ysi 2007-2018

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+1 480 692 0750

Ya-Shin Tzeng

ytzeng@gsd.harvard.edu 12 1/2 Grant Street #2, Cambridge, MA, 02138 USA




Chapter I

-GSD Studio Project

001. The Hale-Scape

Excavating Space and Nature in Tokyo

Harvard GSD Option Studio - 2017 Fall

Chapter II

-Space & Percept Undergraduate & Professional Projects

-Rethinking Urban Indurtry In The Digtal Age

Professional Project @ Banmu Tang Environmental Integration Group.

Harvard GSD Option Studio - 2018 Spring

003. The MESAs : Moving Things Around

005. Solar-Term Architecture 2012 Professional Project

Harvard GSD Option Studio - 2017 Spring

Brick: Thick & Thin

Harvard GSD Option Studio - 2016 Fall

Graduation Thesis Tunghai University Outstanding Thesis Design Award

005. Solar-Term Architecture

002. Experience Industry of Zurich City

004. Porosity of the Bogotá city

005. Spatial- Perception Tourism

Chapter III

-work samples


Chapter I

-GSD Studio Project



THE HALF-SCAPE Excavating Space and Nature in Tokyo Academic/ personal project Harvard Graduate School of Design 2017 Fall Option Studio (Landscape Architecture Department)

-Advisor / 三谷徹 Mitani Toru ,千葉学 Manabu Chiba. -Location / Tokyo, Japan -Type / Public Space, Infrastructure, Experimental theater

This proposal for the Kanda river is creating a series of space along the river that when people stay at one side of the river, their movement is related to another side. Those spaces are paired together and complete each other and running public programs related to or inspired by the water, and pick up the water culture/ nature environment that people have had since the Edo period back to the city. Since Edo period, Tokyo city and the tangle water system features many bridges crossing the river, canal. The place at the foot of the bridge called "Hashizume" which is a public square that we'll see economic ac tivities gathered around from Ukiyo-e. People used to enjoy the view of the water from the

space like tea houses around Hashizume. However, bridges are built for efficiency as city infrastructure today, some of them are now for metro and trains only or covered by the road. Bridges under the highway or metro /railway bridges are remaining space of city infrastructure. There’s almost no public space for pedestrians like it was in the past. The series of pairing spaces provides immersive experiences of plays, performances, presenting art installations, music events, and performance arts. Those type of urban activities have one thing in common; they can adapt or be inspired by the water flow of the Kanda river.

Marunouchi metro line bridge (Pocket Park) Hijiribashi Bridge ( Urban Sculpture) Ochanomizu Bridge ( Transportation Hub)





Shohei Bridge (Bridge Complex)






The projec t includes four sets of the protot ype of new Hashizime, the bridge foot square; they can also apply to other bridges all over the Tok yo water ways to b r i n g t h e p u b l i c i t y i n p e d e s t r i a n - s c a l e.


Ochanomizu neighborhood

F O R T H E AT E R E V E N T S : T h e a t e r a n d t h e audience seats are separated into two sides of the river, the correspondence of the two program provides a relationship of watching and being watched. It also represents the potentiality of seeing the water flow. Water can be part of a stage or audience seat depends on the what performance is going on.

Section of Ochanomizu Bridge

School / Universities Theatre Music Shops

Marunouchi metro line bridge

i Bridge


Ochanomizu Bridge






i Bridg




Ochanomizu Bridge Structure

Train Station Entrance / A pair of Bridge foot Public square

Mezzanine / Railway, platform level

Another pair of public space under the beidge

The design of Ochnomizu station consists with a pair of bridge foot squares, and connect them with a pedestrian walkway attached to the original bridge structure. A deck in the middle of it the walkway for staying and overlook the river.


Entrance of Ochanomizu Metro Station View from across the street


The walkway wrapping up and down and form the space under the bridge to form an open staged and seated platform which is separated by the two side of the river. Kanda river can be part of either depends on the events. So the dialogue of bridge foot public space not only happen on the ground floor but also under the bridge. The pair of space is flexible regarding function; it can be a platform for casual performing, practicing, even intend to be a gray space in the city.


Section of Ochanomizu Bridge

View of Ochanomizu Bridge Hijiribashi Bridge

from the boat cruising under


Shohei bridge applied the same strategy with the Ochanomizu bridge; there is a pair of space connected with the walkway and an observation deck standing in front of each other across the river. The set of public space supporting the remaining warehouse of Old Shohei Bridge station which running as restaurants currently.


Section of Shohei Bridge

View of Shohei Bridge


Next to Marunouchi metro line bridge, a pocket park was created to have a conversation with the site context; there are steps under the canopy structure which is lited up for people to sitting in the shade under it and enjoy a moment away from the bustle ground level.


Trains pass over the Kanda River in the Ochanomizu district of Tokyo

They lay their eyes down across the river, the retaining wall of the tunnel was cut open, it is the stage displays different lines of the trains crossing over, a play presenting the pulse of the city.

View of Packet Park of Marunouchi metro line bridge


EXPERIENCE INDUSTRY OF ZURICH CITY Rethinking Urban Indurtry In The Digtal Age Academic/ Group Work Harvard Graduate School of Design 2018 Spring Option Studio (Urban Design Department)

Experience industry as a new cultural

This project is about making Experience industry as a cultural in Zurich city. It celebrates industrial heritage, its remaining industrial icons as well as the culture of congestion which is the hallmark of urbanity. It accepts the fact that cities turn nature into culture, where culture is ultimately a product of (collective) human fantasy.

-Advisor / Markus Schaefer and Hiromi Hosoya form Hosoya Schaefer Architects -Partners / Ping Zhung and Xinyu Cao -Location / Zurich, Switzerland -Type / Mix-use, (Residential, commercial, and Light Industrial)



Public Space




The central plaza and interaction -the way that people gather

The project fosters the co-living and co-working vibe in the campus by providing mixed-use space and public space sequence which wraps innovative labs/ workshops, light manufacturing factories, merchandise space and housing together. Introduce the central L shape corridor with the sky gallery crossing over, the design leads the buildings facing each other and provides a new relationship that brings together all of the various ways that people gather. Therefore, the project satisfies the need for flexible industrial spaces but also establishes an interactive and dynamic urban infrastructure /platform for the creative culture and domestic life.


Digital age and the experimental community

The bustling central L shape corridor shared by all community members include makers, researchers, artists, residents, a n d n e i g h b o r h o o d . T hu s , a p p l y i n g digital layer into this public space allows the platform to serve multiple types of users and it is an efficient management system of all public activities such as art installations, community events, outdoor screening, open market, etc. For example, the hybrid façade (which c o m b i n e s m e d i a , k i n e t i c , e l e v a t o r,


storage, showcase together) is one of our digital strategies to operating the central L shape corridor. The sensors installed insi d e w o ul d c a pture t h e dat a a n d model it into maps. Those façades would generate transparent and equal discussion of products and receive prompt feedback on site. W i t h “e x p e r i e n c e i n d u s t r y ” a s i t s launchpad, the Oerlikon district will be a place where people and companies come to engineer solutions to tough urban industry challenges and to export the ideas sparked in Zurich to the world.




View from Connected Platform


TYPE C: MANAGEMENT BUILDING 1. Security station 2. Regular Offices 3. light manufacturing industry 4. Plateform


Hybird Learning Center

1. Main Entrance 2. Community Entrance 3. Hotel 4. Plateform 5. Offices & Labs 6. Workshops

❷ ❶

❷ TYPE E: CO-LIVING 1. Artists in Residence 2. Community Room 3. Housing 4. Courtyard

❷ 21

View of Courtyard form Co-Living Housing


TYPE A: INDUSTRY SHOWCASE 1. Showcase Facade 2. Plateform 3. Old Structure 4. Offices

Community Entrance between Hybird Learning Center and Co-Living Housing

TYPE B: HIGH-TECH LAB 1. Robot Lab. 2. Regular high-tech Labs. 3. Open Plaza with Landscape. 4. Historical Building.

TYPE B: CRAFT STUDIO 1. Craft Studios with offices. 2. Open Plaza with old structure. 3. Sky Gallery. 4.Lecture Hall

The representational device combinates several 'theatrical flats' surfaces and frame out the conceptual and practical ideas of the design. 23

Industry Showcase Piazza

❶ ❷


Porosity of the City Brick:Thick &Thin Academic/ Individual project 2016 Fall GSD Option Studio Harvard Graduate School of Design

-Advisor / Frano Violich -Location / Bogota, Colombia -Type / Incubator Center + Museum Expansion

BRICK: THICK/THIN aims to challenge perceived notions of brick and its use in archite c ture and sugges t viable proof-of-concept alternatives that raise questions about surface, structure, and material character. With this studio, designers are invited to explore a material paradox that the discipline of architecture has constructed around the idea of brick and its status as a contemporar y building material......" ". . . T h r o u g h o u t h i s t o r y t h e “ t h i c k n e s s” o f b r i c k h a s b e e n characterized by the excess need to structure building, bridges, and other forms of urban infrastructure while producing seminal instances of g e ometr y, form - making and, a s a re sul t , co nt r ibu t ing to t h e architectural idea of the habitable “p o c h e ”. To d a y t h e n o t i o n o f thickness has been replaced by a desire for the opposite, transparency a n d “ t h i n n e s s” W h a t r o l e c a n this ubiquitous material play in an increasingly global and digitized world of material production? Rather than accept an either/or condition, the studio will explore and offer alternatives toward a more hybridic, both/and strategy. " - Frano Violich 25

Inside and outside porosity with layers of landscape platforms lying on the site


The site is located on a long slope, and the design strategy to response the 15 meters landscape height difference from the north side to the south creats layers of platforms for buildings to sit on.

Site Stratedy

By arranging the building volume from tall to short, the height difference of the site was connec ted inside and outside. Furthermore, the building design integrating with the landscape provides a hybrid urban spatial experience of the city public space. When people see the street corner plaza, the posture of the cultural center is a park; when window shopping at the art studios, people see the alleys between units as clues of the artist village. In the cultural center, the connected circulation makes people step into a gallery when they are unawared.




In this project, landscaping is a way to manipulate the circulation which guides people walking into the "street" between the workshops on the ground floor from the entrance piazza on the street corner and meet artists and their creations.



Continuous Roof Canopy

The roof canopy response to the topology and the skyline of Bogoda city, also unify the projec t since work shop unit s that embedded in the landscape are separated by the connecting collaborating spaces (the "street.") Creating semi-outdoor roof plat forms in bet ween the canopy and the buildings, the roof design allowing occasional exhibits and performance to happen.

Graffiti culture in Bogota


The original and authentic graffiti and street art in Bogota are familiar by every citizen and encouraged by the government, Artists directly involved in the Bogota urban culture by painting on the brick at the incubation Center which is the new wing of Colombian National Museum.


Debrickization/ Rebrickization

Dry Stack Experiment Debrickization/ Rebrickization is an experiment based on the reflections on traditional Taiwanese constructional treatment of bricks as both a language of framing and infillment, which reveals the conflict b et we en the g e om etric asp e c t s of the brick and the material properties of the brick. It started out as an exploration into unusual connecting techniques of bricks that are capable of creating varying internal space and pockets within a brick wall, especially under a gravit ation -free circums t ance, which gradually deconstructs t h e b r i c k ’s i n h e r e nt m a t e r i a li t y and achieves a pure geometrical


miniature of a brick wall. However, the brick, as it would eventually make its presence on a construction field, bears inalienable properties of it s own, it s brickness, i.e. it s weight, its surface friction, etc. These properties would set restrictions on the brick’s geometric properties and the two, both as the shaping force of a brick wall, will inevitably get into the dialog with each other. In the end, the idealized sculpting force, as signified by the b r i c k ’s p ur e g e o m e t r y, a n d t h e material rationalization, as required by the brick’s inertia, both find their place and reach a symbiosis on the wall.


The MESA Moving Things Around Academic/ Individual project 2017 Spring GSD Option Studio Harvard Graduate School of Design -Advisor / Wonne Ickx -Location / Plaza Zarco, Mexico City -Type / Museum and Lecture Halls

The context surrounding Plaza Zarco is complex, it was Spanish troop base and the shelter for injured soldiers after they had taken Tenochtitlan. Now, it is the public space for the local market, religion processions, and other public events. Street vendors are every where in the Mexico City, vendors' tents pop-up in the city anywhere, it's also a daily element surrounding the site. THE MESAS: The new cultural center should be a skeleton with emptiness waiting for layers of culture, and new creations to grow. Thus, I came up with this idea, the Mesas, or the table, platforms

to lif t up the volume, so the Plaza remains open, allowing people to pass or see through it. M O V I N G T H I N G S A R O U N G: E a c h o f t h e s e Mesas has its par ticular roles in this design. The small table frame up the entrance, lead people from Plaza Zarco to the gallery, these two with drawers holding the large and small lecture halls. The last on is a shelf, backing up the others. For example, for exhibition space, it defined small exhibition rooms, for lecture halls, it contains office, backstage, and waiting room for visitors.

5F Mezzanine





Primary school


Plaza Zarco





Reform seo DeLa

The elevated volumes allow people from the plaza to flow on the ground floor. It is also can be seen as a performance stage of the city from the Alameda Park across the street.




perspective from the Plaza Zarco





People who walk around the school campus at the north of Plaza Zarco would experience the integration of the surround alleys of the neighborhood with the cultural center.

perspective from northside of Plaza Zarco



Inspired by Aldo Rossi's "The Little Scientific Theater," The representational device combinates several 'theatrical flats' surfaces and frame out the conceptual/ practical ideas of the design :

Masas on the Plaza Zarco

The "Teatrino" model assembling spatial elements in the city to study the volumes facing the plaza Zarco being lifted up to keep the porosity on the ground floor.

Misaligning wall-columns

This view shows the idea of misaligning the wall-columns which are the supports of the MASAs elements; people standing in the ground floor of the building will experience the sequence of the walls like in the woods. perspective from the corridor and Exhibition SPACE 41


South Elevation

North Elevation

Short Section

East Elevation


West Elevation

Long Section


Chapter II

-Space & Percept Undergraduate & Professional Projects



SPATIAL-PERCEPTION TOURISM TRA Shen-Ao Branch Line Transitional Transport Spaces Academic/ personal project graduation thesis 2011 Outstanding Thesis Design Award, Tunghai University -Advisor / Lin-Wei Chen -Location / Ruifang, Taiwan

01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11.

Landscaping Platform Level Lookout Staff Room/Train Control Room Main Hall Connecting Bridge Ticket Gate Ticketing & Information Office Ticket Hall Parking Driveway






10 M

-Type / Hostel+Transport

Traveling by train, people have been confined in their seats, encounters various hours of speeding visual events outside the window, which I described as “people putting their body in the passive mode. “ Dull sensor y-perceptual organs suddenly became sensitive to the surroundings, receiving messages and initiating all voluntary actions once they get off the train.



09 e El


on ti va





Design Strategy : The design of


train station and landscaping strategy try to create a plot of the spot, in which every traveler plays a part in it by passing the train stations. It’s a prototype of train station which against functional stations that we have now. Senses of programmed spaces within the station aim to make p e ople w ho are appro aching the destination be aware of the original milieu they are going to visit. Train station divided into pieces of single events scatter around the site. When combined as a unit, train station seems to vanish into an experience for travelers. Programming functional facilities such as platform ticket selling space, the need of staying overnight (the transit hotel) and other services interacting with landscape features reveals a possible new building-type to meet the need of Spatial-Perception tourism.



[A] Floating Islands

I bought a ticket at the station and gradually went to sleep the train pulled off the moment. I wasn't awake until the train started to slow down and stop under the bridge, I got off the platform which was surrounded by water and could be properly called an "island"…


05 01





[B] Bridge

[C] Echoing Halls

While strolling on the bridge between the two wall-like structures, I heard my sound echoed off the concrete walls; playfully I tested it again by whistling.

Section A-A'

[D] Within The Wall

There were reflections of mountains, trees and clouds on the water. It started to drizzle, the reflections rippled while the tide of wave split along the rail. I looked up and found that my hostel tonight was rolling to me.

Elevation A 0 1 2




10 M


[E] Rolling-Chamber

There were reflections of mountains, trees and clouds on the water. It started to drizzle, the reflections rippled while the tide of wave split along the rail. I looked up and found that my hostel tonight was rolling to me. Walking on the rugged platform, I felt as if I was hiking along


a hill. Hearing the sound echoing in the valley, I couldn’t help wondering if it’s the noise of incoming train or the sound of waves. The air reminds me that nearby a harbor, since winds from the sea are always moist like this. I get my seat. According to number on the ticket. This seat is my room tonight.


[F] Temporary Lobby/ Corridor

[G] Seaside village/ Fishing harbor

The overnight Rolling-chamber all parked at a platform in parallel during sunset. The united-passage was a hotel lobby. This platform structure offers shower rooms, outdoor lounge space and media tour for tourists.

The time flew after I got off the Rollingchamber and strolled along the stairs at this mountain village, overlooked the harbor, the sea, and the lights from Jiufen and Jinguashi from the far afield. It’s time to enjoy some fresh seafood at dinner.







02 06




01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 0


Water Landscaping Rolling Stock Main Hall in Rolling Chamber Platform Outdoor Lounge Shower/ SPA Tunnel Entrance Sky Window of Tunnel Hiking Ways Patio Village Square Harbor 5


20 M


[H] The Second Skin Of Rolling-Chamber

Rolling-chambers slide into an old tunnel after sunset, the sound of crew shouting, engines roaring and echoing filled the w hol e c ave. I was like a mineworker waiting to be transported into a cave. The passenger from another bed came over and chatted about a mine by the sea where you could hear the waves hitting the bank under the mine…


There are several open-cuts on the top of the tunnel, I heard some people sneaked out of the sky window from bed for starry night sky and the dim crescent moonrise over the ocean surface.

[E] Rolling-chamber

We were welcomed by the sunrise with the breeze by the sea while rolling chambers slide out the dark tunnel. We had ourselves freshened up and get off for the next trip.


SOLAR-TERM ARCHITECTURE Baumn Eco-Community Professional work Banmu Architects +Banmu Tang Environmental Integration Group. - Position / Project designer - Date / 2013- Supervisor / Bojiun Tang - Location / Baoshan,Hsinchu, Taiwan - Type / Residential

Green street, Open space Sun, Water, Nature

In Baoshan, the layers of gravel and s a n d are a d va nt a g e o u s to nature purification and water decontamination. Sustainable water filtration systems ser ved as the communit y ’s master plan for its infiltration and subsurface storage of rain and river water. The project including a water-efficient landscape design, and a trail for hiking interweaves with the water system.




The upper level of LS-Summer villa is visible, and the lower level is submerged in sloped terrain. The two parts was connected by the courtyard.

BS/ Stream Village of Spring Commences LS/ Lake-Side Summer Villa HA/ Autumnal Hill Village 59

CW/ Lodge in Cold Dew Island 60

Entrance Bridge/Outdoor Covered Patio & Courtyard



05 04



GF plan (Entrance Level)

Roof plan



01. Garage 02. Entrance Bridge/ 18



18 12 13

14 16




12 12

-2F plan 61

-1F plan


03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Outdoor Covered Patio Entry Foyer Parlor Stair case Pool Grass Garden Hall Reading Room Master Bedroom Bathtub Terrace Bedroom Courtyard /Pool Dining Room Kitchen Family Living Room Stone Walkway Lake Chimney (Attic)


The main character of vernacular architecture of Taiwan traditional farmer so ciet y is Grain - sunning ground. A big family is able to form a -mini community by the quadrangle courtyard (Siheyuan). The courtyard was verticality designed in the vertical modern society, and farming chores happening in grain-sunning ground were replaced by casual activities under the "family tree".

BS/ Stream Village of Spring Commences LS/ Lake-Side Summer Villa HA/ Autumnal Hill Village 63

CW/ Lodge in Cold Dew Island


STREAM VILLAGE OF SPRING COMMENCE Solar-Terms Signal The Seasonal Changes

Facade, Entrance,[A]

T here are t wo building t ypes in the village.By removing the fences between the two to create a big yard, client is able to purchase two units for a big family. Thank s to the abundant flora in Taiwan in which green plants Varying flourishingly with seasons, people need to be sensitive to be observant of the differences of the landscape in different seasons.

I n o r d e r to s i g na l t h e s e a s o na l changes, the community was divided into four villages referring to four seasons. Each village has 24 buildings named according to 24 solar terms. Every building was given a special "family tree" which is a unique specie flowering or loading with fruit in a certain solar term. Thus, Each village has delightful views with 24 different trees flourishing in sequence.

[ Ty p e A ] V e n t i l a t i o n t h r o u g h double layered roof make a major contribution to energy-saving in hot summer days. [ Type B ] A sloping green roof provide thermal insulation and also facilitates the collection of rainwater.

Outdoor Covered Roof[A]

Under The Bridge, Hall Way

BS/ Stream Village of Spring Commences LS/ Lake-Side Summer Villa HA/ Autumnal Hill Village

The Bridge, Hall Way[B]


CW/ Lodge in Cold Dew Island


Chapter III

-work samples



Competition / Group project Honorable Mention W.S.HUNG Annual Memorial Award 2006

A Transformable / Responsive Space For Living

The issue of the competition was [Amoeba House] which is discussing unsettled site in urban and the reasons that contributed to the unstable phenomenon. The city has been using traffic lights to control conflicting flows of traffic, which is using

[time] to alternate the right of lanes. I n ot h e r wo rds, traf fi c light s put a re s t n ote o n the tempo of dynamic city.In Carousel of the City, the dynamic interaction mechanism, we respond to the short-suspension moment with [visualized time] by adding another movement into the interaction to bridge the gap between city blocks.

Motile Space [ 動 ˙ 物 ] Spatial nstallation exhibition of Taiwan A v a n t - g a r d e D o c u m e n t a ( TA D ) . Team Members(Studio AR-CH): Jr- Gan g Chi (Prin cip al),Steve Winte r, Chao,Shih-Hsien, Wei-Hsiang Chao, Sin-Ye Hsieh, Hsiu-Yu Yen, Yashin Tzeng

This project aims to create an impromptu spatial experience through a dynamic interaction between body and architecture. When visitors step onto the platform, their body weight

t r i g g e r s t h e a p p aratus to m ove. The frame and platform moving in response to the visitors' movement, the overall architectural form changes correspondingly.

" … the city is over the void, bound to the two crests with ropes and chains and c a t w a l k s . … c a re f u l n o t t o set your foot in the open spaces, or you cling to the hempen strands. …This is the foundation of the city: a net which serves as passage and as support. …" —Italo Calvino, Thin CitiesOctavia,Invisible Cities, 1972




The Moving body & THe tumbling land

Academic Personal project 2010Advisor / Michael Yeh Location / Taichung, Taiwan Type / Sport center

The building sitting on a gentle slope, surrounded by outdoor sport facilities such as basket courts, ground track field, volleyball courts, swimming pool etc. By wrapping up the landscape, compressing the function boxes and packing up, and then, lifting up packages, I am intending to provide a non-intrusive space for people roaming on the ground level.



Gelee! GSD Course 2017 Immersive landscape- representation through Gaming technology


This project is an adventure puzzle game created with Unit y game engine and modeled with 3D MAX. The game set in the future after apocalyptic Earth which is the result of an asteroid hitting. A little Jelly

travels to shaky and distorted Earth to search and rescue his friend, Mr. Bench. Players are able to explore the New Earth´s landscape by clicking and pointing at peculiar plants and other mysterious landscape features.

The Castle restreat Competition project 2017

At t h e fo ot of t h e o l d - c as t l e, we c a tc h t h e p h e n o m e na l l a n d s c a p e quality retained from nomadic ways of historical progression and

take the warrior's fort and tent as a design element. The curtain forms a lightweight platform for each hotel unit, bring man’s imagination beyond the bounds of space and time. Curtains provide a sense of privacy and create

a lanterns-like visual effect spread out the mountain. The bygone glory days must have the similar moments: people gathering around the campfire. They were warriors; they tell stories of battles and looking at the fire at midnight.


SILENCE The Nagasaki street Movie set construction ,2015 Construction Assitant Art-Constraction Department, Taiwan Sun Mountain Films Ltd.


Directed by Martin Scorsese, Silence is a 2016 historical period drama film based on the 1966 novel of the same name by Shusaku Endo. Set in Nagasaki, Japan, the film was shot entirely in Taiwan. Hired as Construction Assitant and architect, I

assisted communication between teams of Ar t Depar tment and construction p rofe s s i o ns o n s i te, m e d i a t i n g t h e constructive issues and offering structural consulting.

Living at Para-Site Life @ Elsewhere Competition/ Merit Award W.S.HUNG Annual Memorial Award

Through the third space, people share life moments with new generations when

they all passed away. The third space between actual space and virtual space was based on a real site, an important logging towndecomissiomd for decades. Now, only old citizens who could tell visitors stories about prosperous bygone days live in the semi-ruins. Instead of restoring those historical buildings, we

try to patch up the broken house and piecemeal stories by inserting mediaprogrammed data collecting walls. The Data could be edited by people who had lived here and cultural historians,and allowing people living in the house in the form of visualized data, keep doing their daily routine.


Luodong Cultural Working House 1999-2013 Cultural center, Luodong, Taiwan 2010 Internship Huang Sheng-Yuan + Field Office Architect


Directed by Martin Scorsese, Silence is a 2016 historical period drama film based on the 1966 novel of the same name by Shusaku Endo. Set in Nagasaki, Japan, the film was shot entirely in Taiwan. Hired as

Construction Assitant and architect, I assisted communication between teams of Ar t Depar tment and construction professions on site, mediating the constructive issues and offering structural consulting.

Next-Gene 20 Farming's House Residential Yilan, Taiwan 2010 Internship Huang Sheng-Yuan+ Field Office Architect

This building is a weekend house of a hospitable and gracious retired couple with their dogs. The building offers a large terrace as an extension of the living room. All the wood panels of the ceiling window

can be all collect into the pocket space aside the terrace to erase the indoor- outdoor boundary and create a semi-outdoor living room for ever y gathering events with friends and family.


YUNLIN TOWNHOUSE Professional work 2015 Residential Yunlin, Taiwan Architectual designer @ Wang Hsiaokuei Architecture Studio


Surrounded by padd y field, the project is located in the satellite city of southern Taiwan, a newly developed high-speed rail zoning area. The project includes 24 houses line up face to face and a public

atrium which was the ex tension after the project constructed due to the community's needs for casual gathering and meeting space for seniors and kids in the breezy evening.

HILL HOUSE Professional work Residential 2014-2016 Yunlin, Taiwan WangHsiaoKuei Architects Architectual designer @ Wang Hsiao-kuei Architecture Studio

This building is a weekend house of a hospitable and gracious retired couple with their dogs. The building offers a large terrace as an extension of the living room. All the wood panels of the ceiling window can

be all collect into the pocket space aside the terrace to erase the indooroutdo or boundar y and create a semi-outdoor living room for every gathering events with friends and family.


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