Speech YEPP President Rutger-Jan Hebben 4th YEPP Congress 29 March 2003 The Hague, The Netherlands
Prime Minister, Distinguished guests, former board members, Ladies and Gentlemen, dear friends, As your President I have only one more task to fulfil. Namely to bring this Congress to a good end. It sounds easy, but reality is different. Because when I close this Congress at the end of the day this will also be for me the end of 13 years in active youth politics. With that I am closing an amazing period of my life. So allow me to take you on short sentimental journey. If necessary tissues can be found under your chair. 31st of January 1997. I remember the day very well. It was the start of our founding Congress. I was just elected Secretary General of CDJA and I attended one of my first major international Conferences. I was quite excited. I knew a bout the reasons and backgrounds to form YEPP and I had heard many stories about the international work. Nice discussions, no sleep and above all great parties. And finally, I had the opportunity to go there as well! No misunderstanding…. I loved it from the first minute. Indeed great parties, and absolutely NO sleep. (For those present here for the first time, I can recommend a career in YEPP) But the thing that grabbed me most was to meet and talk to so many young people coming from so many different backgrounds. A wide variety of people, sharing the European Dream and a dream to integrate two organisations into a ONE strong centre right political youth organisation. An organisation, which would serve as the Youth of the European People‟s Party. At that moment I knew it…. This is the organisation I want to be part of. Today - more then 6 years later and climbing through the hiarchy of the international work- I am here in my own country delivering my final report as YEPP President.