ECOPA-ARCH DESIGN - POrtfolio- 2018

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‫‪Engineering Consultant Office‬‬ ‫‪for Planning & Architecture‬‬ ‫‪ECOPA‬‬

‫انًــكـزـــت انهُـــذســــً‬ ‫السزشـــبراد انزخطٍــظ و انؼًـــبرح‬


Technical Data &Legal Form For the Institution

‫البٌانات االساسٌة و الشكل القانونً للمؤسسة‬

Technical data Name of Company Name and Title of Contact Person

‫انبيبوبت االسبسية‬ Engineering consultant office for Planning and Architecture “ECOPA” Prof .DR .Eng . Mohamed El Sayed Abdallah SERAG


20, Abdel Aziz Issa St.,9th district Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt


01004514896 – 01221061896 – 01227472836

Fax :


E-mail: -

Legal form Date OF

October 1986 establishment Registration date of the Grade "A" consultant office since 07-03-2006 General Organization for Physical Planning)

“ ‫المــكـتـــب الهنـــدســــً الستشـــارات التخطٌــط و العمـــارة “إٌكوبا‬ ‫ شفق العوضً الوكٌل‬/‫د‬.‫محمد عبد هللا سراج – ا‬/‫د‬.‫ا‬

‫ محمد السٌد عبدهللا سراج‬/ .‫د‬.‫أ‬

‫اسم انشركة‬ ‫انمدير انمسئول‬

‫وانرئيس انتىفيذي‬

‫ شارع الشٌخ عبد العزٌز عٌسى – المنطقة التاسعة – مدٌنة نصر – القاهرة‬20


01227472836 – 01221061896 – 01004514896


002-02- 24711912

‫فبكس‬ -

‫انبريد االنكترووي‬

‫انشكم انقبوووي نهمكتب‬ 1986 ‫أكتوبر‬

‫تارٌخ التأسٌس‬

)‫ مكتب استشاري شامل فئة (أ‬2006/3/7

‫تارٌخ التسجٌل بالهٌئة‬ ً‫العامة للتخطٌط العمران‬

Cooperation agreements with consultants and specialized Office

Agreements of cooperation

• PAC for planning and architecture consulting office • Abdul Aziz el Lingawy engineering consultant office , Jeddah , Saudi Arabia • Nano Engineering Consultant Center , Madina , Saudi Arabia • Sasaki Walker Associates (SWA) - USA • INGENNUS urban consulting AIE - SPAIN

• STEER Davies Gleave – Transportation - ENGLAND • Morgen Architecture – Belgium Number of projects carried out by Ecopa

Ecopa individually : more then 50 projects In Cooperation with other consultant offices :10 projects

Projects under the ministry of housing that was carried out by the office founders as consultants class ( A ) 83 PROJECTS

‫اتفاقٌات تعاون مع االستشارٌ​ٌن والمكاتب المتخصصة‬ ‫ محمد زكرٌا الدرس‬/ ‫د‬.‫أ‬- ‫• مكتب "بــاك" مستشارون للتخطٌط والعمارة‬ ‫ جدة المملكة العربٌة‬- ‫ عبد العزٌز اللنجاوي لالستشارات الهندسٌة‬.‫• مكتب م‬ ‫السعودٌة‬

‫اتفاقٌات التعاون‬

‫ المملكة العربٌة السعودٌة‬- ‫• مركز النانو لالستشارات الهندسٌة المدٌنة المنورة‬ Sasaki Walker Associates (SWA) -USA • INGENNUS urban consulting AIE SPAIN • STEER Davies Gleave – Transportation -England • Morgen Architecture – Belgium •

‫ مشروع‬50 ‫ اكثر مه‬: ‫مىفردا‬ ‫ مشروعبت‬10 : ‫عدد مشروعات المكتب مشترك مع مكبتب اخرى‬ ‫مشروعات تابعة لوزارة االسكان ( الهٌئة العامة للتخطٌط العمرانً بهٌئاتها المختلفة) قام بها‬ ‫ مشروع‬83 )‫مؤسسً المكتب بصفتهم استشارٌ​ٌن فئة (أ‬

Introducing ECOPA

‫التعرٌف بالمكتب الهندسً اإلستشاري إٌكوبا‬

The scope of work of our firm is described as multi-disciplinary; we are involved

‫ًَكٍ اعتجبر انًكتت انهُذضٍ الضتشبراد انتخطُط و انعًبرح "إَكىثب" يؤضطخ يتعذدح‬

in Architecture, Urban Design, Landscape Architecture, Urban and Regional

‫ حُج تشًم انعًبرح و انتصًُى انحضرٌ و تُطُق انًىاقع و انتخطُط‬، ‫انًزبالد‬

Strategic Planning, as well as Detailed Planning.

‫ رنك ثبالضبفخ انً أعًبل انتريُى‬، ٍ‫االضتراتُزٍ اإلقهًٍُ و انعًراٍَ و انتخطُط انتفصُه‬

The collective experience of the Engineering Office for Planning and Architecture (ECOPA) reaches more than 44 years of professional work with a blend of local and international professional and academic exposure of most

. ‫و إعبدح تىظُف انًجبٍَ انتراحُخ وراد انقًُخ انًعًبرَخ‬ ‫ ضُخ يٍ يًبرضخ انًهُخ يحهُب و عبنًُب‬44 ‫و تًتذ انخجرح انتراكًُخ نًكتت إَكىثب عجر‬ ‫ و قذ تأضص يكتت إَكىثب ضُخ‬.‫و أكبدًَُب و رنك عجر يؤضطُه و فرَق انعًم انرئُطٍ ثه‬ ‫ عهً َذ كم يٍ االضتبر انذكتىر يحًذ انطُذ عجذهللا ضراد و االضتبرح انذكتىرح شفق‬1986

of the founders and senior staff of the firm. ECOPA is founded in 1987 by

.ٌ‫انىكُم و كالهًب أضتبر فً انعًبرح و انتصًُى انحضري و انتخطُط انعًراٍَ و اإلضكب‬

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Serag and Prof. Dr. Shafak ElWakil, both are professors of

‫ ثم ًَبرش أَشطته و يشروعبته ضًٍ شجكخ شبيهخ واضعخ‬، ‫و ال َعًم يكتت إَكىثب يُفردا‬

architecture and urban design.

ٍَُ‫ ثبالضبفخ إنً عالقبد يتعذدح يع إضتشبر‬، ‫يٍ انًكبتت و انشركبد يختهفخ انتخصصبد‬

ECOPA is not a standalone firm. Instead it bases its activities and projects on a

‫ و شجكبد انجُ​ُخ‬، ‫و خجراء يٍ انتخصصبد انًختهفخ يخم تكُىنىرُب انجُبء و انهُذضخ االَشبئُخ‬

vast network of coalitions and collaborative associates and firms, in addition to

‫األضبضُخ و االقتصبد انحضرٌ و انذراضبد انذًَىررافُخ و يُكبَُكب انترثخ و انُقم و انًرور‬

a wide network of connections to individual consultants and experts from

.‫و يراقجخ انزىدح و غُرهب‬

different disciplines, e.g. building technologies, structural engineering infrastructure networks, urban economics, quality control, urban sociology and demographics, geophysics and soil mechanics and traffic and transportation engineering. In many projects that require interdisciplinary intervention, our

firm plays the role of the coordinator among the different consultancies taking

‫ َقىو يكتت إَكىثب ثذور انًُطق‬، ‫و فً انًشروعبد انكجري انً تتطهت تخصصبد يتعذدح‬ .ٍ‫انعبو عالوح عهً قُبيه ثبالعًبل انتخطُطُخ و انًعًبرَخ انتً هً تخصصه انرئُط‬ ٍُ​ُ‫و يٍ أهى يًُساد يكتت إَكىثب صهته انقىَخ ثًؤضطبد يختهفخ و خجراء يحه‬ .‫و عبنًُ​ٍُ يٍ دول ثهزُكب و انًُطب و أضجبَُب و أَزهترا و انىالَبد انًتحذح االيرَكُخ‬ ‫كًخبل عهً رنك فقذ عًم انًكتت االضتشبرٌ كبضتشبرٌ رئُطٍ فً عذح يشروعبد‬

‫ ووزارح انتًُُخ انًحهُخ و انجُك‬،‫ يخم ثرَبيذ يصر‬UNDP ٍ‫تبثعخ نجرَبيذ االيى انًتحذح االًَبئ‬

part in the project. An important asset of ECOPA is the close contact with

‫انذونً و وزارح االضكبٌ يٍ خالل انهُئخ انعبيخ نهتخطُط انعًراٍَ و رهبز انجحىث‬

different local and international organizations and experts. To name some; we

‫ كًب عًم انًكتت كبضتشبرٌ عبو نزًعُخ‬.‫و انذراضبد و هُئخ انًزتًعبد انعًراَُخ انزذَذح‬

have been working as a lead consultant in some of the UNDP projects in the

‫ ورنك ثبالضبفخ انً انخجراد انفردَخ نًؤضطٍ انًكتت يٍ خالل‬.‫ثُىد انشجبة انًصرَخ‬

South of Egypt as well as several joint ventures with several nationalities, e.g.

ٍَ‫انقُبو ثذور االضتشبرٌ فً عذح يشروعبد و رنك فً يزبالد انعًبرح و انتخطُط انعًرا‬

American, French, Japanese and German, in several architecture, planning and

.‫و انتصًُى انحضري و تُطُق انًىاقع‬

environmental projects. Ecopa :

Since 1986

Engineering Consultant Office for Planning & Architecture ECOPA

Architecture Design

‫التصمٌم المعماري‬

ً‫انًــكـزـــت انهُـــذســــ‬ ‫السزشـــبراد انزخطٍــظ و انؼًـــبرح‬ ‫اٌكىثب‬

Egyptian British Bank - BORG al Arab Branch- Alexandria-North West Coast of Egypt - 1998

The design of the new Egyptian British bank branch located in Borg El Arab, Egypt The material used in this building was the dark reflective glass units, that takes the form of diamonds , aluminum plates of the upper end of the building and green marble at the bottom of it , giving richness to the building .

‫يجًُ انجُك انجرٌطبًَ انًصري – فرع ثرج انؼرة‬

Egyptian British Bank – Hurghada Branch - 1997

The design of the new Egyptian bank branch located in Hurghada, Egypt The material used in this building was the dark reflective glass units, that takes the form of diamonds , aluminum plates of the upper end of the building and green marble at the bottom of it , giving richness to the building .

‫يجًُ انجُك انجرٌطبًَ انًصري – فرع انغردقخ‬

Al Watany Bank of Egypt – Head Quarter in New Cairo- 2005

A design proposal of the new Head Quarter for the Al Watany bank of Egypt – inspired from Egyptian features

‫يقزرح انًقر انرئٍسً نهجُك انىطُى انًصري – انقبهرح انجذٌذح‬

Renovation of the Historical Building owned by the Central Bank of Egypt – Downtown Cairo - 2011 – 2018 ( three phases)

Restoration , maintenance and reuse of a historical building owned by the Central bank of Egypt. Monitoring and documenting the architectural features of the historical facades . Identifying and documenting the defects and damages within the historical buildings and providing means of treatment . ‫يشروع رريٍى يجًُ راد قًٍخ يؼًبرٌخ يزًٍسح يهك انجُك انًركسي انًصري‬

Residential Complex in Mansoura City – Owned by the Egyptian Company for Real Estate Management and Investment (Banque Misr & The National Bank of Egypt) - 2012

The project aimed to provide an efficient use to a brown field within the city of Mansoura. A residential , commercial and administrative complex was designed to meet the demands in that area. ‫يشروع يجًغ سكًُ رجبري إداري ثًذٌُخ انًُصىرح يهك انشركخ انًصرٌخ الدارح االصىل انؼقبرٌخ‬ )ً‫(شركخ يؤسسخ يٍ ثُك يصر و انجُك االهه‬

Court of Justice (Diwan Al Mazalem) – Jeddah - 2011

The court of Justice in Jeddah City : a complex of several juridical departments ‫ انًحكًخ االدارٌخ و يحكًخ االسزئُبف – وزارح انؼذل – انً​ًهكخ انؼرثٍخ انسؼىدٌخ‬: ‫يجًُ دٌىاٌ انًظبنى ثجذح‬

The service and administrative Center in the New Toshka City - 2014

Health Care center

City Hall

The project aimed to provide an efficient design to the main buildings of the service center in the New City of Toshka . The buildings included the city hall, the health care center, the school, the mosque, etc… ‫رصًٍى يجبًَ يركس انخذيبد ثًذٌُخ رىشكى انجذٌذح ثجُىة غرة يصر‬

The Baron Hotel in Sharm El Sheikh- 1995

Designing the new hotel complex of el Baron hotel chain in Sharm al sheikh , ‫يجًُ فُذق انجبروٌ ثًذٌُخ شرو انشٍخ‬

Science City – 6th of October City - 2016

A proposal for the New Science city in 6th of October city. ‫ اكزىثر‬6 ‫يسبثقخ يذٌُخ انؼهىو – يكزجخ االسكُذرٌخ – يذٌُخ‬

Higher Nursing Institute – Mansoura University - 1988

Designing the lecture halls and teaching building for the Higher Nursing Institute - Faculty of Medicine , Mansoura University. ‫ جبيؼخ انًُصىرح‬، ‫ كهٍخ انطت‬، ً‫يؼهذ انزًرٌض انؼبن‬

Head Quarters for the Organization of Energy Planning- Cairo- 2003

Organization of energy planning building is a sustainable building located in Nasr city , Egypt . The aim was to use techniques to reduce the energy needs of building and increase the ability to generate its own energy . This is achieved by using photovoltaic cells, that allows building to harness the energy of the sun efficiently without the use of any active solar mechanisms , and the use of wind coming from north – west .In addition , designing an atrium that allows natural light into the building ‫انًجًُ االداري انجٍئً – جهبز رخطٍظ انطبقخ – انقبهرح‬

Egyptian Youth Hostel in Sharm El Sheikh 2006

Egyptian Youth Hostel in Sharm El Sheikh

‫ثٍذ انشجبة انذونً ثًذٌُخ شرو انشٍخ‬

Taj-Mahal Indian Restaurant – Baron Hotel – Sharm El Sheikh Egypt – 2000

A beach restaurant connected to the baron hotel extension in sharm l sheikh , that was designed and built on an Indian style , on a 700 sq meter site . Ventilation method used was through the domes constructed above the restaurant which can be covered with a sheet in the winter . The material used in this project is wood and stained glass

‫انًطؼى انهُذي – فُذق انجبروٌ– شرو انشٍخ‬

Rehabilitation of Sidnawi Al Khazendar Building 2010

An international competition for the rehabilitation of Sednaoui Al Khazendar Building by restoring its distinctive heritage value and the urban design and harmony of Al Khazendar square in al Mosky district by creating a cultural , economical and entertainment environment to its visitors

)‫اػبدح رأهٍم يجًُ صٍذَبوي انخبزَذار (يسبثقخ ػبنًٍخ‬

ً‫التصمٌم الداخل‬

Interior Design

Interior Design of the Baron Heliopolis Hotel – Cairo - 2000

Interior design for the new extension of the baron hotel building , Cairo , Egypt

‫ايزذاد فُذق انجبروٌ يصر انجذٌذح‬

Interior Design of the Golden Tex Group main Head Quarters – 10th of Ramadan - 995

The interior design of the new head quarter of golden tex. company , located in the 10 th of Ramadan , Egypt . ٌ‫يجُى كجبر انسوار – شركخ جىنذٌ ركس – يذٌُخ انؼبشر يٍ ريضب‬

Taj-Mahal Indian Restaurant – Baron Hotel – Sharm El Sheikh Egypt – 2000

Interior Design of the Taj- Mahal Indian Restaurant ‫انًطؼى انهُذي – فُذق انجبروٌ– شرو انشٍخ‬

Interior Design for the Sidnawi Al Khazendar Building 2010

Interior Design for the Sidnawi building as part of its proposal for regabilitation )‫اػبدح رأهٍم يجًُ صٍذَبوي انخبزَذار (يسبثقخ ػبنًٍخ‬

Contact us :

+201004514896 - +201227472836 - +201221061896 - +2022471912

Email :


: ‫االتصال بنا‬

: ‫البريد االلكتروني‬

: ‫الموقع االلكتروني‬


Address :

20 Abdel Aziz Eissa st ., 9th district, Nasr city , Cairo , Egypt

: ‫العنوان‬

‫ شارع الشٌخ عبد العزٌز عٌسى – المنطقة التاسعة – مدٌنة نصر – القاهرة‬20

ALL Rights reserved ECOPA @ 2018

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