Kenneth Yeremia 2014 Architecture portfolio
2009 2011
RMIT Bachelor of Architecture
Flagstaff Library 02 02 Mr. Elton Residence
PT.Andani Mitra Lestari
RMITMaster of Architecture
02 Mrs. Mega Residence
Brunswick Elderly Housing 02
Airport Evolution
PROFILE name: Kenneth Yeremia D.O.B: 18th May 1990 Certificate: Rmit Bachelor of Architectural design (2011) Rmit Master of Architecture (2013) Interest: Architecture architectural Photography Graphic design Fine Art Set of imaging skills: Rhinocheros 3d Autocad adobe illustrator adobe indesign adobe photoshop 3ds max autodesk maya Contact: (+61)407307157
“a city built for speed is a city build for success� -Le Corbusier
In this project I have identified four stages of evolution in the Airport typology. The current fourth generation of airports where the airport consists of a complex programme with many amenities is effectively a small city in its own right. This design explores the relationship between airports and cities needs and how these relationships can be integrated to benefit each other. I propose a Fifth Generation of Airport, one where the Terminal function will be located inside the city separated from the runway function and connected by high speed trains allowing the Terminal to become an additional infrastructure topology, effectively a city within a city as Multi Modal Transportation hub, the fifth generation of airport. The city side terminal is designed to achieve several keys goals Efficiency Circulation goes vertical with ramps and lifts to shorten the walking distance. Having security/immigration compressed to prior boarding the runway train and combining domestic and international travel systems into one. The main retail space has been relocated outside of the secure zones to shorten the pre-flight check-in and increase retail opportunities for non-travelling shoppers. Clarity Transparency along the terminal combined with the inclined circulation creates clear lines of sight making it easier for way-finding. In addition the terminal system will be showcased from outside and Melbourne City from inside. The Runway Terminal The departure/boarding building is located at the end of runway instead of parallel to the runway saving time and fuel for landing and departing planes. The terminal will also have clear way-finding and increased transparency allowing passengers to see the planes once you disembark trains.
NOW 2020
30 kms to runway island in Port Phillip Bay
to Melbourne CBD
“take the streets and insert them into the buildings, to create what is called street in the air� -Jack Lynn
Brunswick Elderly Housing East Brunswick VIC
Elderly Housing in East Brunswick was designed due to the number of elder live in East Brunswick. With the basic idea of gathering all the elder together for community mixed with the family and students to help, The key idea lies in the plan. Inspired by Team10 ‘s Golden Lane project, From the plan perspective, The Housing was designed so that every unit owner need to pass another unit before they reach their home. Corridor is treated specially here, because corridor is the only space that give the habitants interact with each other, before they finally enter their private space. The long ramped corridor become a journey here, and also filled with activities gathered from surrounding site with a lot of space called ‘activities hotspot’ to give the habitants opportunity to stop, variation in view so that they wont get bored walking there and interact without hindering the walkway. In term of unit plan, each unit is elder friendly with large circulation space and wide stairs step and low rise to help the elder live with it. The kitchen is specifically placed facing the corridor to force an interaction between them. By having a lots of interaction, it is now possible to build a strong community for elder to live happily.
Flagstaff Library Melbourne CBD VIC
The library in flagstaff garden is like an experiment of ornament. How ornament was used not only as a decoration but also as a part of architectural value, therefore form is not ornament. The idea start with my love toward line works, how different line weight and shade can create such a beautiful 3d effect on 2d media. From there the idea grow to how can a 2d surface of facade create a 3d effect in human’s brain. The building form and plan itself was formed by considering how will the facade surface approached by visitor, The facade was then filled with the pattern to create a more 3d effect and mimic the surrounding atmosphere of the site. This will help blur the threshold between inside and outside of the building as many people does love to read outdoor. Not only the facade but also the structure, heavy structural collumn will only create a pressure toward the habitant, therefore the collumn was minimalized to its skeleton core and create more lightness in design.
Technical Drawing
Working Experiences
To be continued... ŠKenneth Yeremia 2014