Page 1

y portfolio

//pe rsonali nf o i nt jpe rsonal i ty name : y asmi nnazi habt. hazi zul de n age : 22 ge nde r: f e mal e da teofbi rth: 25thj une1 99 4 na ti onal i ty: mal a ysi an i /cnumbe r: 9 406 2506 5200

//worki nge xpe ri e nce

//e duca ti on 201 3/201 6

201 2

bache l orofsci e ncearchi te cture( bsc. archi te cture ) boardsofarchi te ctsmal a ysi a( l am)| p art1 gradua te ro y ali nsti tuteofbri ti sharchi te cts( ri ba)| p art1 gradua te cgp aye ar1 :3. 6 7 cgp aye ar2: 3. 50

vol unte e r pe t al i ngj a y a, kual al umpur, mal a ysi a

uni ve rsi tyofmal a y a( um) , kual al umpur, mal a ysi a

201 2/201 3

pusa tasasi sai ns( p asum) , uni ve rsi tyofmal a y a( um) , kual al umpur, mal a ysi a

f ounda ti oni nbui l te nvi ronme nt cgp a: 3. 50

wome n' sai dsorgani sa ti on

201 3

al hsdn. bhd.

assi st antaccount ant se l angor, mal a ysi a

2007 /201 1

201 4

spe ci alschoolprogrammal a ysi a2007 /201 1 cl uste rschoolachi e ve me nt201 0/201 1 sci e ncestre am+e ngi ne e ri ngdra wi ng201 0/201 1 spm: 7 a

re se arche r uni ve rsi tyofmal a y a

se k. me n. abdulrahmant al i b( smart) , kuant an, p ahang, mal a ysi a

stud yone l e v a te dwal kwa yarchi te cturei nbi gci ti e s

201 4/201 6

klske tchna ti oncommuni ty commi tte eande ve ntpl anne r mal a ysi a

//ski l l s

201 5 graphi csandani ma ti on

cadand3dmode l l i ng

adobephotoshop adobei l ustra tor adobei nde si gn adobef l ash photography ske tchi ng

autocad googl eske tchup 3dsmax

mi crosof tof f i ce

l anguage

word powe rpoi nt e xce l

mal a y: na ti ve e ngl i sh: f l ue nt

stud yonarchi te cture andf aci l i ti e sf ordi sabl epe opl e re se arche r uni ve rsi tyofmal a y a

201 5

kal somcommuni typroj e ctwi thf oste rchi l dre n vol unte e randf aci l i t a tor kual al umpur

201 6

publ i ca ti onofkual akangsarbook e di torandgraphi cde si gne r ve rsi tyofmal a y a uni

//p arti ci p a ti onandachi e ve me nts 201 4

201 5

Muralp ai nte randtop20p arti ci p ant shahal am, mal a ysi a

p arti ci p ant ui tmse ri i skandar, pe rak, mal a ysi a

re stora ti onandre j uve na ti ngofbackl ane

201 4

arcasi ai nte rna ti onal( p am) stude ntj ambore e p arti ci p ant kual al umpur, mal a ysi a

201 4

stud yone l e v a te dwal kwa yarchi te cturei nbi gci ti e s re se arche r uni ve rsi tyofmal a y a

201 4/201 5

e rti arte xhi bi ti on

codi re ctor, cura torandtop1 00p arti ci p ant kual al umpur, mal a ysi a

201 5

ni pponp ai ntyoungde si gne ra ward, mal a ysi ai narchi te cturede si gn p arti ci p ant

201 5

i nte rna ti onalj oi ntde si gnstudi oproj e ctwi thunp ar, bandungi ndone si a p arti ci p ant uni ve rsi tyofmal a y a,

201 5

me asure ddra wi ngonol dshophouse si nkual akububharu p arti ci p antandre se arche r uni ve rsi tyofmal a y a

ti angse ri 26 thi nte rna ti onal( p am)archi te cturalworkshop

201 5

stud yonarchi te cture andf aci l i ti e sf ordi sabl epe opl e re se arche r uni ve rsi tyofmal a y a

201 5

kal somcommuni typroj e ctwi thf oste rchi l dre n vol unte e randf aci l i t a tor kual al umpur

201 5

me asure ddra wi ngofol dshophouse si nkual akububharu autocadspe ci al i standre se arche r mal a ysi a

201 4/201 6

klske tchna ti oncommuni ty commi tte eande ve ntpl anne r mal a ysi a

201 6

re stora ti onofi nte rmi di a teshophouse sl ane s muralp ai nte randp arti ci p ant shahal am, mal a ysi a

201 6

klske tchna ti ongl obalske tche scol l e cti ve sbookpubl i ca ti onproj e ct i l l ustra tor mal a ysi ai nconj ucti onwi thmanche ste r

//p arti ci p a ti oni nse mi nars se mi naron" archi te cturef orhumani ty" b ywhbc archi te cts p arti ci p ant

se mi naron" di gi t al-na ti ve " b yste f f e nri e gas p arti ci p ant

se mi naron" i nte ri orandl andscapede si gn" b yse ksan de si gn p arti ci p ant

bi c ycl emapproj e ctb yj e f f e r yl i m p arti ci p ant

se mi naron" thecure ntst a teofmal a ysi anarchi te cture " b ygdparchi te cts p arti ci p ant

se mi naron" archi te ctureandsust ai nabi l i ty" b y ke vi nmarkl owandarhua tl i m p arti ci p ant

se mi naron" housevi si on" b yhuni kl p arti ci p ant

se mi naron" maste rstothi nk" b yarj i mmycsl i m p arti ci p ant




123 form and space

sustainable urbanization

spacesin betw een

45 sketchesand graphicw ork

interpretive center

1 form andspace

//re tre a thousef orre ti re dcoupl e j andabai k, p ahang

/f i rstf l oorpl an 1 ; 1 00

conce ptualdi agram

Thi sre tre a thousehouse danol dre ti re dpi ani st l i vi ngtoge the rwi thhi sl ove l ywi f ewhomwri te s re ci pe si nbl ogondai l ybasi s. the yof te ni nvi te sf ri e nds ove rf orasmal lga the ri ngwhe rethe yse rve dhome cooke d me alandasmal lpi anope rf ormancef ore nte rt ai nme nt. i nca te ri ngthe i ri nte re st, thi sshousei sde si gne dusi ng sounddi f f racti on" astheconce pt, whe re" sounddi f f racti on" " st artsf romonepoi ntandchanne l si ttothesurroundi ng. wi ththa t, gi ve nthesi tei sl oca te db ytheri ve r, thehousei s de si gne dwi thtri angul arshapewhe rei tst artsof ff romonebi gtre e , i ndi ca ti ngthee ntrance , andope nsuptothesurroundi ng, whe real lthe sp ace saregi ve nwi de angl evi e woftheri ve r, andthesurroundi ng. Theki tche nandl i vi ngroomhasanampl esp ace , a tt ache dwi thde ckgoi ngdown totheri ve r, f orgue ststoe nj o ythe i rl i ttl ewarmga the ri ng.

/si tepl an 1 ; 200

/groundf l oorpl an 1 ; 1 00

2 spacesinbetw een

//tra ve l l e rshub l orongsul t an, kual al umpur

/groundf l oorpl an 1 ; 1 00

i nde si gni ngthi shote l , i tooktheconce ptofl ante rntha t broughtthes ymbol i smofre uni oni nchi ne secommuni ty whi chi sthepromi ne ntcommuni tyi nthi sare a. f romthe " re uni on" word, i e xtracti ttore pre se ntmysp ace s, f e a ture s andconstruci onofmyhub. i ndoi ngtha t, i choosel i ghwe i ght ma te ri al stode l i ve rthe" hangi ng" f e e l i ngand pre se nt a ti onofal ante rn. re de si gni ngthesp ace s, i wante dthegue ststoe xpe ri ncethe thee xchageofcul ture , amongstthe mse l ve sandtowards thesi tei tse l f . He nce , I provi deacommuni alare atha t ove rl ookthee xi sti ngha wke rsl oca te da ttheground f l oorofthehote l , shari ngdormsandal i brar yf ul lof archi ve softhequai nt, l i ttl eare ai npe t al i ngstre e t.

/f i rstf l oorpl an 1 ; 1 00

/se condf l oorpl an 1 ; 1 00

/se cti onalpe rspe cti ve 1 ; 1 00

/f ronte l e v a ti on 1 ; 1 00

/re are l e v a ti on 1 ; 1 00

3 sustainable urbanization

//communi tyl i brar y j al ansul t an, pe t al i ngj a y a

gre e nl oop

rai se dasramp

axonome tri c de t ai l s

/se cti onxx 1 ; 1 00

/axonometri crecepti on detai ls

/axonometri copenli brary detai ls

/axonometri crampwalkway detai ls

/secti ony-y 1 ; 1 00

4 interpretive center

//i nte rpre ti vece ntreoff orgotte nge ms kual akangsar, pe rak

Kualakangsari saquai ntli ttletownwherethebi ggestpopulati oni stheseni orci ti zen.Theyhavebeenli vi ngtheresi ncethe50’ s andhaveseeneveryli ttleand/orbi gchangesi thasgonethrough.Theytooholdmostoftheacti vi ti esandaresti llgenerati ng i ncome,al thoughli ttle,butsuffi ci enttogetthemthrough.Theseamazi ngl yfri endl yseni orci ti zensarepartofthegemsi n KualaKangsaralongwi thotherattracti onssuchasMasji dUbuddi yyah,PauYatLoy,I stanaI skandari ahandmanymore.However, thesegesareallforgottenandabandoned,leftunnoti cedi ntheheartsofKualaKangsar.

I napproachi ngthi si nterpreti vecenterconcept,i ti sbeli evethattoi nterpretortohaveasli ghtgli mpseofhow KualaKangsari sand was,i sby engagi ngandtalki ngtothelocalthere-theseni orci ti zeni nparti cularbecausetheyarethebestnarratersofthetown. Wi ththatapproachi nmi nd,thi si nterpreti vecenterprovi desanacti vespacefortheseni orci ti zentospendthei rti mearoundand mi ngleamongthemsel vesaswellwi ththetouri st-acti ngaspartof“ walki nggallery” ,andapassi vespaceforformalexhi bi ti on.I naway, alltheforgottengemsareonceagai nbroughttoli ve.

/se cti onxx 1 ; 1 00

/se cti onyy 1 ; 1 00

/f i rstf l oorpl an 1 ; 1 00

/groundf l oorpl an 1 ; 1 00

Theworkshops,amphi thetreandcafebecomestheacti vespaces generatedbytheseni orci ti zen.Thi snotonl yopensuptheoppurtuni ty fortouri ststolearnandunderstandKualaKangsari nauni queand warmway,butalsohelpi ngtheseni orci ti zentogeneratethei r i ncome,hencemaki ngthi scentersustai nablethroughmanyyearsto come.Theworkshopgi vestheoldcraftmensandcraftswomena placeforthemtostartworki ngagai nandformanyotherseni orci ti zen tostartanew hobbytospendthei rdaysat.Manypottedplants areprovi dedi nsi detheamphi theater,maki ngi tagardenforgatheri ng purposes,i salsotogi vethemdai l yacti vi ti esandtogenerate i ncomeforthewholecenteraswell-i nanattempttomakethi sbui ldi ng sustai nable.Wi thalltheattracti onsprovi dedatgatheri ngand acti vespaces,boththeseni orci ti zenandtouri stareexpected tobemoreattractedtovi si tthi scenterhencetogathertogether, di scoveri ngandunvei li ngKualaKangsarbytalki ng!

/f ronte l e v a ti on 1 ; 1 00

/re are l e v a ti on 1 ; 1 00

/ri ghte l e v a ti on 1 ; 1 00

/l e f te l e v a ti on 1 ; 1 00

/se cti onalpe rspe cti veofworkshop nts

/se cti onalpe rspe cti veofcaf e nts

/se cti onalpe rspe cti veofgal l e r y nts

5 sketchesand graphicw ork

/poste rsf ore rti e xhi bi ti on

/ske tchbookcove rde si gn

/cove rp agef orkual akangsarpubl i ca ti on

//compi l a ti onofske tche s

/ske tchof kual akububharu

/ske tchof buki tbi nt ang

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