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Early Childhood students and their parents explored the function, physical properties, beauty, and curiosity of mirrors during the annual PKRE (Parents and Kids Read for Enjoyment) event that occurred over four days in February. In anticipation of the event, children received an invitation along with a pair of complimentary pajamas. Teachers planned ahead for the “Marvels of Mirrors” theme by covering tables and bulletin boards with mirrored sheets and tin foil. However, the theme really came to life when students and their parents arrived for the program and "stepped through the looking-glass" into a lobby installation that was inspired by Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking-Glass. Students delighted in looking at themselves in concave, convex, and distorted funhouse mirrors. Afterwards, students headed to their classrooms where they engaged in relevant mirror activities including creating patterns and discovering multiple reflections using hinged mirrors, decorating handheld mirrors, using one-axis mirrors to view the unfinished halves of reflection symmetry drawings and using mirrors to make self-portraits. The fun continued as students and parents gathered on the carpet for themed read-alouds that featured mirror-themed children’s books. Teachers shared reading tips and strategies with parents and stressed the importance of reading aloud to their children.

On Thursday, March 23rd, JBHS students and staff participated in the second annual Jack Charles Levy A”H Fitness Day, with the theme of “Food for Fuel.”

To kick off the event, over 70 of Jack’s classmates joined Rabbi Besser, Dean of Students, on Wednesday night for an inspiring shiur to elevate Jack’s neshama. The next day, family and friends of the Levy and Podolsky families joined students and faculty during the morning’s Opening Sessions where they heard various speakers remember Jack and discuss his legacy.

Jack was known for giving encouragement to others who needed it. In the process of discovering that reaching his own health and fitness goals brought him greater confidence, Jack set out to help others recognize their strengths and build upon them. With this year’s focus on Food for Fuel, Mrs. Sandy Zohni, a registered dietician, spoke about fueling our bodies for health. Throughout the day, students participated in fitness sessions including boxing, self-defense, yoga, strength training, cardio, and Zumba, and tried their upper body strength on the Hang Bar Challenge. Students also joined cooking sessions where they made delicious pre and post workout snacks. We thank the incredible team of moms and faculty who organized the event.

Special thanks to Jack’s dear friends who helped plan the event and organize the Wednesday night shiur.

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