Divcap: Dive Into Sleep Creating a sensory sleep environment Exploring a future olfactory interface
Project Sensory experience design Product design
Primary research focuses ongathering information about sleep and insights as well as identifying user needs and opportunities
Aims to identify and analyse problems as well as look for other people's sleep solutions
The goal of this phase is trying to testing potential solutions as I did three iterations
Puts product test. Thinking about the form of auxiliary products in the future
Composition Wearable device Olfactory interface
Date Dec. 2019 - Mar. 2020 Desk Research
Introduction Insomnia is a common sleep problem for adults. To solve this, I developed Divcap, a powerful wearable device that can track people's data throughout the day and then treat people with sleep disorders through auditory and olfactory dimensions based on that data. After learning thermophilic fabrics in the Center for Digital Innovation, Tongji University as an intern, I made the original olfactory feedback products into the form of fabrics.
Publication https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9230016
Video: http://www.zhuyechen.com/divcap/
Academic Research User Understanding
Project Review Ideation
Experiment 1
Logic Theory
Case Study
Experiment 2
Three Prototypes
DivcapTex Future Potential