Architecture Portfolio RIBA Part I Yasmine Baddoura AA School of Architecture 2020-2022
Table of Content EXPERIMENTAL WORK Unit 18, Metamorphosis, 2021-2022, Instructors: Viviana Muscettola, Arya Safavi, Nhan Vo__________________4 Unit 7, Down To Earth, 2020-2021, Instructors: Amica Dall, Giles Smith, Anthony Engi Meacock_____________40 3DWORKSHOPSModelling, Abstract Nature, 2021, Instructor: Sebastian Andia_______________________________________66 Photogrammetry, Tactile Technology, 2020, Instructor: Thomas Parker___________________________________82
The limitations of the monofunctional high-rise – which is rigid and non-re sponsive to its surroundings, hermetically sealed and often without an inte grated interface with the urban fabric – existed before Covid-19. This crisis has only emphasised these pitfalls, rendering many such buildings either deserted and outdated. The extent of the pandemic’s ongoing disruption to our societies and built environments remains uncertain and unpredictable. It has left urban centres such as the financial district in London facing soaring vacancies, without a clear initiative or timeline for intervention to exploit the opportunities afforded by this current transitional phase.
The status quo continues to amplify embedded rigidity and a reluctance to modify, adapt, reclaim or repurpose the urban fabric; crystallised in a city that mirrors empty shells of its own skyline. My project re-interprates the “communication” of day-light, spaces, and ventilation in high rise towers with an aim of “humanizing” the modern tower, through a re-interpretation of R. Seifer & Partners’ Tower 42 –lo cated in the City of London.
4 00 // Metamorphosis, Unit 18
Humanizing The Modern High-Rise Office
5 by situating my proposal in the midst of this global pan-dem ic that has highly affected our view on wellbeing both phys ically and mentally, i will re interpret R. Seifer & Partners’ Tower 42 to better fit current health standards; through the in-crease of physical com munication as well as rein copo-rating natural ventila tion and sunlight exposure in high rise tower using passive strategies, which is an area I chose to focus on for my technical studies analysis. To reconfigure the office building to the new needs that have arose as identified in my research, i have explored the commensalistic relationship between piddock clams and the rocks they bore through and inhabit, and thus physi cally the system of erosion in a solid, and conceptually the “filtering system”, in order to inform my design. THESIS
physical plaster experimentation
Piddock clams are a type of clam that can bore into rocks. They use this these rocks as a protection strategy from pounding waves and po tential predators. They make out of these rocks a permanent home. To eat, these clams have two siphons. They pump in water and fil ter food from the water with one siphon. Then they pump out waste with the other siphon. This all takes place as they are snugly situated in a rock. this creates a “filtering” system through the erosions of the rocks.
rocks erroded by piddock clams
Barnea (Anchomasa) manilensis Barnea (Anchomasa) obturamentum
01 // Experimental Process Hybrid System |
Commensalistic Symbiosis of Piddock Clams and Rocks
Barnea (Anchomasa) truncata Barnea (Anchomasa) parva
small medium large T=3T=0 hours T=6 hours casted in silicone largemediumlargemediumsmall mixed sizes casted in plaster casted in beeswax 01 // Experimental Process Erosion Experimentation | Hydrogel Balls Casting Mimicking Erosion 8
larger brick experiment of mixed size hydrogel balls in silicone casted in silicone largemediumlargemedium mixed sizes casted in plaster casted in beeswax in compression in tension 01 // Experimental Process 9
01 // Experimental Process Erosion Experimentation Analysis in incompressiontension erosion morphing hidden dispersed entities in the core negative and positive entities existing in symbiosis negative space distortion 10
11 02 // Structural Analysis Existing Components of Tower 42
12 02 // Structural Analysis Mechanical Ventilation System | 2 pipe fan coil air conditioning neutral pressure level 31221343-24631221343-246
13 31221343-246 The Tower 42 ‘s floor to core depth has a nar row length of 9 meters and thus a floor plate efficiency of 70% the ventilation of tower 42 is solely relyant on HVAC Systems 2 pipe AC coil to ventilate and cool the building. none of the windows are op erational. this raises sustainable concerns on the building as well as negative effects on the occupants. these also take a substan tial amount of space that could be otherwise used occupationally 02 // Structural Analysis
14 03 // Site Analysis Sun Path Analysis South West Isometric View Top View
15 03 // Site Analysis Sun Path Analysis direct sun hoursNorth East Isometric View South West Isometric View South East Isometric View North West Isometric View Top View
16South West Isometric View Top View The wind direction of the loca tion of Tower 42 comes from the southwest side. 03 // Site Analysis Wind Analysis | Wind Rose
17 North South-WestElevationElevation North-East Elevation West Elevation East North-WestElevationElevation wind velocity (m/s) wind pressure (Pa) -58.016-29.911-1.80526.30154.4066.2308.81110.79112.461 0 South Elevation Top View 03 // Site Analysis Wind Velocity and Pressure Simulation
18 wind velocity (Pa)wind(m/s)pressure 6.2308.81110.79112.461-58.016-29.911-1.80526.30154.406 0 South West Isometric - Highest Sun Exposure Facade North East Isometric - Lowest Sun Exposure Facade South West Isometric - Windward Side North East Isometric - Proposed Leeward Side direct sun hours - the North-East facade opposing the South-West fa cade of the building has no sun exposure - the North-East facade opposing the South-West fa cade of the building is exposed to a a significantly lower wind velocity/pressure. - most of Leaf C and one side of Leaf A are the most exposed to direct sun as well as higher wind speed 03 // Site Analysis
some people, especially introverts are unable to focus with background noise, so the access to private spaces aids in their concentration as there are less auditory and physical distractions.
communal / social spaces
spaces in which people have space to move their body, as well as interact with other office workers can higher socializa tion in office and thus reduce stress. This also enhances productivity in the office as it encourages workers to assist each other through communication. natural light / shade a study by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine shows that the impact of windows and daylight exposure on overall health and Sleep quality of office workers observed that workers that were seated further from windows and that had lower access to daylight had a poorer men tal state and a poorer sleep cycle than that of the workers with greater access to daylight. however, areas that are exposed with an excess of sunlight during certain times of the day can cause thermal discomfort to the workers and thus shaded areas should also be present.
a study done by University of Minnesota suggests that the way people think and act is affected by ceiling height. When a person is in a space with a highceiling, they tend to think more freely and might process more abstract connections, whereas a person in a room with a lower ceiling will be more likely to focus on specifics.
19 04 // Thesis Application
active design By emphasizing the accessibility and the design of spacial components that keep our body active, and others, encourages their use and the movement of the body, which in return reduces stress through exercise. Keeping their bodies active can bump up their production of endor phins as well increases energy levels.
ceiling height
private spaces
Criteria In Effort to Humanize Office High Rises
access to nature a study done by University of Minnesota suggests that the incorporation of nature in buildings is also a very important stress diminisher, as even the sight of nature has ben shown to redeuce anger, fear, and stress, as well as increasing pleasant feelings. On a biological level, it also re duces blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and the production of stress hormonesto focus on specifics.
a gradient of spheres of multiple sizes populate the building to later errode, from golph sized-spheres to multi-story ones to create an array of different ero sions for ventilation, sunlight, and creating spaces and circulation, with smaller appertures relating to higher wind pressure to be able to be in control of the weather at high levels. This creates a mixed mode ventilation strategy including mechanical and natural ventilation system coexisting.
20 wind (m/s)velocity wind pressure (Pa) -58.016-29.911-1.80526.30154.4066.2308.81110.79112.461 0 golf spheressizedballmultiplestoriessizedspheres interior lighting effects / tex ture windowsoperableofcreationspacestogethermergingspaces South West Isometric - Windward Side North East Isometric - Proposed Leeward Side 05 // Erosion Process Gradient of Erosion | Facade Porosity
21 South West Isometric - Windward Side North East Isometric - Proposed Leeward Side 05 // Erosion Process Erosion Iteration | Gradient
22 -LEEWARDWESTSIDEWINDWARD-SOUTHSIDENORTHEAST SUN EXPOSURE direct sun hours 79.00 71.10 63.20 55.30 47.40 39.50 31.60 23.70 15.80 7.90 0.00 velocity (m.s) [pressure (Pa)] WIND ANALYSIS 12.461 10.791 8.811 6.230 0 [54.406] [26.301] [-1.805] [-29.911] [-58.016] FACADE POROSITY gradient of erosion INTERVENTION ERRODED FLOOR PLATES CONVAVE FROSTEDCARVEDGLASS GLAZING METALCONVEXFINSSTRUCTURALANDGLASS SPHERES 05 // Erosion Process Metamorphosis of Tower 42 By Intervening With a Hybrid System
23 06 // Natural Ventilation Bernouli’s Effect in Reduced Air Tunnel | Erosion Catalogue REDUCED AIR TUNNEL Section Cuts of the Reduced Air Tunnel Strategy (Bernouli’s Principle) at Skygarden level the sealing of offices has prov en to lead to an increase in the spread of diseases and bacteria as well as in correlation reduc ing the productivity and perfor mance of the office workers. this is specifically improtatnt in the current pandemic as seen in multiple COVID-19 guidelines to re-occupy office spaces physi cally, suggesting cross ventila tion and stack ventilation tech niques to recycle the indoor air. South East SectionIsometric
24 06 // Natural Ventilation Bernouli’s Effect in Reduced Air Tunnel | Erosion Catalogue REDUCED AIR TUNNEL Frontal Views of the Reduced Air Tunnel Strategy (Bernouli’s Principle) at Skygarden level the sealing of offices has prov en to lead to an increase in the spread of diseases and bacteria as well as in correlation reduc ing the productivity and perfor mance of the office workers. this is specifically improtatnt in the current pandemic as seen in multiple COVID-19 guidelines to re-occupy office spaces physi cally, suggesting cross ventila tion and stack ventilation tech niques to recycle the indoor air. South East Isometric Section
South East Isometric Section 06 // Natural Ventilation Stack
On each 9 floor chunk, two sky gardens would be present on the windward side to pump in the ventilation and sunlight, to later exhaust it on the skygarden present on the leeward side through cross ventilation traveling across the floor plates to the central air shaft where it is exhausted up and out through vents at roof level. Effect | From Skygardens Through Central Air Shaft
South East Isometric Section
06 // Natural Ventilation Buoyancy Induced Natural Ventilation System Emphasized By the Bernoulli Effect
The reduced tunnel would direct the wind from the windward side to a proposed leeward ones, referring back to the “filter” created by the initial hybrid system pumping in fresh air and sunlight, and pumping out “wasted” air, fur ther emphasized by the filtering of air pollution through the greenery.
26 South West Isometric - Windward Side North East Isometric - Proposed Leeward Side
27 South West Isometric - Windward Side North East Isometric - Proposed Leeward Side 07 // Intervention Hybrid System Intervention
28 South West Isometric - Windward Side North East Isometric - Proposed Leeward Side The Leaves A and C will Host the sky gardens inducing the wind into the tower and the Leaf B will host the sky gardens allowing the leeward wind to come out of it. 07 // Intervention Floor Plates
29 South West Isometric - Windward Side North East Isometric - Proposed Leeward Side 07 // Intervention Steel Structural Fins and Convex Glass Entities
40 00 // Down To Earth, Unit 7 our client, grow, works in school and communities to promote mental well being, physical health, and a more hands-on relwtionship with the natural world. the three main pillars in which grow identifies in through their phi losophy as are “flow” “think” and “make”, and their target audience are children from 8 to 15 years old.
41 the aim of the project is to reinforce the children’s relationship with the river while focusing on the three different pillars of grow. This relationship is reinforced formally and through its programme.
42 Total Area: 2468.57 sqm THAMESRIVER existing site plan, 1:500 on A3 paper ENTRANCE 01 // Site Analysis 125-129 Wapping High Street 13-15 Cinnamon Street 14-16 Clegg Street
E1W Wapping and the riverside around Tower Bridge are steeped in history yet thoroughly modern, defining the regeneration of London’s industrial heritage. Originally, Wapping was little more than a high street within the Borough of Tower Hamlets. The area was inhabited by sailors and boat builders, who capitalised on career opportunities presented by the maritime connections. Wapping is located in East London on the north bank of the Thames in the Borough of Tower Hamlets. This area was developed around the riv er; you can clearly see that Wap ping closely follows the path of the river on a map. In many ways, the main feature of this prime London location is the River Thames itself.
43 The three existing sites seen from satelite images 01 // Site Analysis
The particular approach towards the relationship of the site and its programme was derived through its proximity and relationship with the Thames river and its surroundings. With the combination of re sources already present on site, and ones available in proximity, approaches to create a new material by reusing existing ones were explored.
44 recycled to make new blocks to con struct the project oyster shells re cycled on site to make oyster reefs as an activity 01 // Site Analysis Resources Chart
02 // Thesis Application
03 // Formal Relationship of The Project With The River Through Construction | Material Sourcing
- Creates an environmentally friendly concrete-like material to be casted into blocks and tiles - Encourages recycling and repurposing old into new - Creates an environment that is strongly rooted in earth materials reflecting the river - Reinforces the relationship of the children and the river by the intricate texture and colors of the material constantly surrounding them and triggering their curi osity
03 // Formal Relationship of The
Through Construction | Sea Stone Process
inspired48 by Newtab-22 and Local Works stu dio as well as vernacular technique known as “ tabby Seastoneconcrete”isasustainable alternative to con Itcreteuses seashells which are naturally rich in calcium carbonate (limsestone) which is used to make cement, key ingredient to con crete. It is made by grinding down shells distined for landfill from the thames dredging as well as fisheries before combining them owith sand from the crushed onsite bricks and oth er additives such as agar, water, ash, and re cycled plastic waste from the dredging. This grants the stone a self-colored terrazo-like aesthetic. They are then added to a mould and into a solar powered kiln to solidify. Project With River
The curves of the river are reflected formally throughout the building, creating cur vilinear walls reminiscent of an the aerial view which can then be seen from a hu man scale. This also creates a flowing promenade of landscaping in between the dif ferent sites, opening them up to each other, further emphasized by changing the entrance of the sites to be facing each other, away from the busy wapping high main street and more into secluded alleyways and well as the addition of speed bumps in between. This would also direct the passengers directly into the merging sites.
Thames River Aerial View Profile | Proposed Plan 03 // Formal Relationship of The Project With The River Through Geometrical Affinities | River Curvatures
50 POND 1 5 10 15 (m) 1:500 on A3 paperGround Floor Proposed Plan LIBRARY CLASSROOM STUDIO BATHROOM BATHROOM MARKET KITCHEN GREENHOUSEPLAYGROUNDKILN RAIN HARVESTER ENTRANCE the open concept plan permits the flow of the building to be smoother, creating a river-like un interrupted promenade throughout the building. This is emphasized by the added speedbumps between the sites as well as the changing of the entrance of the site. Additionally these open spac es encourages independence and socialization Through Its Spaces | Open Concept Plan 03 // Formal Relationship of The Project With The River
51 1:500 on A3 paper SILT REMEDIATING ROOMSTORAGEMEDITATION ROOM BATHROOM OFFICE 1 5 10 15 (m) First Floor Proposed Plan BATHROOM MARKET GREENHOUSEPONDPLAYGROUNDKILN RAIN HARVESTER the open concept plan permits the flow of the building to be smoother, creating a river-like un interrupted promenade throughout the building. This is emphasized by the added speedbumps between the sites as well as the changing of the entrance of the site. Additionally these open spac es encourages independence and socialization Through Its Spaces | Open Concept Plan 03 // Formal Relationship of The Project With The River
52 1 5 10 15 (m) 1:500 on A3 paperGround Floor Proposed Plan to allow such open concepts all columns are placed 8m away from each other as well as around the perimeter of the space 03 // Formal Relationship of The Project With The River Through Its Spaces | Columns
531:500 on A3 paper 1 5 10 15 (m) First Floor Proposed Plan to allow such open concepts all columns are placed 8m away from each other as well as around the perimeter of the space 03 // Formal Relationship of The Project With The River Through Its Spaces | Columns
54 the concave curves created by the river profiles create more inviting areas. therefore throughout the plan, they are designated as entrances or ar eas of gathering, whereas convex curves are most ly closed off designate private areas. Additionally, all seating areas are shaped in a way where all the children are grouped together and facing each other to encourage a collectivistic environment. 03 // Formal Relationship of The Project With The River Through Its Spaces | Curves Topography
55 the concave curves created by the river profiles create more inviting areas. therefore throughout the plan, they are designated as entrances or ar eas of gathering, whereas convex curves are most ly closed off designate private areas. Additionally, all seating areas are shaped in a way where all the children are grouped together and facing each other to encourage a collectivistic environment. 1:500 on A3 paper SILT REMEDIATING ROOMSTORAGEMEDITATION ROOM BATHROOM OFFICE 1 5 10 15 (m) First Floor Proposed Plan BATHROOM MARKET GREENHOUSEPONDPLAYGROUNDKILN RAIN HARVESTER 03 // Formal Relationship of The Project With The River Through Its Spaces | Curves Topography
56 MATERIALS ENLARGED TO SHOW DETAIL 03 // Formal Relationship of The Project With The River Through Materials | Material Map
04 // Drawings Pond and Surrounding Plants
04 // Drawings Section
400x700x170 mm precast sea stone blocks and plaster 70 mm clear cavity 40 mm wood structure supporting beam 75 mm wood fiber insulation board 15 mm vapour barrier 10x200x200 mm seastone tiles 04 // Drawings Section Detail
05 // Programmatic Relationship of The Project With The River Silt Compost Remediation | Worm Farm
05 // Programmatic Relationship of The Project With The River Soil Recycling | Solar Kiln And Studio
Besides62 increasing the water supply and de minishing the water waste, rainwater harvest ing reduces the amount of runoff that floods and pollutes our oceans, rivers and lakes. By lessen ing the amount of runoff after a storm, we are re charging our groundwater by giving the earth an opportunity to absorb the water that has fallen. 05 // Programmatic Relationship of The Project With The River Rainwater Harvesting
the retractable windows further emphasize the blurring of the line between the landscape and the interior that is created through the interchang ing and merging materials used inside and outside 05 // Programmatic Relationship of The Project With The River Blurring The Line Between Outdoors & Indoors | Retractable Windows
00 // Communication and Media Studies Workshop: Abstract Nature Coral Pavillion
This workshop explores the creative process of design combining natural elements framed as an abstract image used as an inspiration to create forms which will contain space. These abstract images of natural elements are used as an inspiration to generate three dimensional geometri cal principals to design architectural spaces at the scale of pavilions. The pavilion design should represent the intel lectualization of nature.
01 // Inspiration Image Coral Intertwinement Source: Material Valley
02 // Geometry Development Superimposing, Reorienting, Bridging main elements extracted from the inspiration photo
69 02 // Geometry Development Geometry Amalgamation
70 02 // Geometry Development Inverted Amalgamation
71 02 // Geometry Development Scale Warping chosen composition has visu ally appealing elevaation views and interiors and composition can be visualized at the scale of a pavilion final composition
03 // Final Renders Perspectives
78 03 // Final Renders Frontal Elevation
79 03 // Final Renders Top View
80 03 // Final Renders Interior Perspectives
00 // Communication and Media Studies Workshop: Tactile Technology
The Beirut Egg: Symbol of ResilienceResistance RebellionRevolution
This workshop focused on the relationships be tween analogue tools used to survey, analyse and represent our spatial surroundings and their technological counterparts in contemporary high precision 3D scanning. Continuing to explore the digital/analogue doppelganger as an active place of experimentation, we seeked to create complex compositions between different data sets to form hybrid spaces with their own unique aesthetic lan guages. This has been done through photogram metric 3D capture, alongside a range of different complementary visualisation software, that can be used in both digital fabrication and visual repre sentation of scanned data.
Thesis Beirut is a city loaded with contrasts. Not merely with regards to cultural diversity and precarious political circumstances. Likewise, its contrasts lie in its architecture and urban planning, multiple socio-political factors play a role in shaping contemporary Beirut such as economic perspectives and historical layers, creating ongoing debates among planners, archi tects, politicians and citizens. From these,various opinions emerged about the question of how to deal with Beirut’s cultural heritage in terms of restoring, reprogramming, reusing or demolishing.
00 //
The iconic Egg landmark was destined to be the first mall in the middle east but its con struction was obstructed by the civil war in 1975 and since then many events affected and influenced this piece of architecture, such as The Lebanese Revolution, the Israeli- Lebanese conflict, as well as the august 4th 2020 Port Explosion. As it is a structure with a substantial size and with obtrusive obstacles standing in its way, as well as no concrete plans, sections, or elevation, since it is a really old edifice, I have wanted to explore it in a greater technolog ical aspect.
01 // Process Mesh Layers Study 84
South-West Isometric 02 // Point Cloud Composition Scans 86
North-East Isometric 02 // Point Cloud Composition Scans 87
West Elevation 02 // Point Cloud Composition Scans 88
East Elevation 02 // Point Cloud Composition Scans 89
Long Section | East View 02 // Point Cloud Composition Scans 90
Long Section | West View 02 // Point Cloud Composition Scans 92
North Elevation 02 // Point Cloud Composition Scans 94
South Elevation 02 // Point Cloud Composition Scans 95
Short Section | South View 02 // Point Cloud Composition Scans 97