Fall 2020
Tishrei 5781
Inspire Welcome Back to the Building!
Letter from the Executive Director Dear Flatbush Family,
Over the past year, we have worked with the entire
It is with much excitement that I share with you the
students, parents and alumni) to establish our
latest edition of the Bulletin. Throughout the last
Yeshivah of Flatbush Mission Statement. The process
several months, our school has adapted in ways
was a learning experience for all those involved, as we
we never dreamed we would have to, and we have
solidified our exemplary history, vision for the present,
become smarter and stronger for it. We are proud of all
and aspirations for our future.
YOF community (staff, administration, lay leaders,
the hard work that ensured our students could come back to school safely and we are grateful to all those who made our reopening possible.
In March, when our schools had to rapidly transition to remote learning, we built our Kesher Flatbush website in our Elementary School and developed
While the last several months have been far from
robust learning plans with schedules and nighttime
ordinary, so much has transpired within our Yeshivah.
activities in both our Elementary and High Schools to
As you explore this Bulletin, you will see we have been
keep our students and families engaged. This came
quite busy here at Yeshivah of Flatbush.
with a tremendous effort from our educational team,
our students to develop exceptional character and intellect.
through a rigorous Torah b’Ivrit and General Studies program with a robust set of co-curricular opportunities in a supportive and nurturing environment.
a love for and commitment to Torah u’Mitzvot, Medinat Yisrael, and Klal Yisrael with responsibility to advance the welfare of all humanity.
Welcome Back!
Rabbi Zelig Prag gives a shiur about Rosh Hashanah to YOFHS seniors in the BenHaim Bet Midrash.
who creatively found ways to continue to empower,
The Yeshivah of Flatbush has continually supported
educate and inspire our students on a daily basis.
families who need assistance with tuition. This year,
This past summer, we continued our investment in professional development, partnering with Prizmah, and creating our very own Teaching & Technology Summer Institute. We offered over 100 courses with close to 200 participants, including our YOF staff and the staff of 17 yeshivot from throughout the New York metropolitan area. We continue to pave the way to further faculty learning as our teachers
due to the pandemic, we have an increased need for Tuition Assistance and we need your help more than ever. We hope that you consider supporting our outstanding initiatives. Please reach out to me at jrothman@flatbush.org to learn how your personal gift can impact the lives of our students. We can work together to share our passion for and dedication to this wonderful institution.
and staff evolve in their roles.
In this issue, you will also see how we are
Warmest regards,
expanding and cultivating our Development department. Earlier this year we reinvented our annual auction, with a new location and created what was truly a “Landmark� event. We also launched our new alumni site, flatbushalumni.org, to keep our alumni engaged and connected with our yeshivah. Most recently, in September we concluded another successful Grand Raffle event
Rabbi Dr. Jeffrey Rothman Executive Director Yeshivah of Flatbush
for the YOF Scholarship Fund that supports more than 400 families in need.
FALL 2020
Table of Contents 4
The Reality of Virtual Learning |
Classes continued online, as YOF rose to the challenge of making remote learning the best it could be.
6 Richly Remote | Innovative activities and celebrations added excitement and warmth to staying home.
Lishmah Learning Program | A new initiative provides opportunities to study for the sake and love of knowing, growing, and living Torah. Setting the Stage | Students from Eastern Michigan University visited YOF to learn about the Witness Theater program and process.
Sharing Strategies for Growth | YOF visited classes at more than a dozen area yeshivot as part of a new professional development initiative.
Beyond the Book | A creative Book Day program allows students to interact with a wide array of experts.
Onward and Upward | The College Guidance
team introduces new and reimagined programming.
Tech Triumphs | The Information Technology department conquered new challenges after the closing of the school in March.
20 Pathfinders Program | High
School students expand their opportunities through internships and the innovative Pathfinders Program.
Tsei U’lemad® | Our respected program that offers independent study is now legally trademarked.
22 Trips to the Met | Jewish
History students get an interactive tour of ancient art at The Metropolitan Museum.
23 Names, Not Numbers
Students connect with survivors in this unique, inter-generational approach to Holocaust education.
Bite-sized news highlights from around the school
ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Rabbi Yahel Tsaidi Head of School
Rabbi Dr. David Hertzberg Principal, Middle School
Mr. Robert Berkman
Rabbi Dr. David Saltzman
Principal, General Studies
A Night to Remember | Flatbush Falcons score big with fans at Barclays Center.
27 28
27 A Spring for the Ages | From the brink
of championships to opportunities lost.
Director of Teaching and Learning/Assistant Principal, General Studies
Mrs. Chani Gratzman
Assistant Principal, Judaic Studies, Lower School
Dr. Bethany Strulowitz Director of Campus Life
Mrs. Debbie Levine Greenbaum
Director, Early Childhood
Director of Student Services
More Impact | Participants travel to Israel to spread help and cheer.
Dr. Nicole Yossef
Showing Their Creativity | The Naomi Houllou A”H Ladies Auxiliary offers ideas to help parents and children bond.
Head of School
Rabbi Joseph Beyda Principal
Mrs. Sari Bacon
Associate Principal
Mrs. Esther Hidary
Assistant Principal and Director of Admissions
Rabbi Naftali Besser
30 Stronger Together | The Parent School
Partnership offers guidance and support.
Dean of Students
Dr. Etty Mizrahi
Director of Guidance
Rabbi David Galpert
Assistant Administrator
Rabbi Dr. David Eliach Principal Emeritus
Reconnecting | Four reunions bring hundreds of alumni together.
34 Alumni Highlights | News and noteworthy achivements from our alumni.
Rabbi Dr. Jeffrey Rothman Executive Director
Ms. Vicky Amzalag
Director of Annual Giving
Dr. Christine L. Coleman
Director of Informational and Instructional Technology
Mrs. Faigie Gelbstein Director of Finance
Ms. Esther Kizelnik
Ms. Ilana Lax
YOF Auction: A Landmark Event | Our annual auction met success at a new, hip locale.
36 Learning With — and From — Rabbi
Eliach | YOFHS’s principal emeritus continues to touch the lives of students and teachers.
Director of Operations Director of Marketing and Communications
Mrs. Norma Shamah
Director of Admissions, Elementary School
Mrs. Hila Stern
Director of Development
BULLETIN STAFF Michelle Olveira Editor-in-Chief
Faith Edeson
Editorial Assistant
DESIGN Beth Singer Design
FALL 2020
YOF rose to the challenge of making remote learning the best it could be.
Yeshivah of Flatbush
Reality of
All learning continued, from specialty classes such as art and music, to Torah topics, Hebrew, STEM and foreign language. Here are just a few of the hundreds of special moments shared via Zoom in
the past school year.
FALL 2020
Richly Remote
Innovative Activities, Shabbat and Holiday Celebrations Added Excitement and Warmth to Staying Home Knowing that Yeshivah of Flatbush parents and students were adjusting day-to-day with the pandemic, YOF provided creative learning opportunities to Elementary School students multiple nights of the week, and offered ways to connect with all elementary and high school students for pre-Shabbat celebrations and holidays. Many after-school Early Childhood activities helped students learn shapes, numbers and colors. Children learned the beginner basics of origami, clay forms, made their own version of PlayDoh, baked challah and made ice cream. Students searched their
Yeshivah of Flatbush
homes during scavenger hunts, were asked to identify popular tunes, and created a snuggly spot for a secret reading cave. The rest of the school was invited to play many popular games, shared jokes with a YOF twist, such as Pictionary, Minute to Win It and Scattergories. Students competed in Israel- and movie-themed trivia games, shared jokes on comedy nights, and participated in kids’ cooking classes. All Elementary School students were also invited to send in short videos for two Flatbush Got Talent shows, which allowed students to shine individually in song, dance and music.
What was perhaps most beautiful about YOF’s offerings was the celebration of Shabbat and holidays together. Even though students celebrated on Zoom, they knew they were never alone. The whole Elementary School took part in robust programming every Friday, including a spiritually uplifting Shabbat Oneg led by Head of School Rabbi Yahel Tsaidi. YOFHS Dean of Students Rabbi Naftali Besser and YOFHS Assistant Administrator Rabbi David Galpert invited all YOF families before and after Shabbat to sing songs and watch inspirational videos. To commemorate Yom Hazikaron, YOFHS students viewed the film “Michael Levin: A Hero in Heaven,” the story of a young American man who volunteered to serve in the IDF and died in the Lebanon War in 2006. Teachers acted as facilitators in a post-film discussion with their classes on Zoom. YOFHS Principal Rabbi Joseph Beyda later hosted Michael’s parents live on a Zoom in which they answered questions submitted by students. Middle School watched powerful videos focused on the bravery and sacrifice of IDF soldiers. Whatever the holiday, YOF observed it together. Elementary students competed in a Pesach challenge, heard stories from Rabbi Shlomie Felendler, baked dairy desserts for Shavuot, and sent in pictures of homemade signs for a Yom Ha’atzmaut slideshow. Early
Childhood students had a Yom Ha’atzmaut singalong, and the entire YOF community was invited to two concerts—an evening concert featuring Gad Elbaz and a daytime concert with Ishay Ribo, both internationally acclaimed singers. During the evening program, students spoke about what Tzahal meant to them. Participants heard from Lone Soldier Avi Sandler, Israel’s representative to the United Nations Danny Danon, as well as Harav Shabtai Sabato, the Rosh Yeshiva of Netivot Yosef. YOFHS Head of School Rabbi Dr. Raymond Harari’s shared his own inspirational message, followed by a High School choir performance that led up to Gad Elbaz. More programming continued the next morning with Tefillah Chagigit, cooking lessons, and tours of Israel, culminating in a community concert by Ishay Ribo, sponsored by Nadya and Gennadiy Belenkiy. More than 1,200 people attended virtually.
In addition to the concerts, YOFHS designed a Yom Ha’atzmaut program that combined speeches, music and videos. Working with AIPAC, students watched a short video in which survivors from BergenBelsen concentration camp were recorded singing “HaTikvah,” followed by a film of Israelis singing “HaTikvah” from their balconies across the country. Yom Ha’atzmaut in the Middle School always includes “a taste” of Israel, and this year proved to be no different. Rabbi Joseph Mizrachi demonstrated how to make authentic homemade laffa bread while the students followed along with him in their own kitchens. Lower School began its celebration by remembering those who lost their lives so we can call Eretz Yisrael our homeland. Bnot Sherut, Hadar and Noam, took the students on a virtual tour of Israel.
Remote Faculty Engagement Ties in Torah Relevance During the pandemic, Rabbi Dr. David Hertzberg, Middle Division Principal, gave evening classes three times a week for faculty. The 15-minute segments were within people’s ability to focus on Zoom while introducing them properly to the topic being studied. “It was very important for teachers during this time to have the opportunity to learn and get together in a non-stressful way to grow intellectually, have a sense of normalcy, and to learn from our Torah sources and historical case studies that life goes on,” shared Rabbi Dr. Hertzberg. The topics discussed were relevant in some way to the time period. While some classes focused on specific holidays such as Yom Hashoah (e.g. The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising: Was It Rabbinically Sanctioned?) and Yom Hazikaron (Halachic Issues in Counterterrorism), the majority focused on broader issues relating to the pandemic, such as: Experts: Their Roles and Their Limits; Professional Focus; and Professional Errors and Mistakes.
Lishmah Learning Program The Lishmah Learning Program, a new initiative driven by the Yeshivah of Flatbush
“Our learning serves as a constant reminder of who we are at the core, both as individuals and as a Jewish nation, and infuses in us a true and humbling sense of purpose.” — MRS. AMY SASSON
Yeshivah of Flatbush
Board of Education, seeks to provide opportunities to study Torah for the sake and love of knowing, growing and living Torah, while reinforcing and perpetuating our Jewish values. The Flatbush Family supports a culture of Torah learning that is yearlong and lifelong, one which serves as a guide for our words and actions every day. Last year, classes were held in both the BenHaim Bet Midrash at the YOFHS and the Sephardic Beit Midrash at the Elementary School. In addition, Flatbush parents’ and faculty members’ homes in both Brooklyn and Deal helped to further expand the program’s reach to the greater community. The 10-member Lishmah committee’s resolve was strengthened by the enthusiasm of the Rashei Yeshivah and principals at both the elementary and high schools. “They were all eager to be a part of it and are united in their belief that Torah is a framework for living our best and most connected life,” explained Lishmah committee member Mrs. Sarah Chrem. The popularity of the Tuesday Night Learning Program for high school students showed that many feel the same way about Lishmah learning. Led by a handful of teachers each week who taught in small groups, the program allowed friendly discussions on the topics at hand. Twelfth grade boys and girls were also offered the option of learning separately in
students’ and faculty’s homes led by Israel Guidance Counselor and Rosh Beit Midrash Rabbi Avi Harari and 11th and 12th grade advisor Mrs. Hannah Zaltzman. Rabbi Avi Harari and YOFHS Assistant Administrator Rabbi David Galpert created a weekly Friday morning class for alumni, led by a different faculty member each week, with breakfast following minyan.
Rabbi Avi Harari learns with students at a Flatbush family home.
Head of Elementary School Rabbi Yahel Tsaidi and Middle School Principal Rabbi Dr. David Hertzberg partnered with the Lishmah committee for Middle School Lishmah-based programs, including the Sunday morning bar mitzvah learning program, Mishmar and joint chabura learning that paired Middle School students with high school students. The Sephardic Community Alliance (SCA) joined forces with YOFHS administrators and faculty, including Head of School Rabbi Dr. Raymond Harari, Principal Rabbi Joseph Beyda, Associate Principal Mrs. Esther Hidary, Dean of Students Rabbi Naftali Besser, Rabbi Avi Harari, and Jewish history teacher and girls’ Israel Guidance Counselor Ms. Miriam Weilgus, to hold community women’s classes during the day at the high school. The success of this program allowed women of all ages to learn pirkei avot, parasha, topics in Tanakh, Jewish history and halacha. On Monday nights, the series covered topics such as listening to and trusting your instincts, parenting, and mother/daughter relationships. Speakers included Ms. Vicky Harari, RN.,MS., and YOF Lower School Director of Campus Life Dr. Bethany Strulowitz. “Our learning serves as a constant reminder of who we are at the core, both as individuals and as a Jewish nation and infuses in us a true and humbling sense of purpose,” stated Mrs. Amy Sasson. “When we take our Torah knowledge and apply it, we recognize its wisdom and beauty, grow closer and more connected to G-d, and find comfort and joy in living — even during this most challenging time.”
Lishmah committee members had to get creative this past summer, and offered five “Sea-Hahs on the Sand” led by YOF faculty as well as several guest speakers. Planning continues for the future when it will be safe to learn together again indoors.
Lishmah committee members include Mrs. Rena Ashear, Mrs. Sarah Chrem, Mrs. Nicole Oved, Mrs. Sarita Bakst Salama, Mrs. Gina Samstein, Mrs. Amy Sasson, Mrs. Lillie Sasson, Mrs. Betty Sitt, Mrs. Johanna Shamah and Mrs. Nathalie Vilinsky.
FALL 2020
Eastern Michigan University Students Visit YOF to Learn About Witness Theater Last winter, a group of 23 college students and their professors arranged a trip from Ypsilanti, Michigan to YOFHS to learn about the Witness Theater program and process from Drama Therapist and Witness Theater Director, Mrs. Sally Shatzkes. The students listened intently to Mrs. Shatzkes’ description of how seniors at the high school come to embody the stories of the Holocaust survivors.
The college students, who were mostly non-Jewish and primarily theater majors, all signed up for Eastern Michigan University’s “Jewish Identity and American Theater” class, led by professors Martin Shichtman and Pirooz Aghssa. For many of the students, this was their first time in New York City and their first time seeing a yeshivah and experiencing a Jewish neighborhood. They saved up money to come on the trip, which was subsidized by the Jewish Studies department at their university. Professor Shichtman was in touch with the Covenant Foundation and told his contact there how he wanted his students to meet members of the theater community who were doing important things for the world. The Covenant Foundation recommended Mrs. Shatzkes, who recently won the foundation’s award for excellence in Jewish education. The class began with Mrs. Shatzkes discussing her path to becoming a drama therapist and how that eventually led her to become the director of the Witness Theater program at YOF. She explained how Witness theater is therapeutic for both the survivors and the students. “Witness Theater is magical,” Mrs. Shatzkes opined, as she described the tender relationships that form between the elderly survivors and the teenagers. Some of the students have planned Shabbat dinners, birthday parties and belated bar mitzvahs for the survivors to
student, clearly moved by the documentary and by Mrs. Shatzkes’ presentation, asked her professor, “Can we schedule a follow-up trip so we can see the show?” While the current health crisis forced YOF to suspend its live Witness Theater performance for 2020, the students were able to share stories of the six participating survivors, as well as the process and the beautiful relationships that flourished, in the program’s Yom Hashoah premier online commemoration, “Ordinary Blessings.” Thousands of people tuned in for this unique experience, which was also included as part of a recent PBS documentary.
celebrate their lives and give them something that they never had growing up during World War II. “The structure of the Witness Theater program is both theatrical and psychological,” said Mrs. Shatzkes. The students watched clips from the recent Witness Theater documentary interspersed with stories from Mrs. Shatzkes about specific processes used during the seven-week “warm-up” period that is necessary to build the student-survivor relationship, as well as what was involved in the many rehearsals leading up to last year’s show. One student asked Mrs. Shatzkes if there are outreach programs for students who are dealing with heavy and difficult emotions from the scope of the program. “There is a lot of safety in a group setting,” Mrs. Shatzkes replied. “The group absorbs some of the intensity of the stories…the audience only sees the tip of the iceberg,” she explained, meaning that the process itself led to so much of the emotion that audiences witness on stage. In 2019, the Witness Theater group suffered a major loss when one of the survivors, Mrs. Sally Fligelman, passed away early on in the process. Mrs. Shatzkes told the college students that the last paragraph of Mrs. Fligelman’s eulogy mentioned the importance of the Witness Theater program in her life. One
members this year to share their own teaching styles with our teachers. Rabbi Dr. David Saltzman, Elementary School Director of Teaching and Learning and Assistant Principal of General Studies, worked with Prizmah Center for Jewish Day School’s Rachel Levitt Klein Dratch and arranged for 15 teacher teams from YOF to visit other schools’ classrooms to see how those teachers proactively engaged their students and implemented growth mindset. The other purposes for the school visits included learning together as a group, being inspired by what others were doing, making connections with educators in other schools, and being able to implement new ideas and/or strategies into YOF classrooms.
Childhood and Lower School faculty
area yeshivot welcomed our Early
Rabbi Yahel Tsaidi, over a dozen
by Head of Elementary School
development initiative driven
Yeshivah of Flatbush
As part of a new professional
Sharing Strategies for Growth
In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work .… This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment. — CAROL DWECK, AUTHOR OF MINDSET: THE NEW PSYCHOLOGY OF SUCCESS Some questions our teachers were asked to consider during class observations included whether the teacher asked students to self-reflect and set their own goals, what phrases the teacher used to show encouragement, and whether the classroom felt as if it bred confidence and curiosity that inspired the students to share their thoughts. Schools visited included SAR, HALB, NSHA, MDS, Ramaz, and Yeshiva Har Torah. “We reviewed guidelines for a successful visit and decided on individualized goals,” said Rabbi Saltzman. Mrs. Dratch facilitated a follow-up meeting in February, which was devoted to professional development. She shared important data from the visits and facilitated two engaging activities. During the “Gallery Walk,” teachers were given cards to fill out, describing something they learned on the visit regarding tech, class culture and engagement. These cards were posted on a wall where teachers could see the responses from their colleagues. The second activity was “Speed Dating,” where teachers were paired up and asked to face each other and discuss questions from Rabbi Saltzman and Mrs. Dratch, which helped teachers reflect on their visit. “We wanted teachers to share reflections and learning from each other and take something they saw and observed on their visit and make it actionable,” explained Rabbi Saltzman. Fifth grade honors class teacher Mrs. Helen Orzel, who has been teaching at YOF for 20 years, said that “Having the opportunity to witness alternative methods of collaboration between teachers, students and staff was very eye-opening,” and she found the informal atmosphere conducive to learning.
A Growth Mindset in the Classroom Earlier in the 19-20 school year, teachers had begun learning about growth mindset from teaching consultant John D’Auria and continued throughout the year to put the ideas into practice.
In addition, the entire elementary school was trained in Responsive Classroom© this year, which promotes a culture of growth mindset during teacher-student interactions and improves different aspects of student learning using specific language throughout the day. Teachers closed out the year by participating on Zoom in a review of growth mindset. The final activity was on a Zoom teacher meeting using a program called Padlet, a platform where the teacher or facilitator can pose questions and the participants can post comments through text, pictures, audio, and video. Teachers shared their comfort level with technology and how they felt about trying to adapt to having classes on Zoom. They also reflected on their shift to focusing on student engagement, relationships, and learning styles. Several teachers expressed their satisfaction that both they and their students were able to acclimate and be productive in the “new normal” of remote learning.
FALL 2020
Beyond the
YOFHS juniors, seniors, faculty and guests participated in a creative Book Day program on February 27, 2020. This dynamic symposium centered on the many themes in Richard Matheson’s iconic science fiction book, I Am Legend. Library Chair Ms. Rachail Kurtz, English Chair Ms. Mica Bloom and Librarian Mr. Brian Katz coordinated the event, which brought in alumni speakers, artists, and other distinguished guest presenters as well as our own faculty members. The event allowed students to interact with a wide array of experts in many fields and build early connections with successful alumni. Matheson’s book about the sole survivor of an incurable plague was selected for Book Day for its classic depiction of a dystopian future after a deadly virus hits the world. The main character, Robert Neville, struggles with survival needs and the search for survivors without mutations, as well as his feelings of alienation and fear of death. “It was by chance that we chose such a prophetic book,” shared Ms. Bloom. In the Khezrie Auditorium, students gathered to hear a short dramatic student presentation of a monologue from the book, and watched a film produced by students to produce a brief film parody of the book. Mr. Mordy Weinstein led the choir, who sang songs with the theme of friendship. FBI special agent Mr. Pierre Chrissafis shared stories from several undercover cases, including a decade-long Russian intelligence investigation that led to the arrest of 10 spies. In another room, the NYC Office of Emergency Management’s Ms. Abby Jordan went over the importance of carrying proper identification and designating a safe
Yeshivah of Flatbush
Book space in your home that is outfitted for an emergency. Two Epidemic Intelligence Officers from the CDC, Ms. Karen Alroy and Ms. Dena Bushman, shared a day in the life of a disease detective. These classes wound up being particularly relevant given the pandemic that hit New York less than two weeks after Book Day. YOFHS Jewish history teacher Ms. Michal Shulman’s “Jews as Vampire” class showed students how Jews were portrayed in German art in the past, and how and why these negative images first surfaced, while Social Studies faculty member Mr. Justin Engel revisited vampires in film and pop culture. Bat conservationist Ms. Danielle Gustafson dispelled common bat myths and shared fascinating information about these misunderstood creatures. Mr. Michael O’Shea, a graphic artist and illustrator, discussed his drawing process while fielding questions from students. He also shared pieces at various stages of completion as well as a finished drawing. Makeup artist Ms. Devorah Kuperhand gave creepy makeovers to student volunteers and showed them how she creates special makeup effects for movies. Students laughed as their friends were transformed into phantasmagoric figures. Students also learned a few karate moves from Pa Kua karate class specialist Ms. Jennie Landsman, and explored Krav Maga self-defense with Captain Eilon Even-Esh from Shomer 360.
TOP LEFT Proud Book Day coordinators: Librarian Ms. Rachail
Kurtz, English Chair Ms. Mica Bloom and Librarian Mr. Brian Katz. TOP RIGHT Students spell out tips for emergency preparedness from NYC Office of Emergency Management’s Ms. Abby Jordan. LEFT Mr. Alex Schneider shares his inside knowledge of building design with eager students. BELOW LEFT Mrs. Helena Hadef discusses concepts of morality
using the book’s characters. BELOW RIGHT Comic book artist and illustrator Mr. Michael O’Shea poses with dark fantasy illustrator and writer Mr. Robert Geronimo. BOTTOM LEFT FBI Special Agent Mr. Pierre Chrissafis shares his gripping career experiences with the students. BOTTOM RIGHT Makeup artist Ms. Devorah Kuperhand transforms an unsuspecting student into a creepy character.
“My favorite thing about Book Day is the diverse array of topics not usually covered in the traditional classroom setting.” — Librarian Mr. Brian Katz
Onward UPward and
YOFHS College Guidance Introduces New and Reimagined Programming
Yeshivah of Flatbush
The YOF college advisors share a strong desire to deepen students’ and parents’ understanding of the college admission process. This year, we welcomed over 30 college visitors to campus in the fall to meet with members of the Class of 2020 while Mr. Jonathan Williams, Assistant Vice President of Admissions at New York University, graciously joined us for Junior College Kickoff with the Class of 2021 in December. In an effort to be more present and available for the entire high school community, the College Guidance Department continued its successful, weekly “College in the Café” initiative this year and saw an increase in traffic and meaningful interactions over its premiere year. College in the Café provides an easily accessible space for all Flatbush students to get better acquainted with the college guidance team members
during their lunch period and ask any questions they may have. Sophomore students in the Class of 2022 received a formal introduction to college admissions during classroom presentations last fall as well as a Sophomore College Night program that welcomed an expert guest speaker, Ms. Nina Kao from Compass Education Group. Compass is one of the nation’s leading test prep agencies. Seeking to maintain communication with students and continue to provide access to planned programming during the COVID-19 pandemic, the office transitioned the annual Junior College Fair and Information Night program to a highly successful, fullyonline event. Nearly 40 colleges and universities participated — on Zoom — at the first-ever Virtual College Night. They met with members of both the Classes of 2021 and 2022 to offer advice and encouragement on navigating college admissions both in the context of the current global crisis as well as the general competitive admissions climate. The college guidance team also used the distance learning period to introduce a new initiative for all high school parents to meet members of the department. Also new for the rising senior Class of 2021, the college guidance advisors organized and implemented a four-day essay workshop to help our students get a jumpstart on their all-important college essays.
Class of 2020 Via Zoom, participants explored everything from deciphering essay prompts, to reading sample essays and drafting their own, to overcoming one of the major hurdles in writing an essay — getting started! In addition to lively and productive group activities and discussions, counselors also met one-on-one with participants to offer feedback on their drafts or help with putting their initial thoughts on paper.
College Acceptances The 131 members of the Class of 2020 received admission offers from 57 institutions and will enroll in 25 of those schools between Fall 2020 and Fall 2021. Bold type indicates where this year’s graduates will enroll. Arizona State University
Medgar Evers College (CUNY)
Barnard College
Monmouth University
Baruch College (CUNY)
Muhlenberg College
Bentley University
New York City College of Technology (CUNY)
Binghamton University (SUNY) Borough of Manhattan Community College (CUNY)
New York University Pace University
Brooklyn College (CUNY)
Pennsylvania State University
At its peak, 40 students participated in the essay-writing workshop, which exceeded the team’s expectations for this very engaging and thoroughly pleasant inaugural program.
City College of New York (CUNY)
Queens College (CUNY)
College of Charleston
Queensborough Community College (CUNY)
Drexel University
Swarthmore College
Although the style in which the college advisors met with all of the students had to be adapted to the current COVID-19 crisis, we are incredibly grateful to have gotten to know the senior Class of 2020 and look forward to witnessing their successes at college and beyond. We look forward to continuing to build our relationships with students and families in the Classes of 2021 and 2022.
Fashion Institute of Technology
Temple University
Florida State University
The New School
Fordham University
Touro College
Guttman Community College (CUNY)
University at Albany (SUNY)
College of Staten Island (CUNY) Columbia University The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science & Art
Hofstra University Hunter College (CUNY) John Jay College of Criminal Justice (CUNY) Johns Hopkins University Kingsborough Community College (CUNY) Lehman College (CUNY) LIM College Long Island University Macaulay Honors College (CUNY) Marymount Manhattan College
Rutgers University Stevens Institute of Technology Stony Brook University (SUNY)
University of California, San Diego University of Central Florida University of Connecticut University of Hartford University of Maryland University of Massachusetts, Amherst University of Michigan University of Pittsburgh University of Washington Wagner College Xavier University Yeshiva University York College (CUNY)
Congratulations! These seniors were recognized in some of the nation’s most competitive programs:
Richard Sasson U.S. Presidential Scholars Semi-Finalist
Reuven Goldstein Jack Kent Cooke Scholarship Winner Naval ROTC Scholarship Recipient
FALL 2020
Tech Triu
Our Information Technology Department was well prepared this past March with the closing of our school. They triumphed by strategically planning to get students, parents, teachers and staff quickly trained to successfully implement remote learning. Thanks to our experienced technology teams, led by Director of Informational and Instructional Technology Director Dr. Christine L. Coleman and Director of Educational Technology Rabbi Yona Krainess, YOF continued to offer its students an exemplary education. This summer, YOF partnered with Prizmah to offer all of our Professional Development sessions virtually through Zoom in our expanded program. Here are some fun facts that exhibit how much our students and faculty were engaged in continuous learning throughout this past spring and summer.
39 non-YOF
total participants
courses taught
YOF participants
July – August 2020 Teachers & Staff
learning hours
1,870 total
total learning minutes
10 tech
learning hours
March – June 2020 Teachers & Students
Google Classrooms
outside schools
files uploaded to Google Drive
ZOOM USAGE March – June 2020 Teachers, Students & Staff
13 million learning minutes
student and parent meetings
iumphs GRADES 1-12
March – June 2020 Teachers & Students
email accessed
98,737 times
Sefaria accessed
15,424 times
27,289 YouTube videos viewed
(grades 9-12 only)
1.2 million websites visited
176,436 Google searches
1.3 million
Google classrooms accessed
Google Docs accessed
249,707 times
EdPuzzle accessed
Achieve3000 accessed
14,778 times
13,900 times
Pathfinders Program YOFHS encourages its students to discover and expand their unique academic pursuits, talents and career ideas through its innovative Pathfinders Program, directed by Mrs. Shifra Hanon. This initiative gives students the opportunity to strengthen their college portfolios, build resumés, and network with industry professionals. Flatbush student interns gain hands-on exposure in the field of their interest. Here are just a few of the recent internships and courses in which our students have participated.
“This summer, I became an intern at my father’s company, JDM Sorting. His company specializes in recycling plastic, cardboard and other waste material across the country. JDM was looking to increase its sales on Amazon and I was asked to come up with ideas. I studied various marketing blogs and decided on several ways the company could improve its advertising. The implementation of my ideas led to a large increase in online sales for the company, and I am confident now that I can be an asset to other companies as well.” DAVID MOSSERI Class of 2022
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MICHAEL OVED Class of 2021
“During the pandemic, I started working with Elliot Dweck (ES 1982) on his new business called From the Founder. After he interviews entrepreneurs about their startups, I help edit all of the videos. Right now, there are several of these episodes on Instagram, iTunes, Spotify, and YouTube with more coming every week. I’m currently the Head of Production for the team.”
“Since March, I have been interning at Congressman Max Rose’s reelection campaign where I conduct research on the political views of the people within his district. I have also been interning at Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams’ office to help him face off against Mayor Bill DeBlasio in 2021. It has been going well and I am making many important connections. In addition, I am taking an online college course in Microeconomics and interning at the Republican Jewish Coalition.”
MICKEY SHAMAH Class of 2022
“In the Digital Logic Design program at The Cooper Union, I collaborated with various professionals in their respective departments, learned the ins and outs of many fields, and provided insight and offered to assist with everyday occupations”.
R YOFHS’ respected Tsei U’Lemad program that offers independent study on dozens of topics, is now legally trademarked for educational services as owned by the Yeshivah of Flatbush. It is the first federally-registered trademark ever received by YOF.
approximately 15 years ago that referenced “Tsei U’Lemad”. Armed with this tangible proof, the class was able to file the trademark application in the fall of 2019.
The process began when Tsei U’Lemad Principles of Intellectual Property teacher, Mr. Gaston Kroub (ES 1990, HS 1994), asked his class to start thinking about branding and protecting a brand as a means of generating value for businesses of all types. First, they established that YOF had no other trademarks on record, then they analyzed what existing common law trademarks of YOF could or should be federally registered. Next, a small group of students, spearheaded by Jacques Douek and Marilyn Shasho, volunteered to acquire information on how to get something registered as a federal trademark. After deciding on the term “Tsei U’Lemad”, they had to prove to the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) the first time the term was ever used in connection with offering educational services. Enter Pathfinders Program Director Mrs. Shifra Hanon, who unearthed a school letter from
Tsei U’lemad is a Talmudic term that means “go out and learn.” This supplemental program offers students a variety of independent study courses each semester that encourage them to go beyond their typical class studies and delve into new subjects that interest them.
A few months later, the trademark office contacted Mr. Kroub to say that it still needed further proof of Tsei U’Lemad’s first usage. Again, Mrs. Hanon came to the class’s rescue and found the term in a course catalog from 2011. As is common, the class and Mr. Kroub then responded to the USPTO with this new evidence of use. The course catalog was accepted as clear evidence of use by the USPTO right around the time inperson classes were suspended, and Mr. Kroub notified his class of the office’s allowance of the trademark registration on June 23, 2020. “We were excited to see the fruits of our labor,” said Mr. Kroub. “The support of (Executive Director) Rabbi Dr. Jeffrey Rothman and the YOFHS principals was greatly appreciated, and really helped us get it done.” Now, Tsei U’Lemad® is a federally registered trademark owned by YOF, which means that YOF has to give permission for another school to use the term before it can be used elsewhere. In the end, Mr. Kroub added, “This project really embodied the spirit of Tsei U’Lemad – challenging ourselves to never stop learning, while having the courage to use what we learn to accomplish new things for the betterment of others.”
FALL 2020
Trips to the Met Six junior Jewish History classes received an interactive experience in ancient art this past year. YOFHS signed on with Mr. Nachliel Selavan of Torah Intermedia for “Judea Under Rome and Byzantium” guided tours of the Roman galleries at The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Mr. Selavan cleverly juxtaposes the timeline of Jewish history with the events and conquerors of ancient Rome from the 1st century BCE until the 7th century CE. Mrs. Miriam Wielgus and Mrs. Michal Schulman led their Jewish history classes on these educational outings. “The tours are wildly entertaining. Students get a feel for the era and learn about the challenges Jews faced during the time period,” said Mrs. Wielgus. During the tour, Mr. Selavan incorporated humor, riddles and questions to make learning into an amusing game and sent students on scavenger hunts to find the busts of Roman emperors Augustus, Hadrian and Caligula. He asked students to find Byzantine coins with the image of the Bet Hamikdash, carved scenes of Yonah and the fish, gladiator artifacts, altars and Jewish limestone ossuaries. The class scattered to find everything, learning about additional artifacts in the process. They were surprised to learn that many Jewish slaves who were sent to Rome helped build the Colosseum. “I believe that most students learn better in a fun, relaxed setting. Museums are informal learning environments that allow students to gain information without even realizing it!” expressed Mrs. Schulman. “We hope to make these trips a part of the regular Jewish history curriculum because Mr. Selavan’s tours are relevant, meaningful and exciting for our students,” added Mrs. Wielgus.
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Names, Not Numbers ©
The Gift of Students and Holocaust Survivors Connecting with Each Other The Names, Not Numbers© (NNN) program, created by educator Ms. Tova Fish-Rosenberg, is a unique, intergenerational approach to Holocaust education that has connected 2,000 survivors and WWII veterans with more than 6,000 students worldwide. This year, 29 Middle School students heard the tragic but inspiring stories of six Holocaust survivors and learned how to connect, interview, and film them for a documentary. Although the grand premiere and dinner with the survivors had to be put on hold because of COVID-19, a beautiful NNN Highlights video, created by the students, was shared virtually with the entire faculty and student body in June. Survivors Dr. Rene Alkalay, Mr. Erwin Forley, Mr. Max Lerner, Ms. Paulette Barrett Singer and Ms. Ruth Zimbler each met with students to share their stories. The story of Dr. Yaffa Eliach, A”H, was shared by her daughter, Professor Smadar Eliach Rosensweig (ES 1975; HS 1979). Students learned that Dr. Alkalay, born in Yugoslavia, lost his father at only nine months old, and spent the beginning of his life at Rab concentration camp; Ms. Zimbler, from Austria, was rescued via the first Kindertransport out of Vienna; Ms. Barrett duped the
Names, Not Numbers© was generously supported by Suzanne and Dr. Lawrence Fishman. Students are pictured here with Holocaust survivor Mr. Erwin Forley.
Nazis by pretending that she was Catholic; Mr. Lerner, also from Austria, escaped to the U.S. during the Nazi occupation and became a spy novelist; Mr. Forley, who grew up in what is now the Czech Republic and Hungary, was sent to Auschwitz; Dr. Eliach, A”H, wife of Principal Emeritus Rabbi Dr. David Eliach, slimly escaped a massacre when she was six years old, learned four languages while trying to survive in a pigsty, and eventually lost her mother and brother to anti-Semitic Poles after the war. She played a critical role in creating the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., as well as the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York City, which NNN students visited in the fall of 2019. Aside from generating relationships with the survivors, students learned filmmaking from a professional cinematographer, conducted interviews and were responsible for videotaping the survivors themselves. By recording and preserving the legacy of these brave survivors, students themselves will become a part of history. Mrs. Barbara Zelenetz, Liberal Arts Chairperson and NNN Coordinator, summed up this year’s experience, “These six heroic individuals have shown us their inner strength, their emunah, their belief in a better future. They inspire us to endure and overcome our present challenges, and to appreciate the simple things that we may have taken for granted in the past.” “This entire experience has given me a deeper understanding of what it might have been like to live through such a horrifying time,” shared NNN participant Joe Tawil.
FALL 2020
Chidon HaTanach Superstars YOF had 31 students compete in the Chidon Hatanach Nationals, the largest representation of any school in the 19–20 school year both in the general competition and in the Winners Circle. Six of our students placed in the top 15 of their respective age divisions. Congratulations to Middle School’s Ariel Eizenberg, who came in 2nd place among all 6th and 7th grade students!
AroundT Model Congress
Congratulations to the JBHS Model Congress team for their great performance at HAFTR’s annual Yeshiva League Model Congress tournament! Over 200 metro-area yeshivot students competed in various committees to present, debate and vote on original legislation to propose
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changes to existing U.S. laws. Shlomie Katash, Reuven Goldstein and Nicole Muravsky were all awarded gavels as 1st Place Delegates in their respective committees, and Moe Sutton won a medal for 2nd Place Delegate in his committee. Jack Saad, Marc Lessler, David Mosseri and Joseph Kamkhatchi also excelled in their performances and all of the team members made Flatbush proud!
Learning Never Stops Throughout YOF’s remote learning period, SCA joined with YOFHS administrators to offer alumni, parents and community members “Learning Never Stops” — a series of classes given three days a week. On Mondays, Principal Rabbi Joseph Beyda shared “Important Lessons for Challenging Times,” on Tuesdays, Assistant Principal Mrs. Esther Hidary discussed “Topics in Tanach,” and on Wednesdays, Rabbi Naftali Besser offered tips during “Staying Inspired.”
Flatbush Drive-By
7th Grade Egg-scapade
More than 800 Elementary School students and their families took part in a very special Flatbush Family drive-by parade in June. The music was pumping and fresh snow cones and summer gift packages were delivered to every student.
ST²EM Day 2020 had students scrambling to design an inexpensive apparatus that would protect an egg from cracking from an eight-foot drop while combining both science and Torah concepts. STEM Coordinator and Technology Teacher Nathan Wieand held a virtual assembly emphasizing how these skill sets can lead to success in the future. This
program is part of YOF’s Dr. Albert Montague A”H STEM Institute.
LEGO Robotics Team Wins
Programming Award Last winter, the two Middle School LEGO Robotics Cityscape Teams competed at the FLL Competition at SAR Academy. Both teams designed and used autonomously controlled robots to perform tasks during the competition. One of the teams received a programming award for
its use of JavaScript to control its robots. The teams were coached by Joey Berkovitz (HS 2017) and mentored by JBHS students Evan Rosenfeld, Joe Kishk and Marc Lessler. LEGO Robotics was made possible under the Dr. Albert Montague A”H STEM Institute at YOF.
FALL 2020
A Night to Remember Flatbush Falcons Score Big with Fans at Barclays Center On a chilly January evening, the YOFHS turned the Barclays Center into a “Falcons’ Nest” for the night! The Girls and Boys Varsity Basketball teams traveled across the borough to the home of the NBA’s Brooklyn Nets, where they took on MYHSAL rival, the HAFTR Hawks. Yeshivah of Flatbush Athletic Director Eric Amkraut and his staff worked closely with representatives of the Brooklyn Nets to make the event possible. As the Varsity Falcons were introduced, the stands behind the player benches began to fill with Flatbush supporters —classmates, parents and friends, sporting
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maroon and gold ready to cheer on their Falcons! It wasn’t long before action was underway, and the players’ focus turned from the unique surroundings to the challenge of facing their league opponents. Girls Basketball Head Coach Rozan Mizrahi-Loudon and Boys Basketball Head Coach Michael Gurock were exceptional on the sidelines, ensuring that every player on their respective rosters was able to make significant contributions on the court, and that the games were both competitive and entertaining. Afterwards, fans and players alike reflected on the once-in-a-lifetime
experience. Flatbush Senior Isaac Sutton said, “to know that I am playing on the same court that Kyrie Irving plays on and that soon Kevin Durant will play on as a Brooklyn Net — that is just awesome!” “This was an amazing night!,” expressed one proud parent. “The show of support from the students in the stands was absolutely unbelievable. I hope this is something we will be able to do again in the future!”
From the Brink of Championships to Opportunities Lost
A Spring for the Ages As the Middle School basketball season approached its natural end, the Flatbush Falcons stood on the precipice of securing a trove of championships. Coach Mike Gelber’s 8th Grade Boys were fresh
off a convincing win over YDE to advance to the MJDSBL Semifinals, arguably playing their best team ball of the season at just the right time. Coach Joey Dayon had his 7th Grade Boys one step closer, with a Finals match up with rival MDY set for a date in late March. And, Coach Renee Dweck and her 6th Grade Girls had just recorded their biggest win of the season, a semi-final round upset on the road of YHT, and were busy preparing for a MJDSBL Finals against top-seeded North Shore. Things looked very bright for the Middle School Falcons.
At the same time, spring sports at YOFHS were just getting underway. Our Falcons were gearing up for what promised to be a memorable season. At the top of the list was the Boys Varsity Volleyball team, where Coaches Abie Silvers and Charles Harary returned a starting line-up from a team that went undefeated in the regular season just one year ago and were primed for a first-ever trip to the MYHSAL championships. Coach Elliot Weiselberg and his Varsity Girls Hockey squad, with a core of veteran players mixed with a promising group of freshmen, looked to be the strongest Falcon team
ever. Coach Gelber’s duo of Boys and Girls Tennis teams were loaded, with a goal of Finals appearances at the National Tennis Center in Queens (the host site of the annual MYHSAL Tennis Championships) in their sights. Coach Julie Azar’s Girls Softball team was ready to retake the softball field with a slew of ballplayers that looked primed to secure a playoff berth. Both Boys Volleyball and Girls Hockey were all set to open their seasons with road games on the second Thursday of March. And then, the world changed. In what seemed like the blink of an eye, we went from post-game highfives to post-game fist bumps to post-game elbow tabs, to empty gyms and fields. Our Falcons worked out on their own, waiting for the anticipated return to school later in the spring and the delayed completion of the seasons. But what many thought would be a few weeks turned into months. The season was over. There was much to celebrate, but the lasting memory for most will be opportunity lost.
FALL 2020
The 18th Annual Student Chesed Mission to Israel set off to spread help, song and cheer to more than a dozen organizations last January. YOFHS Dean of Students Rabbi Naftali Besser, Mrs. Susan Franco and YOFHS Assistant Administrator Rabbi David Galpert led the trip, and gladly grappled with the idea of accommodating double the number of participants that have accompanied them on previous trips — 74 students (mostly 11th graders) and six faculty members. However, sometimes the tricky logistics led themselves to even more chesed — as was the case on one day of the trip where two hospitals were visited instead of just one. The group split into halves, with each half spending time at either Tel Hashomer’s Sheba Medical Center or Schneider Children’s Medical Center. Throughout the trip, it seemed to Rabbi Besser, “the presence was much more impactful” of the larger group as they interacted
MORE IMPACT More Participants, More Chesed
with special needs and at-risk children, the elderly, the sick, IDF soldiers, and other types of people in need. Some of the places visited included Aleh, Emunah’s Bet Elazraki, Afikim, Yad LaKashish, Har Herzl, Shalva, United Hatzalah and Ilanot.
Aside from the group’s substantial size, this particular Chesed Mission also had another nice surprise built into it. Twenty recent YOF alumni and ten soldiers from the Lone Soldier Center joined the group for Shabbat meals at the Inbal Hotel. “It was like a bar mitzvah!” said Rabbi Besser. Joining chesed forces with alumni was memorable. “It’s so beautiful when our graduates spend a gap year living and learning in Israel. They gain so much — further developing their
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love of Torah and love and knowledge of the land of Israel,” shared YOF President Abie Hidary. “In their first year as Yeshivah of Flatbush graduates, they want to give back and share their experiences with friends and family any chance they get. Spending Shabbat with our students on Chesed Mission brought so much to both our graduates and our students, and also gave so much nachat to our faculty seeing how past and present students shared stories with each other and benefited by spending time together.” There were many meaningful moments during the 10-day trip. Participants welcomed speakers from Tikvot, a non-profit volunteer organization that provides sporting outings to help restore self-confidence to victims of terror. They also took part in a memorial service in Gush Etzion for former IDF soldier Ari Fuld A”H who died in a terrorist attack in a supermarket parking lot in 2018. At the service, the group was introduced to The Ari Fuld Project and gave out gift bags to IDF soldiers. YOF looks forward to offering the Chesed Mission trip again soon.
Showing Their Creativity Naomi Houllou A”H Ladies Auxiliary always comes through with great ideas on how parents can bond with their children. This past Rosh Chodesh Adar, sophomore girls and their female relatives participated in a special Paint Night facilitated by YOFHS art therapist Ms. Eva Dayan. The paintings created were inspired by the Cubist artworks of Pablo Picasso. It was refreshing to see so many parents try this new activity, and heartwarming to see the beautiful end to their creations.
It may have been challenging to go and pick out a Mother’s Day gift during the earlier days of the pandemic, but that didn’t stop a group of loyal dads from sharing their homemade gift ideas with the students. YOF President Abie J. Hidary gave a quick smoothie-making guide to encourage kids to make their moms a great breakfast shake, being sure to include some coffee; Gabe Sasson was accompanied by his daughter Sam for a cookie cutter pancake tutorial; Abie Haddad and his family showed how to make a hand-shaped flower card; Jeffrey Dweck exhibited his cast iron skillet cookie talent; and Abie Hanan taught the timeless art of filling the dishwasher correctly.
FALL 2020
Stronger Together Parent School Partnership Offers Guidance and Support in Difficult Topics The Parent School Partnership Committee is dedicated to fostering and elevating the dialogue between home and school. Committee members Ms. Rena Ashear, Ms. Amy Betesh, Ms. Sarah Chalouh, Ms. Michele Cohen, YOFHS Assistant Administrator Rabbi David Galpert, Ms. Esther Mishan, Ms. Nicole Oved, Ms. Amy Sasson, and Director of Campus Life Dr. Bethany Strulowitz strive to share relevant and important programming with parents several times a year. The first program of the 2019-2020 school year, “Responsive Classroom,® Responsive Parenting,” gave parents a glimpse into Responsive
Classroom,® the transformative, student-centered, social-emotional learning approach to teaching and behavior that is used throughout the Lower School classrooms. For its second installation, more than 200 parents gathered at YOF last January to view an exclusive screening of “Like!,” a compelling documentary exploring how social media has changed today’s definition of human connection and challenged us in areas of mental health, self-worth, and social relationships. A panel discussion offering practical social media tips to parents followed the presentation.
“The Parent School Partnership is predicated upon the belief that children learn best when the essential partnership between home and school is nourished and nurtured. Through various educational programs discussing curriculum, classroom learning methodologies, social-emotional learning, and more, our dedicated parents can partner together with our stellar faculty to positively impact the lives of each of our students in a myriad of ways.” — Dr. Bethany Strulowitz
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As the pandemic took hold in March, parents were invited via Zoom to join Dr. Jerry Bubrick, senior clinical psychologist at the Child Mind Institute, in learning various ways to provide emotional support to children in these challenging times. Dr. Bubrick shared the importance of sticking to routines as well as looking for the silver lining in our daily interactions and experiences. In April, Elementary School Director of Campus Life Dr. Bethany Strulowitz taught parents Responsive Classroom© strategies that could be used at home to help children develop greater selfdiscipline and responsibility. Later in April, renowned lecturer, author, and clinical psychologist, Dr. David Pelcovitz, led a webinar entitled “Hope and Resilience in Challenging Times” in which he offered practical tips to parents on how to help children better master these two important symbols of strength. Towards the end of the year, acclaimed author, lecturer, and parenting instructor Ms. Slovie Jungreis-Wolff guided parents in the best ways to create tranquility at home during a time of such unrest and upheaval. This event was coordinated in conjunction with Project SAFE. In June, our own YOF faculty reading specialists shared tips and resources with parents on how to cultivate stronger reading skills. Also in June, YOF guidance counselors
and school psychologists facilitated small group discussions with parents in breakout sessions about how to discuss tragedy and trauma in the media with children. Seventh grade parent Mrs. Michelle Kopylov attended several Parent School Partnership events and found discussions helpful. “When other parents shared their concerns, it made me realize that I was not alone. The tips provided by both the guidance department and the other parents were excellent and led to longer, more in-depth discussions and strategies at home.” “There is no greater moment for a parent-school connection than right now as we guide each other through
the pandemic together,” expressed committee member Dr. Strulowitz. Now that in-person instruction has thankfully returned, the committee felt it was important to help parents ensure a smooth transition for their child to come back to the school building. On August 31, parents heard from YOFHS Director of Guidance Dr. Etty Mizrahi, Elementary School Director of Student Services Dr. Nicole Yossef, Senior Management of Global Operations Security Services Mr. Andrew McGrath, and pediatrician, pediatric gastroenterologist, and member of the reopening medical committee task force, Dr. Judy Dayan Namer, with tips on how to talk to children and prepare them for the big change of returning to school.
FALL 2020
Reconnecting Four Reunions Bring Hundreds of Alumni Together The YOFHS Class of 1969 celebrated its 50th reunion with over 85 alumni and guests attending in Brooklyn and another 15 in Israel. It was an amazing afternoon filled with laughter, fun and reminiscing. Thank you to our reunion committee, Barbara Cammer Paris, Rena Brickman Rosen, Alan Safdeye, and Robin Lefkowitz Weiss, and to our speakers, YOFHS Principal Emeritus Rabbi Dr. David Eliach, Paul Kopyt (past President of YOF and class of 1969 alumnus), Mordy Rosen and Rena Brickman Rosen. The YOFHS Class of 1979 had a special request to have a 40th anniversary reunion instead of waiting for its 50th. The celebration was well received with more than 100 guests in attendance. Thank you to our reunion committee, Charles J. Anteby, Adam Bayroff, Joe A. Franco, Beth Nussbaum, Danny Schultz and Joey Weinreich, and to our speakers, Adam Bayroff, YOFHS Principal Emeritus Rabbi Dr. David Eliach, Smadar Eliach Rosenzweig, Kahoots presenter Danny Schultz and Joey Weinreich.
The YOFHS Class of 1994 came together for a night to remember! Over 150 alumni and guests joined together to celebrate. Thank you to our reunion committee, Maggie Douek Betesh, Morris Elmann, Victor Esses, Beth Felner Heaney, and Susan Racer Kohn. The night was capped off by the comedy stylings of Susan Racer Kohn and music by Victor Esses. Thank you to class speaker and YOF Board of Trustees member Abie Hanan, former Associate Principal Jill W. Sanders, and Dean of Students Rabbi Naftali Besser, who joined by video from the Junior Seminar Shabbaton. The ten year reunion of the Class of 2009 is a very special time and we appreciate them celebrating with us. Thank you to our reunion committee, Marielle Russo Douek, Rabbi David Galpert, Joshua Goldstein, Shani Dabush Salomon, Joey Sasson, Eric Setton, and Jacqueline Sutton, and to our speakers, class representative Eric Setton, Principal Rabbi Joseph Beyda, Dean of Students Rabbi Naftali Besser and Assistant Administrator Rabbi David Galpert.
Stay Involved!
Alumni bonds run deep at Yeshivah of Flatbush. For many of our alumni, the friendships made at YOF last a lifetime. Reunions are a wonderful opportunity for alumni to reconnect with former classmates, teachers and staff and learn about what is happening at the Yeshivah today. We encourage our alumni to stay involved with the Yeshivah. Volunteer, attend a community class, mentor a current student, provide an internship, come and speak about your career, study Torah with our faculty. Another way to stay up to date and involved is to join the alumni network at www.flatbushalumni.org. It’s a great place to learn about Yeshivah events, network with other professionals and reconnect with old classmates.
We want to thank all of the sponsors and reunion committee members who made last year’s reunions beautiful, fun and memorable. Mazel Tov and Mabrook to the classes of 1969, 1979, 1994 and 2009!
FALL 2020
Alumni Highlights Richard “Ricky” Sasson (ES ’16, HS ’20), a brand new member of the YOF alumni family, was the recipient of the prestigious Presidential Scholarship Award in 2020. During his years at YOF, Ricky was a multitalented student, a high achiever in the classroom, an accomplished musician, an actor in our annual Hebrew play and an athlete. “Aside from the pure intellect gained, my Flatbush education has taught me that learning can be both enlightening and challenging. Flatbush encouraged me to remain resilient, curious, and openminded,” shared Ricky. Ricky will be continuing his education with a gap year in Israel at Yeshivat Torat Shraga followed by New York University.
Dr. Leora Mogilner (ES ’81, HS ’85) is a pediatrician at Kravis Children’s Hospital at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City. She is also a founder and board member of Reach Out and Read, a non-profit, early childhood literacy program disseminating over 12,000 books into the hands of young children since 1998. Dr. Mogilner
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also speaks with parents about the importance of reading and was profiled this past July by local news channel NY1 as its “New Yorker of the Week.” “The strong education at Flatbush was a great foundation for my training and education. It fostered my love for learning and intellectual curiosity. The importance placed on community, chesed and giving back had a deep impact on my personal and professional roles,” expressed Dr. Mogilner.
Deborah (Berlinger) Eiferman, (ES ’36) visited the Elementary School and celebrated her 97th birthday with a group of kindergarten students. Ms. Eiferman was a member of the third Yeshivah of Flatbush graduating class! During her years at YOF, she had 16 students in her grade and there were 60 students at the Yeshivah in total. Kindergarteners sang “Happy Birthday” and presented her
with handmade cards and gifts. An inquisitive group of 8th grade students asked about her time at the Yeshivah and life growing up in the 1920s and ’30s. She also met with YOFHS Principal Emeritus Rabbi Dr. David Eliach and our school principals. It was wonderful to hear several school stories from Ms. Eiferman’s years at YOF.
Dr. Yossi Farkas (HS ’02) is the Medical Director of the Inpatient Pediatrics Department at Bellevue Hospital Center in Manhattan. This past spring, his work put him on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic. For all of his hard work and dedication, Yossi was selected as one of the 2020 New York Jewish Week “36 Under 36.” “Flatbush challenged and encouraged me to think critically and to evaluate issues from multiple perspectives. This commitment to academia and analytical thinking has served me well throughout my education, training, and career as a pediatrician,” shared Dr. Farkas.
The YOF Annual Auction on January 11, 2020 truly lived up to its “Landmark” name. As guests drove to Kitchen 21 along the Coney Island Boardwalk, they were greeted by the most prominent of Coney Island landmarks — the Parachute Jump — decked out in Flatbush colors to honor the event.
Auction: A Landmark Event Kitchen 21 was packed to capacity with a record turnout by students, parents, alumni, teachers, administrators, staff and friends. Entertainment included a Flatbush choir performance, a magician, a juggler and caricature artists. Guests took the opportunity to enjoy their evening mingling with the extended Flatbush family. Everyone went home a winner as the fundraising efforts skyrocketed to a new record high. We are grateful to the staff and volunteers who worked together for months and countless hours to make this event the success that it was. We thank the evening’s corporate sponsors and everyone who bought raffle tickets. Hopefully, we will all be able to celebrate YOF together in the upcoming year. Many thanks to our devoted Auction Committee chairs, Mrs. Sarah Chalouh, Mrs. Esther Chehova and Mrs. Pauline Shabot and to the rest of the committee who worked diligently to plan this successful event. Special recognition also goes to Director of Operations Mrs. Esther Kizelnik, Events Coordinator Mrs. Hana Hasson, Director of Development Mrs. Hila Stern, and to the rest of the Development team for their outstanding efforts.
FALL 2020
Learning With — and From —
Rabbi Eliach The Yeshivah of Flatbush’s Principal Emeritus, Rabbi Dr. David Eliach, has been teaching continuously since 1953. Here at YOF, we are blessed that he continues to share his never-ending knowledge with our faculty members, even during these hard times that require some form of remote learning.
be used strategically to both map out and summarize the lesson at hand.” The lessons of Torah “need to be digestible and relatable to students,” added Rabbi Harari, and explained how teachers can take “kernels of thought” from what Rabbi Eliach shares with them and create their own successful teaching methods.
Rabbi Eliach was insistent that his learning sessions would continue by phone during the pandemic rules of social distancing. There were ten teachers studying with him during 30-minute sessions every week during spring remote learning. “I feel it is important to guide the teachers, especially the new teachers, to learn the better methods of teaching, to take the same thing that you are teaching and teach it in a new and relevant way to the kids,” explained Rabbi Eliach.
Sometimes, an informal meeting can prove to be filled with learning too. “I was privileged to accompany Rabbi Eliach for breakfast each week he was at the high school this past school year. He always has words of Torah insights, offers pedagogical methodology, and useful suggestions to share,” said YOFHS Assistant Administrator Rabbi David Galpert.
Middle School Judaic Studies Chair Rabbi Avraham Benhamu and his daughter, Elementary School faculty member Evelyn Benhamu, met with Rabbi Eliach singly for private phone sessions. Continuing to meet with Rabbi Eliach in at least some fashion gave Rabbi Benhamu a sense of stability. “He is the one who insisted that the program continue during the virus outbreak,” said Rabbi Benhamu. “He always asks what you want to learn about — he always has something ready to teach or analyze. You can ask him about anything.”
“To me, Rabbi Eliach is synonymous with YOF,” expressed Head of High School Rabbi Dr. Raymond Harari, who attended YOFHS at the time when Rabbi Eliach was principal. He shared that Rabbi Eliach taught him the importance of being able to summarize a lesson in one sentence, and that a teacher has to motivate students first before jumping into a new lesson. “I learned to use the blackboard as real estate that needed to
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Middle School Teacher Rabbi Shlomie Felendler has been learning with Rabbi Eliach for the past three years. “Rabbi Eliach always gives me valuable pointers…it amazes me how, as settings change, and the environment is different, Rabbi Eliach goes back to the same foundational principles (of teaching) and he is able to masterfully show how these still apply.” Seventh grade Chidon HaTanach honors class instructor Mrs. Emunah Tsaidi began meeting with Rabbi Eliach in the fall of 2019. “Rabbi Eliach’s insight into the text and how to teach Tanach in a dynamic way is something I always appreciate,” expressed Mrs. Tsaidi. One of the most important things she learned from Rabbi Eliach was that “The teacher is an actress — even your tone has to change when you read certain passages of Tanakh to the class. Some psukim are best read in a whisper.”
Dear Flatbush Family, We recently welcomed 2,058 students back through our doors, and we look forward to coming through these past few months as a stronger, more resilient community. Elul was a month of reflection, and as we celebrated the High Holy Days, we thought about the people and institutions that shaped our lives. To celebrate his 98th birthday on the 18th of Elul, the Alumni Association decided to dedicate the annual Kol Nidrei Alumni Appeal to Rabbi Dr. David Eliach, Principal Emeritus of Joel Braverman High School. Rabbi Eliach came to YOF in 1953 as a teacher and went on to serve as principal, educating and shaping generations of YOF students. Since retiring from the classroom, he continues to make an impact on the Yeshivah of Flatbush Family, and currently mentors several teachers who bring the lessons they learn from him into their modern-day classrooms. Rabbi Eliach believes deeply, as we do, that tuition affordability should not be a barrier to families accessing quality Jewish education. Last year, our Yeshivah awarded $11,962,648 in tuition assistance to 818 students from 452 families. The pandemic had a tremendous impact on our community, with tuition assistance requests totaling almost $15,000,000. We are dedicated to supporting our families, but we can’t do it alone. Tuition fees don’t cover the cost of educating a child; we rely on our alumni to help us fill the gap. In honor of Rabbi Eliach birthday’s and his commitment to YOF for the past 67 years, please consider a donation in support of the YOF Scholarship Fund. You can also add a note to him, which will be included in a book as a gift to him. If you prefer making your donation online, you can do so at https://tinyurl.com/YOFKolNidrei. From your Yeshivah of Flatbush Family, we wish you and your loved ones a — שנה טובה ומתוקהa happy, sweet and healthy New Year!
For the past 50 years, I have saved for a gift that I was planning to leave to the Yeshivah after I am gone. I had time to think the past few months, and I know the need is tremendous now, so I decided to give it while I am still alive and can help. — Rabbi Dr. David Eliach, August 14, 2020
To purchase a copy of Rabbi Eliach’s new book of poems, “( שורותShurot”), please visit tinyurl.com/YOFKolNidrei
To send your donation to the Scholarship Fund, along with birthday wishes for Rabbi Eliach, please detach the cards at right, fold in half, and place in an envelope. Mail to us at: YESHIVAH OF FLATBUSH C/O DEVELOPMENT OFFICE 919 EAST 10TH STREET BROOKLYN, NY 11230
Sincerely, Abie J. Hidary (ES ’91, HS ’95) President
Rabbi Dr. Jeffrey Rothman Executive Director
Hila Stern Director of Development
If you prefer to make your donation online, you can do so at https://tinyurl.com/YOFKolNidrei
FALL 2020
Yeshivah of Flatbush 919 East 10th Street Brooklyn, NY 11230
Graduates! Although graduation looked different this year for our Joel Braverman High School and Elementary School graduates, it was no less impactful. Students and parents gathered at MCU Park and celebrated together in the best and safest way that they could. We are so proud of our graduates and wish them the best of luck in all of their endeavors.