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\ \ \ Emergency Resolution: In support of freedom of press in Ukraine

Adopted at the YEPP Council Meeting in Madrid, September 2012 Recognising that: 

Ukraine stands on 130th position in the Freedom House Press Freedom ranking, having dropped 9 spots since last year.

More than 90% of media outlets are not profitable and dependent on subsidies from media owners who define editorial policy.

Eight out of nine national TV channels deprive their audience of unbiased information about events in Ukraine and worldwide. Starting from the beginning of the year, the volume of censored material on these channels has increased by 30% (from 171 in February to 250 in July 2012 – According to Reporters without borders).

The independent TV channel TVi, which provides information critical of authorities, is disappearing from cable networks throughout Ukraine in the middle of election campaign. Earlier it was denied licence for the digital terrestrial broadcasting.

Despite the ECHR judgement in case on the brutal murder of journalist Georgy Gonganze in 2001, the people who ordered and masterminded the murder remain unpunished.

More than 40 journalists suffered from beating or aggressive behaviour in Ukraine in 2012. There were 50 cases of obstruction of journalistic activity in various forms (violence, abusive behaviour, denial of entrance to public premises, etc.)

Only one criminal case was initiated over obstruction of journalistic activity in 2012.

Acknowledging that: 

Freedom of speech is a basic value for democratic society and attempts to limit it are the evidence of authoritarian developments in the country. 1

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