1 minute read

Respect The Scene

by Edward Rojas

Whether it's a house, bar, restaurant or space that's being rented out, most venues are completely trashed after DIY shows. Beer bottles, half eaten food and an occasional hole in the wall mark the interior while cigarettes line the street outside. This is an image most people who to go shows are familiar with but the problem with this is that the people who end up cleaning up the mess are the people who were kind enough to lend out their space. One of our favorite houses stopped hosting shows after someone backed into a neighbor's car and drove away without leaving a note. This house has been torn apart by the number of shows it's had. It's always easy to get carried away but it's important to remember that venues need to be respected. They aren't just here for us to trash, they're someone's house or work environment and the best way to prevent any more venues from shutting down is by treating them with the decency they deserve.


Provided by Amelia Bailey

Provided by Amelia Bailey

Provided by Hugh Schmidt

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