YEPP Resolution: Current Political Situation in Romania Adopted by the YEPP Council in Larnaca, Cyprus July 7, 2012.
Recognising: •
That Romania is a Member State of the European Union, with all the rights and obligations it entails.
That the Romanian Constitution is in accordance with all the European Treaties and Laws.
The Principle of separation between legislative, executive and judicial powers should be upheld.
Acknowledging: •
The actions of the SocialLiberal Union (USL) have been shown to be contrary to Romanian law.
The statement of the Constitutional Court of Romania, which said that “the SocialLiberal Union violates the Constitution, the norms of democracy and rule of law in the state”.
The Constitutional Court of Romania addressed the European Commission of Democracy by Law (Venice Commission), “after the unprecedented attacks of the SocialLiberal Union against its members” and the reductions of the Court’s duties by the order of the Government.
The actions for changing the members of the Constitutional Court of Romania, which have a nonremovable 9 year mandate.