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Leeds College of Art BA (Hons) ILLUSTRATION OUIL603 Extended Practice



Credits 60

STUDIO PRACTICE Statement of Intent Name

Janice Leung

Blog Address jl257911

Date Rationale The briefs I choose will be used as a continuation of exploring architecture and maps; something I recently discovered I enjoyed drawing in CoP3. Since the drawings I made for CoP had no context, this module will help me find out how to apply the images I make to different industries within illustration, such as public art, editorial, and publishing. I will continue to create editorial illustrations so I will still be used to working on briefs with short deadlines.

Themes / Subjects Editorial-current affairs (politics, technology, culture) architecture travelling public art publishing maps animation Products / Methods of Distribution Digital prints digital images murals possibly publications

Practical Skills / Media / Formats Digital drawing mural digital printing quick turnaround deadlines (being able to visually translate an article within a short period of time) frame-by-frame animation

Brief 1: Lifting Tower brief



Rationale: Animation has always been an interest of mine but I’ve not had the opportunity to pursue it. This brief will allow me to experiment and continue to develop my frame-by-frame animation skills. I will also have the chance to collaborate with people from the animation course which may be fruitful as I could learn more about animation from them. Brief 2: Weekly editorial brief



Rationale: I will be creating an editorial illustration on a randomly chosen article once a week, within the span of 1-2 days. This self-initiated brief will allow me to continue to develop my editorial illustration skills, as well as getting used to briefs with short deadlines. Brief 3: Travelling Man brief



Rationale: This brief is different to what I’m used to drawing, and will force me to work outside my comfort zone. Since the theme is “fanart” and is very open, I will be able to explore outside my comfort zone without constraints. Brief 4: IBIS mural brief



Rationale: I proposed that my architectural drawings/maps would be large-scaled images placed in public, which would give the image an interactive element as the audience would be observing the details within the image, immersing themselves into the image itself. This brief will allow me to place my architectural drawings into real-life context as well as experiment with drawing real cities instead of imagined ones.

Brief 5: Deadline May MEPC brief (FMP) Rationale: This brief doesn’t have a set topic; the only constraint was that it has to fit on a 14-meter-long wall. This will give me the opportunity to pitch the clients an idea of letting me create a large scaled image of Leeds. Similar to the IBIS brief, this will allow me to place my architectural drawings into the

context of public art.

Additional Project Proposals Brief 6: book cover for photography student (collaboration) This brief will allow me to put my architectural drawings in the context of publications. Brief 7: Colours May Vary- Out of Order This brief, similar to the Travelling Man brief, is extremely open which will allow me to draw freely without much constraints. I will be able to draw without a context in mind, and I would be able to draw imagined worlds instead of real cities. ---------Brief 8: City drawings (incomplete, but proposed idea in project report) This brief was intended to be my FMP, and was supposed to consist of a series of surreal pictorial maps of cities I’ve travelled to which would then be applied to different products and publications, however, I decided that I was going to focus on the MEPC brief as my FMP due to time constraints. Brief 9: YCN BEAR brief (incomplete) I initially wanted to do this brief as I was unsure of my style and direction, and thought that this brief might give me some insight. However, after some researching and brainstorming I decided that this brief wasn’t something I wanted to work on due to the theme and content. I wasn’t interested in designing things for children, and I liked working with a lot of detail which wouldn’t work with this brief as I’m designing small collector’s cards which would not allow me to put in a lot of detail due to the size. Brief 10: Travel guide (incomplete) During the initial stage of my FMP I was planning to create a travel guide and diary which would document my trip to Scandinavia during Christmas. This was intended to be an extension of 505, so I was planning to use watercolour; however, after developing some sketches and experimenting with media I realized that this was not my style of working and decided to change the direction my FMP was going in.

Contextual References

Brutalist architecture Modern architecture Pictoral maps Existing editorial illustrations (how do different illustrators visually translate articles?) Leeds, Yorkshire Dales

practitioners: eboy nigel sussman Andrew joyce Abigail daker Aunyarat Watanabe Cinta Vidal

RESEARCH ACTIVITY: Look out for live briefs that will allow me to create large scale architectural images Details


April/May (before module submission deadline)

Self initiated briefs that consists of creating large scaled drawings will only be a proposal as I wouldn’t have a location to place the image, but live briefs will allow me to really create these images and see how they would look large-scaled in context and in real life. This will help me decide whether I actually want to continue to pursue my interest in creating art for public spaces.

RESEARCH ACTIVITY: Look into travel magazine editorial illustrations Details



Look into in-flight and a variety of travel magazines (easyjet, Eurostar, national geographic travel), and attempt to create architectural illustrations and pictorial maps to see how my images could fit into the editorial industry. If all works out, I will also do some research into art directors and companies that own travel magazines and contact them regarding my illustrations.

RESEARCH ACTIVITY On-site research Details



Going around and photographing things that are visually intriguing around Leeds and the countryside (i.e Yorkshire Dales) will give me inspiration and contextual references for when I create large scaled murals revolving around Leeds and the General Yorkshire area.






BIBLIOGRAPHY BOOKS / TEXTS - (Harvard Referenced) 

Super structures: the world's greatest modern structures- Neil Parkyn

MAGAZINES / JOURNALS / ARTICLES – (include publication date and details) Travel and inflight magazines  National Geographic Travel  Monocle Escapist  EasyJet Traveller

ON LINE REFERENCES / WEBSITES / ARTICLES (include specific urls) theydrawandtravel.com pinterest.com (contextual references) http://www.davidrumsey.com/blog/2015/3/31/over-2-000-pictorial-maps-in-online-collection https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqaAs_3azSs

OTHER REFERENCE MATERIAL (Films, events, exhibitions, conferences)

Films: Paprika Akira Inception

ACTION PLAN – use this section to identify specific tasks that you need to complete in order to resolve the brief. Brief What do you need to do? Weekly editorial: 1  Choose article by random using generator  Illustrate article within 1-2 days 2






Deadline April

Lifting Tower Brief  Animate a 20 second long Christmas themed frame-by-frame animation  Collaborate with animation students Travelling Man brief:  Illustrate fan-art themed poster  Research into films and tv shows I’m interested in


IBIS mural brief:  On-site research: visit the dales, go around Leeds


MEPC brief:  On-site research: visit the dales, go around Leeds  Learn to use Adobe Illustrator  Research into fixtures, wood finishes  Research into printing methods (vinyl, digital wallpaper)


Collaboration with photography student:  ask about specific brief requirements (size, featured architecture)  research into London Colors May Vary: Out of Order  illustrate imaginary world that’s “out of order”  explore the use of color within architectural drawings




May 8



BA (Hons) Illustration - Level 06 OUIL603 Extended Practice STUDIO PRACTICE

Project Proposals 10 steps to producing persuasive project proposals

1. Set clear aims and objectives 2. Be SMART (Specific , Measurable , Achievable , Realistic , Time Conscious) 3. Use words from your brief 4. Justify the need for your proposal 5. Describe your audience 6. Describe your motivations 7. Consider the reader 8. Eliminate vagueness 9. Visualise the ending 10. Assume nothing

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