Ya-Ting Huang_Portfolio 2013

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禾口電器設計 Hekou Design -


禾口設計是由六位年輕設計師所共同創立的電器設計品牌,以台灣傳統古早炊具文化為出發點,進而融合現代簡 約美學,打造台灣之概念品牌。 " HeKou Design", a designer electronic brand, was established by six young designers. The brand combines Taiwanese ancient kitchenware culture with modern minimalism to create a Taiwanese conceptual brand.


懷念起阿公阿嬤曾告訴我們,他們永遠也忘不了小時候,每每看到從蒸籠拿出的熱騰騰包子 和粽子。即使時代不同,蒸籠日漸鮮少使用,但懷念的滋味卻無法忘懷。禾口設計以台灣早 期使用的蒸籠型態為設計發想,結合竹子與不鏽鋼材質,突破傳統與現代簡約之風格,復古 與創新顯著並立,也使電鍋產品增添一份濃厚的台灣人情味。

Nostalgic grandparents have told us that they will never forget a child, they often see from the steamer out of the hot buns and dumplings. Even though the times are different, steamer increasingly rarely used, but they can not forget the taste of nostalgia. HeKou design patterns for the early use of the steamer design thoughts, combined with bamboo and stainless steel, breaking the traditional and modern minimalist style, retro side by side with remarkable innovation, but also the electric rice cooker products add a strong Taiwanese impersonal.





Branding Identity -



耕 座 Geng -


以三芝的橫山梯田為文化創意商品之發想。由於橫山丘陵地勢高低落差與山勢蜿蜒,因此古人 遂開闢此處為梯田,此處盛產「筊白筍」、「稻田」與「蓮花田」。筆座收納置物盒的設計有 其特點,以商品之右上處的支柱為支點,當旋開底下之置物層板,側面曲線呈現橫山梯田的蜿 蜒山勢之美。 Hengshan Hill of Sanzhi District is famous for its’ water bamboo, rice field and lotus pond. Hengshan Hill developed into Terrace Fields because of the disparity of height and also the zigzag paths. The Holder apply the pen hole part as its’ pivot. You will be amazed by the beauty of Hengshan Terrace Fields while unfolding the holder layers.

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三芝以崎嶇蜿蜒的地形開闢為梯田耕作,以農業為經濟發展的重心,早 期以水稻為主要栽種的作物,而由於人口大量外移,遂至今梯田已大多 休耕或種植睡蓮與筊白筍為觀光作物。 Sanzhi in rugged terrain open for the terraced farming, agriculture is the focus of economic development, the early planted with rice as the main crop, but because of the population have to be relocated, then so far have been mostly terraced fields fallow or planting lily with water bamboo a tourist crops.

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Eggbeater -

在忙碌的生活,我們是否忘了最初的聲音 ? 貝殼,讓我們聽見了來自海洋的聲音,無論身處何 處,都有著對大自然浪漫尋求的渴望。「貝殼蛋」打蛋機正是以此意象與渴望而誕生。當我們 打破蛋殼將蛋汁注入容器,又何嘗不是抱著享受調理美食為我們帶來的渴望呢 ! Do you remember the sound of your soul during the rush life? Shell, the link to hear the ocean, shows the desire for the nature to everyone. “Egg Shell” eggbeater presents the idea of craving for food, also the enjoyment for cook!

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台大水工試驗所 Hydrotech Research -

Icon Design 協助台灣大學水工試驗所精密儀器教材操作說明書之圖標設計。

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Iayout Design 試驗所精密儀器教材操作說明書之版面編輯設計。

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Web Layout 颱風水庫測站發佈動態消息之網頁版面編輯設計。

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3D Model 超音波泥沙濃度及流速量測系統之建模設計。

泥沙濃度: 探頭直徑25.4mm 本體: 長65cm, 直徑23.6cm (不含防撞保護板)

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DM Design 超音波泥沙濃度及流速量測系統之型錄設計。

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DM Design 環形水槽系統之型錄設計。

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絕處縫生 Vase -

孟子曰:「天將降大任於斯人也,必先苦其心志,勞其筋骨,餓其體膚,空乏其身,行拂亂 其所為,所以動心忍性,增益其所不能。」在困境中求取生存之道,是人生必經的過程;面 對逆境的襲來,也是考驗人生的課題。將石牆上的堅韌小草比喻為生存哲理,看似平凡卻不 簡單的向上精神,彷彿訴說著,人生態度就是如此。 Everyone has to conquer the difficulties in their life just like what Mencius said: “While a great man was selected by the god within a task, it will frustrate his mind, exhaust his body, starve his frame, live him in poverty and mess up all his situations to strengthen his will and enhance all his ability.” The grass in the stone wall seam is an allusive meaning of going forward in our life.

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大元食品 Da Yuan -

大元食品秉持用心的經營理念,研發製作多種零嘴,同時為消費者之健康嚴格把關。此次是針 對品牌標誌進行改良設計,以「一人一口」的標語進行標誌設計的發想。同時以三種養生堅果 系列進行包裝設計,採用日系和風色系,同時設計堅果之小圖,省去其他多餘說明,以溫暖的 形象與透明包裝,擄獲消費者的心,更讓消費者買得安心、吃得放心。 Da-Yuan Foods engages to do business responsibly. Da-Yuan Foods developed various snacks and concern every detail according to customers’ health. This project is designing the new trademark. “Snacks for everyone” is the slogan for this project. Apply traditional Japanese style to the package to a series of healthy nuts with simple nut pictures. A warm image with transparent package shows the confident of product safety and also won good reputation to customers.

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Clearer Toilet Paper -

設計圖樣取源於「水」與「葉」的意像為創作元素。包裝主色採用大地綠,配合設計圖樣排列出單純色系 的磁磚拼貼視覺效果,強調企業所訴求的「低調」、「奢華」與「環保意識」的概念。紙質則採用再生紙, 大豆油墨印刷而成,讓環保意識能更落實於產品中。 Inspired by the image of “Water” and “leaf”, the brand intends to interpret “Plain luxuriance” and “Environmental consideration” with Green color combines with Mosaic effect on the product cover. Using recycled paper as material and soy ink to print, realize environmentally friendly to the product.

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以法國長桿麵包的意像作為元素圖樣,堆疊成麥桿圖像,單色系的色彩表現,強調純天然與原 味製作的精神。 The pattern straw was formed by the long thin loaf of French bread “baguette” with single color. The image aims to emphasize the product insistence of natural made without artificial additive.

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Radiohead NICE DREAM -

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T-shirt Designs Collection

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