Pwy all ddefnyddio Bws Bro Tregaron? Mae Bws Bro Tregaron ar gael yn benodol i bobl sydd â phroblemau symudedd. Nod y gwasanaeth yw ei gwneud hi’n haws i deithio o amgylch y dref a’r pentrefi o fewn y dalgylch.
Sut mae defnyddio’r gwasanaeth? Galwch 0845 020 4322 i archebu eich taith. Mae’r llinell archebu ar agor rhwng 9.00 am until 12.00 pm o ddydd Llun i ddydd Gwener. Medrwch archebu lle yr wythnos cyn y daith, ond ddim hwyrach na 12.00 (canol dydd) y diwrnod cyn y daith. Byddwn yn trefnu man ac amser cyfleus i’ch casglu. Gofynnwn i chi fod mor hyblyg â phosib ynghylch yr amser rydych eisiau teithio. Cofiwch archebu taith adref!
Teithio ar Bws Bro Tregaron Bydd ein bws yn eich casglu o’ch stepen drws neu fan cyfleus arall ar yr amser gytunwyd. Gall ein bws dderbyn cadair olwyn, ac mae’r gyrrwr wrth law i gynnig cymorth wrth i’r teithwyr esgyn neu ddisgyn o’r cerbyd. Does dim cylchdaith sefydlog i’w dilyn, a medrwn eich casglu a’ch gollwng rywle o fewn y map yma.
0845 020 4322 Gwasanaethau ar gael dydd Mawrth, dydd Mercher & dydd Gwener 10.00am - 2.00pm
Ysbyty Ystwyth Pont-rhyd-y-groes Pontarfynach Tregaron Cwmystwyth Tynygraig Swyddffynnon Ystrad Meurig Llanafan Ffair Rhos Pontrhydfendigaid
Beth yw’r gost? Mae gwasanaeth Bws Bro Tregaron am ddim i deithwyr sydd â Thocyn Teithio Rhatach Cymru’n Un. Bydd rhaid i deithwyr eraill dalu am deithio. Ewch i’n gwefan am ragor o wybodaeth. Mae'r gwasanaeth yma'n cael ei drefnu gan Grŵp Trafnidiaeth Cymunedol Ystwyth gyda chefnogaeth a nawdd Cynulliad Llywodraeth Cymru.
Pa fath o deithiau ellir eu gwneud ar Fws Bro Tregaron? Mae Bws Bro Tregaron yn cynnig teithiau sydd ddim yn rhan o amserlen y gwasanaeth bws cyhoeddus. Gallwch deithio i/i’r · Siopau a gwasnaethau eraill · Feddygfa · Llyfrgell · Arhosfa bws agosaf er mwyn dal bysus eraill · Ymweld â ffrindiau/teulu sy’n byw yn yr ardal · Clwb Cinio a gweithgareddau cymdeithasol eraill Ysbytai a chanolfanau meddygol lleol
Bws Bro Tregaron I ymholi a chadw lle, galwch
0845 020 4322 Mae’r llinell archebu ar agor o 9.00 am tan12.00 pm Dydd Llun i Ddydd Gwener Rhaid archebu sedd cyn 12.00 canol dydd y diwrnod cyn y daith
Who can use the Tregaron Town Rider? The Tregaron Town Rider is to be used specifically by people with mobility problems. Its aim is to ease travel around the town and villages within the catchment area.
How to book a journey? Book your journey by calling 0845 020 4322 up to a week in advance. The booking line is open from 9.00 am until 12.00 pm from Monday to Friday. Bookings must be made by 12.00 (noon) on the day before you wish to travel. We will arrange a convenient place and time to pick you up. Please be as flexible as possible about the time you wish to travel. Don’t forget to book the return journey.
Travelling on the Tregaron Town Rider Our bus will pick you up at your door or from another convenient place at the agreed time. Our bus has a lift for wheelchairs, and the driver will offer assistance to people who are boarding or alighting from the vehicle. There is no set route and we can pick you up and drop you off anywhere within the following area;
How much will it cost? The Tregaron Town Rider is a free service to passengers that hold an All Wales Concessionary Travel Pass. Other passengers must pay a fee for their journey. Please check our website for this information. This service is undertaken by Ystwyth Community Transport Group and supported by funding from Welsh Assembly Government
What sort of journeys can be made on the Tregaron Town Rider? The Tregaron Town Rider can be used for journeys which cannot be made using timetabled bus services. The service can be used to travel to: · Shops and other services · Doctor’s surgery · Library · Your nearest bus stop to access other buses · Visit friends / relatives living in the area · Luncheon Clubs and other Social activities Local Hospitals and Clinics
Tregaron Town Rider For enquiries and bookings
0845 020 4322
0845 020 4322 Service Available Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 10.00am - 2.00pm
Ysbyty Ystwyth Pont-rhyd-y-groes Devils Bridge Tregaron Cwmystwyth Tynygraig Swyddffynnon Ystrad Meurig Llanafan Ffair Rhos Pontrhydfendigaid
The line is open from 9.00 am until 12.00 pm Monday to Friday Bookings must be made by 12.00 noon on the day before you wish to travel