Vision Planet №2 2015 (en)

Page 1



Healt h • S o c ia l B us i n e s s • Eve nts • Business • V ision V oyage • L ifestyle • C i t i es




Our children are our life! Address from the President


Charity activities Interview with the First lady Margarita Buryak


Guardsmen Workshop in Lithuania Address from the Chief Advisors to the President


Guardsmen Workshop in Lithuania On-the-spot report

p. 18


New horizons of success The Company Forum in Novosibirsk


VIP-Forum will always stay in our hearts! Long-awaited VIP-Forums Moscow-Hanoi and HanoiMoscow were held in November

p. 32



Healthy Lifestyle-2014


Lam Hoang Phong


Tran Thanh Tuyen

Report on Vision’s participation in the Healthy Lifestyle-2014 international exhibition

Working hard and having a dream will make your dreams come true!

The secret of my success is believing in the Vision Company!






The rich taste of Vietnam

November 2014 ratings

A story from the chef of InterContinental Danang and a report from our correspondent

66 70

Master classс

80 84 86



Charity dinner in Hanoi

MISSIA without boarders

Festival Christmas Dream Children from orphanages, philanthropists, and friends of the MISSIA Foundation meet in the land of Vologda.

A miraculous program Bio-In guarding your health. Part 1

What is the real age of your organism?

The Charity Foundation’s conference in the Golden Ring Hotel.

15 advantages of Bio-In by Tamara Pshennikova


Editorial staff

MISSIA’s successful event.

10 advantages of working as a distributor by Valentina Bogaley Promotion techniques



Actual video of the Company

Alexandr Pigarev

Designer Elizaveta Vinokurova

Photographer Ivan Skorikov

Proofreader Anna Bigler

The issue was prepared by: Nikolay Kvasov, Dmitry Lovkovsky, Marina Manushina

Vision Planet Monthly magazine of the company distributor This publishing edition is registered with the Department of Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media in Moscow and Moscow region. Mass media registration certificate PI № ФС 77-48792 , 02.03.2012 Editorial office: Moscow, Volnaya Str., 35 Tel.: +7(495) 258-8698-296 e-mail:




Our children are our life!

Each new day new questions are raised; so we can say that the mastery of living is the mastery of finding right answers. 4




ere the words of our

map: on the left — a swamp of

ed to support childhood as an

friend Tom Schreiter

fast food, on the right — a cliff of

unconditional and highest value

are right on target: it is

pernicious habits … And there is

making us any moment and in

very strange that at schools and

the salutary trace of healthy nu-

any situation capable to answer

institutes we learn a lot of use-

trition and physical activity. Step

the question on the true intent

ful things, but somehow we are

forward bravely and do not listen

purpose of life without doubts,

not taught one most important

to honey-words of “well-wishers”

and that is always to move in the

thing – the capability to orien-

attempting to mislead you ever

right direction.

tate oneself in life.

and again. But it turns out that

For the same reason Vision

What does “to orientate”

even these three things, target,

has been engaged in charity

mean? And what is needed for

map and compass, are yet not

activities from the first days of

that? First of all, it is necessary

all that a person needs to live a

its existence. In the beginning, it

to have a reliable “ground map”,

truly happy and conscious life.

was a spontaneous movement,

that is the correct perception of

These things are necessary, yes,

but in a short time our charity

the world we live in and lay our

but still they are not sufficient to

work became no more sponta-

route. Secondly, an accurate com-

answer the question what we are

neous and acquired rather sys-

pass is needed to move along the

living for, and what sound health,

tematic character thanks to the

scheduled route referring to our

decent salary, cozy house and all

amazing efforts of Margarita and

map instead of rushing blindly.

what is included into the notion

her associates, and this year the

of quality of life are needed for.

Missia Charity Foundation will

And thirdly, we should know for sure where we want to arrive

Many people who live in

at. Vision provides its associates

conditions of present-day ad-

with all the mentioned things —

vertising and consumer tyranny

and employees, the day they

destination, navigation tool

would find it more and more

started working in the Company

and ground map. Here under

difficult to find answers to this

became the turning point in their

“destination” we understand

utmost question. But there is still

lives, when they began gaining

our health, under “navigation

the answer, and it is always close.

stable income despite the tur-

tool” — the product and well-

It is simple and universal, inde-

bulent 90s. And after achieving

ness-technologies of Vision,

pendent of political or economic

confidence in the future, they

and under “ground map” — our

situation, cultural differences and

took the chance to give birth to

relevant, life-proven knowledge

national spirit. This answer is that


on what affects human health

as a matter of fact we all live for

and how.

one – for our children.

Do you want to be healthy?

celebrate its 10-year anniversary. For many Vision distributors

And soon after the first generation of Visioners’ children was

That is why we as the Compa-

born, and distributors took them,

This is it! Look! There are hazard-

ny from the very beginning were

just newborns in pretty little car-

ous areas clearly identified in the

genetically, let us say so, orient-

rycots, to Company events.



And some time later when


dads, grandfathers and grand-

after we would hear more often

they grew a bit older, they already

mothers who became part of

laugh of children rather than

stepped on Millennium stages

our company and my own life.

their cry, so that children would

and keeping microphones in

And not long time ago life made

go to schools and play in yards

their little hands spoke about

a great gift to me and Margarita

instead of hiding in bombshelters

their beloved parents and Com-

personally: our daughters Lida

and so that after all we would

pany in front of several-thou-

and Yana joined our vision busi-

leave to our children and grand

sand audience. Our kids, my and

ness. What else could be needed

children good memories and a

Margarita’s, were among these

for a parent to be totally happy?!

stable, made for a full due, family

children. But time run fast and today

I think that if there is anything else we could wish is to make

our hearts pant with gladness

our vision attitude to children

and pride for our grown up chil-

the common guiding star to all

dren, who got their education

other people, all those who make

and started adult life and not

world politics and keep in their

only settled in life decently, but

hands all the levers of power and

also rejoined us.

who influence welfare of billions

We are happy with all our

of people on the whole planet.

hearts each time children of our

I hope that while taking their

distributors join businesses of

crucial decisions they would at

their honored parents and catch

least think of the future of their

up their work.

own children.

While thinking about it I

And then — I am sure about

imagine my dearest Dasha Pani-

it — mankind would manage to

na, Daniil Dubrov, Sveta Efimo-

avoid many troubles and settle

va, Vika Fedorova, Kirill Kiselev,

down to a course leading to a

Anatoliy Samoseyko, Vera Vasiuk

peaceful and happy tomorrow.

and many others.

That is why we made the decision

Looking into their young and bright faces, I have almost a mystic feel because they resemble their great parents, moms and


business with Vision.

to declare the next year to be the Year of Childhood in Vision. Let us together do our best so that in the next year and here-

President of Vision International People Group Dmitry Buriak

4-5/O4/2O15 M O S CO W

HO CHI MINH 18-19/O4/2O15



Interview with the First Lady of the Company.

Margarita BurIak 8




he MISSIA Foundation

themselves in difficult life situa-

ple give it a new life by making

is 10 years old. Does

tions; children with broken lives;

a personal gift for a child. There

that mean that the

children who are just taking

probably is another important

Company’s social responsibil-

the first steps to learn to dream

ingredient: our distributors and

ity work dates back to 2004?

again and to trust adults.

people who share their views

Since the founding of Vision we have realized that only compa-

put their hearts into all they do, Do you think the objectives

which is why the giving away of

nies with a strong personality and

of your charity work resonate

the magic boxes turns into real

a corporate identity can become

in the hearts of people?

Christmas and New Year celebra-

leaders in the market. Today, cor-

Without a doubt! The mana-

porate culture is hard to imagine

gerial resources of the Founda-

I am sincerely grateful to you,

without social responsibility.

tion are limited, that is why we

our friends, philanthropists, and

The Vision Company has al-

find it extremely helpful when

volunteers for your kind hearts

ways initiated charitable activities

our distributors and the Com-

and graciousness, for your will-

and events. Our distributors’ work

pany staff get involved in chari-

ingness to do good in so many

has always involved good deeds.

table activity and when they tell

towns and countries. You fill the

The MISSIA Foundation merely

their family and friends about

Foundation’s work with a soul,

acted as an integrating public

the Foundation. This way we

life energy, power, and inspiration.

tions for the children.

organization which set guidelines and priorities for charitable work. Is the Foundation still giving priority to social orphanhood? I usually answer questions

Charity is in many ways akin to enlightenment. There are no universities that would teach you to do good. We are always open to a dialogue and we are ready to share our experience.

like this in the following way. We would really like to believe that there is a positive trend in

move forward together. The an-

You change this world making it

solving this 21 century prob-

nual charity program Magic Box,

kinder and better. Crossing geo-

lem; but the international festi-

which closed at the end of Janu-

graphical borders you perfect our

val Christmas Dream this year is

ary and has given us new friends

plans with one important aim- to

going to host children from 44

and philanthropists, is one

bring KINDNESS. In words, deeds,

orphanages from 42 towns. They

example. It would seem just a

and life. You are the real Magi

are children who have found

simple cardboard box. But peo-

bearing gifts, the wise men, magi-



SPEECH cians and story-tellers with hearts of goodness.


It is not easy to coordinate

lectually. Today we can talk about

work effectively when one has

the results of the religious and

to unite immense geographical

educational program By The

Which values and moral

distances within our charity proj-

Roads Of The MISSIA Foundation:

principles are your charity

ects. Regional representatives and

Jerusalem, which made it possible

programs based on?

volunteers are a great help.

for the orphanage students to get

We are living in a marketing

Since the very first days of the

in touch with the holy shrines of

world. Mass media do their best

Foundation we have encouraged

to create false idols that will be

our children to participate in

destroyed the following moment.

charity programs. Believe me, it

cooperation with numerous

Everything starts to get a mone-

is hard. You have to find the right

museums that display thematic

tary equivalent; everything seems

words, to explain, and to be an ex-

collections of the Foundation.

to be named in figures. They are

ample. Our children must learn to

We used to dream about it in the

false values... This might have

respond to a call for help, to sym-

past but today it has become a

been one of the reasons why we

pathize, to be tolerant, to meet

reality thanks to genuine en-

invite to participate in our charity

disabled people, to know tradi-

thusiasts, wonderful people that

programs veterans, people with

tions of their own country. When

come our way.

a strong social position, people

I see the children of the Visioners

with amazing life stories: people

helping their age peers with such

who have to be an example for

sincere readiness and enthusiasm,

future aspirations within the

the new generation. Our children

I can say with confidence- we are

MISSIA Foundation activity?

must know the scale of gracious-

a particular Company, we have a

ness and high morality that are

great future.

part of our parents’ and grandparents’ life. Which difficulties do the organizes of charity projects

Christianity. We cannot but rejoice at our

What is the vector of your

What is it like, our vector of movement in space?.. It is only being formed…it is

Which new horizons have

new ideas and their implemen-

you discovered for yourself

tation; the joy of realizing the

doing charitable work?

uniqueness of cultural heritage

Charity is in many ways akin

and the authenticity of artifacts; it

of such versatile geography

to enlightenment. There are no

is the incomparable joy of social-


universities that would teach you

izing with people speaking differ-

to do good. We are always open

ent languages; it is moments that

logue between people of various

to a dialogue and we are ready to

will be forever imprinted in our

countries within our programs

share our experience.

hearts; perhaps one day a memory

Creating an inter-cultural dia-

and creative contests we have to bear in mind religious tolerance.


By helping children we become better morally and intel-

will wake up, long forgotten but so important…

On 7th of March a great Company presentation event “My mom is a distributor� will take place for guests in all Vision representative offices.



Senior President Advisors’ Address

Pavel and Svetlana DubRov 12




y all means, Guardsmen’s

product. This offer will enable the

fulfillment. Therefore, everyone

Seminar in Vilnius has

Company to become a lot more

who wants to do business with us

become a new milestone

democratic and friendly to people.

will be able to take part in the car

on Vision’s way. When going there

But what is the most

program. But there is something

we were in high spirits but with

important, it was the first time we

yet to say! It is just a beginning!

business considerations.

were talking about the integral

Because the Company is intended

approach to recruiting growth

to solve the issue of housing too!

The high spirits were due to the oncoming meeting with old

that means rapid growth of your

friends, the Company’s Leaders,

cheques! Everybody knows that

Dear Friends! All details will be presented in the speeches of

President and his family. The considerations were about the numerous questions demanding urgent answers, both strategic and local. And the seminar gave us

It’s time to construct a network! And there are resources and people to do it.

what we needed. The core event was the speech

a crisis releases a great potential

President and the Company’s Top

of Dmitry Buryak. It revealed

of people having experience,

Leaders at the VIP Forum in April.

what was going on in the world,

ambitions and a great desire

Complete your qualifications

why and, what is more, how we

to succeed. Stimulated by the

and brought like-minded people

needed to change. Dmitry listened

instability and difficulties, they

with you! Undoubtedly, all

attentively to our proposals and

are waiting for our serious offer.

our colleagues will take these

introduced certain amendments

And now we will make them such

decisions as the dearest gift.

to the development plan for

offer! First of all, it will include

This is the best news for us. It’s

the nearest years. Eventually,

a quick development program

time to construct a network! And

some programs determining the

supposing an easy and democratic

there are resources and people

Company’s development were

launch with minor investments.

to do it. And above all — we have

adopted. Among them was the

The second part is attractive

the techniques, experience and

support for newcomers. It was

business cases that will pay back

knowledge to do it. All the 18

highlighted that the prospects of

and provide profit in a short

years, in spite of all the difficulties,

intensive work at the Company

time after a certain amount

we have been growing the most

should be clearly demonstrated.

invested. Dmitry also made the

precious thing - reputation that

long-awaited announcement

marks out our offer. The decision

concerning the Company’s new

that this program would include

is made. It’s time to act! We know

direction of activities - multilocal

the project of social dream

that you can.

President also shared plans




Senior President Advisors’ Address

Oleg and Alla Andriychuk 14




ear distributors, dear

a landmark in the history of Vi-

about the Company’s plans to im-


sion. Looking back, we come to

plement the social program about

A most successful

realize that last year was not easy

which all distributors have been

Guardsmen workshop has been

for all of us. We have seen more

dreaming so long. By exceeding

held in Vilnius. Exciting news

than one crisis; believe us, this

the qualification requirements

and novelty products were intro-

is the best time to build up large

and joining the Company auto-

duced at the workshop. The D4X

and even huge organizations. This

mobile program, the star quali-

program has stunned me! One

moment is complex and exciting

fications leaders will be able to

would think, what can be made

at the same time, and it is quite

receive a car this very year. Addi-

from such a common product as

promising in terms of developing

tionally, the Company is going to

honey? But what we have now is

business. What Dmitry Arkadyev-

give priority to the housing issue

a unique innovative product. The

ich told us at the seminar gives

of the distributors. You will learn

new formula is significantly more effective than previous versions: among its ingredients are many new unusual components which

Every Guardsmen workshop is unique in its own way. Guardsmen from all affiliated countries come to attend it,

aim at improving health and qual-

and this consolidates the Company.

ity of life. The idea of Dmitry Arkadyevich to set up a new direction -

reason to hope for an excellent

all details of these programs at the

Multilocal by Vision – encouraged

future for the Company.

VIP-Forum in Moscow on April

all participants of the workshop.

Now we are entitled to talk

4 and 5, so you should haste and

The Company is planning to

about a comprehensive ap-

produce local products for each

proach to a recruiting boom, and

affiliated country. Importantly, the

consequently, to the increase

lennium in store for us. We are

price policy will be adapted for

in your financial rewards. The

looking forward to hearing the

each country because the markets

program of rapid development is

President talk about the Compa-

differ and the standard of living

extremely important; it implies

ny’s strategies and global plans

can vary greatly in each country.

a simple and democratic start

for the coming years; about new

with little investment. Attractive

leaders and new markets in affil-

unique in its own way. Guardsmen

business cases will make a quick

iated countries. Millennium is a

from all affiliated countries come

return and growth of initial in-

real celebration that the Compa-

to attend it, and this consolidates


ny organizes for its distributors,

Every Guardsmen workshop is

the Company. This Guardsmen workshop, however, has become

Dmitry Arkadyevich also made a long-awaited announcement

register for the Forum! In addition, we have the Mil-

and the Company can do it on a grand scale!




Senior President Advisors’ Address

Lam Hoang Phong and Hguyen Thi phuong 16




n January 2014, Lithuania

Company’s strategy for product

We imagine the oncoming Mil-

welcomed the Sixth Guards-

development, the clear directions

lennium in Vietnam as something

men Seminar, Avant-Garde

of our activities for the nearest fu-

special and we are sure that it will

Guardsmen Workshop, for the

ture, the nearest important events,

bring new life to the country. Mil-

leaders of VIP 3S qualification and

and, above all, the scheduled

lennium will be attended by new

higher! It was a very important

Set goals and achieve them!

event both for the Company and for each participant. President Dmitry Buryak made a mag-

With your capacities and our Company’s power, you are sure to be successful.

nificent present for us - Bio-In Program! We believe that this new product on the health products

VIP-Forums - all this demonstrat-

Leaders with new qualifications

market will also be your key to

ed the Company’s great potential

and, what is more, new strategies

success and wellness: purchase

one more time.

and plans for 2016. We are ex-

Bio-In and act for your future

At the Seminar we acquired

pecting new products and new

and the future of your family. The

new skills that have encouraged

promotions from the Company.

Company’s Top Advisors and our

us to work. President announced

top leaders are always ready to

the beginning of new strategic

With your capacities and our

help and support you in further

programs that will promote the

Company’s power, you are sure to

development of your business.

network’s fast development. The

be successful. We believe in you,

The Guardsmen Seminar has

distributors of my organization

just like we believe in President

showed us many things - from the

were taking all the news with

and ourselves! We wish you joy

methods of organization of large-

great joy and energy; now they

and happiness. See you at Millen-

scale events to the techniques

are already developing promo-

nium 2015 in Vietnam. Looking

of the leaders’ trainings. The

tion ways.

forward to meeting you!

Set goals and achieve them!




GUARDSMEN WORKSHOP IN LITHUANIA “While everybody is dreaming, Vision is acting!” These




Buryak have become the motto of the Sixth Guardsmen Seminar,



Workshop, held in Vilnius in Mid-January for the leaders of VIP 3S qualification or higher! It’s time of big deeds and great breakthroughs and the Company has all the necessary tools for it: smart strategies, unique innovative products and, above all, a well-knit team.

“The Company will be developing in three directions, - said President Dmitry Buryak. - Firstly, it is OrgaNice Program that will implement new strategies and promote new products. Secondly, it is Vision’s Classics going on due to update of its product line. The third direction is the new program: Multilocal by Vision. The Company relies on cutting-edge technologies. Vision is the company now existing in tomorrow. “While everybody is dreaming, Vision is acting!” In his speech, Professor Martin Middeke, heading the Hypertonia Center in Munich and participating in development of dietary supplements for Vision, supported



the high level of the Company’s products and its work for better life of people. The Professor dwelled upon the problems of prevention of blood vessels diseases and told how to prevent early







Middeke mentioned that Vision

that will enable young people to

old, she holds a high qualification

had prepared a new product for

easily join sales and have a shot

and a membership on President’s

vessels, but the details were be-

at our business without serious

Guard. But she is not going to stop.

ing kept secret yet.

startup investments. Ambitious

The Seminar’s stage also welcomed

But there still were some sur-

businessmen will be given a se-

leaders that had completed VIP 3S

prises to come. Doctor Elmantas

rious business program to return

and VIP 5S qualifications.

Pocevichus presented new prod-

invested funds by inviting only

Find all the details of the

ucts by DEM4.

three persons, and multiply their

Guardsmen Seminar in the special

money later on.

issue of Avant-Garde Journal com-

In the nearest future, the Company’s distributors and clients will

“Car Program — Change Trans-

be able to enrich their diet with 4

portation Option” was announced

new flavors D4X.

along with Luxury Bonus, a unique

Margarita Buryak, Head of the

program demonstrating how Vi-

Development Unit, presented a

sion changes its distributors’ life

distributor tools for positioning

quality! The first details will be

of Vision business in social media.

voices as soon as in April, at VIP

The Guardsmen observed a draft

Forum in Moscow and Ho Chi

of the mediaportal - an integral

Minh City. According to Vision’s

resource of all communication

Top Leaders, it is going to be the

channels that will simplify naviga-

biggest event of the spring.

tion through the Company’s mediaspace.

ing soon!

The Recognition ceremony was

President’s announce-

devoted to the 117th member of

ment concerning the changes

Vision’s Dollar Millionaires Club,

in the Company’s business offer

Zinaida Kiselyova. Being 84 years

caused a sensation. At the Guardsmen Seminar, President with the Company’s Top Leaders developed and adopted the business development conception oriented on rapid growth of distribution organizations. This systemic program will involve all the levels of the network and will soon attract many new people - from youngsters to ambitious serious businessmen. Dmitry Buryak told about the new business offer























Forum in Novosibirsk — New Horizons of Success


mong the events conclud-

future, Vision invites everyone to

products reliably guarantee suc-

ing Vision’s winter season

make a step to independence. To

cess for your life, your family and

was a major event of re-

freedom from employers’ finan-

your business. The Company has

gional scale - the Forum in Novo-

cial risks, to openness for the new

assumed the most complex part of

sibirsk held on 20-21 November

heights being really accessible with

the plan (creation of the product,

that was to summarize the out-

Vision’s assistance. During the 18

its market promotion, taxes), so its

comes of the past year.

years of its history, the Company

distributors may focus on helping

It brought together active dis-

has overcome quite a few national

other people and selling the prod-

tributors of Russian Siberia and

crises and in complex economic

ucts. Besides financial well-be-

Far East. The biggest delegations

conditions it consistently assumes

ing, the Company offer personal

arrived from Krasnoyarsk and

all risks. During these years clear

growth due to communication

Khabarovsk. In such tough times,

business strategies have been de-

with colleagues - people of differ-

when there is no support or state

veloped to enable distributors to

ent professions, religious confes-

programs for stability and when

feel financially safe in any situa-

sions and nationalities being unit-

people are anxious about their

tion. The Company’s innovative

ed by their work with Vision.




«Crisis is an opportunity» said

birsk Forum offered its participant

Winston Churchill. And the nu-

a unique presentation and train-

merous achievements of the Com-

ing platform.

pany’s distributors confirm these

During the two days of the Fo-

words. No matter when and where

rum, Vision’s independent distrib-

you started your career with Vi-

utors acquire maximum informa-

sion; what is important is the peo-

tion and an incredible motivation

ple around you, the opportunity

energy boost from the Company’s

to implement your ambitions and,

top leaders, President’s Top Advis-

moreover, to help other people

ers, VIP Masters, gurus of multilevel

to change themselves - improve

marketing Alla and Andrey Andriy-

their health and financial state and

chuk. The Forum was attended by

achieve the results that used to be

Margarita Buryak, Head of Vision’s

beyond their dreams.

Development Unit and President

For successful business with Vi-

of MISSIA Charity Fund.

sion, it is essential to be aware of

The 13 independent distribu-

all the new options the Compa-

tors from Sibiria and Far East, who

ny offers and, of course, visit the

had increased their turnover up to

events. Each event is unique in

186% over 2014, shared their best

content and form. Thus, Novosi-

practices and secrets.




Viktoria Fedotova, President’s

Company’s product as a main

Guard, a representative of Vision’s

business tool and highlighted im-

Millionaires Club, VIP4S, spoke

pressive results provided by Vi-

of the great prospects of Vision’s

sion’s products.


The Forum’s first day saw the

Anatoly Samoseiko, a young promising




training by President’s Top Advisors Oleg and Alla Andriychuk.

Minsk, repeated his training that

The participants had a unique

had been presented at Moscow

chance to watch the first show of

VIP Forum. There, he had partici-

the film about Vision Voyage Mo-

pated in the speakers’ contest and

rocco 2014 and the concluding

the Company’s managers had in-

film of the trilogy «Traveller» pre-

vited him to speak at Novosibirsk

sented by Mikhail Bizyaev, Leader

Forum. Anatoly Samoseiko joined

of Far East, President’s Guards-

the Company only 10 months

man, VIP3S.

ago, but his career shows really

On 20 December, Margarita

rapid development. No doubt,

Buryak, Head of the Development

one of his main secrets is active

Unit, spoke of Vision’s advantages,

use of the social media for busi-

the Company’s President, lead-

ness purposes.

ership, continuity of generations

President’s Guardsman Aleksandra Seydametova, a leader from Novosibirsk, presented the

and the social orientation of the Company’s business. Margarita Buryak and the Maksutovs family from Suzun, regional representatives of MISSIA Charity Fund, handed over a charity batch of Vision children product to the representative of Suzun Special Boarding School for Orphans of Limited Physical Capacities. In 2014, Vision initiated charity actions and creativity competitions aimed at social adaptation of the children facing tough life circumstances. Over 2,000 distributors from 48 countries supported the action called «Warm November». The charity contribu-




tion transferred to the account of

delegation of 5 kids from an or-

MISSIA Charity Fund will be spent

phans asylum accompanied by

to prepare the year’s biggest proj-

their teacher will cruise to Danag.

ect - the X International Festival «Christmas Dream».

With the first day’s business program over, one of Mariott Ho-

The action «ZOO KIDS Junior

tel’s comfortable halls hosted a

Hit» collected an exclusive set of

standing dinner for the Forum

integral wellness programs for


children facing tough life circum-

their special achievements.



stances. Vision’s vitamin and min-

The Forum’s second day was

eral complexes were sent to chil-

equally full of events and bright

dren care institutions of Hanoi,

speeches. The Guardsmen from Si-

Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod,

beria and Far East held their train-


ings and spoke of the opportunities



Volzhsky (Volgograd Region). The winners of the creativity competition “ZOO KIDS Masquer-

and prospects the Company offers and shared their personal experience of work at the Company.

ade” by Vision will be invited to

President’s Guard is a special

join the annual Vision Voyage. A

category of the Company’s lead-




ers. Among their privileges is the

self-confidence and commitment

with Vision. Oleg Andriychuk told

opportunity to be trained by Pres-

to success.

the audience about the unique

ident. The Forum participants had




business opportunities being es-


a chance to get knowledge from



pecially relevant during a market

the best of the best: the Compa-

how to achieve ultimate effect of

crisis. President’s Top Advisors

ny’s Top Leaders and President’s

a meeting. The agenda of the Fo-

held a presentation of the new of-

Top Advisors. Galina Yakovleva,

rum’s second day also included a

fer «Starter Kit».

President’s Guard, a representa-

presentation of the new product,

The participants could use the

tive of Vision’s Millionaires Club

Bio-In. Tatiana Shevchishina, a

advanced tool with real-time in-

, VIP5S, spoke of the founder of

leader, held a training about «Pre-

formation update - the mobile

the Company - Vision’s President

sentation and Methods of Promo-

application prepared for Mos-

Dmitry Buryak.

tion of Bio-In».

cow-Hanoi VIP Forum.


Oleg and Alla Andriychuk, Pres-

Guard, a representative of Vision’s

ident’s Top Advisors, shared im-

A New-Year lottery organized

Millionaires Club, VIP4S, spoke

portant and up-to-date informa-

for the Forum’s second day had 20

of about trust, importance of

tion and prospects of the business














he two days’ agenda of

development of the socially ori-

lifespan. The Forum organizers

the VIP Forum was full of

ented business of the Forum par-

prepared a unique gift for the par-

events and appearances


ticipants: a special offer for Bio-In

of the speakers with their practical

The Forum’s international sta-

cases fir better sales and operation

tus was confirmed by a delegation

in the current market conditions.

from Vietnam:70 leading distrib-

The new technologies serving

The brightest speakers were Valen-

utors headed by their Leader Lam

the Forum highlighted the Com-

tina Bogaley with “Multilevel Mar-

Hoang Phong arrived in Moscow.

pany’s innovative approaches to

keting – an Advanced and Prom-

Tran Thanh Tuyen, a delegate, pre-

manufacturing of any product.It

ising Employment.Advantages of

sented her report “OrgaNice Pro-

is known that modern tools and

Distributor Profession” and Olga

grams as a Commercial Opportu-

technologies, as well as new pre-

Zotova with “Invitation to Busi-

nity. Trust in the Product and the

sentation formats boost business

ness. Recruiting in the Concept

Company as a Foundation of Suc-

even with minimal investment.

of the Company’s Directions. Re-

cessful Work” describing practical

Among such tools is the mobile

cruiting with OrgaNice Program”.

tools to deal with new products.

application providing real-time

purchase was effective during the seminar.

The audience was greatly im-

Traditionally, the central events

update of the presentations and

pressed with Anatoly Samoseyko’s

of the Forum were trainings by

speeches.Upon the VIP Forum

“Operation in Social Networks.

President’s Top Advisors, Pavel and


How to Spend 2-3 Hours a Day in

Svetlana Dubrov, Oleg and Alla An-

could open the application to find

a Social Network to Hold 2-3 New


necessary information and use it



Meetings a Day.” In the current sit-

Among other reasons, the VIP

uation, underestimating the im-

Forum was special due to the pre-

The first day was crowned with

portance of the social networks

sentation of the new unique Bio-

an address of Margarita Buryak,

means losing clients and slowing

In Program that allows significant

Head of the Development Unit,

one’s business growth. Surely, the

improvement of life quality: bet-

as she thanked the Company’s

speaker’s practical recommenda-

ter vitality and resistance against

marketing department and man-

tions will serve a great base for the


agement for the action ZOOKID




in practice.




Junior Hit. The action collected

The winning delegation will travel

Ien. The third film, “Traveler’s Life”,

a batch of the children’s product

to Danang.

with Mikhail Bizyaev was present-

handed over to support the health

Margarita Buryak introduced

of the children from the orphan-

the concluding materials of the

ages, partners of MISSIA Charity

special promotion “Three Lives

Fund in various cities and coun-

in Morocco” stressing Vision’s

Hanoi Moscow

tries. TThanks were expressed to

advantages, the large scale of its

VIP Forum

the distributors who had bought

projects, and its uniting and mo-

«First», «breakthrough», «inno-

the superpacks and thus took part

tivating spirit. The Vision Voyage

vations» — these were the key-

in the charity program.

to that exotic country offered the

notes of Hanoi — Moscow VIP Fo-

The social significance of the

Company’s leaders a unique op-

rum held on 21-22 November in

Company’s business was voiced in

portunity to become characters


the story of the creativity compe-

of a fantastic trilogy. The Forum’s

The event was special due to


participants saw two of the three

its record-breaking achievements

by Vision that involved 36 chil-

films: “Churchill’s Life” lived by

and innovations that once again

dren’s institutions. Traditionally,

Azerbaijan’s Leader Namik Gasan

showed the Visioners’ unity and

the competition winners will join

Ogly Mamedov and “Sultan’s Life”

wish of each member to become a

Vision Voyage in September 2015.

of Vietnam’s Leader Ha Tkhi Kim

member of a big team.


ed to the participants of the December forum in Novosibirsk.












«First», «breakthrough», «innovations» — these were the keynotes of Hanoi — Moscow VIP Forum held on 21-22 November in Vietnam. The event was special due to its record-breaking achievements and innovations that once again showed the Visioners’ unity and wish of each member to become a member of a big team. For the first time ever — 80 (!)

The arrival of Visions’s Pres-

opened incredible talents of Viet-

Asian leaders, having completed

ident Dmitry Buryak was a true

nam’s new stars, young and prom-

VIP 2S qualification, future Pres-

gift for the Forum participants.

ising leaders, Dong Min Nong,

ident’s Guardsmen, came upon

To learn from the Company’s

Nguen Nok Van Tan and Noan

the stage.

Number One is a special prefer-

Quong Min.

For the first time ever — Viet-

ence available only for President’s

The second day of VIP-Forum

namese Top Leaders, VIP 1S’s, Lam

Guardsmen, distributors of VIP 2S

Hanoi was equally active and in-

Hoang Phong and Nguyen Thi



Phuong, acquired the status of

The honored guests of the Fo-

President’s Top Advisors for Devel-

rum were Top Leaders Aleksey

opment in Southeastern Asia.

Kukushkin and Margarita Gri-

The participants were happy to

For the first time in the Com-

buleva, the supervising sponsors

learn that the exclusive price for

pany’s history — Vision’s Anthem

of the Vietnamese organizations

Bio-In was prolonged.

was performed in Vietnamese —

Sandria Kudirkaite and Leonid

The participants of VIP-Forum

President’s special present to all

and Tatiana Panov, President’s Top

Hanoi got their preodered pro-

the distributors from this great

Advisor Svetlana Dubova, Head of

grams; those who had not bought


the Marketing Department Lidia

the product had an opportunity

For the first time ever - the in-

Buryak, Head of Vision’s Develop-

to do it.

novative program Bio-In having

ment Unit and President of MISSIA

VIP-Forum Hanoi included the

no analogs in the world was pre-

Charity Fund Margarita Buryak,

awarding ceremony for the win-

sented in Vietnam.

and Doctor Elmantus Pacevichus,

ner of the promotion «Mercedes

Director of the Research and De-

from President».

The main hall of the Palace of Friendship and Culture Viet So was welcoming the Company’s delegations from several countries.


velopment Department of DEM4.

Great attention was paid to the innovative project of Bio-In.

The winner was Dang Ti Viet.

The speaker contest preced-

The prize, keys of a Mercedes

ing Moscow Hanoi VIP-Forum

E-Class, were handed by Dmitry



Buryak personally. «When Presi-

supported by the people living in

treatment of three children at the

dent was personally giving me the

different countries and speaking

rehabilitation center of Bavi Dis-

keys, I was in seventh Heaven, just

different languages: the destiny of

trict, Hanoi.

couldn’t believe it was true!

people in need touched the Forum

I’m happy!» - said Dang Ti Viet after the ceremony. There was another historical event seen at Hanoi Forum for the





everyone who participated and

The party included an auction

thus supported this good inten-

which lots donated by the Com-

tion: «There are moments when

pany’s Top Leaders.

one day stands apart from the

first time - a charity party where

Before the party, Margarita

others... and the entire world

Dmitry and Margarita Buryak wel-

Buryak, President of MISSIA Char-

changes, just because you feel the

comed everyone who supported

ity Fund, told about the purpose

TRUTHS that can be perceived

the Company’s charity activities.

of the donated funds: all the prof-

only with your HEART...».

The Company’s intention was

it will be assigned to the medical














All 6 products for children now in 1 kit KIDS

Junior HIT Balanced family kit that keeps: The child active; Organism saved; Teeth and bones healthy; Immune system strong; Brainpower activity intense; Intellectual growth.


From 1st September, 2014

l if e s t y l e

V I S I ON P LANET O 2 / 2 O 1 5

Healthy life-style-2014


rom December 8 to December 12 the 8th international


“Healthy life-style-2014” was held in Moscow under the egis of the international



practical forum “Russian Healthcare Week”. On the display area of 55 thousand square meters more than





The international company Vi-

all regions of Russia and oth-

sion International People Group

er 42 countries demonstrated

presented an innovative product,

their newest developments in

the latest development of the in-

the field of medicine, medical

ternational laboratory DEM4 –




the Bio-In program, the 5th-gen-



eration prebiotics. In addition, a

disease diagnostics and preven-

unique program for women S2D

tion, after-treatment and health

was presented at the exhibition,


created using the most current

l if e s t y l e

V I S I ON P LANET O 2 / 2 O 1 5

technologies and latest scientific

programs, Vision presented a line

developments. The Vision prod-

of its products that have already

uct is intended to solve problems

became classic, and the renewed

of men and women of different

vitamin and mineral complex for

age groups — from very young to

children ZooKids.

elderly people. Thanks to these

The primary working prin-

products with exclusive compo-

ciple of Vision is natural origin,

sition, people can not only fight

safety and ecological compati-

with diseases, fatigue, and apa-

bility of products. All products of

thism, support and preserve beau-

the Company are developed by

ty, but also start believing in them-

scientists using current technol-

selves. Along with the innovative

ogies, produced only at factories complying with the whole line of strict requirements, such as that the production shall be located in ecologically clean regions, be certified to a well defined number of standards and the producing factory shall employ highly qualified personnel. The booth of Vision in the “Forum� pavilion was one of the most outstanding and popular!




Lam Hoang PHong Vision company leader, president guardsman and senior president advisor is sure that the main thing for distributor is to “work hard, dream and your dreams will come true�




For all 18 years of its successful activity, our Company has been “lighting starts”. And perhaps the brightest stars are Lam Hoang Phong and Nguyen Thi Phuong

How did you come to Vi-

In 2004 a whole agitational

sion and what motivated you

campaign was started against

to do that?

Vision in Vietnam. Many peo-

At that time I worked as a manag-

ple left the Company, but you,

er in an export and import company

on the contrary, decided to

and was quite successful in my line

join it. Was there something

of duty. In my spare moments I liked

that did not let you work?

sitting in a cozy restaurant, man-

First of all I trust my own feel-

aged by my spouse Nguen Ti Fuong.

ings. I saw the great result achieved

I earned very good money even if

by my mother thanks to the Vi-

to compare with Europeans. But

sion product. Indeed, many peo-

a run of good luck never lasts for-

ple criticized the Company, but I

ever — we faced finance problems

knew that it was bringing good to

and, to make it worse, my mom got

people. I believed all at once that

seriously sick. At that time I could

Vision would bring me to success.

think only of myself and how to get

But there were problems as well.

out of the finance trouble and safe

First of all, I lacked knowledge of

my mother. I came to Vision to buy

how the Company worked, what

products she needed. The result of

the functions of its products were

their use surpassed all expectations

and how to offer them to people.

and the positive effect was seen al-

The second problem was that at

ready in 10 days. And she started get-

that time network marketing was

ting better. Having inspired by such

prohibited and the state creat-

efficiency of Vision products I start-

ed obstacles to such activity. For

ed using them myself too. And I liked

that reason it was uneasy to devel-

that my well-being improved, I start-

op and built own business. But it

ed feeling healthy and full of energy!

helped a lot that Vision products

I got interested in new opportuni-

gave good and quick result and

ties and began investigating how to

therefore I did not have to take

build a business with Vision. Having

much efforts to persuade people

Phongs has moved to a new level.

studied Company marketing plan,

in the quality of our dietary sup-

They have built a new magnificent

I realized that one could enter this

plements. And when in 2005 the

business without making high initial

Vietnam law legalized network

house and bought several presti-

contributions. All what was needed

marketing, the business began de-

gious cars. Now they always travel

was studying and understanding

veloping with at a cosmic speed!

abroad for vacations which used

start working. And the main thing I

doubts if it is necessary to par-

to be their dearest wish in the

understood already at that moment

ticipate in all Company activ-

“past” (prior to Vision) life…

was that this business could give lots

ities. What is your attitude to

of “healthy” money!

such thoughts?

who managed to beat all business growth records ever set up before. During the 4th year of their work they achieved VIP 4S qualification, and on the 5th – became Masters and joined the Brilliant Team of Leaders. This year in the frame of the VIP-Forum Hanoi, Company President Dmitry Arkadievich Buryak gave the titles of Senior President Advisors to Lam Hoang Phong and his wife Nguyen Thi Phuong. During the time of working in Vision, the quality of life of the

the system, and after that you could







I think this is a misbelief. I have

soon can I make financial suc-

Recognition is the best way to de-

never missed a single event ar-

cess?” There is no unambig-

velop business! It not only charges

ranged by the Company. I love my

uous answer, since everyone

with energy those who get it, but it

work, which is my pride. It is be-

has his own path in the busi-

also motivates greatly everyone who

cause working with Vision I build

ness. How would you reply?

sees what attention the Company

my business and at the same time

Already after one year my in-

pays to successful distributors, how

I am the master of my life and take

come at Vision exceeded the in-

it encourages them and what life

the entire control of my time. Just

come I had on my previous job in

style it provides to them. Handing

thanks to the events and trainings

an export-import company, and

marks VIP 4S to me and my spouse

arranged by the Company, as well as

now it is higher than that in tens. I

on the stage of Millenium-2008

thanks to my first travel Vision Voy-

do not like boasting of my fortune,

became a powerful incentive for

age to Cuba in 2007, my confidence

but the law of our business obliges.

many distributors in Vietnam who

in own powers and significance

Success stories in network market-

decided to do their best to get up to

to distributors of my network sky-

ing not only impress but also moti-

us and experience the same delight

rocketed. Participation in the me-

vate a lot. For instance, my spouse

on the stage! We decided to raise the

ga-event Millennium in Olimpijsky

joined me only when I took her to

bar for ourselves and one year later

in 2006 became even more import-

a Vision event and she saw people

we received the “Galactic” for “the

ant to the business. It was not easy,

on the stage who really succeeded

best business development rates”.

since I earned not enough and I had

in this business. That is why I think

But we should not tell the new-

to borrow money to afford this jour-

we just must speak loudly of our

comers only of victories and recog-

ney. But my Russian sponsors said,

achievements. For that reason the

nitions, it is dangerous. I can say by

“Lam Phong, it will be your path to

Company always finds a way to en-

my own experience: when a new-

success and this event will dramat-

courage success of its distributors.

comer is displayed only a beautiful

ically change your life!” And they

I see how the President’s family

picture of his future without saying

turned out to be absolutely right!

cares of any distributor and Lead-

anything about troubles, then they

It was exactly after the Millennium

er of the Company. It is very easy

are not physiologically prepared to

when I decided to put all my efforts

to work with Vision, because our

facing any troubles in future. Some

to Vision. And it was the moment I

Company despite of its competi-

people cannot stand this and leave.

made an actions plan in my mind

tors always has new products and

What would you like to wish

which brought me to the success

new programs to speak about and

other distributors of Vision?

I have today! I love my work also

do it endlessly. Therefore we are

What are your future targets?

because every year I travel with the

grateful to the whole Company

I would like to wish the distrib-

Company arranged at a very high

and personally to President Dmi-

utors a permanent believing in the

level and discover new countries.

try Arkadievich Buryak! Among

company and its power! And the

Thanks to these events and journeys

other things, I am grateful to him

ability to dream! My next target is

I learn many success stories of lead-

for believing in me, as he designat-

to make my cheque equal to 200

ers from various countries and use

ed me to the position of a Senior

thousand dollars per month. And I

their experience in my work.


want to increase my qualification

One of the main questions the newcomers ask is, “How


How much does recognition of people mean to you?

more and more. My spouse Nguen Ti Fuong helps me in business, and



I would estimate her contribution to the common business to be 50 %. She is a very strong leader and she helps me to develop networks in other provinces. And of course she takes care of our children. If there is no one to take care of family happiness and children, then finance success would not make you happy. Is there a recipe for your success? There are many successful leaders in Vietnam. They started working with Vision earlier than I did. We have the same marketing plan, formula of commission charging and the same product. I suppose, the main working technique that helps us to win is a specific action plan and specific life goal, which should always be in front of you to help moving forward. The most important quality of a leader is constant readiness to get knowledge. If you began thinking that you have achieved your best and close yourself for new experience and knowledge, you will never be able to become a successful leader. You should be always ready to study and share your experience. I wish other distributors achieve the same results as I have in the business and feel the taste of victory as I do. The most important thing in the business is care about people who follow you! And your dream! Work hard, dream and your dreams will come true! Together with Vision!




Tran Thanh Tuyen The secret of my success is believing in the Company and its product 52



Tran Thanh Tuyen, the leader from Vietnam, the President’s Guardsman and VIP 4S never ceases to smile. Her confidence and passion ignite people’s hearts and make them follow her. She talks with awe about her meeting with Vision and what followed it, as if about a real miracle.


t the VIP-Forum in Mos-

my children. I had lived under

cow she told an exciting

stress for 17 years and I devel-

and moving story about

oped a number of diseases: sinus-

the new life with Vision, about

itis, hypertension, headaches. I

front of you to

the belief in the Company and its

had brain tumor. I realized that I


product as a distributor’s formula

had to change my life urgently. A

for success.

higher power brought me to Vi-

I am standing in

Dmitry Arkadyevich’s

“I first visited Russia in 2010.

sion one fine day and I began us-


It was a magic moment: at last

ing their product. Look at me- do

I could see the country I have

I look like a sick person?!

the philosophy

read so much about! I saw your

I want to tell you my secret of

of the Perfect

beautiful capital, met a wonder-

success. The key is to believe in

ful person — our President Dmi-

the Company and their product.

Health Choice....

try Arkadyevich Buryak. I believe

We have a unique product. We

that there is a higher power that

have the President who offers the

sent him to us as a missioner of

best conditions and the best to

happiness and good health. To-

our distributors.

day I am here in Moscow again.

My family and I have always

Having travelled thousands of

enjoyed the Company products.

kilometers I am standing in front

They have magically changed my

of you to share Dmitry Arkadyev-

life. OrgaNice was particularly suc-

ich’s teaching, the philosophy of

cessful. I bought the Step to Dream

the Perfect Health Choice.

program and started taking its

I had been a successful busi-

products. I shared the results with

nesswoman even before joining

my distributors; they noticed too

Vision but prosperity had not

that I felt and looked different. As

been an easy thing to achieve: I

you can see, all you have to do is

did not see my husband a lot and

take the product, get the result,

I couldn’t spend much time with

and tell other people about it.




It is particularly important for a woman to look perfect. A beautiful complexion, shining eyes, self-confidence – this attracts people like a magnet. Some people tell me, “You were fine without this program.” Then I reply, “Years pass by but I look younger and better”. I say, “Look at me and look at other women: do women of my age look as good as I do?” My own example helps me recruit new distributors. Once I talked to a married couple before going on a Vision Voyage to Morocco. The woman was fascinated by my story but the husband was very skeptical. Their doubts were scattered right after I described my results and assured them that the product is unique and that it is necessary for everyone. I told them about our President, about his goal – not only to make a fortune but to make people happy

The Missia foundation gives

and healthy. The couple signed the contract on the same day. I only had two days before my

one bottle of Junior Neo

trip to Morocco to explain to this

from each ZooKids kit

them to make a list of friends and

to the children of orphanages. 54

couple what to do next. I told all people they know. On the first day the woman brought eight (!) potential clients to my house and seven of them signed the contract with the Company and bought Step to Dream.



On the second day my new dis-

products help me make oth-

nior Neo from each ZooKids kit

tributors brought four clients, two

er people happy and healthy. I

to the children of orphanages.

of them bought a booster-case for

would like to tell you one story. A

As you can see, working with

370 CV and signed the contract.

2-year-old son of my distributor

unique programs and projects we

Inspired by this result, I went to

was hospitalized with poisoning.

help people become healthy, and

Morocco, and when I returned I

We had just received the ZooKids

it is easy to do it. OrgaNice is an

learnt that this couple made con-

program in Vietnam when this

advanced program. None of our

tracts for 7000 CV in 14 days! In

happened. The boy’s mother not

competitors has any such pro-

October they opened the VIP 2S

only healed her son with the pro-

gram. We heard about the unique


gram’s products but made 13 new

Bio-In program at the VIP-Forum;

contracts while she was at the

we learnt the first results from

hospital with her son.

those who used the program’s

You see, all is very easy. My new distributors also realized that it was so simple. You need to feel

This is an excellent example,

products. This is a new opportu-

the effect of the product, share it

isn’t it? Remember that when we

nity to backup and expand our

with friends and colleagues – and

buy the ZooKids kit, the Compa-

distributing network!”.

you are sure to succeed!

ny gives us all a chance to help

I am happy to be part of the Company.




children in hardships. The Missia foundation gives one bottle of Ju-







russia VIETNAM












russia VIETNAM russia






























vision voyage


Vietnam Cuisine

Flavored thick-brewis fo-bo soup, marinated ostrich meat, spring rolls with shrimps and pork, crocodile a la broche, a huge pan of boiling lao — Vietnam cuisine is hearty, rich and varied. You remember the taste of Vietnam forever.



vision voyage


ach Asian country is excel-


lent with its culinary traditions. You should come to

Singapore to taste peppery crab and fish-balls, to China – for noodles and spring rolls, to Thailand — for Pad Thai and Tom Yam. But if to dig

I was born in the north of Italy in Varese, the very beautiful city near the Maggiore lake, in 40 minutes driving time from Milano. From childhood up I like talking, therefore on weekends

far down in gastronomy, almost all

and during school vacations I worked at restaurants and luxe hotels to develop this excel-

cuisines of Asian countries originate

lence. My parents were my first teachers. My farther was a butcher and could cook ham and

from Vietnam. Therefore if you are

cold cuts with virtuosity. And my mother was a talented cook and was able to prepare al-

going to study Asian cuisine from

most any dish. But my best teacher was my own experience. That is why for several years after school I worked as a chef assistant at various luxurious hotels in the Riviera Ligure, in Monte

the ground up, it is Vietnam where

Carlo and Milano, and then I decided to leave Italy to broaden my outlook and gain new

you should go. It is a great advan-

experience. And so I got on a journey which is still going on. I worked in the best and most luxurious hotels of Europe, Asia, Caribbean Islands, Indian Ocean and Middle East. These were

tage that here food is not only tasty

Four Season, Sheraton and other hotels within The best Leading Hotel in The Worlds net-

but not expensive at all from early

work. And of course the InterContinental hotel in Hong Kong and now in Vietnam.

morning and till late night.

Every experience is unique itself and is interesting in its own way, that is why in each place I learned something new. Work with such world-level masters as Luigi Bergeretto, Sergio

However, Vietnamese themselves

Mei, Robert Lalman helped me to become a chef. Mere talent is not enough to become the

prefer very simple food and their

professional chef, for that purpose one should practice, spend long years on hard working in kitchen and pay constant attention to details. You shall work hard and devotedly to

ration is quite uniform and sta-

obtain results!

ble. And quality of their tableful

— Tell us about several your “brand” dishes.

does not depend on social status

— I do not like telling about my specialties, because gastronomic fashion changes very

or prosperity: meal of every Viet-

fast. But I stick to being honest to everything — food, a guest, my profession. As a chef I

namese consists of a huge basinful

am never fully satisfied with what I do. The best is the enemy of the good, and I always try to reach perfection in my dishes. That is why I am always in pursuit, and dishes I prepare

of rich fo bo in the morning, noo-

today are much different from that I will cook tomorrow. I always remember the words

dles and boiled or marinated veg-

of one great Italian chef Gualtiero Marchesi, “The best dish? It will be one of those I will

etables within the day, and again

cook tomorrow!” — What do you think about the Vietnam cuisine?

noodles for supper. At that there is not specific timetable for meal.

It is absolutely new world to me, and I am investigating it with great interest every day. I like flavors and great variety of the Vietnam cuisine, which is not the same in different regions of this country. I think that it is very healthy and well-balanced food which is still

Lunch time has come

relevant event in the present-day world.

People are eating all the time in

— Which dishes of the Vietnam cuisine are in your opinion the most interest-

Vietnam. And they eat outside —

ing and why? —I have started my journey over this great cuisine not as long ago, but I have been charmed to the bottom of my heart by the seeming simplicity of its dishes. I adore fo bo

here as nowhere else in the world, even in Italy and France, they like

with its terrific flavor and all variants of rolls made of rice paper. I wish I ate hoi han pan

taking meals in public catering

baguettes or Vietnam blintzes each day. The Vietnam cuisine is something fabulous and

places to be seen by everyone in

each chef may learn a lot in this country with its traditions gained for thousands years. Even simple food sold in streets here astonishes with its fantastic variety and deepness of

the street, alongside of racing cars

tastes. Welcome to Vietnam, dear friends!

and shoving motor bicycles. All


vision voyage


Soup is the most important course Our moms would be glad to see all the tourists and locals eating soup in Vietnam with great pleasure. Especially fo bo, of course. The prefix “bo” well known among Europeans means that this soup is served with beef. Bo soup is also cooked with chicken, pork or seafood. But indeed with beef it is the tastiest. To make fo, chiefs cook everything separately — for a long time, almost for six hours they boil rich cook water, boil meat separately, which is then sliced to have very thin, almost transparent pieces. In a proper cafe (or at homes of Vietnam people) fo streets of provincial towns and all

(black, white, red, round, long),

prospects of big cities are full of

several sorts of beans (pea, shell

restaurants, cafes, bars, equipped

bean, some other pips) and dredg-

with hot food stalls, there are old

es with something reminding sug-

ladies everywhere selling sweet rise

ar heavily mixed with — do not

rolled in banana leaves — the pri-

fear! — salt. This is a remarkable

mary and almost the only dessert in

dish you won’t forget.

Vietnam. If you are not sure wheth-

Without having lunch breaks,

er it is safe to buy the rise rolls from

Vietnam people eat in streets

the old ladies or not, then we rec-

something seeming very tasty and

ommend you to taste multicolored

rinse it with green ice tea. You may

rice in some touristic place, for

come to a restaurant any time –

example, next to the main market

either in the morning or in the

at Ho Chi Minh. Instead of buying

evening - and you will always find

rise of any specific color (red, vio-

here locals or progressive tourists

let or yellow) it is better to choose

who very quickly get used to eat-

a mix of all the range available on

ing all the time.

the market stall: a salesman puts in

The most popular dish in street ca-

a plastic bag tree-four kinds of rice

fes is, of course, fo bo soup.


vision voyage


is served as follows: cook water with

Inside the bowl there is spicy cook

beef is served in a large deep bowl,

water, around the bowl — a variety

in which cold rice noodles are put

of vegetables (a number of types of

just before serving, next to the bowl

local herbs, a common sort of “Ice-

they put a basin with a variety of

berg” salad and small seedpods hav-

greens — one has to put the greens

ing name difficult to pronounce,

into the soup separately. In general,

a lot of tomatoes) and main stuff.

Vietnam cuisine is not character-

The base ingredient has to be tak-

ized by specific sharp flavor, that is

en from a wide variety of local sea-

why fo may seem a bit flat (espe-

food: shrimps, oysters, vongole-type

cially in apparent touristic places).

shells, red and white fish. Chilled

Flat fo may be “tuned” with various

rice noodles, very thin and long, are

sauces always present on the table.

served separately. Waiters would

The second important local soup

readily cook the soup for you, but it

is lao. Although local people treat

is much more interesting to put in

it rather like a main hot dish. Lao

the cook water the desired amount

is served in a very smart manner:

of greens and to boil shrimps in it.

a huge iron bowl on a small torch.

When the solid alcohol in the torch is over, the soup will be ready. After that you put noodles into small dishes and pour it with hot cook water. Certainly, to please tourists local cafes offer a number of European soups. French onion soup is especially popular. French classics Vietnam has been under protectorate of France for a long time (from 1864 to 1945). But strangely enough, this had very low influence on the gastronomic culture of the country. Wine industry in Vietnam is still in germ . Here local Dalat is produced, the grapes for which are grown next to Dalat town, but you can buy it only in the country, be-


vision voyage


cause it is too unpretentious. There are some more wineries producing preferably red wine, but their products cost far more that you would like and they cannot hold a candle with wines of New or Old World. The main thing left here by the French is baguette. On every street in each town there are stalls selling baguettes with various fillings. In Vietnam baguettes are for some reason three times shorter and one and half times thicker than in France. A baguette is cut in half and filled with slices of cheap sausage where there is far more soya than meat, and piec-

To make fo, chiefs cook everything separately — for a long time they boil rich cook water, boil meat separately, which is then sliced to have very thin, almost transparent pieces

es of vegetables. We cannot say that it is tasty, but it is quite nourishing. Exotic Of course there is exotic in Vietnam. But this exotic is rather homelike, somehow usual, with no pathos or extreme. After all, when crocodiles are grilled on every street corner, one stops feeling that it is something astonishing. And, of course, crocodile, like most other exotic dishes, resembles white chicken meat. It is far more interesting to taste ostrich, marinated by local chiefs in various spices. Ostrich is served in small and very thin chops. In season time oysters are very good here, they are not divided into any sorts or sizes. These are just quite big oysters most resembling


vision voyage


common Fine de Claire. They cost

spicy greens, shrimps and pork

around 2–3 dollars per one. But oys-

into a very fine flat rice cake.

it’s interesting:

ters are served in a very funny way: chiefs almost always pour sap out of

Fish sauce

oysters, put ice pieces on the shells

People in Vietnam eat fish sauce

instead of putting them under the

everywhere. You may even not

shells, and bring wasabi by all means.

know it, but fish sauce will be in

For a Russian, the most exotic dish-

every dish you order. There is a

es in Vietnam are more than simple.

faulty believe that fish sauce has

For example, in many local cafes

awful smell. It is not so. It is fish

Vietnam people order huge plates

that has bad smell after having pre-

of boiled quail eggs. These are just

pared for half a year (it is sun dried

eggs in shell, simply boiled and

directly in the street, the correct

nothing more. A plate full of such

name for this process is “fermen-

eggs looks bizarre, the strange exot-

tation in pickle”), and only after

ic which is there not to shock pub-

that is it used to prepare fish sauce.

lic (like roasted snakes) and is real.

The sauce itself does not have such

3000 years of tea consumed in Vietnam. This country has given the world the culture of tea cultivation.

sharp smell, and in a finished dish Rice bowl

only its taste is noticed, while the

Everyone in Vietnam eats rice. The

smell totally disappears. Experts

main hot dishes are bowls of white

assure that the main component

rice boiled with no salt or spices.

of the taste of this sauce is umu-

They boil seafood and chicken

mi, the taste of protein substances

along with rice —the outcome is

which is considered pleasing.

a big plate where among crumbly pips you sometimes find a shrimp

3rd Vietnam ranks in the world ranking of GQ magazine among the countries of interest gourmet.

Tea, coffee

tail or a piece of carrot. Since due

It is odd as it may seem, but Vietnam

to the war Vietnam people have

does not have tea cult. Gastrologists

lived in absolute poverty for a long

advise going to China or Taiwan for

time, they learned to cook tasty

black or green tea. In all cafes for lo-

food of everything they find. A very

cals green tea is offered to all guests.

tasty local dish is garlic rice, it costs

They even may pour team for you

nothing, is prepared simply of rice

very quickly and only after that ask

and garlic with adding butter. And

you what you are going to drink. We

you wish ordering it every day.

recommend you to choose cold cof-

Perhaps, the most popular local

fee with condensed milk. If the place

dish is spring rolls, also made of

is proper, and not a touristic zone,

rice. They roll rice noodles, fresh

coffee will be served in the following


place belongs to Vietnam in world exports of black pepper and cashew nuts.


vision voyage


way: a glass tumbler with condensed milk on the bottom and a metallic barrel on top with roughly milled coffee and boiling water in it, next to the tumbler there will be a bowl with ice cubes. Coffee slowly strains through the sieve and drops down. When all the drink is down, it has to be quickly diluted with plenty of ice. It is almost impossible to drink Vietnam coffee pure – it is very strong. Value of the matter Prices in restaurants, cafes and bars in Vietnam are endlessly attractive. Whether in big cities or in resorts, in

The base restaurant dish — rice with seafood served in a half of pineapple — would be absolutely the same delicious both in the cafe and in the most expensive restaurant of Ho Chi Minh.

5* hotel restaurants or in truck stops every food will be very cheap. An average dinner with beer will cost approximately 20 dollars in a cafe, and with European wine and oysters — around 35 dollars in a restaurant with white tablecloth. Bigger sums are requested only for European alcohol and only on rare occasions. It is also very important that food quality is almost the same in all eateries. The base restaurant dish — rice with seafood served in a half of pineapple — would be absolutely the same delicious both in the cafe with plastic chairs Bibo Seafood on edge of Muine village and in the most expensive restaurant of Ho Chi Minh EON51 on the 51st floor of the Bitexco tower. So you may start getting acquainted with Vietnam dainties with any money.


vision voyage


Vietnam roll with smoked

Ingredients: Peking duck breast g. Chinese fennel sweet soy bean paste ml. salmon and Pineapple, thinly sliced g. Рецепт от Чезаре Романи: Vietnamese rice paper n. Cucumber, peeled and cut in fine julienne g. 
 Red bell pepper, cored, seeded, cut in fine ju Cooking:


For the sauce:

Scald vermicelli Hoisin sauce in boiling water during 5 minutes. Turn off fire and Water hold vermicelli in for 5 minutes more. Mustard Through it on sprouts a cullendar, wash with Pea shoot cold water and letleaves water drain. Vermicelli should be made a half an hour prior Method: to cooking the dish.



g. g. g. g.

Remove crispy duck skin from

Cut 6 leaves of rice two 2. Trimpaper fat andindiscard. 3. Cut the skin into equal parts with kitchen scissors. Fillsmall pieces duck breast meat i a large bowl 4. with warmShred water.theSink each 5. Grill the pineapple slices unti half of the sheets into it one-by-one, 6. To assemble, soak a sheet holding them in water just for 10-15 seckitchen towel to absorb exc onds and then putting cucumber them into aand plate. capsicum on


parcel. Repeat to make 8 par

Put a piece salmon 7. of smoked Serve the duck on rolls with duc leaves and any remaining pin a rice paper half-sheet horizontally leaving 4 cm free space from its edge.


Next to the fish put some sticks of perilla, mint leaves, some salad, onion, cucumber and vermicelli.

For 4 persons: Rice vermicelli — 80 g. Rice paper sheets (22 cm in diameter) — 18 ps


To make a roll, at first fold edges of 
the rice paper to the center and press them to the filling and then start rolling.

Smoked salmon fillet, cut into 12 slices —300 g. Perilla leaves —1 tuft Mint leaves — 1 tuft Milled leaves of iceberg salad — 120 g. Fine-cut red onion — 1 onion bulb Cucumber cut into sticks — 1 ps Fennel — 1 tuft Fish sauce (Nuoc mam Cham)


Before making the final turn, add a stick of fennel and let it put out a bit from one side. Repeat the same for the rest rolls.


Serve with fish sauce.




Ten advantages of working as a distributor

Valentina Bogaley, VIP 1S from Krasnoyarsk started her new life in Vision 15 years ago. She can speak knowledgeably about the advantages of this profession. 66



Would you like to get a “turnkey” business? Would you like to work for

1. Owner of your own

key” business. All is ready, just go


and work. You have a unique prod-

Getting to work in a network

uct, a successful business model,

company is a startup of your own

and trainings ready for you. Your

business. Such a decision is not

sponsor is always there for you.

easy to make. Your own business

You can always count on the Vi-

does not only mean an income, it

sion team’s support, and a team

is a big responsibility too. A busi-

is very important too. It is better

ness owner is independent in

to have 1% of 100 people’s effort

making decisions and works for

than to work at 100% yourself.

himself or herself. But the owner

Working with Vision this becomes

cannot blame circumstances for


the failure to act. If you are a business owner, you won’t complain:

4. Personal growth

yourself? To have a

My car has broken down today, I

First, I didn’t understand when

cannot work. But you will know

I was told: You need to change.

guaranteed income?

that all the income that you earn

I thought I was still respected

from your business will go into

for my previous merits. But over

To plan your day

your pocket.

time it became obvious to me

and have plenty of

2. A stable company

personally. Every day you have

An important factor of a distribu-

to try and learn something new,

tor’s success is choosing a network

broaden your horizons, look at

company. I enjoy working with Vi-

a problem in a new light, and

sion International People Group.

work on your personal qualities.

It is a wonderful company with a

When you cannot do some task,

special philosophy which has an

your mentor will always be there

exclusive product and always pays

for you. This can be the person

the money. All network compa-

who brought you in Vision, or

nies are different but having de-

your “mental” sponsor who can

cided to work with Vision, you can

be someone from a different

be assured that this business will


free time? Then you should become a distributor.

that a distributor has to grow

give you stability and confidence in the future.

5. Passive income With the growth of your struc-

3. “Turnkey” business

ture - the team of distributors -

Another advantage of working

your turnover will increase, and

with Vision is that you get a “turn-

you will get a passive income.




This is the main advantage of networking. The best illustration for a “passive income� would be a picture of a person busking on the sea coast and money trickling into his or her pockets. This is how Vision distributors with their own structure live. 6. New friends A great advantage of working as a distributor is an opportunity to find new friends and like-minded people. You might meet your old

The bigger your circle is, the more people you can potentially bring within your orbit.

school friends that you haven’t seen for years. I have made lots of new friends myself or have been introduced to many new people. The bigger your circle is, the more people you can potentially bring within your orbit.




7. No investment needed Networking business can be run with the least financial investment. I always feel sorry for many entrepreneurs




markets and shops. They have to invest large sums in their goods. They keep complaining that even a small amount of money can turn into a stumbling block. Working with Vision in this respect is easy. You only need an iPad, and your business is as good as in your pocket. All your business tools will be in your tablet. Even if we make an investment, we invest in ourselves,

pany are part of training. At the

not in the business.

forums people exchange their experience and expertise. Sometimes

8. Flexible hours

people come to an event without

A distributor can make their own

having any idea of what to expect,

schedule. Naturally, we cannot

and even unable to hear the good

always be free. Sometimes it hap-

and important words. It is there-

pens so that a person cannot deal

fore especially nice to see someone

with the amount of freedom he

open their mind and hear at last!

or she gets. But we can plan ourselves who to work with and when

10. Exclusive product

to work. And the most important

Vision offers us an exclusive and

thing is that we can work with our

quality product. The product line

families. Having a family business

constantly changes, new programs

is such a nice thing! The business

come up; this is the best of what a

can be inherited, this often hap-

distributor can offer to a client.

pens in our Company.

The distributors’ income is directly related to the efficacy and quality

9. Trainings

of the product. Vision guarantees

Never-ending training is a key fac-

the product quality which means

tor of a distributor’s success. Vision

that clients will be happy with the

holds trainings on a permanent ba-

product and distributors will have

sis. All events and dos in the Com-

a guaranteed income.

Having decided to work with Vision, you can be assured that this business will give you stability and confidence in the future. 69



15 ADVANTAGES OF BI-IN PROGRAM FROM TAMARA PSHENNIKOVA Most recently the Company has made an amazing present to its distributors: the complex innovative Bio-In program which not only improves the quality of life but also makes life longer.




TAMARA PSHENNIKOVA A doctor of threpsology. Gives lectures at doctors qualification courses on base of Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy. Received special training for work with naturaceuticals in Administrative Department of the President of the Russian Federation Medical Center. Has extensive long term experience of work with dietary supplements. Winner of Russian National Top Award “For individual contribution to the cause of rising generation health improvement�.





t is known that despite med-

biotics in 15-20 years on average,

long. And more importantly, they

ical and pharmaceutical ad-

they develop resistance to antibi-

want to be healthy! How can we

vances people get sick as

otics a lot faster than their produc-

remain healthy in the aggressive

much as before. Life expectancy

tion costs pay off. Microorganisms

environment we are living in?

has been increasing, and so has

have a fantastic ability to adapt to

Endless advertisements prove



any environment: they can live in

that there are a lot of probiotics

and oncological diseases, and the

air, water, ground, and even fire!

in the market now. How is our in-

number of people suffering from

There are bacteria that have learnt

novative Bio-In program differ-

diabetes and other serious diseas-

to feed on plastic! The world has

ent from probiotics available in

es. For example, in the last 8 years

come to understand: the age of

pharmacies and other networking

Russian people have spent 5 times

antibiotics is coming to its end; the

companies? How should we posi-

more on medications. In the last

age of probiotics is advancing!

tion it as an alternative to poten-



25 years not a single new antibi-

Humanity is aging rapidly but

otics formula has been invented.

people want to stay energetic, ac-

Microorganisms can adapt to anti-

tive and socially important life-


tial clients? What makes it unique?



Here are the advantages

and most resistant strains (types)

we have a lot more (more than

of Bio-In.

of key bacteria that must inhabit

enough). Each person has about

the intestine: Lactobacillus, Bif-

2 or 3 kg of bacteria in the body,

Bio-In is not merely a qual-

idumbacteria, Lactococcus, and

and if a person “eats� 2 or 3 kg of

ity product; it is a complete

Streptococcus. The vast majority

bacteria at once, they will leave

program of subsequent steps

of producers sell probiotics with

the body naturally and the prob-

(stages), where each next stage

two types of bacteria: Lactoba-

lem will stay. Our objective is not

is a follow-up. The colonization

cillus and Bifidumbacteria. What

just to feed people on bacteria,


of the intestine by beneficial micro flora (probiotics) is a very complicated



For example, in the last 8 years


quired large-scale hard work by the DEM4 laboratory scientists. It

Russian people have spent 5 times more on medications.

takes time to grow even a simple flower;

to cultivate trillions of

beneficial bacteria serving as our

In the last 25 years not a single

protectors, it certainly takes time

new antibiotics formula

and consistency.




has been invented.


long-term restoration of the

microflora balance; unlike con-

kind of harmony is this? There

but to select such bacteria strains

ventional probiotics, it does not

can’t be semi-harmony. Bio-In

(types) that will colonize the in-

merely eliminate the symptoms.

program is more in line with the

testine, will not compete and will

natural intestinal microflora, and

multiply. One bacterium is able to

The program is personalized,

all its components have a syner-

turn into 20 million bacteria in

i.e. it can be suited for each

getic effect.

12 hours, but this is only possible


person individually. Try and ask for a probiotic in a pharmacy, for example, for a woman who wants to strengthen the bones and find a good mouthcare solution. With Bio-In it is possible.


The bacterial composition of the program is unique.


in favorable conditions. Bio-In The program contains bac-

program provides these condi-

teria living both in the large

tions for a long-time solution of

and small intestine, and they affect the entire flora of the intestine.


The amount of beneficial bacteria getting into the

a problem.


Apart from good bacteria (probiotics) the program

contains food for them- prebi-

organism is of crucial impor-

otics. It is very important to use

Long experimenting has resulted

tance: it should be 1 billion a day

prebiotics of the best quality

in the selection of four strongest

as a minimum. In our program

and highest efficacy. Numerous





experiments have selected fruc-

break down food into tiny parti-

tooligosaccharide (fos); this is

cles which serve as food not only

the only prebiotic that can pro-

for bacteria, but for the body cells.

vide a 96% survival in the large

When food breaks down com-

tion, which allows the bacteria to

intestine. Why is this important?



preserve their properties when

The thing is that bacteria have

processes that shorten our life,

exposed to gastric juice and bile

enough food in the small intes-

stop. Nobel Prize recipient Ilya

(normally, about 90% of bacteria

tine where most food is digest-

Mechnikov wrote about the tre-

die at this stage) and helps them

ed, while in the large intestine

mendous harm of putrefaction in

reach the intestine; the capsule it-

there are hardly any nutrients,

the beginning of last century. Bio-

self is of vegetable origin and dis-

and the number of bacteria

In is the only program in the world

solves only there, plus it serves as

here is the highest; they do not

that contains cobiotics!

food for bacteria.

get enough nourishment which causes problems.


Besides prebiotics, our pro-



Besides probiotics, prebio足 tics, and cobiotics, Bio-In

also contains specially selected

A special patented probiotics production tech-

nology uses double encapsula-


To protect bacteria, BioIn program for the first

time uses cryo-protection which

gram includes another kind

herbal extracts, vitamins, and min-

shields bacteria during freezing

of food for bacteria, cobiotics.

erals which increase the synergetic

(sublimation) and provides a high

Cobiotics are plant enzymes that

effect of the program.

viability even when stored at room temperatures.


Most producers state the amount of bacte-

ria that they put into a sachet during packaging. But they are not completely honest. Imperfect technologies are responsible for major losses in the initially stated amount of bacteria by the end of 2 years of lifespan: only 20 to 30% of bacteria survive. The producers fail to mention this fact. Bio-In program initially contains more than enough bacteria; 80-90% of them survive the entire shelf life, which leaves a sufficient amount of bacteria for the body.








from a mother cell to daughter

has been working on for over 100

international GMP and

cell generations with virtually no

years since the time of Ilya Mech-

ISO22000, Kosher, and Halal stan-

loss of life reserve thanks to extra

nikov who was the first to study

dards. It does not contain GMOs,

DNA links (when they finish, cells

human microflora and who was

preservatives, or any other harm-

begin ageing), antioxidant ef-

awarded the Nobel Prize for his

ful components. The program was

fect, activation of stem cells. This

studies in 1908. Bio-In is not just

created by the DEM4 laboratory

unique effect of Bio-In program

a new product, it is a revolution

specialists and our partners- scien-

has no analogues in the world!

in our understanding and attitude

tists from Europe and USA.


to health. Vision as always has

The program has a posi-

the best and the newest things in

tive effect not only on the

healthcare and longevity to offer

intestine but on all body systems:

to its clients. Share this knowl-

rejuvenating effect due to three

immune, endocrine, nervous, car-

edge about Vision’s new possibil-

factors: protection of the genetic

diovascular, respiratory etc. Bio-In

ities of restoring good health and

apparatus of cells, precise trans-

program is the ultimate achieve-

prolonging life with everyone you

mission of genetic information

ment of science that humanity

love and care about!


Bio-In inhibits the ageing process and has a




Bio-In at watch of your health. Part 1 During recent 10–15 years amount of people having hypersensitivity reaction on food products has considerably increased. Scientists believe, that about 25 % of the planet population may be susceptive to allergy.





he World Health Organiza-

between safe substances and real

the environment and in human

tion (WHO) had accepted

enemies of organism.

body, as due to the competition

that in developed coun-

Nevertheless there is the solu-

and interaction with each other

tries allergy has become the main

tion! It is in probiotics. The Bio-In

none specie gets an advantage. At

epidemic disease of children. The

program including unique, care-

the same time, as a result of use

amount of children susceptive

fully grown probiotics of the 5th

of chemistry (especially antibac-

to allergy to various substances

generation specially selected of

terial agents) all bacterium are

for recent 10 years has increased

millions is the future of science.

destroyed, the natural balance of

twice. During recent 20 years the

Herewith we present the first

bacterium is disrupted and condi-

amount of people suffering from

part of the materials cycle devot-

tions for development of specific

asthma in the whole world has in-

ed to the importance of the Bio-In

specie of bacterium are created.

creased by 160 %.

program for human organism —

As a result of unconscious activ-

Bio-In at struggle with allergy.

ities of humans using chemical

One of reasons why cases of asthma and allergy happen more

substances everywhere — starting

and more often is antibiotic treat-

Excessive hygiene

with soil and ending with food —

ment. By disturbing natural bal-

leads to allergy

in the environment surrounding

ance of microflora in intestinal

It is well known that there shall

us useful bacterium probiotics

tract, antibiotics may not allow

be a balance between various mi-

have been destroyed along with

immune system to differentiate

croorganisms (symbiosis) both in

harmful bacterium.




At first sight it seems strange

self-regulation and recognition

free radicals penetrate through

why hygiene may lead to such

of what to fight against and what

organism protecting barriers and

consequences, because we are

not. As a result of using modern

poison it, stimulating inflammato-

used to think that diseases come

means of hygiene (antimicrobial

ry response. Inflammation which

as a result of unclean hands, dirty

soap with water) or heat-treated

is constantly stimulated suppress-

food products etc. Nevertheless

milk from child age people experi-

es antiallergenic immune reaction

excessive hygiene is as harmful as

ence too small variety of microbes

and increases sensitivity of organ-

lack of it. The so called hygienic

(both good and bad), and there-

ism to allergens.

hypothesis proves that during re-

fore immune system has less op-

That is why organism needs

cent decades the amount of aller-

portunities to learn how to define

help from outside to restore and

gy cases has increased in connec-

dangerous bacteria against safe

fight against allergens. Good bac-

tion with increased sterility and

bacteria or farina.

terium that Bio-In abands with,

low variety of bacterium species

split some allergens and toxins

in environment surrounding hu-

Bio-In will help you

and thus do not allow them get-

mans. This causes immune system

to forget about arrergy

ting into organism. Probiotics of


The main cause of allergy is in-

the 5th generation restore bacte-

Why does it happen? Natural

adequate and incorrect immune

environment used to help im-

reaction. In such way toxins emit-

The mechanism of probiotics

mune system of people to learn

ted by pathogenic bacterium and

action is multifunctional, and each


rium balance in human organism.



probiotic may have an individual action, as seen on examples of various investigations of bacterium performed by world scientists, and most of such probiotics is included into the Synbiotics for hypersensitivity product. Lactic acid bacillus in the product stimulate increased gen-

the amount of allergy cases has increased in connection with increased sterility and low variety of bacterium species in environment surrounding humans.

eration of TGF-β and α- tolerogenic cytotoxicants in epithelial

stimulate immune cells and aller-

not only reduce these types of cells,

cells, which increase immunotol-

gic irritation does not happen.

but also suppress their functioning.

erance, i.e. decreases sensitivity of

Currently scientists are describ-

Complexes included in the

immunity to allergens. Thus aller-

ing the effect of T-cells of new

Bio-In program effectively reduce

gens themselves cause smaller re-

type — Th17 — in development of

symptoms of hay fever, atopic ec-

action, and besides probiotics are

asthma. The said cells extricate in-


capable to split some allergens

terleukin-17 (IL-17), which partic-

improve blood composition and

and neutralize them, therefore

ipates in inflammation at asthma.

are irreplaceable for people suffer-

allergens lose the possibility to

Investigations show that probiotics

ing from frequent allergies.






How old is actually your body? We all know how to determine a person’s age: by looking at their passport. But did you know that our organism has its own age and it is not always the same as the calendar age?





he biological age – as it

pothetically a person can live

ing well, if you are looking af-

is called – is an indica-

about 150 years considering

ter your health, which changes

tor of the physiological

the natural ageing of cells. Why

your body has undergone over

condition of the body showing

then does average life expec-

time, and how they have affect-

how well it works. But it is not

tancy in Europe barely reach

ed you and your life.

so easy to tell as the calendar

75 years?

To date, all of the tests eval-

age. Several factors need to be

The way we live determines

uating the biological age are

considered here: the calendar

how long we live. Bad hab-

confined to offering surveys and

age, overall health, the risk of

its, stress, poor diet, and lack

evaluating the cardiovascular

chronic diseases, and dying be-

of sleep – for most of us this

system; what they lack is a ho-

cause of them.

is part of life; at the same time

listic systematic method that

Why is it so important to

these factors prevent our or-

could assess the entire body.

know your biological age? The

ganism from functioning prop-

The DEM4 laboratory has de-

difference between your calen-

erly, and as a result, from staying

signed a new integrated method

dar and biological age tells you

healthy and young longer. To

that evaluates the ageing pro-

first of all the ageing velocity

determine the biological age it

cesses and sets the real biological

and the life quality. A human

is quite essential to know one’s

age. This technique combines a

body will inevitably age. It has

quality of life, for it allows us to

special diagnostic device called

been found however, that hy-

understand if the body is work-

AGE reader and the life quality




It has been found however, that

it is that to use it, one does not

hypothetically a person can live

to have the test results at hand

about 150 years considering the

life quality, all data is stored in

natural ageing of cells.

e-mail and print it out.

survey (

This device is unique in that

tor’s help because it can demon-

The laboratory collects the data

it assesses the biological age

strate to each client why it is vi-

obtained, and a special instru-

non-invasively, i.e. without in-

tal to look after their health and

ment assesses other indicators

ternal interference; unlike other

change the quality of life by trying

to determine the biological age.

readers it takes into account indi-

to improve it. Help your clients

This innovative device can pre-

vidual characteristics of skin pig-

determine their biological age;

dict the risk of developing the

mentation and blood circulation.

tell them why and how they can

cardiovascular disease, diabetes,

This is a fast, fine and precise

change their lifestyle, and your

renal failure, and overall body

method with no side effects on


the body. The best thing about


have to be an expert! To be able and know how to change your the computer; you can get it by AGE reader is every distribu-

business will take off!



We all know how to determine a person’s age: by looking at their passport. But did you know that our organism has its own age and it is not always the same as the calendar age?




Charity dinner In HANOI


Hanoi hosted the Charity Dinner on November, 22/ This status event brought together distributors of the Vision Company from Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City and social figures and business people of Vietnam.

The grand Daewoo Hotel in Hanoi opened the doors of its magnificent hall to the guests of the event. Dmitry,

Margarita, and Lidiya Buryak were delighted to welcome everyone who shares the philosophy of charity work. The charity dinner also organized a charity auction with valuable lots with their own history. The spokesperson of the charity initiative, the Founder of the Missia Charity Foundation Margarita Buryak told the guests that the donations collected during this auction will be used for the treatment of three children from the Ba Vi Rehabilitation Center for disabled children in Hanoi. This center is a state institution founded in 1976. The center is engaged in the care and rehabilitation of disabled children of the northern provinces of Vietnam. At the moment about 200 children suffer the consequences of cerebral palsy, constrained limb movement, mental deficiency, bad hearing, autism, and “Agent Orange� chemical injuries.

The atmosphere of kindness and solidarity for one goal united people of different countries and different languages at the Charity evening. The guests of this status event enjoyed pleasant surprises and received appreciation from the first persons of the Vision Company.







missia without boarders

The conference of the MISSIA Charity Foundation in Golden Ring on 7.11.2014


was the day in November when Moscow hosted the Practical conference of the MISSIA Foundation which brought together philanthropists, vol-

unteers and regional representatives of the Foundation from different countries. Many topical questions of the autumn and winter season of the Foundation were discussed at the conference. The founder of the MISSIA Charity Foundation Margarita Buryak welcomed the conference participants from all over Russia, and also the delegation from Vietnam who participated in the Practical conference for the first time. The MISSIA Foundation regional representatives talked about systematic charity programs which aim at helping children in difficult conditions better adapt socially. Summing up ten years of its work, the Foundation remains true to its main activities: making a child’s dream come true; linking generations; promoting tolerance; teaching children to respect cultural heritage of different nations.







X International festival “CHRISTMAS DREAM” Every year the MISSIA Foundation announces the Competition of Creativeness to take part in the international festival “Christmas Dream”. Starting with 2009 in the frame of the festival children are offered knowledge of cultural heritage of various nations. Dates of the festival: February 68, 2015 . The festival “Christmas Dream” unites on the Vologda land children from orphan asylums, charity providers and friends of the MISSIA Foundation. The X-th International festival will be participated by delegations from 42 care centers for children who got into difficult life situation. Many of them will have to travel a long distance to get to Moscow. Yakutia, Sakhalin, Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Omsk, Ufa, Glazov, Kaliningrad, Stavropol… Guys from far regions have to come to Moscow a day or two in advance to be independent of hard weather conditions. Every year the MISSIA Foundation calls upon volunteers, charity providers and all its friends to do what they can to prepare children to the festival.




The help of people who are ready to meet delegations of children at airports and railway stations of the capital is very important to the foundation. Prior to the festival the help in making short excursions along the capital is always needed. Many children come to Moscow for the first time and they would like to see the Red Square. We appreciate help of all volunteers ready to render assistance within their powers. The true values are getting back to our life! After all, the biggest miracle of the world is the ability to do good! Ведь главное чудо мира – способность к добру! Founder of the MISSIA Charity Foundation Margarita Buryak Contact information: Safronova Olga, +79687017227,,




Actual VISION video!


report from the Guardsmen Workshop in Lithuania The President’s Guardsmen talk about the importance of qualifying and career promotion and invite you to the spring’s main event — VIP-Forum in April 2015. Margarita Gribuleva Ta Quang Viet Daria Panina Yulia Sokur Victoria Fedotova

Vietnam welcomes Millennium 2015




Actual VISION video! Vision Voyage 2015. Welcome to Danang

Forum in Novosibirsk. Interviews with the speakers.

VIP-Forum Moscow-Hanoi. Interviews with the speakers.

Presentation of the Bio-In program Look inside yourself and see what is happening in your body when you are taking the Bio-In program. It supplies you with carefully selected beneficial living bacteria which look after your health.











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