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In February, the JBHS Guidance Department and SAFE teams, in collaboration with Project SAFE and CCSA (Communities Confronting Substance Use & Addiction), held a substance use awareness program for sophomores. The program consisted of a lecture by an educational personal recovery speaker followed by psychoeducational sessions where students learned the risks and effects of substance use.
In May, sophomore girls participated in a wellness program facilitated by SAFE and Guidance, which focused on the balancing of emotional, spiritual, and physical wellness and culminated with an eye-opening educational presentation focused on balanced nutrition by Ms. Ruthie Mosseri, RD.
In March, the juniors participated in a Purple Day program, an initiative led by our very own junior student Purple Day “fellows,” who completed an 8-week training course in collaboration with Shalom Task Force. The goal of Purple one person or from a group of people, and the behavior would be hurtful. Students were also shown videos that represented different ways a child could be bullied, whether it be physical or verbal, social or in cyberspace.
To connect parents to what their children had learned, the Parent School Partnership Program invited parents to a “Crash Course on Bullying.” Guest speaker Debbie Nehmad from Project SAFE, administrators and guidance team members led discussions on how to help children navigate challenging social situations and build a culture of kindness. Our goal with these initiatives is to help our students develop exceptional character and middot as individuals and as members of our community.
The Elementary School Student Services Department is dedicated by Avital and Jacob Cohen.
The Parent School Partnership Program is dedicated in honor of Esther and Jack A. Hidary
Day was to raise awareness about domestic violence and what constitutes a healthy relationship. Shelly Shaoul, Natalie Sasson, Emma Dayan and Sam Sutton led an assembly for their grade that included a personal and educational story emphasizing hallmarks of healthy relationships and warning signs of unhealthy relationships.
The next day, seniors participated in their own wellness program. Senior girls learned about the importance of keeping a balanced body image. They heard a powerful personal recovery story, learned warning signs and tips of eating disorders from an expert clinician, and participated in empowering positive affirmations with Sari Dana. Simultaneously, senior boys learned about the risks and dangers of gambling from Mr. Ike Dweck, founder and CEO of The SAFE Foundation.