introduction by the unruly k cover PHOTOGRAPH // fixxxer PHOTOGRAPH ON THIS PAGE // elultimoheroE All images and text Š 2014 thEIr respectful owners www.yayhooray.net
Neil Young once said this thing on the radio about how to record and rerecord and rererecord and rerererecord a song is, for him, a way of moving farther from the truth of the piece — closer to technical perfection perhaps but farther from the spirit of the song. I think something along these lines is often true of film photography versus its digital confrère, too. Sometimes there’s value in blur or haze or the accidental. Sometimes flaw is the compelling component. Sometimes there’s a greater reward – including but not When we hone and limited to a shivering up of refine what we make too the skin – in the illuminatory much, when we’re keen, moment that can come when keen, ohmygod so keen knowing is delayed. Maybe we don’t need to see and to edit and manipulate, correct (or delete) so many work can lose vitality. Is of the photographs we take perfection the aim? practically in the instant of taking them. Maybe patience really is a virtue; maybe joy really does lie in the making. When we hone and refine what we make too much, when we’re keen, keen, ohmygod so keen to edit and manipulate, work can lose vitality. Is perfection the aim? Or is revelation the truly
succulent goal? Surely for both the maker and the partaker an unleashing of feeling and a skinpirickle of epiphany are what resonate and render memorable the experience of making or engaging with what has been made. Me, I always come down on the side of “goosebump me up”. Speaking of which: you know what really goosebumps me up? Leonard Cohen’s description of wabi sabi in “Anthem”, that’s what: “Forget your perfect offering / There is a crack in everything / That’s how the light gets in.” That’s an article of faith for me; I can admire work that’s slick, but the perfect offering will never roil me up the way the imperfect one does. I love this disposable camera undertaking because there’s a reminder on every page of the nutrient value of acquiescing to flaw and chance.
potatoeskillme 4 // Disposable volume one // danchrys
danchrys // Disposable volume one // 5
disposableĂŠ //ĂŠ potatoeskillme
Ê potatoeskillmeÊ //Ê disposable
disposableĂŠ //ĂŠ potatoeskillme
Ê potatoeskillmeÊ //Ê disposable
disposableÊ //Ê danchrys
Ê danchrysÊ //Ê disposable
disposableÊ //Ê beat
Ê beatÊ //Ê disposable
disposableÊ //Ê beat
Ê beatÊ //Ê disposable
disposableÊ //Ê reiver
Ê reiverÊ //Ê disposable
disposableĂŠ //ĂŠ sevenzombie
Ê sevenzombieÊ //Ê disposable
disposableĂŠ //ĂŠ elultimoheroe
Ê elultimoheroeÊ //Ê disposable
disposableÊ //Ê d5tryr
Ê d5tryrÊ //Ê disposable
disposableÊ //Ê purl
Ê purlÊ //Ê disposable
disposableÊ //Ê veckrot
Ê veckrotÊ //Ê disposable
disposableÊ //Ê stenzor
Ê stenzorÊ //Ê disposable
disposableÊ //Ê teepz
Ê teepzÊ //Ê disposable
disposableÊ //Ê mod
Ê modÊ //Ê disposable
disposableÊ //Ê rowlification
Ê rowlificationÊ //Ê disposable
disposableĂŠ //ĂŠ taliesin
Ê taliesinÊ //Ê disposable
disposableÊ //Ê scruffics
Ê scrufficsÊ //Ê disposable
disposableÊ //Ê jak
Ê jakÊ //Ê disposable
disposableÊ //Ê nicko
Ê nickoÊ //Ê disposable
Ê hexicaÊ //Ê disposable
disposableÊ //Ê whatintheworld
Ê whatintheworldÊ //Ê disposable
disposableÊ //Ê fixxxer
Ê fixxxerÊ //Ê disposable
disposableĂŠ //ĂŠ trilobites
Ê trilobitesÊ //Ê disposable
pure kreation
Ê pureÊ kreationÊ //Ê disposable
disposableÊ //Ê dornrade
Ê dornradeÊ //Ê disposable