Empirical observation - Prunus yeodensis

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EMPIRICAL DATA - GENERAL CHARACTERISTIC LANDSCAPE SYSTEM ANALYSIS - SEMINAR Prunus yedoensis Matsum. Trees Height : 10 - 15 M Flower : April Place/ Live : Mountain Fruit : June-July Often planted as ornamental plants, rare native mid-slope of Halla mountain Jeju Island and also Roadside tree. Tree Bark The tree bark is grayish - brown. If the the bark is dark grey long horizontal lenticell can be seen and if the tree quite old, the tree bark is split vertically.


Ex - Golf Course Pharmacy Building 20

Root Suckers Founded in between ground and root. Shoot and Branches New shoot is brown - soft purplish brown hair, not seems a lot but a little. Young branches are brown or purplish brown with little or no hair at all. Winter Bud Egg-shaped - with a pointed edge at the end. light brown light green color. 5-8 mm in length with a soft hair around the bud and at the head of the bud. covered by 12-16 scales fragments with soft hair at the surface. Leaves bud Cylindrical shape with sharp edge at the end of bud. Slim shaped if we compared with the flower bud.


Ex - Golf Course Pharmacy Building

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2 8 9 1. PETAL 2. SEPAL 3. PEDICLES 4. BRACTS 5. BUD SCALES 6. STAMEN - Anther & Filament 7. PISTIL 8. CALYX TUBE 9. OVARY

Petals White to light red defendant. 5 petals in a single flower. There is bit torn on the edge. oval or egg-shaped and whittish vein. Sepal Light green to purplish color. with serrated/teeth edge. hairy at the back side. Pedicles Green-purplish color, hairy pedicles. There are 4-6 pedicles within single bud. Bracts Greenish-brownish color at the edge. Serrated edge/teeth edge. whittish colored vein. there are 5 unit scale of bracts. Bud Scale Brownish color - hairy approx 16-20 unit scale. popped up to allow flower to bloom Stamen Yellowish anther and white filament. Style Single stigma. Greenish colour and greenish style

Calyx tube and Calyx Cylindrical shape with or without hair. Light green color and white inside Flowers - other findings Flowers facing side and or facing to the ground. Flowers oftenly found in quite large group, but sometimes could found in small amount group that stick directly to the trunk.

Location : Ex Golf Course

Flower comparison between trees in different location - Flower petal shape and color similiar to each other. - Sepal shape and color similiar - Stamen in two diffenrent tress have same color both anther and fillament - Both trees have a single stigma with green color

Location : Pharmacy Building

Calyx tube comparison between trees in different location Both of the trees Calyx tube shape quite similiar with wine glass or coke bottle shape.

Leaves The leaves are oval - shifted and inverted. Egg-shaped oval, has pointed end and sharp serrated edges. Folded. There are more than 3 leaves in a single bud Root Suckers Instead of root suckers, young branch with leaves and flower petals were founded.

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