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| Adaptive landscape and environmental design Group 5

bonding natures

Scicli, Ragusa

Politecnico di Milano Urban Design Studio 2018 ¡ 2019

Bonding Natures

Professors: Maria Alessandra Secchi, Mina Akhavan, Fabrizia Berlingieri Senior tutor: Federico Casati Junior tutors: Giulia Crotti, Nicolò Croce, Margherita Pascucci

Mazzoleni Michele · Nooradini Yassin · Riazi Jorshari Hooman · Saltan Nataliia


01. Interpretative reading: Bonding Natures 15 30 34 36

Two Linear Natures Schematic Interpretation Irrigation System Interpretation of existing situation

02. Strategy: 43 47

The New Coastline The Fiumara Park

03. Project:

54 56 60

62 64 68

Coastline Axonometric Diagrams Sections Project's Visualization


Axonometric Diagrams Sections Project's Visualization




Bonding Natures

From Scicli to The Coastline Starting to look at the territory in which Scicli is surrounded by, Fiumara and The Coastline found as two elements evoking contradiction and stimulus at the same time. Although natural characteristics are embedded in both as linear elements, Fiumara is mainly crossing through variation of greeneries and dealing with the situation of the ground while The coastline attracts tourists to boost the economy of the area. Put all aside, the perpendicular location of Fiumara and The Coastline provides a good connection between the city and the beach. The reason for framing the project by making a connection between Scicli and The Coastline is mainly to improve the accessibility and importance of the city through nature and let people to reach the city straightly by different means such as bike riding and walking. In this regard, different situations were traced along two corridors.

On the other side, a linear passage combines entetainment with business. Beach as the touristic destination naturally absorbs people while adding a walking passage which connects Donnalucata and Cava d’Aliga can improve the quality of the space. To do so, diverse urban spaces such as plazas and parks are added and equipped zones for swimming like private and public pools are considered. The connection between the coastline and the main route: Strada Provinciale 64 is another important aspect of the project and to improve the connection with it, some of the secondary roads highlighted by regenerating existing greenhouses and open them to public, including a sort of flower passage inside thegreenhouses.

Starting with the edge of Scicli, where Fiumara touches the city, activation of urban context was set as the main strategy. To do so, the facades towards the fiumara were organized and regulated first and then, connections with different sides of fiumara improved. The abandoned field between railway and fiumara used as a green island, an urban park to serve Scicli. Following the passage, a green corridor is surrounded by Canapy trees and the valley with diversity of greenery comes next where its topography changes drastically. In this area, existing Masseria and new ones mixed to shape a network of accommodations inside the nature for tourists.





Mare di Scicli Piero Guccione



Two Linear Natures

On the edge of the city, where fiumara touches the urban context, an abandoned space is observed. Fiumara is in fact, playing the role of an ugly edge for the city, and leftover of spaces are all pushed to that direction. on the other side of the fiumara, a green island covered with various vegetations and ruins of a historical church is found as well. Going towards the coastline, the situation of the ground changes drastically in a sense that some spots are potentially good to have a panoramic view towards the landscape. The edge of the city is also visible on the other side of the valley and at the end of this green corridor, fiumara reaches to the Mediterranean sea. The coastline is connected to the main route SS 64 by some secondary roads while in almost all, the point where reaches to the coast is a dead end, a void for cars to park. In some cases, connection between parking lots and entertainment cores such as beach clubs is noticeable. Unorganized and illegal construction along the coast is also visible by appearance with different scales and in different forms.


Time line - Orthophoto of Scicli in 1988



Time line - Orthophoto of Scicli in 2006



Time line - Orthophoto of Scicli in 2012



Scicli Region_Mapping existing situation


ma in roads r a i l way line s of t opography fiumara a gr ic ult ure c anal s hidde n a gr ic ul ture buildi ngs gre e nhous es


1.To p ogr ap h ycin em at ic s e c tion o f the t e r r itor y [ No r th - S ou th ] 2.To p ogr ap h ycin em at ic s e c tion o f the t e r r itor y [ E as t- w e s t ] 3.To p ogr ap h ycin em at ic s e c tion o f the [ c om b in at ion ]



lin es of top ogr ap hy cin e m at ic s e c tion s



1.Topo graphyc ine ma t ic secti on of t he terri tory [ Nor t h-S outh] 2.Topo graphyc ine ma t ic secti on of t he terri tory [ E as t-wes t] 3.Topo graphyc ine ma t ic secti on of t he [ c om bi nati on]



line s of t op ography c ine ma t ic secti ons

3. 25

Scicli Region_Infrastructure


1.Main Road_Level of connectivity R: 1Km 2. Inter_connectionsLevel of connectivity R:500 m 3. stripes_level of integration map



3. 27






(If living outside the agricultural field) access to the agricultural field

(If living outside the agricultural field) access to the agricultural field

Access to beach as an attraction point

(If living inside the agricultural field) access to facilities / Scicli

(If living inside the agricultural field) access to facilities / Scicli

(If living outside the agricul Access to other cities in the region (external transportation)


Main stakeholders engaged in the project are Farmers, workers, locals and tourists. In this regard, a series of requirements are prioritized and the different solutions to meet them listed. Overall, theimportance of accessibility and connection is one of the main common theme for all the stakeholders which supports the notion of connectivity between Scicli and Coastline.


Access to different parts of the city (internal transportation) Access of Scicli’s market to agricultural

Access to the market and transport of productions


Access to Scicli as an attraction point


Dynamic market


Job opportunities


Keep the local connection

Keep the local connection



Water for agriculture







Public spaces (facilities) such as parks, plazas, market etc.






Place to stay

1.Locals Flow- key connections and movements of the local people in the area

Scicli Scicli

2.Touristic Flow- key connections and movements of the Tourists in the area

7 Km 6 Km

5 Km

3.Industrial Flow-key connec-

tions and movements of the workers in the area

Donnalucata 8.2 Km

2.3 Km

2.3 Km

7.1 Km

10 Km

8.5 Km

8 Km

3.9 Km

4.5 Km

2 Km

Cava d'Aliga 1.6 Km

2.5 Km


Scicli Scicli 8 Km

6 Km

Donnalucata 8.5 Km 7 Km

6.5 Km

Cava d'Aliga


Scicli Scicli 8.8 Km

8.8 Km 6 Km

8 Km

6 Km


9 Km

2.2 Km 3.2 Km


8 Km 10 Km

ma in c onne c t i ons 7 Km

3 Km

a t t r a c t ion po i nts

Cava d'Aliga

2.3 K

2.3 Km

a re a of int ers t c i ti es


dist ance


Schematic Interpretation


According to the characteristics of the territory (specifically from Scicli to the coastline), two different natures have been found. One is the industrial strip along Provincial Road SP64 which makes it convenient to invest for local entrepreneurs and act as an economic attraction, the other is a phenomenon which is known as Fiumara, a situation where the topography of the earth creates a seasonal river. These two perpendicular lines, in fact, create a duality. While the industrial strip is already functioning properly, its architectural and urban qualities around the road and the coastline are chaotic and poor. Along the Fiumara, on the other hand, nature is ruling and the linear shape of the earth stretch from the coastline to Scicli which can be considered as a tool for connecting the two.


1. olive grooves, agriculture fields 2.canes, bushes, agricultural fields 3.fiumara and topography 4.fiumara and the city 5. city and agricultural fields





3 km

1.private houses 2.parking lots 3.beach infrastructure 4. facing the beach 5. greenhouses and fields facing the beach




3 km


Irrigation System

Map of Water Pressure Water basins with the length of 200m of irrigarion

Irrigation System 1.withdrawals from the river, 2.Valve and main Canal, 3. Water Basin (water treatment process), 4.Spliter Utility, 5. On farm distribution system


1. Man-made water canal 2. Water distribution R:350m 3. Natural water channel



flood r is k +30 m flood r is k +20 m


flood r is k +10 m


Interpretation of existing situation

Interpretation of existing situation

1. Masseria 2. Abandoned Structures 3. Green Houses




1.agricultural fields | canes 2.olive gardens 3.Masseria & water basin







The New Coastline The Provincial Road SP64 plays the role of the spine along the coast. In fact, it is the attraction line which organizes the fragments and because of its joining nature as a connecting line, the pace of events are fast in a sense that highlights accessibility and movement (specially by automobiles).

1,2,3. photo of the existing situation coastline of Scicli, Ragusa


[urban waterfront] r 0.9 km

[natural dunes] r 1.2 km

[artificia l du n e s] r 1 . 5 km

[pin e g ro ve s] r 0 . 9 km


+ +


[u rba n wa t e rf ro n t ] r 1 . 0 km + +


Car Parking Retail - F&B Horse Riding Public- Bus Station Electical Bus Station

le gen d : Activated Zone urban Zone

ur b an c on te x t Innovative Green House fiu mara new project path

bik e lin e

Industrial District

pin e grov e du n e s

Environmental program for the coastline


[urban waterfront]

[public beach]

[gastronomic “vo ya g e �]


[c o a st a l c a m pin g ] + +


+ +


Car Parking

[u rba n wa t e rf ro n t ]

Retail - F&B Horse Riding Public- Bus Station + Electical Bus Station

le ge n d : Activated Zone

+ +

urban Zone

ur b a n con t e x t


Innovative Green House

fiu m ar a

new project path

bik e lin e

Industrial District


bik e s h a r in g p o i n t

+ +

cCararParking p ar k in g Retail - F&B pu b lic t r an s p or t Horse Riding

c oas tlin e s h u tt l e st a t i o n Public- Bus Station

re ta il - food & b e v e r a g e Electical Bus Station Activated Zone urban Zone

Functional program for the coastline Innovative Green House new project path Industrial District




3. 46

The Fiumara Park Considering the fiumara as the natural passage which connects Scicli to the coastline, it is defined as the slow passage; Slow in a sense that refers to the diverse characteristic of terrains along the fiumara and the pace of movements and activities are slower in compare with the fast characteristic of industrial strip along the coastline.

1,2,3. photo of the existing situation valley of the fiumara river


[ci t y o f S ci cl i ]

[fi u m ar a v al l ey ]



+ +

+ [fields]

+ +


Car Parking Retail - F&B Horse Riding Public- Bus Station Electical Bus Station

le gen d : Activated Zone urban Zone

ur b an c on te x t Innovative Green House fiu mara new project path

bik e lin e

Industrial District

o b s e r va tion t owe r a gr ic u ltu re fie ld s o live & fr u it ga rd e n s fore s t urban Activated Zone Pines

Environmental program for the fiumara



[S ci cl i “ ed g e” ]

[“ p ro d u ct i v e” v al l ey ]


+ +


[agritouristic lands] + +


Car Parking Retail - F&B Horse Riding Public- Bus Station + Electical Bus Station

le gen dZone : Activated

+ +

urban Zone

ur b an c on te x t


Innovative Green House

fiu m a r a

new project path

bik e lin e

Industrial District


bik e s h a r in g p o i n t cCaraFiumara rParking p a r k in g

+ +


Bike lane Retail - F&B pu b lic Bike stoptr an s p or t Horse Riding Masseria mas s er ia Observation Tower Car Paking Public- Bus Station brMasseria id gesRealm Bridge Cabins Electical Bus Station Urban Context Activated Activated Zone Zone Intervention zone Agricultural Fields urban Zone

Functional program Olive Gardenfor the fiumara Innovative ForestGreen House newUrban project path Industrial District




l egen d : [ex is t in g con t e x t ] main road s r a ilw ay bu ild in gs e x is t i n g bu ild in gs w it h i n u r b a n i n t e r v e n t i o n z o n e g re e n h ou s es e x i st i n g a gr ic u ltu re fie l d s e x i st i n g

[p roje c t in t e r ve n t i o n ] bik e & p e d e s t r i a n p a t h wa y ur b an in te r ve n t i o n z o n e c oas tlin e in t e r v e n t i o n z o n e ne w s t r u s tu res & b u i l d i n g s mas s er ia s a n d c a s c i n a s be a c h ne w gre e n e r y a gr ic u ltu re fie l d s mead ow s f low e r fie ld s o live groove s f r u it gard e n s f ore s t s c as e s & b u s h e s f iu m a r a a gr ic u ltu re c a n a l s & p o o l s





UR B AN WAT ERFRONT mark et square in Don n a L u c a t a w aterfront passag e p ub l i c beach

P UB LIC BEACH sq uare fo r out do or e ve n t s l i n ear poo l w ater front passag e b each infr ast ruct ure axonometric diagrams


C AM PI N G A REA p ine g ro v e cam p ing bo at rental w a t e r f ro nt p as s ag e

PUB L I C G R EEN H OUS E e le c t r ic s h u t t le c o nnectio n “ g re e n � p as s ag e p u b lic g ard en b a r s & res taur ants e le c t r ic s u t t le c o nnectio n axonometric diagrams


s e c tion d- d

s e c tion e - e

s e c tion f - f

se c tion g- g 0


sections coastline




le ge nd: bike line be a c h infr a structure boa t re nt a l ba r s re st a ur a nt s public gre e nhous e c a mping ma sse r ia pool & w e llnes s


s ection c-c

sectio n a-a

sectio n b -b 0


sections coastline




le ge nd: bike line be a c h infr a structure boa t re nt a l ba r s re st a ur a nt s public gre e nhous e c a mping ma sse r ia pool & w e llnes s


project visualizations


project visualizations



C ITY CENT RE gard en “ island” w el l ness cent re emb a nkment w aterefront g reenery

TH E FIUMARA PARK b i ke & pedest r ian pa t h w a y w atching t o wer sh el te r the fiumar a delt a

axonometric diagrams


M A S S ERI A a g r ic u lt u r is t ic c u lt ur al centre res taur ant f a r m & g ard en b e d &b reakfas t

axonometric diagrams


s ection j-j

s ection i-i

s ecti o n h -h

sections fiumara


le ge nd: bike line be a c h infr a structure boa t re nt a l ba r s re st a ur a nt s public gre e nhous e c a mping ma sse r ia pool & w e llnes s


project visualisations




2. 68

1. Spa | Wellness center 2. Network of Masserias 3. Agri-tourism 4. Green Island


4. 69


2. 70

1. Gathering platform 2. Observation Tower 3. Horse briding 4. cabin and fiumara platform


4. 71

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