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Interior Design Portfolio

Yawei Zhang Yawei Zhang

CONTENTS 01 Fashion Boutique Store Page 1-5 02 Hope Visitor Center Page 6-9 03 Sproutbox Page 10-12 04 Cameo Page 13-15 05 IU Visitor Center Page 16-18 Graphic Design/ Drawings/ Models Page 19

01 Fashion Boutique Store [Layering / Curvilinear Form]

Academic Work, Commercial Design, Individual Work, 2015 Critic: Jee Yea Kim Location:130 Prince Street, Soho, New York City, NY 10012 Concept: The purpose is to provide a distinguished experience for each customer. The shop would stock multiple collections from different designers. Within various semi-private and public space, it would assist to enhance the shopping experience in order to satisfy customer’s’ unique demands. The store would provide exibility, privacy, and convenient for people.


Display Hanging System

Fashion Garment Technique-Layering

Isometric View

Detailed construction for hanging disyplay


Inspired by Fahion Technique

Isometric View



Section A-A’


3’ A






4’ C-C’





Spatial Configuration First Floor Plan

Programming Vertical Circulation

Basement Floor Plan

Programming Vertical Circulation

Lounge & Mannequin Display System

Display System

Staff Area Staff Area

Fitting Room

Fitting Room



First Floor

Floor Materials

First Floor-Section A-A’

Black Marble

White Fur

A A’

LED Panel

MULTIPLE LAYERING / CURVILINEAR FORM / ORGANIC The display system is built for different levels of height, it helps to create rhythm in the space. The women’s collections are on the first floor, and the men’s collections are on the basement floor. The floor materials are designed to create a contrast and a simplistic color code to highlight the graments. There are also freeform curved flooring that are embeded on the black marble flooring to have a very thin and white LED panel lights to emphasize the display area.


Basement Floor Furniture Materials

Basement Floor-Section B-B’

White Corian Display Mateiral



Chair Lounge Page






02 Hope Visitor Center [ Past-Present-Future ]

Academic Work, Commercial Design, Individual Work, 2015 Critic: Jonathan Racek Location: 613 Harrison St, Hope, IN 47246 Concept: To brand Hope as historical heritage, it is signifi-

cant to relate the history and the present. The relationship should be demonstrated in an interactive way. Personal moment would marked visitors’ memory.

Design Elements & Process

Original Building

New Space

Design Elements

Exhibition Dropped Ceiling

This is placed to guide people to circulate in the space, it connects the past, the present, and the future space together.

Exhibition Box:

It is used to place the exhibit; the box can be pulled down to appropriate height.

Projector Box This is a semi-private area for a small group of visitors to view video information. Page


Spatial Configuration Floor Plan

Diagramming Office


Interactive Space


Exhibition Circulation







Projector Box


Interior Courtyard



Interactive Screen

Interactive Floor

This is loacted in the original building; the interactive perspective would connect the space to the new area created. It encourages visitors to build their own experiences within the space.

The interactive floor would glow automatically whenever people steps on it. This is placed to connect the present to the future and provide another acitivity besides touring in the visitor center.



03 Sproutbox

[ Co-Work / flexibility ] Academic Work, Commercial Design, Individual Work, 2015 Critic: Louis Joyner Location: West 11th St, Bloomington, IN 47404 Concept: Students are part of the significant human resourc-

es in Bloomington. To create a space that is suitable for students who want to open a start-up firm, and change the environment to be innovative and urban. En-courage students to involve in the community.


Sproutbox (Co-work Office)

Leaf Pattern Inspired from logo

Pattern in Space

Cloud Ceiling Pattern

The pattern allows a strong company spirit to be presented in the space. Although there would be multiple small companies work together, the building is still owned by Sproutbox. As the firm wants to present a young, energetic, and friendly environment.

Ceiling Pattern

Wall Pattern

Room Pattern



Spatial Configuration First Floor Plan

Programming Cafe

Demo & Shop Area

Resource Room

Reception & Lounge

Private Office

Nap Room

Co-Work Area

Conference Room

Second Floor Plan



Reception Desk


Resource Room



04 Cameo

[ Cultural Center / Circular ] Academic Work, Commercial Design, Individual Work, 2014 Critic: Marleen Newman Location: Place: 845 8th St, Columbus, IN 47201 Concept: The space I want to create is to have more flexibility; it could accommodate clients’ usage. As a result, walls are very limited in the space. I have two circle glass wall to define the rhythm, and emphasizes two important area: one is café and the other one is reception. The circles are connected by gift shop wall that separate the space asymmetrical. The open spaces’ purpose is for gallery and flexible office area.

First Floor Plan

Second Floor Plan

Programming Cafe

Inspiration Image


Office Area

Gift Shop Wall


Spa-Second Floor

Furniture Choice



North Section


Reception Gallery and Gift Shop Wall



Side View

East Section



05 Indiana University Visitor Center [Building with Flow]

Academic Work, Commercial Design, Group Work Critic: Jee Yea Kim Location: 530 E. Kirkwood Avenue, Suite 104, Bloomington, IN 47408 Concept: Indiana University is known for its athletic events and games, and Bloomington is wealthy in natural environment. The concept of our design is to create an energetic movement that will encourage user’s of the space to flow and circulate easily from one area’s action to another.

Floor Plan Entrance

Design Concept Reception



IU Wall


IU Primary Color

Meeting Area The building is designed to have two different flow as a circulation guide inside the space. The flow with the floor would have wood as the material but painted in different colors. One color would be cream, and the orther one is redish brown. The furniture is all built in so it would be seen as invisible on the floor plan as it become a part of the floor.

IU Crimson

IU Cream

IU Candy Strip Pants

Ceiling Plan For the ceiling, strip lights are installed within the flow. The ceiling also has two layers, one is at 9’6” level, and the other one is at 10’ level. The colors are kept as white and redish brown. It matches with the colors on the floor. Floor - Ceiling Pattern



Embeded Furniture

Hanging Desk (reception)


Hanging Desk (ipad)

Desk (meeting)






Graphic Design/ Drawings / Models

Ludwig Mies van der Rohe He is an influential figure for modern architecture. The most famous quote is “ Less is more�. He built lots of skyscrapers when he headed to the United States around 1933. In his design, there are minimal walls and columns, they are seen as various glass box from outside. The beauty of rational and light ideas are well-known.

Joost Schmidt The most famous work he did is Exhibition Poster for Bauhaus. He combined geometric forms with scripts. With the interpretation of text and artistic form, it really highlights the Expressionist graphics. This poster helps Bauhaus to build its reputation; without the poster, Bauhaus would not be as famous as the present.

Laszlo Moholy-Nagy

Herbert Bayer

Marcel Beurer

For Laszlo, he designed Exhibition Catalogs with other designers that the layout challenges traditional bookdesigners. He constructed typographical experiment like nobody else. He is most well-known for his three colors arrangement for the text and the background. His design has asymmetric balance. His design changes the illustrations of the images with text.

The title page he designed for Bauhaus is seen as a milestone in the modern commercial art. As a graphic designer, he linked different media into this title page. The relationship of light and shadows, negative and positive, foreground and background are all well designed and illustrated. He marked the innovation of typography and advertising design to a formal level.

As the genesis of modern steel chair, Marcel focused on the appearance of the material expression. The famous Wassily Chair has fluent lines of steel frames combined with stripes of black fabric. This simplicity marks the aesthetic machine-like property in the design, also the main focused of Bauhaus ideas.



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