4 | HY MN TO B E AUTY > The flying monks | Les moines volants <<< Monks on the ruins of the buddhist university of Nalanda | Moines sur les ruines de lâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;universitĂŠ bouddhiste de Nalanda
> Tibetan monks on a snowy pass | Moines tibĂŠtains sur un col enneigĂŠ | MAT T HI EU RI CARD | 5
6 | HYMN TO B E AUTY > The peak of Jitchu Drakey | Le pic de Jitchu Drakey
> Monk in meditation in front of the Jomo Lhari, Bhoutan | Moine en mĂŠditation devant le Jomo Lhari, Bhoutan | MAT T HI EU RI CARD | 7
10 | HYMN TO B E AU TY > Forest of prayers flags | Forêt de drapeaux de prières
> Bhutanese monks in front of prayers flags | Moines bhoutanais devant des drapeaux de prières | MAT T HI EU RI CARD | 1 1
> Dance of the Golden Libation | Danse de la Libation dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;or | MAT T HI EU RI CARD | 1 5
> Dancers with black headgear, Bhutan | Danseurs Ă la coiffe noire, Bhoutan | MAT T HI EU RI CARD | 1 7
> Himalayan Foothills at sunset | Contreforts Himalayens au soleil couchant | MAT T HI EU RI CARD | 27
30 | HYMN TO B E AUTY > Namchak Barwa, Tibet <<< Irrawady delta | Delta de lâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Irrawady