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Business UK Magazine

London, United Kingdom

BUSINESS UK MAGAZINE İNGİLTERE'NİN İLK VE TEK TÜRKÇE İNGİLİZCE YAYIN YAPAN DERGİSİ "EN İYİLER BU KAPAĞIN ALTINDA"Sürekli Aylık,sektörel dergi..." İngiltere'nin En Kaliteli önde gelen firmalarını Büyüteç Altına Aldık. Here at Business UK Magazine we are constantly thriving at providing a better service to our readers and clients, building bridges and forming networks is our main priority. This is why our/your magazine will now be published in English/Turkish so that our clients will be known by 15 Million foreign customers as well as the non Turkish speaking community will also benefit from tour resources. +İLETİŞİM + DOĞRU ÇÖZÜMLEME + ETKİLİ SUNUM + KALICI TANITIM + SÜREKLİ MÜŞTERİ MEMMUNİYETİ + FAYDA SAĞLAMAK +ANALİZ DEĞERLENDİRME +ARTI DEĞER KATMAK = FARK YARATMAK MÜŞTERİ MEMMUNİYETİ VE GÜVENİ MEDYA,REKLAM,TANITIM Telefon 0750 80 60 650-0740 327 5647
