Ybam newsfeed 16 05

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YBAM Newsfeed Vol. 5/2016 儿童佛学班教师培训系列 《心的训练公开课》 01.05.2016


刘燕儿讲师这次将会现场进行 公开课,让老师观摩学习如何 更有效和正确的方式在学校或 佛学班进行“心的训练”。

2016青少年佛学教师成长驿站 《解密青少年的行为》 28 – 29.05.2016


欢迎所有青少年佛教教育工作者报名 参与。这次的营队将注重在帮助老师 针对青少年的行为和班级管理的技能 提升。

第十八届全国教师 佛学研修班 30.05 - 03.06.2016


教师、佛教教育工作者们,如欲寻回 教育的热诚,赶快报名参加全国教师 佛学研修班!

Children Dharma Class Teacher Training Camp Series <Training The Mind> 01.05.2016

Sitiawan Buddhist Society The speaker Lew Yin Yee will be hosting a class for public on 1 May 2016, teachers are welcome to join and learn the effective and right way to conduct the mind training either in the school or Dharma classes.

Adolescent Dharma Teacher Training Programme 2016 28 – 29.05.2016

Pertubuhan Maha Bodhi Tawau All adolescent educators are welcomed to join. This programme will focus to help teachers to improve their class management skills and promote their understanding on young people.

The 18th Nationwide Dharma Study Class For Teachers 30.05 - 03.06.2016

Taiping Buddhist Society For teachers that wished to seek for their initiative in teaching, the "18th Nationwide Dharma Study Class For Teachers" will be a good choice.

马来西亚佛教青年总会 YOUNG BUDDHIST ASSOCIATION OF MALAYSIA No. 9, Jalan SS25/24, Taman Mayang, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: (603) 7804 9154 / 7804 9157 Fax: (603) 7804 9021 Email: ybam@ybam.org.my : https://www.facebook.com/YBAMalaysia


学佛生涯规划《第二人生》 02 - 04.09.2016


工作坊以体验型的活动进行,讲 师与嘉宾从不同角度和角色来协 助参加者思考生命价值,进而做 出调整,重启动力,规划自己的 学佛道路!


26.11 – 03.12.2016


主七师父是继程法师,每日约10 个小时共修时间并受持八关斋戒 拜佛、止静、开示和受三皈五戒 等等。欢迎大家踊跃报名,让我 们一起净化身心。

Buddhist Career Workshop “Your Life. Part 2” 02 - 04.09.2016

Hoeh Beng Temple This workshop will be conducted through various activities, speakers and VIPs will lead and help participants to think about the value of life through different views and character, so they can adjust, reinforce and plan their path of learning Dharma!

19th Chanting and Meditation Retreat 26.11 – 03.12.2016

Taiping Buddhist Society The retreat is led by Ven. Chi Chern, and consists of ten hours meditation daily, observation of the Eight Precepts, chanting, paying respects to the Buddha, sitting and walking meditation.

大专佛青毕业生 清凉茶叙

每个月第二个星期六 雪隆区、槟城区

凝聚大专佛青毕业生,亲近居 士、听闻正法、分享佛法。

Buddhist Graduated Tea Gathering

Second Saturday of Every Month KL/Selangor Area, Penang Area

Uniting graduated Buddhist together, allowing them a chance to know lay persons, learn the Dharma, and share what they learnt.

马来西亚佛教青年总会 YOUNG BUDDHIST ASSOCIATION OF MALAYSIA No. 9, Jalan SS25/24, Taman Mayang, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: (603) 7804 9154 / 7804 9157 Fax: (603) 7804 9021 Email: ybam@ybam.org.my : https://www.facebook.com/YBAMalaysia

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