Yavapai College Administrative Policy and Procedures Manual Policy Number: 5.11 Title: Parking and Vehicular Traffic Policy Effective Date: December 2, 2011
Parking and vehicular traffic on Yavapai College property shall be maintained and controlled through reasonable and prudent regulations and procedures developed and administered by the President, or his/ her designee. 5.11.0 Parking and Vehicular Traffic Rules and Procedures: Yavapai College All Campus Locations 5.11.1 Procedures and Adjudication or Citations Parking and Vehicular Procedures are established by the President with administrative responsibility delegated to the Vice President for Administrative and Financial Services. Adjudication of citations is delegated to the Yavapai College Appeal Panel. Record keeping is maintained by the College Police Department. 5.11.2 Automobile Parking Areas Automobile Parking Areas on the Prescott Campus: Lots: A, B. C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, S and T are regarded as open parking areas. Automobile parking areas on the Verde Valley campus lots, 1 through 12. 5.11.3 Parking Regulations A. Posted reserved parking areas exist for College-owned vehicles, residence hall directors, handicapped, and visitor parking or loading/unloading zones. There are no designated special parking areas for students, faculty, staff or the general public. B. Street parking is prohibited except by special direction from College Police. C. Yellow painted curbs are for ten minute parking only. D. On the Prescott Campus: Motorcycle/cycle parking areas are designated in the lower level of Building 4 in Lot T, Top of Building 3 and Lot M near Building 19.
Policy Number: 5.11 Title: Prescott Campus Parking and Vehicular Traffic Policy Effective Date: March 2012 (TBD)
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