105.00 180 698.00 627 029.00 159 993.00 25 000.00 107 530.00 338 869.00 4 081 487.00

129 858.00 67 911.00 129 356.00 298 178.00 221 485.00

Public organization "Soniachne Kolo" Public movement "Vira. Nadiya. Lubov" Kyiv 小ity Affiliate of All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH International Charitable Foundation "Vertykal" National Committee of Red Cross Society in Ukraine South-Ukrainian Center "Zdorovya. Zhinka. Dovholittya" Cherkasy Charitable Organization of PLWH "Vid Sertsya do Sertsya" Cherkasy Regional Affiliate of All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH SUB-TOTAL

176 121.00 368 352.00 1 247 261.00 406 762.00 339 290.00 178 530.00 9 976.00 824 389.00

4 397 469.00


Charitable Association "Svitlo Nadiyi" Charitable Foundation "Zhyttya Tryvaye" Charitable Organization "Vybir" Charitable Institution "Hospital named after Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytskyy" Charitable Foundation "Avante" Charitable Foundation "Spodivannya" Charitable Foundation "Svoboda - 1" Charitable Christian Foundation "Solidarnist" Vinnytsya Regional Charitable Foundation "Pozytyv" Volyn Charitable Regional Foundation "Shans" Public organization "Club "Kviten" Zhytomyr Regional Affiliate of All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH Zhytomyr Anti-AIDS Charitable Foundation Zaporizhzhya Regional Organization of Red Cross Society in Ukraine Zaporizhzhya Regional Affiliate of All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH Kirovohrad Regional Affiliate of All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH Luhansk Charitable Foundation "Krok u Majbutnye" Lviv City Charitable Organization "Doroha" Lviv Regional Affiliate of All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH Poltava Regional Charitable Organization "Rehabilitation Center "Vykhid Ye!" Poltava Regional Affiliate of All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH Rivne Regional Affiliate of All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH Rivne Regional Charitable Foundation "Majbutnye bez SNIDu" Sumy Regional Affiliate of All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH Ternopil Public Organizarion "Center of Inner and Psychological Support "Dzherela" Kharkiv Regional Affiliate of All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH Khmelnytskyy Regional Affiliate of All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH Chernivtsi Regional Affiliate of All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH Chernivtsi City Charitable Foundation "Zhyttya Zarady Zhyttya" Chernihiv Regional Affiliate of All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH SUB-TOTAL


Charitable Foundation "Ukrainian Resource Center on HIV Problems" All-Ukrainian Charitable organization "Chas Zhyttya Plus" All-Ukrainian Charitable Foundation "Coalition of HIV-Service NGOs" Public organization "Dytynstvo - bez SNIDu" Kyiv City Charitable Organization "Ukrainian Institute of Policy Research in Public Health" International Public Organization "Labour and Health Social Initiatives" International Charitable Foundation "International HIV/AIDS Alliance in Ukraine" Ukrainian AIDS Center of the MoH of Ukraine SUB-TOTAL TOTAL PROJECTS FUNDED IN 2008

575 065.00 208 402.00 170 267.00 50 000.00 73 047.00 355 410.00 2 378.00 274 040.00 27 725.00 141 963.00 107 960.00 88 164.00 85 289.00 90 559.00 246 976.00 238 625.00 217 934.00 39 394.00 36 718.00 33 316.00 126 921.00 23 302.00 95 887.00 132 069.00 117 452.00 522 082.00 163 293.00 128 427.00 2 600.00 385 584.00 4 760 849.00 901 686.00 2 453 182.00 2 083 112.00 662 073.00 4 784 758.00 793 086.00 6 275 933.00 175 366.00 18 129 196.00 34 939 142.00




Regional Projects National Projects

Activities at National and Regional Levels

3 570 141


4 081 487


4 397 469

Central Region

4 760 849

Second line Regions

Regional Projects in 2008


Glossary AIDS ― Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. It is the last stage of HIV infection. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) ― A combination of antiretroviral drugs which inhibits the replication of HIV, so that the infection will not turn into AIDS for an indefinite period of time. AUkN of PLWH ― The All-Ukrainian Network of People Living with HIV. CD4 cells (thymus-dependent or T-lymphocytes) ― a type of white blood cells, one of the components of the immune system that helps the body to fight bacterial, viral and fungal infections. The CD4 count is the quantity of thymic-dependent lymphocytes in a cubic millimetre of blood. The most important information that a CD4 count can provide is the general state of the immune system, whether it is deteriorating or improving. CO ― Central Office of the All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH. CSSFCY ― Centre of Social Services for Family, Children and Youth. Discordant couple ― a couple in which one partner is HIV-positive. Fundraising ― Activity to draw financial and human resources in the work of non-governmental organizations and the implementation of projects. GF ― The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. HAART ― Highly active antiretroviral therapy. HIV ― Human Immunodeficiency Virus, causing HIV infection and AIDS. HIV vertical transmission ― The transmission of HIV from mother to child. ICF ― International Charitable Foundation. MoH ― The Ministry of Health of Ukraine. MSM ― Men who have sex with men. NCC ― The National Coordination Council on issues of preventing the spread of HIV-infection / AIDS. PLWH ― People Living with HIV. Viral load ― Measures the amount of HIV in the blood. The more HIV there is in the blood, the faster the number of CD4 cells will decrease and the greater is the risk of developing AIDS symptoms or other diseases within the next few years.

Services: social support for clients with triple diagnosis HIV/TB/IDU activities focused on the formation of adherence to ART development and dissemination of information and educational materials humanitarian aid, including issuance of supplementary food supplies, vitamins, etc.

organizing leisure activities for PLWH, their families and immediate environment (leisure evenings, excursions, viewing the theme and feature films, visits to the cinema, sport events, the discussion clubs, meetings with interesting, famous people, cultural events and tourist trips, celebrating birthdays, etc.) providing psychological support (psychologist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist) development of PLWH volunteerism, support of clients’ initiatives in HIV service

conducting trainings, informational studies for NGO employees or the project clients

facilitation of placing in families orphans born to HIV-positive parents

conducting public events, work with media to inform people and to popularize up-to-date knowledge about HIV infection and the possibilities of its diagnosis and treatment

organizing permanent day care centers for children born to HIV-positive parents, conducting special classes and development-oriented activities according to children’s age needs

providing counselling according to “peer to peer” principle

prevention of abandonment of children born to HIV-positive mothers

providing domiciliary medical care for clients, the transportation of patients if needed, the patronage according to individual clients’ needs, the purchase of products and medicines according to individual clients’ needs for their own money, laundry services

lobbying and advocacy of HIV-positive MSM’s rights at the local level

work with HIV-positive prisoners (juridical services) representation of clients at local authorities: assistance in preparation/restoration of documents for receiving public assistance/subsidy, pension, disability pension, child birth public assistance, one-time material assistance, assistance in resolving clients’ legal issues, lobbying and advocacy of PLWH rights at the local level

organizing and conducting self-support groups, acquaintance clubs, clubs for future parents

providing psychological support to HIV-positive children aged 7-11 years and their families in the process of HIV-positive status disclosure empowering the most vulnerable groups in the fight against AIDS (Novib) providing psychological and social support to clients on substitution therapy


Our partners

Ministry of Ukraine for Family, Youth and Sports Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

State Department of Ukraine of Execution of Punishment of Ukraine

Central office AUkCo “All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH” 24-B, Mezhygirska St., Kyiv, Ukraine, 04071 Tel.: (044) 467-75-67, 467-75-69, 467-75-84, Fax: (044) 467-75-66

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