2 creur cysylltiadau cylchlythyr rhifyn 2 awst c&e 13

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Creu’r Cysylltiadau Yn y rhifyn hwn:

Barn Prif Weithredwr


Y Byrddau Gwas anaethau Lleol






Digwyddiadau a 6 Gweit hdai Cyllid


Ymgysylltu â‟r Cyhoedd


Rhifyn 2 o 8

Awst 2013

Tudale n 2

Creu‟r Cys ylltiadau

Tudale n 2

Barn Prif Weithredwr Yn sir Gaerfyrddin rydym eisoes yn gweld buddion prosiect Creu‟r Cysylltiadau, gyda‟r swyddog yn cynyddu‟r gallu sydd gennym i ddiwallu angen sefydliadol. Mae Swyddogion Creu‟r Cysylltiadau yn gweithio ar adeg gyffrous a heriol i lawer o fudiadau. Tra mae yna doriadau mewn cyllid, mae hefyd cyfleoedd newydd i weithio mewn ffyrdd gwahanol gyda mudiadau sy‟n bartneriaid. Mae‟r cydweithio hwn yn allweddol i ddyfodol lawer o fudiadau trydydd sector, ac mae prosiect Creu‟r Cysylltiadau yn allweddol i ddod â mudiadau o wahanol sectorau at ei gilydd, gan ymgysylltu â mudiadau a chreu cyfleoedd i weithio mewn ffordd wahanol. Mae Swyddogion Creu‟r Cysylltiadau yn llwyddo i ddarparu cyfleoedd sy‟n dod â gwahanol sectorau at ei gilydd, er mwyn rhannu gwybodaeth a chydweithio tuag at atebion mwy hirdymor. Marie Mitchell Cyfarwyddwr Gweithredol Dros Dro Cymdeithas Gwasanaethau Gwirfoddol Sir Gaerfyrddin

Y Byrddau Gwasanaethau Lleol Beth sydd yn eich Cynllun Integredig Sengl Mae‟r cynllun integredig sengl bellach wedi‟i gwblhau ym mhob ardal yng Nghymru. Cafodd ei sefydlu i gymryd lle strategaethau a chynlluniau blaenorol gan gynnwys; y strategaeth gymunedol, y cynllun plant a phobl ifanc, cynllun y bartneriaeth diogelwch cymunedol a‟r strategaeth iechyd, gofal cymdeithasol a lles. Mae pob cynllun integredig sengl wedi‟i gwblhau gan y Byrddau Gwasanaethau Lleol er mwyn adlewyrchu anghenion y bobl leol ym mhob sir. I gael gwybod mwyn am y cynllun integredig sengl ym mhob ardal gydgyfeirio yng Nghymru, cliciwch ar un o‟r dolenni isod; Sir Benfro




Sir Gaerfyrddin

Merthyr Tudful


Rhonda Cynon Taf


Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr

Sir Ddinbych

Castell-nedd Port Talbot



Tudale n 3

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Blaenau Gwent—Bwrdd Gwasanaethau Lleol Er mwyn gweithio gyda‟r trydydd sector i‟w gynnwys yn llawn yng ngwaith y Bwrdd Gwasanaethau Lleol, gan gynnwys siapio a dylanwadu ar y ffordd y darperir gwasanaethau a chael rhan i‟w chwarae yn y ddarpariaeth honno, bydd y pamffled newydd ar waith ynghylch y Cynllun Integredig Sengl am y chew mis nesaf yn cyfleu‟n effeithiol i wirfoddolwyr a grwpiau cymunedol beth yw‟r Bwrdd, beth mae‟n ei wneud a sut mae‟n effeithio arnynt. Gweld y pamffled

Cydweithredu: Moodle i Gynorthwyo gyda’r Diwygiadau Lles Cafodd pryder ynghylch effaith y diwygiadau lles ar bobl yn sir Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr ei godi gan bartneriaid ar Fwrdd Gwasanaethau Lleol Pen-y-bont. O ganlyniad, sefydlwyd Grŵp Gorchwyl a Gorffen ar y Diwygiadau Lles er mwyn canfod y ffordd orau o gefnogi pobl Pen-y -bont drwy‟r diwygiadau. Mae adborth mewn sesiynau ymwybyddiaeth a gynhaliwyd drwy‟r sir wedi canfod bod y mwyafrif o staff a gwirfoddolwyr rheng flaen yn codi pryderon dros y diffyg mynediad at wybodaeth a oedd yn gyfredol ac y gallai eu helpu wrth weithio gyda chleientiaid yn y gymuned. Yn ddiweddar, gofynnodd Cymdeithas Mudiadau Gwirfoddol Sir Pen-y-bont i fudiadau trydydd sector roi eu hadborth ar y diwygiadau lles a‟r heriau sy‟n eu hwynebu a defnyddwyr eu gwasanaethau drwy lenwi arolwg arlein. Hyd yma, mae‟r adborth wedi mynegi‟r un pryderon; ffurfiodd partneriaid allweddol o fwrdd gwasanaethau lleol Pen-y-bont grŵp gorchwyl a gorffen i ganfod ffyrdd o leihau effaith y newidiadau hyn ar y sir. Mae partneriaid bwrdd gwasanaethau lleol Pen-y-bont wedi creu safle Moodle sy‟n cael ei letya gan Goleg Pen-y-bont. Pwrpas y safle yw sicrhau bod y bobl y mae‟r diwygiadau lles yn effeithio arnynt yn cael y cyngor a‟r cymorth mae arnynt ei angen i wneud y penderfyniadau cywir ar yr adeg gywir, ac felly lleihau‟r effaith ar deuluoedd, cymunedau a gwasanaethau ym Mhen-y-bont. Bydd y safle Moodle yn galluogi gweithwyr rheng flaen i weld y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf, gofyn cwestiynau i arbenigwyr lleol a dod o hyd i ddolenni at gyngor a chymorth pellach ar gyfer eu cleientiaid. Gellir cael mynediad at y wefan hon oddi ar gyfrifiadur, gliniadur, ffôn symudol neu lechen. Os ydych yn fudiad sydd ar waith yn Sir Pen-y-bont, a hoffech gael mynediad at y safle, cysylltwch â: Joanne Williams, Bavo@bavo.org.uk gyda‟ch manylion a‟ch cyfeiriad ebost ac fe wnawn ni‟r gweddill! Os nad ydych chi neu‟ch mudiad wedi llenwi‟r arolwg, ond hoffech wneud hynny ac rydych ar waith yn Sir Pen-y-bont, cliciwch yma.

Creu‟r Cys ylltiadau

Tudale n 4

Cefnogaeth i’r Lluoedd Arfog yn y Gymuned Mae Cyngor Gwasanaethau Gwirfoddol Conwy wedi llofnodi Cyfamod Cymunedol y Lluoedd Arfog fel ymrwymiad gan y trydydd sector yng Nghonwy i gydweithio i sicrhau nad yw Cymuned y Lluoedd Arfog yn dioddef dim anfantais o ganlyniad i‟w gwasanaeth. Llofnodwyd y cyfamod hefyd gan gynrychiolwyr o‟r cyngor sir, y lluoedd arfog a‟r bwrdd iechyd mewn seremoni yng Nghanolfan Cyn-filwyr Dall Llandudno ar 13 Ebrill. Nod y cyfamod cymunedol yw annog cymunedau lleol a darparwyr gwasanaethau‟r sir i gefnogi cymuned y lluoedd arfog yn eu hardal a hyrwyddo dealltwriaeth ac ymwybyddiaeth ymysg y cyhoedd o faterion sy‟n effeithio ar gymuned y lluoedd arfog. Rydym yn awyddus i‟r ddwy gymuned ffynnu yng Nghonwy mewn ffordd integredig. Cynhaliwyd gweithdy ar 24 Mehefin gyda chynrychiolwyr o fudiadau trydydd sector a‟r sector cyhoeddus er mwyn trafod y ffordd ymlaen ar ôl llofnodi‟r cyfamod. Mae‟r syniadau hyn yn cael eu datblygu a chafodd un - nofio am ddim i gyn-filwyr ac aelodau presennol o‟r lluoedd - ei lansio ar 25 Gorffennaf.

Cyhoeddi Rhwydwaith Economi a Mentrau Cymdeithasol newydd PAVS Mae Cymdeithas Gwasanaethau Gwirfoddol Sir Benfro (PAVS) wedi canfod angen am Rwydwaith Economi a Mentrau Cymdeithasol fel adnodd i‟r trydydd sector yn y sir. Bydd y Rhwydwaith Economi a Mentrau Cymdeithasol yn rhoi‟r cyfle i grwpiau ac unigolion rwydweithio, rhannu arfer gorau a chael gwybod am gyfleoedd hyfforddi. Bydd hefyd yn helpu i wella cysylltiadau rhwng y trydydd sector a Bwrdd Gwasanaethau Lleol Sir Benfro, yn enwedig ynghylch thema flaenoriaeth yr economi ar gyfer y Cynllun Integredig Sengl. Mae sefydlu‟r rhwydwaith yn fenter ar y cyd rhwng swyddogion dau o brosiectau cydgyfeirio PAVS. Mae Cara Wilson, Swyddog Datblygu Cymunedau Mentrus, a Julie Kirk, y Swyddog Creu‟r Cysylltiadau, yn cydweithio i roi‟r rhwydwaith ar waith. Rhith-rwydwaith yw ef i gychwyn ond gellir newid hyn gan ddibynnu ar ddymuniadau‟r aelodau. I gael gwybod mwy, cysylltwch â Cara neu Julie, neu ymwelwch â‟n tudalen we

Tudale n 5

Rhifyn 2 o 8

‘Tŷ mewn Trefn’ Diolch i waith arbennig llawer iawn o bobl, gan gynnwys prosiect See CHANGE Interlink, Dynamix a Big Click, rydym yn barod i lansio Pecyn Mesur Newid. Pwrpas y Pecyn Mesur Newid yw cynnwys y bobl a‟r cymunedau rydych yn gweithio gyda nhw wrth fesur y gwahaniaeth rydych yn ei wneud. Y syniad yw ein bod yn cael llawer iawn mwy o bobl i wneud sylwadau ac argymhellion. Felly, cymerwch olwg, hoffwch, gwnewch sylw a chymerwch ran! Rydym yn awyddus i ychwanegu offer a dolenni, felly rhowch wybod. Os hoffech sgwrs amdano neu gopi electronig ohono, cysylltwch â Lucy lfoster@interlinkrct.org.uk neu Simon sjames@interlinkrct.org.uk neu 01443 846200.

Cydgynhyrchu Tirwedd darpariaeth gwasanaethau cyhoeddus Môn yn newid! Mae heriau gwasanaethau cyhoeddus yn dra hysbys ar draws Cymru - galw cynyddol ynghyd â llai o adnoddau. Ond mae‟r cyfleoedd y mae gweithio ar y cyd gyda chymunedau yn eu cynnig yn uchel ar yr agenda hefyd. Mae Bwrdd Gwasanaethau Lleol Ynys Môn a Gwynedd a Chyngor Sir Ynys Môn yn gweithio‟n agos gyda‟r Trydydd Sector i ddylunio gwasanaethau ataliol effeithiol ar yr ynys, wedi‟u hysbrydoli gan „gydgynhyrchu‟. Mae‟r Bwrdd Gwasanaethau Lleol wedi cynnwys „datblygu cymunedau cryfion‟ fel thema ganolog a „chydgynhyrchu‟ yn benodol fel un o‟i brif flaenoriaethau. Er mwyn hybu cydgynhyrchu ar yr ynys, trefnodd Swyddog Creu‟r Cysylltiadau Medrwn Môn ddigwyddiad dros ddeuddydd o‟r enw „Cydgynhyrchu yn Ysbryd Gweithio mewn Partneriaeth yn Effeithiol‟. Cafwyd llawer o staff o‟r Trydydd Sector a‟r Sector Cyhoeddus yno er mwyn edrych ar y cyfleoedd a‟r heriau mewn perthynas â chydgynhyrchu. Dyma ddywedodd Tom Edwards, o Groundwork Gogledd Cymru, ar ôl yr hyfforddiant: “Roedd y deuddydd yn gyfle ardderchog i gysylltu â phartneriaid yn y trydydd sector a phartneriaid statudol er mwyn ceisio gwella‟r gwasanaeth a gynnigir i gymunedau lleol drwy‟r rhanbarth. Yn benodol, dangosodd yr hyfforddiant fanteision partneriaethau a rhannu adnoddau ymysg mudiadau a grwpiau. O‟n safbwynt ni, roedd yn gyfle gwych i drafod ac archwilio ffyrdd o gydweithredu a dw i‟n siwr y bydd yn arwain at ddatblygu mwy o gonsortia ym Môn wrth i‟r broses dendro agor. Un maes o ddiddordeb arbennig yw‟r cyfle i‟r trydydd sector chwarae rhan yn dylunio ac yn darparu gwasanaethau ochr yn ochr â phartneriaid yn y sector cyhoeddus. Llwyddodd yr astudiaeth achos ar ail ddiwrnod yr hyfforddiant i ddod â‟r syniadau hyn at ei gilydd”. Mae gwaith yn mynd rhagddo bellach i sicrhau bod arferion ‟cydgynhyrchu‟ yn rhan annatod o strwythurau a phrosesau ar draws sectorau ym Môn.

Tudale n 6

Creu‟r Cys ylltiadau

Digwyddiadau a Gweithdai ledled Cymru Cydraddoldeb ac Amrywiaeth Ar 13 Mehefin, bu i swyddog Creu‟r Cysylltiadau Cymdeithas Mudiadau Gwirfoddol Ceredigion, ynghyd â‟u swyddog Cymunedau Mentrus a swyddog Cydlyniant Cymunedol Cyngor Sir Ceredigion, gynnal digwyddiad Cydraddoldeb ac Amrywiaeth ar y cyd ym Mhrifysgol Llambed. Y nod oedd trafod y polisi gweithle mewn ffordd arloesol a diddorol, gan ddefnyddio gweithdai a Chaffi‟r Byd i ennyn diddordeb. Ellen ap Gwyn, Arweinydd Cyngor Sir Ceredigion, oedd cadeirydd y dydd ac ymysg y siaradwyr gwadd oedd Mrs Uzo Iwobi OBE, Cyn Gomisiynydd i‟r Comisiwn Cydraddoldeb Hiliol yn y Deyrnas Unedig, Jamie Lewis, o brosiect Seren Prifysgol Caerdydd, Henry Langen, ymgyrchydd gwleidyddol anabl o sir Benfro a Paul Swann, Anabledd Cymru. Cynhaliodd Theatr Byd Bychan weithdai fforwm theatr, a rhannwyd sesiwn Caffi‟r Byd yn ôl y naw o nodweddion gwarchodedig a chafwyd adborth ardderchog. Dywedodd 85% fod ganddynt fwy o wybodaeth, a gwell wybodaeth, am y polisi o ganlyniad i‟r digwyddiad.

‘Tŷ mewn Trefn’ Bwriad gweithdai „Tŷ mewn Trefn‟ yw cryfhau gallu mudiadau‟r trydydd sector i fod yn rhan o‟r gwaith cynllunio gwasanaethau cyhoeddus yma yng Ngwynedd drwy eu cefnogi a sicrhau bod y polisïau a‟r gweithdrefnau angenrheidiol yn eu lle os am fynd ati i dendro am gytundeb gwasanaeth, gontract neu i geisio am grantiau. Yn sgîl hyn rydym wedi trefnu‟r gweithdai canlynol: EGLURO SYSTEMAU RHEOLI ANSAWDD – cynhaliwyd y gweithdy llwyddiannus iawn (a hollol newydd) hwn ym mis Gorffennaf 2013. Daeth Prif Swyddogion o bum mudiad iddo, ac roedd yr adborth yn hynod bositif. Yn sgil hyn, bydd Mantell Gwynedd yn cynnal cymorthfeydd i roi cymorth 1:1 i‟r mudiadau hyn ym mis Medi. Egluro Systemau Rheoli Ansawdd – Gofynnir fwyfwy i Fentrau Bach a Chanolig a Mudiadau Gwirfoddol gynnwys System Rheoli Ansawdd yn eu gweithrediadau, yn enwedig os ydynt am dendro am gontractau yng Nghymru ac ar draws y Deyrnas Unedig. Hyd yma, ISO 9001 oedd yr unig ddewis i lawer o fudiadau. Mae Egluro Systemau Rheoli Ansawdd yn cynnig fersiwn symlach o ISO 9001. Mae‟n ymdrin â holl agweddau pwysig rheoli ansawdd yn ISO heb y mynydd o waith papur: mewn fformat y gall y mudiad ei hun ei osod yn hawdd. Gan ddefnyddio dim ond 6 dogfen, gall y mudiad redeg y system heb archwiliad/ tystysgrif annibynnol neu gall gael archwiliad allanol annibynnol am oddeutu £250 o‟i gymharu â rhwng £1500 a £2500 ar gyfer ISO 9001 neu PQASSO Nod ac amcanion y gweithdy: Nod y gweithdy hwn yw cynorthwyo busnesau a mudiadau bach (50 neu lai o aelodau o staff) i fynd i‟r afael â systemau rheoli ansawdd. Bydd cyfranogwyr yn gweithio drwy‟r templedi, ac yn gadael y gweithdy gyda chryn dipyn o‟r system yn ei lle, er mwyn cymryd y camau angenrheidiol tuag at gael System Rheoli Ansawdd effeithiol.

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Tudale n 7

Diwrnod mas yn sir Gâr Cynhaliwyd Fforwm diweddaraf y Trydydd Sector ar 22 Gorffennaf yn Neuadd Llandybïe. Mae Fforwm Trydydd Sector Sir Gâr yn gyfle ardderchog i fudiadau‟r trydydd sector rwydweithio ar draws sectorau a mudiadau. Maent yn cael gwybod am ddatblygiadau diweddar a chyfredol, gweithio mewn partneriaeth ac yn cael cyfle i gyfnewid gwybodaeth. Yn ogystal â‟r Sector Gwirfoddol, bu i‟n partneriaid o‟r Bwrdd Gwasanaethau Lleol, Partneriaeth yr Amgylcheddol, Diogelwch Cymunedol, Partneriaeth Datblygu Gweithlu Gofal Cymdeithasol a‟r COMPACT roi diweddariad i ystod eang o bobl o‟r trydydd sector a‟r sector statudol a phartneriaid. Gan gynnwys Cyngor Sir Gâr, Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru, Bwrdd Iechyd Hywel Dda, Heddlu Dyfed Powys, Prifysgol Cymru, y Drindod Dewi Sant a Llywodraeth Cymru. Trafodwyd amrywiaeth o bynciau cyfredol iawn drwy gydol y Fforwm er mwyn diwallu anghenion gwahanol bobl a mudiadau, gan gynnwys; Ymgysylltu â‟r Cyhoedd yn Sir Gâr, Diweddariad ar Bartneriaeth Sir Gâr; (Bwrdd Gwasanaethau Lleol, yr Amgylchedd a Diogelwch Cymunedol), COMPACT, Ymgynghoriad Parhad a Newid, Tendro, Caffael a GwerthwchiGymru, Rhaglen Cyd-ddealltwriaeth Strategol, Gŵyl Ddysgu Sir Gâr, Ymarfer Adferol, Dysgu Gydol Oes yn Sir Gâr, Chwarae, Dysgu rhwng y Cenedlaethau, Grwpiau Rheoli Poblogaeth, Cyllid Cymorth am Oes, Broceriaid y Trydydd Sector Os methoch chi‟r fforwm, neu os hoffech grynodeb o faterion y dydd, mae‟r wybodaeth ar gael yma o ddeunydd digidol i gyflwyniadau. Os hoffech unrhyw wybodaeth bellach, neu os oes unrhyw bynciau yr hoffech i fforymau yn y dyfodol eu trafod, cysylltwch â Kelly Price

Tudale n 8

Creu‟r Cys ylltiadau

Popeth sydd angen i chi ei wybod am gyllid a benthyciadau Cyngor ar Gyllid: Mae WCVA yn hwyluso rhwydwaith o staff Cynghorau Gwirfoddol Sirol sy‟n rhoi cyngor ar gyllid: Rhwydwaith Gweithredu Gwasanaethau Cyllid. Caiff y rhwydwaith ei gadeirio gan Carl Cooper, Prif Swyddog Cymdeithas Mudiadau Gwirfoddol Powys. Yr aelodau hyn o staff sy‟n gyfrifol am roi cyngor ar gyllid yn eu mudiadau, er y gall teitl eu swyddi amrywio; Swyddog cyngor ar gyllid, swyddog datblygu, swyddog gwybodaeth, ac yn y blaen. Mae manylion cyswllt wedi‟u hatodi. Fel rhan o‟r Cytundeb Partneriaeth, mae WCVA a‟r Cynghorau Gwirfoddol Sirol yn rhannu cyfrifoldeb am gyngor ar gyllid: mae‟r Cynghorau Sirol yn delio gyda mudiadau lleol; WCVA yn ateb ymholiadau cenedlaethol; a thueddir i rannu ymholiadau rhanbarthol (e.e. Mae‟r Cynghorau Sirol yn cydweithio weithiau, mae WCVA yn delio gyda nhw weithiau). Cyngor: Contractau o dan £25,000 – Mae‟r rhain yn amrywio yn ôl disgresiwn yr awdurdod sy‟n prynu, a byddai gofyn cysylltu ag Awdurdodau Lleol unigol. Yn anffodus, does dim cysondeb o ran y ffordd o hysbysebu‟r cyfleoedd hyn: hwyrach y bydd rhai Awdurdodau Lleol yn hysbysebu ac yn cynnal prosesau tendro cystadleuol llawn; tra gallai eraill ofyn am 3 dyfynbris gan gyflenwyr meant yn eu hadnabod. Er gwybodaeth, rwyf wedi llunio rhestr o ddolenni i Awdurdodau Lleol gwahanol sy‟n hysbysu‟r ffordd maent yn caffael Arian grant – Y Cynghorau Gwirfoddol Sirol sydd â‟r wybodaeth orau am grantiau lleol, ac mae rhai wedi creu taflenni gwybodaeth am grantiau sydd ar gael yn eu hardaloedd. I ganfod yr holl gyfleoedd, gall mudiadau chwilio am ddim am grant yma: Llithriant ar gyllidebau mawr sy’n dod i fod ar gael – Rhaid bod yn barod i achub ar y cyfleoedd hyn a does dim ffordd gadarn o wybod ble bydd y rhain ar gael. Mae Cyllid Cynaliadwy Cymru yn sicr yn hyrwyddo‟r rheini meant yn cael gwybod amdanynt. Unrhyw ffynonellau eraill – Mae Cyllid Cynaliadwy Cymru yn ceisio dod o hyd i bob cyfle am arian a‟u hysbysebu yng nghylchlythyr WCVA. Sara Carroll yn WCVA sy‟n rheoli Cyllid Cynaliadwy Cymru a hi yw Cydlynydd y Grŵp ar gyfer Cyllid ar Gyngor: scarroll@wcva.org.uk neu 029 2043 1777. Cyngor doeth - gallwch gael y diweddaraf drwy: Cofrestru ar GwerthwchiGymru Defnyddio GRANTnet, Cofrestru ar gyfer cylchlythyr WCVA Cysylltu â‟r swyddog cyngor ar gyllid yn y Cyngor Gwirfoddol Sirol Gareth Coles, WCVA

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Tudale n 9

Buddsoddi Cymdeithasol - O fenthyciadau micro i Fondiau Lles Cymru Daw buddsoddi cymdeithas mewn amryw ffurfiau ond ni waeth a yw‟n cael ei alw‟n fond, yn fenthyciad neu‟n gyfalaf ecwiti, fel arfer mae gan bob un yr un nodwedd - yn wahanol i grantiau - rhaid ei ad-dalu. Wrth gwrs, mae gan grantiau ran bwysig i‟w chwarae yn ariannu‟r sector a hawdd deal pam meant yn ddewis cyntaf i‟r mwyafrif o fudiadau. Ond wrth i‟r dirwedd ariannu newid ac iddi ddod yn anos cael grant, mae cyllid ad -daladwy, fel arfer drwy fenthyciad, yn llawer mwy cyffredin bellach i fentrau cymdeithasol sy‟n gobeithio gwella eu gallu i greu incwm. Mae‟r incwm ychwanegol hwnnw yn allweddol am ei fod yn rhoi‟r arian i ad-dalu‟r benthyciad. Nid prinder grantiau yw‟r unig reswm dros boblogrwydd cynyddol benthyciadau - mae‟r broses benderfynu yn aml yn llawer cynt ac mae llai o gyfyngiad ar ddefnyddio‟r arian. Mae hyn yn rhoi mwy o reolaeth i fudiadau dros amseriad a natur eu prosiectau. Er mwyn diwallu‟r anghenion hyn, mae gan WCVA bellach ystod lawn o opsiynau buddsoddi cymdeithasol: Cronfa Fenthyciadau i Ficrofusnesau Cronfa Fuddsoddi Cymunedol Ardal gydgyfeirio yn unig Partneriaeth gydag Undebau Credyd ac Maint y benthyciad: £20,000 i Ymddiriedolaeth Adfywio‟r Meysydd Glo £250,000 Cymru Gyfan Tymor hwyaf: 25 mlynedd Maint y benthyciad: £1,000 i £20,000 Cyfradd llog: 6% Tymor hwyaf: 5 mlynedd Grantiau paratoi at fenthyciad Cyfradd llog: 10% Cronfa Fenthyciadau Eiddo Bond Lles Cymru Partneriaeth gydag Unity Trust Bank Gweithio ar y cyd Cymru Gyfan Ffyrdd newydd o ddarparu gwasanMaint y benthyciad: £250,000 i £5,000,000 aethau cyhoeddus Tymor hwyaf: 30 mlynedd Amrywiad ar Fondiau Buddsoddi Cyfradd llog oddeutu 4.5% ar hyn o bryd Cymdeithasol Ffi: 1.5% Cymhareb rhwng benthyciad a gwerth: 75% Ar ei symlaf, gallai Bond Lles Cymru ddarparu cyllid ar gyfer llif arian ôl-daliadau neu gontract taliad yn ôl canlyniadau. Ar ei fwyaf effeithiol, mae‟n bartneriaeth rhwng cyrff yn y sector cyhoeddus a‟r trydydd sector i newid y ffordd y darperir gwasanaeth mewn cymuned leol. Gallwch gael gwybod mwy drwy glicio yma. Y brif neges yw os ydych yn fenter busnes hyfyw, mae‟r cyllid ar gael. Nid ydym am i syniadau da fethu dim ond oherwydd diffyg arian. I gael gwybod mwy neu drafod eich syniad, cysylltwch: Desg Gymorth WCVA 0800 2888 329 Ebost cif@wcva.org.uk Alun Jones, WCVA

Creu‟r Cys ylltiadau

Tudale n 10

Hyfforddiant Ymgysylltu â’r Cyhoedd:

Beth yw’r Egwyddorion Cenedlaethol? Cafodd yr Egwyddorion Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Ymgysylltu â‟r Cyhoedd eu hardystio gan Lywodraeth Cymru ym mis Mawrth 2011. Egwyddorion yw‟r rhain, NID safonau. Mae'r rhain yn egwyddorion trosfwaol sydd wedi‟u hanelu ato fudiadau Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus ym mhob sector yng Nghymru yn gyffredinol. Y bwriad yw iddynt eistedd uwchben unrhyw safonau penodol sydd gennych yn barod e.e. Safonau ar gyfer Plant a Phobl Ifanc, safonau Gwella Gofal Cymdeithasol a‟r bwriad yw iddynt ategu'r rhain. Y nod yw cynnig dull gweithredu cyson a safon dda ar gyfer ymgysylltu â‟r cyhoedd ar draws Cymru. Os yw‟ch mudiad yn cwblhau ac yn dychwelyd ffurflen mynegi cymeradwyaeth i participationcymru@wcva.org.uk byddwch wedi cytuno i‟r egwyddorion hyn ac yn eu defnyddio fel dogfen arwain yn eich gwaith ymgysylltu â‟r cyhoedd. Mae rhestr o‟r mudiadau sydd wedi ardystio‟r egwyddorion ar gael yma. Hyfforddiant i’r Trydydd Sector: Mae Cyfranogaeth Cymru a thîm Creu‟r Cysylltiadau yn cydweithredu i roi‟r cyfle i fudiadau trydydd sector, sy‟n rhan o ddarparu gwasanaethau cyhoeddus neu a fydd yn rhan o hynny, gael hyfforddiant Ymgysylltu â‟r Cyhoedd. Bydd yr hyfforddiant yn rhoi arweiniad i fudiadau ar ymgysylltu yn unol â‟r 10 o Egwyddorion Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Ymgysylltu â‟r Cyhoedd yng Nghymru. Bydd cyfranogwyr yn mynd drwy‟r egwyddorion a‟r pecyn cymorth, yn defnyddio technegau cyfranogol syml ac yn gallu cynllunio a gwerthuso gwaith ymgysylltu yn effeithiol mewn modd syml a chyfranogol. Cliciwch yma i gael mwy o wybodaeth. Y gobaith yw y bydd mudiadau, ar ddiwedd y diwrnod, yn gweld manteision yr Egwyddorion ac yn eu hardystio fel ffordd o ymgysylltu â phobl mewn ffordd effeithiol. Mae‟r pecyn cymorth yn declyn cynllunio a gwerthuso defnyddiol a fydd yn eich cynorthwyo i ddangos pa mor effeithiol rydych yn ymgysylltu. Dyma‟r dyddiadau sydd wedi‟u cadarnhau yn eich ardal: Ynys Môn Gwynedd

Sir Ddinbych Conwy

12 Medi Venue Cymru, Llandudno

Castell-nedd Port Talbot Abertawe

19 Tachwedd NP T CVS

Blaenau Gwent a Thorfaen

Merthyr Rhondda Cynon Taf

15 Hydref 2013 Canolfan Willows, Troed-y-rhiw

Ceredigion Sir Gâr Sir Benfro

14 Tachwedd, Neuadd Gymunedol Hermon


Ymddiriedolaeth Natur, Parc Slip, Heol y Ffynnon, Ton-du

Rhifyn 2 o 8

Tudale n 11

Making the Connections Inside this issue:

Chief Executiveâ€&#x;s View


The Local Service B oard




Co Production


E vents and Workshops




Public Engagement


Issue 2 of 8 Editions

August 2013

Page 2

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Making the Connections

A Chief Executive’s View In Carmarthenshire we are already seeing the benefits of the making the connections project, with the officer increasing the capacity we have to be able to address organisational need. The making the connections Officers are working in what is both an exciting and challenging time for a number of organisations. Whilst there are funding cuts being made, there are also new opportunities available for working in different ways with partner organisations, this collaborative working is key to the future of many third sector organisations, the making the connections project is key to bringing organisations together from different sectors, engaging with organisations, allowing opportunities for working in a different way. The making the connection officers are able to provide opportunities that bring together different sectors, both for information sharing and to work together towards longer lasting solutions. Marie Mitchell Acting Executive Director Carmarthenshire Association of Voluntary Services (CAVS)

The Local Service Boards What’s in your Single integrated plan The single integrated plan (SIP) has now been completed in each area of Wales. It was established to replace previous strategies and plans to include; the community strategy, the children and young peopleâ€&#x;s plan, the community safety partnership plan and the health, social care and wellbeing strategy. Each single integrated plan has been finalised by Local Service Boards to reflect the needs of the local people within each county. To find out more about the single integrated plan in each of the convergence area within Wales, please click on one of the links below; Pembrokeshire





Merthyr Tyfil


Rhonda Cynon Taff




Neath Port Talbot



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Issue 2 of 8 Editions

Blaenau Gwent—Local Service Board In order to work with the third sector to fully involve them in the work of the Local Service Board, including shaping and influencing the way that services are delivered and having a role to play in that service delivery, the new introductory leaflet on work around the Single Integrated Plan for the next six months will communicate effectively to volunteers and community groups what the LSB is, what it does and how it affects them. View leaflet

Collaboration: Moodle to Help Welfare Reform The impact of welfare reforms on people living in Bridgend County was raised as a concern by partners on the Bridgend Local Service Board. As a result, a Welfare Reforms task and finish Group was set up to explore how people in Bridgend could be best supported through the reforms. Feedback from awareness sessions held throughout Bridgend County have found a majority of frontline staff and volunteers raise concerns over the inability to have access to information that was up to date and could assist them when working with clients in the community. Bridgend Association of Voluntary Organisations recently asked third sector organisations to give their feedback on welfare reform and the challenges which they and their service users face by completing an online survey. So far, feedback received has expressed the same concerns; key partners from Bridgend local service board formed a task and finish group to explore how to reduce the impact of these changes in the county. Bridgend Local service board partners have formed a moodle site which is being hosted by Bridgend College. The site is intended to ensure that the people affected by the changes to the welfare reforms receive the advice and support that they need to help them make the right decisions at the right time, and so reduce the impacts on families, communities and services in Bridgend. The Moodle site will allow frontline workers to view the latest information, ask questions of local experts and find links to further advice and support for their clients. This site can be accessed by computer, laptop, mobile or tablet. If you are an organisation covering the area of Bridgend County and would like access to the site, please contact: Joanne Williams at Bavo@bavo.org.uk with your details and email address and we will do the rest! If you or your organisation have not taken part in the survey, you would like to and you cover Bridgend County please click here.

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Making the Connections

Support for Armed Forces in the Community Conwy Voluntary Services Council signs the Armed Forces Community Covenant as a commitment from the third sector of Conwy that we will work together to ensure that the Armed Forces Community suffers no disadvantage as a result of their active service for our Country. The covenant was also signed by representatives from the county council, armed forces and health board at a ceremony held at the Blind Veterans Centre Llandudno on 13th April. The aim of the community covenant is to encourage local communities and the county‟s service providers to support the service community in their area and promote understanding and awareness among the public of issues affecting the armed forces community. We want both communities to thrive in Conwy in an integrated way. A workshop was held on June 24th with representatives of third sector and public sector organisations to discuss the way forward following the signing. These ideas are being progressed and one- free swimming for veterans and serving forces personnel was launched on 25th July.

Announcing PAVS’ new Social Enterprise & Economy Network Pembrokeshire Association of Voluntary Services (PAVS) has identified a need for a Social Enterprise and Economy Network as a local third sector resource in Pembrokeshire. The Social Enterprise and Economy Network will provide an opportunity for groups and individuals to network, share best practice and find out about training opportunities. It will also help to improve links between the third sector and the Pembrokeshire Local Service Board (LSB), particularly around the economy priority theme for the Single Integrated Plan. Establishing the network is a joint venture between officers of two of PAVS‟ convergence projects. Cara Wilson, Development Officer for Enterprising Communities and Julie Kirk the Making the Connections Officer are working together to get the network up and running. The network will initially be „virtual‟ but this can change depending on what the members want. For further information please contact Cara or Julie or visit our web page

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Issue 2 of 8 Editions

‘House in Order’ Due to some fantastic work by lots of people including the Interlink See CHANGE project, Dynamix and the Big Click , we are ready to launch Measuring Change Toolkit . The Measuring Change Toolkit is about involving the people and communities you work with in measuring what difference you make. The idea is that we get much more people to comment and make suggestions. So take a look, like and comment and get involved! Really interested in adding tools and links, so let us know. If you want to chat about it or get a draft electronic copy, contact Lucy lfoster@interlinkrct.org.uk or Simon sjames@interlinkrct.org.uk or 01443 846200.

Co Production The landscape of public service delivery The challenges of public service delivery are well known across Wales – increasing demand together with reduced resources. But the opportunities presented through effective joint working with communities are also high on the agenda. The Anglesey and Gwynedd Local Service Board and Anglesey County Council are working closely with the Third Sector to design effective preventative „co-production‟ inspired services on the island. The Local Service Board has included „developing strong communities‟ as a central theme and „co-production‟ specifically as one of its main priorities. To further co-productive practice on the island Medrwn Mon‟s Making the Connections officer organised a two day event titled „Co-production in the Spirit of Effective Partnership Working‟. The event was well attended by staff from both Third Sector and Public sector and examined the opportunities and challenges relating to co-productive working. Tom Edwards of Groundwork North Wales expressed these comments following the training,; “The two day Empower Co-production event was an excellent opportunity to link up with third sector and statutory partners to explore how to improve the service offer to local communities across the region. In particular the training demonstrated the positive benefits of partnership and resource sharing among organisations and groups. From our perspective, it was a great chance to discuss and explore collaborative working and I am sure it will lead to more consortia development across Anglesey as the tender process opens up. One particular area of interest is the opportunity for the third sector to play a role in the design and delivery of services alongside public sector partners. The use of the case study on the second day of training really helped bring these ideas together”. Work now continues to ensure „co-production‟ practices are embedded into structures and processes across sectors on Anglesey.

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Making the Connections

Events and Workshops across Wales Equality and Diversity On June 13th, CAVO‟s Making the Connections officer along with their Enterprising Communities officer and Ceredigion County Council‟s Community Cohesion officer held a joint Equality and Diversity event at Lampeter University. The aim was to discuss the workplace policy in an innovative and engaging way, using workshops and World Café as engagement tools. The day was chaired by Ellen ap Gwyn, Leader of Ceredigion CC and guest speakers included Mrs Uzo Iwobi OBE, Former Commissioner to the Commission for Racial Equality Uk, Jamie Lewis, Cardiff University‟s Seren project, Henry Langen, Pembrokeshire disabled political activist and Paul Swann, Disability Wales. Small World Theatre ran theatre forum workshops, and the World Café session was split into the nine protected characteristics and had excellent feedback. 85% stated that they had an increased and improved knowledge of the policy as a result of the event.

‘House in Order The aim of the „House in Order‟ workshops is to improve the capacity of third sector organisations to participate in the planning of local services in Gwynedd by supporting them to ensure that the necessary policy and procedures are in place if they are to tender for a service agreement, contract or to apply for grants. With this in mind we have organised the following workshops: QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS MADE EASY – this extremely successful (and totally new) workshop was held in July 2013. Chief Officers from five organisations attended, and the feedback was extremely positive. As a follow up, Mantell Gwynedd will be holding surgeries for 1:1 support for these organisations in September. Quality Management Made Easy – Many Small and Medium Enterprises and Voluntary Organisations are increasingly being asked to include Quality Management System as part of their operations, especially if they wish to tender for contracts in Wales and across the UK. Until now ISO 9001 has been the only option for many organisations. QMS Easy offers a simplified version of ISO 9001. It covers all of the important aspects of quality management in ISO without the mountain of paperwork: in a format that can easily be installed by the organisation itself using just 6 documents an organisation can run the system without an independent audit/certificate or can receive an independent external audit for approximately £250 compared to £1500 to £2500 for ISO 9001 or PQASSO Workshop aims and objectives: This workshop is designed to assist small businesses and organisations (50 employees or less) to get to grips with quality management systems. Attendees will work through the templates, and come out of the workshop with a substantial amount of the system in place, to complete the necessary steps towards having an effective Quality Management System.

Issue 2 of 8 Editions

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A day out in Carmarthenshire The most recent Third Sector Forum was held on the 22nd July at Llandybie Hall. Carmarthenshireâ€&#x;s Third Sector forum provides an excellent opportunity for third sector organisations to network across sector and organisations. They are informed of recent and on-going developments, partnership working and have the opportunity to exchange information. As well as the Voluntary Sector; our partners from the Local Service Board (LSB), Environment Partnership, Community Safety, Social Care Workforce Development Partnership (SCWDP) and the COMPACT all provided an update to wide range of people from the third and statutory sector and partners. Including Carmarthenshire County Council, Public health Wales, Hywel Dda Health Board, Dyfed Powys Police, University of Wales Trinity Saint Davids and the Welsh Government. A variety and very current topics were covered throughout the event to meet the needs of different people and organisations, including; P ublic Engagement in Carmarthenshire, Carmarthenshire Partnership Update; (LSB, Environment and Community Safety) COMPACT, Continuity and Change Consultation, Tendering, Procurement and Sell 2 Wales, SIP Programme, Carmarthenshire Learning Festival, Restorative Practice, Lifelong Learning in Carmarthenshire, Play, Intergenerational Learning, Population Management Groups, Support for life Funding, Third Sector Brokers If you missed the forum, or would like to re-cap on the dayâ€&#x;s events, you will find all the information here from digital footage to presentations. If you would like any further information or have any topics that you would like covered in future forums please contact Kelly Price

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Making the Connections

All you need to know about funding and loans Funding Advice: WCVA facilitates a network of CVC staff who work in Funding Advice: the Funding SON (Service Operational Network). The network is chaired by Carl Cooper, Chief Officer of PAVO. These are the staff who have responsibility for funding advice in their organisations, although their job titles may be Funding advice officer, development officer, Information Officer etc. Contact details are attached. As part of the Partnership Agreement, WCVA and CVCs divide responsibility on funding advice: CVCs deal with local organisations; WCVA answers national queries; and regional queries tend to be shared (e.g. CVCs sometimes work together, WCVA sometimes deals with them). Advice: Contracts under £25k – These vary according to the discretion of the purchasing authority, and it would be about contacting individual Local Authorities. There is unfortunately no consistency in how these opportunities are advertised: some LAs might advertise and conduct full competitive tendering exercises; others might request 3 quotes from suppliers they know. For info, I have compiled a list of links to different Local Authorities who publicise how they procure Grant funding – CVCs have best access to local grant information, and some have produced information sheets about grant funding available in their areas. For all opportunities, organisations can conduct a grant search for free here: Slippage on large budgets which becomes available – this tends to be opportunistic and there isn't a co-ordinated way of knowing where these will become available. Sustainable Funding Cymru certainly promote those they become aware of. Any others – Sustainable Funding Cymru try to keep abreast of all funding opportunities, and advertise them in WCVA‟s newsletter. Sara Carroll in WCVA manages Sustainable Funding Cymru and is the Group Co-ordinator for Funding Advice: scarroll@wcva.org.uk or 029 2043 1777. Top tips— Keep up to date by: Registering on Sell2Wales Use GRANTnet, Receiving WCVA‟s newsletter Link with the contact for funding advice in the CVC Gareth Coles, WCVA

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Issue 2 of 8 Editions

Social Investment - From micro loans to Wales Wellbeing Bonds Social investment comes in many guises and whether it is called a bond, a loan or equity capital, each generally has a common denominator – unlike a grant, it is repayable. Clearly, grants have an important role to play in financing the sector and understandably remain the first choice of most organisations. But as the funding landscape changes and they become more difficult to obtain, repayable finance, typically via a loan, is now far more commonly used by social enterprises looking to expand their income generation capabilities. That extra income is key as it provides the money to repay the borrowing. It‟s not all just about non-availability of grants making loans more popular – decision making can often be much quicker and the restrictions as to the use of funds much less. This puts organisations in more control over the timing and nature of their projects. To meet these needs, WCVA now has a full suite of social investment alternatives: Micro Business Loan Fund Partnership with Credit Unions and Coalfields Regeneration Trust All Wales Loan size £1,000 to £20,000 Maximum term 5 years Interest rate 10%

Property Loan Fund Partnership with Unity Trust Bank All Wales Loan size £250,000 to £5,000,000 Maximum term 30 years Interest rate currently around 4.5% 1.5% fee 75% loan to value

Communities Investment Fund Convergence area only Loan size £20,000 to £250,000 Maximum term 25 years Interest rate 6% „Loan ready‟ grants

Wales Wellbeing Bond Collaborative working New ways to deliver public services A variant of Social Investment Bonds Repayment from savings

At its simplest, the Wales Wellbeing Bond might just provide finance to cash flow a payment in arrears or payment by results contract. At its most effective it is a partnership between public and third sector bodies to change the way a service is delivered in a local community. Explore further by clicking here. The main message is that if you have a viable business proposition, the finance is available. We don‟t want any good ideas to fail simply for the want of funding. For more information or to talk through your idea contact: WCVA Helpdesk 0800 2888 329 cif@wcva.org.uk Email Alun Jones, WCVA

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Making the Connections

Public Engagement Training:

What are the National Principles? The National Principles for Public Engagement were endorsed by the Welsh Government in March 2011. These are principles and NOT standards. They are an overarching set of principles aimed at Public Service organisations across all sectors in Wales. They aim to sit above any specific standards that you may already be using e.g. Standards for Children and Young People, Social Services Improvement Agency standards and are intended to compliment them. They aim to offer a consistent approach and good standard for public engagement across Wales. If your organisation completes and returns a declaration of endorsement form to participationcymru@wcva.org.uk you have signed up to these principles and will use them as a guiding document in your public engagement work. A list of organisations who have endorsed the principles can be found here. Training for the Third Sector: Participation Cymru and the Making Connections team are collaborating to offer third sector organisations currently involved or will be involved in public service delivery the opportunity to undertake Public Engagement training. The training will provide organisations with guidance to engage in accordance with the 10 National Principles for Public Engagement in Wales. Participants will go through the principles and the toolkit, use simple participatory techniques and be able to effectively plan and evaluate engagement work in a straightforward, commonsense, participatory way. Click here for further information. . It is hoped that at the end of this day organisations will see the benefit of the Principles and will endorse them as a way of engaging with people in an effective way. The toolkit is a useful planning and evaluating tool that will help to demonstrate how effectively they are engaging. Here are the confirmed dates for your area: Isle of Anglessey Gwynedd

Merthyr Rhondda Cynon Taf

15th October 2013 Willows Centre Troedyrhiw

Denbighshire Conwy

12th September Venue Cymru, Llandudno

Ceredigion Carmarthenshire Pembrokeshire

14th November, Hermon Community Hall

Neath Port Talbot

19th Novmbmer NPT CVS


Wildlife Trust, Parkslip, Fountain Road, Tondu

Swansea Blaenau Gwent and Torfaen

Issue 2 of 8 Editions

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