yellerzine d A Collaborative Publication s Featuring — Flicky Wallace, Morag Edwards, Rosie Scott, Aoife Edwards, Peony Gent, Hadley-James Hoyles, Danny Ley, Faith Elliot, Aoife Marie & Alexia Karageorgis.
Morag Edward
Morag is happiest in, on, under or (at the very least) right next to the water. She is currently working out how to build a glass boat fit for the sea, with glass sails that won’t break.
Rosie Scott
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Alexia K
Building blocks creating structures â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Different elements and smaller parts creating something bigger which is similar in function.
Peony Gent
Hadley-James Hoyles
The deep base rumble Of a primitive land Has espoused all modernity Only the woods are welcome. The birds and the trees Cry out in such relief That after all this plasticity We return now to the end How can you look Further than the wings of A dove? The roots of a Tree fall further than we feel. And if rage needs a moment It will come from the skies, granted By the curator of the realm; The watcher is the watery night. Such relief, such cool relief The time is now here Nature’s balance is restored; The trees have lost their fear.
Danny Ley
‘Ruis - Elder stone’ ‘Green elder logs it is a crime for any man to sell’ so speaks the old rhyme. ‘Ruis - Elder stone’ is clay and wax and plastic. It is a thumb dented, thumb printed store, an archive of physicality, of all the strange, sensuous nostalgias which sometimes well up within me. Ruis is the thirteenth consonant of the ancient Welsh, Ogham alphabet, standing for the elder tree. It is also the thirteenth and last month of the old year, it stands death. Monuments are scattered over the lands, quite rudely through time, from the neolithic and before. Around them we sculpt the very lands, and to them we bring our warped countenances and subjectivities. They are themselves stubbornly objective.
Faith Elliot
Eggfruit Tree
Washed Out — All I Know Wild Nothing — Paradise Girls — Lust for Life DIIV — Wait Jamie XX — Girl Jacques Greene — Another Girl Max Cooper feat. Kathrin deBoer and Quentin Collins — Chronology
Aoife Marie
Flicky Wallace
Memory of Trees Memory of Trees is a body of work considering the power of our memories over the actual facts of events of our pasts via the symbolism of trees. The images are shot on a combination of 120 slide film and 120 film and were shot on a Diana camera.
We at yellerzine believe in spreading creativity through print. This issue features work from writers, illustrators, painters, sculptors and photographers all revolving around their interpretation of the theme of element. This is a bianual publication supported by the Edinburgh University Art Society. We hope you enjoy perusing, The Editors. (ZoĂŤ, Grace & James)
@yellerzine www. yellerzine. wordpress. com
Printed by Newspaper Club, Glasgow. September 2015
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