Ficha de Trabajo Codigo L.PM / 1 Date 22/09/2012 Idioma Inglés
Picture Matching
Nabe Time
Objetivo de la ficha: Tiempo: Nivel CEF:
Listening to the ingredients used for making a dish 10 min. A2 Nivel Cenlex Básico
Instruction. Go to the following web page. Task 1: You will see a game in which you will listen to two people, Michael and MJ, talking about how to prepare NABE. You will see the following image click where it says INTRUCTIONS
Follow the instructions
Recommendations: 1: You will see the following image ATTENTION TO THIS, we’ll use it later.
2: Even though you can choose to see the text, TURN IT OFF, so you can test yourself how much you can understand.
Yatziri Patricia Garza Granados
Página 1
3: (
For each correct answer you will see a green tick ) and then you can continue by pressing NEXT
If you answer incorrectly you will see a red cross
( ) and you can repeat the activity by clicking REPEAT
If you press the MENU button you will restart the activity and lose all answers.
Now answer the following questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
How did you do? Did you get all 6 correct? Did you make any mistakes? How many? Why did you make those mistakes? What do you need to have all the answers correct? Did you like this exercise?
Yatziri Patricia Garza Granados
Pรกgina 2