2 minute read

Why Yer Scene?


Writing and music have always been my two biggest passions. I am a journalism major, specifically music journalism. When the opportunity to write for Yer Scene was offered, I couldn't say no. I can now say that it was an amazing decision. Getting to work with these amazing people, even if they're people that I only ever know through the interwebs, is one of the best things that I get to do. Each and everyone one of them is so creative and inspiring. I can happily call them all my friends and even like my family. It's been such a short amount of time, but I can't imagine not being a part of this. We work together, we support each other and that's why I do this. That's why I am a part of Yer Scene.


Provided by Amelia Bailey


Back in mid-January, I was brought in to help finish up the zine while the former head of art was on leave. What I didn't realize was that I was going to fall in love with the project. While I've worked on other publications and been a part of my DIY scene for years, I hadn't found a more supportive and positive group until I met the team here. I didn't think I'd stay on in any sort of even semi-permanent role, I found it impossible to stop working with the team . In my short stay here, I've met several new people I'm lucky to call friends. There have been many laughs shared and the promise of even more beers (should we ever get our collective shit together and actually meet up). The most insane part was when I discovered Hugh and I lived only a few miles apart from each other and have several mutual friends even though he and I had only met through the zine. I can't wait to see where we all go and how the zine continues to evolve. I hope you all come with us on this wonderful ride.

Photo by Eileen Michelle Jones


For the longest time, I've always wanted to get involved in the music scene around me, but I was always reluctant for a number of reasons. The main one being that I didn't really know anybody who was into the same kind of music as I was, and it honestly intimidated me a little. Taking was never easy for me, so I always opted out when shows were going on. That mindset changed a few months ago, when I went to my first show at Taco Pica, a local venue, to see a friend of mine play with his band. This was honestly the turning point for me, as any time he would play, I'd make an effort to see his band and the others that played before or after him. Not long after this, our editor, Ken approached me to contribute to the zine with pieces about metal. I never really thought much about contributing to the scene, let alone being a part of it , but I decided to take him up on his offer, and made my debut in Issue #4. Since then, I've met so many great people through Yer Scene, be it members from the team or people at shows. It's incredibly important to get involved with your own scene, just take me for example. I'm so glad I get to be a part of this team .

Photo by Kyle Burgess

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