Resolution: Putting Hezbollah on the EU list of terrorist organisations
Adopted at the YEPP’s seminar Madrid 27th-30th September 2012 Recognising: To the European Security Strategy (ESS) of 2003, which states that terrorism is a key threat to the security and well-being of Europeans and the whole international community.
To the European Councils Common Position 2001/931/CFSP, in which the European Union established a “list of terrorists and terrorist groups” in order to be able to freeze funds and financial assets of those individuals and groups as part of the fight against the financing of terrorism.
Acknowledging: That Hezbollah is a fundamentalist organisation which is actively involved in conducting terrorist actions and supporting other individuals and organizations to do likewise.
Hezbollah’s cooperative relations with the totalitarian regimes in Syria and Iran.
That Hezbollah is constantly threatening Israel with violent attacks and open warfare.
Hezbollah’s aim to destabilize the whole political situation in the crisis-ridden Middle East, especially in Lebanon.
That Hezbollah is raising funds from partners and sympathizers in Europe.
YEPP calls:
The EU member states to put Hezbollah on the EU list of “terrorists and terrorist groups” in order to permit effective sanctions against its financial structure.