Yeshohdhan (Portfolio 2018 - 2019)

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YESHOHDHAN aspiring architectural designer

Table of contents I

About Yeshohdhan p1


Art.dentity p4

III Edible Garden Proposal p8

IV 3D.entity p10


Mini Chalet Proposal p14

VI Identity Tower p16

“I am inspired by the nuance of light and sound on materiality and space; how they can have an influence on a person’s sense of being. I want to pursue how building sustainability can be transformed through these elements for a recuperative future.” 1

about Yeshohdhan Date of Birth 05 . 01 . 2000

Place of Birth Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia

Highest Education Taylor’s Foundation in Natural and Built Environment (2018 - 2019)

Personal Interests Sketching Sound & Rhythm Philosophical films

Source of Inspiration Zumthor, Peter

Contact Details +1126337241


Self Expression - Fractals

ASCENSION Art.dentity Sem 2 – IT Design

In this project, we were required to study a given lego character to understand its characteristics and qualities. An A3 sized abstract geometric artwork was then to be produced to reflect our research of the character’s identity. The design intention of this artwork was to commemorate R2-D2 from Star Wars, for (his) sentient development. The design concept uses a composition of asymmetrical balance, achieved through colour value and scale. Through this project, I garnered a fundamental ability of articulating concepts of design elements, principles, rules and composition. Consequently, it has invoked a more perceptive side; to be able to feel the presence and emotion of an abstraction. 4

Ideation – Eliciting intrigue in something that is beyond; ‘Ascended position’ is seen at the foremost corner, creating visual tension.

Precedent - Strzeminski Wladyslaw: Kompozycja architektoniczna 10c

Design Process – experimentation with asymmetrical balance through counterweights. 5

Borobudor, Central Java – A precedent on the concept of Arupadhatu and Śūnyatā; Nine stages until one reaches enlightenment with the voidism of one’s previous self. 6

An Ascension Passage

A ’ M A Z E ’- I N G T R O P I C S Edible Garden Proposal Sem 1 – Constructed Landscape

This project required us to propose a landscape design for a 15m x 25m edible garden. The design must be based on the targeted users leading from a group research on Open Farm Community, Singapore and Edible Academy, New York. The design intention is to design a garden which serves to amalgamate a community which would be able to learn and embrace the unity in diversity of Malay, Chinese and Indian traditional edibles while centralising the idea on relaxation and rejuvenation. This project was an eye-opener as it gave me a basic understanding of how spatial systems may be manipulated to achieve a certain spatial experience. Also learnt were fundamental presentation drawing and rendering skills and knowledge of the Bill of Quantities. 8

Three main spaces – Exploration, Relaxation and Recreation were introduced. The design concept is achieved through softscapes and hardscapes which set a tranquilising mood for the users through a forestlike ambience – invoking relieve from the busy urban concrete jungle of KL.

The design concept of exhibiting edibles in the arctangent ‘Triune Maze’, encouraged the function of “a short but informative journey” before users arrive at the relaxation and rejuvenation spaces.

Design Process – The Master Plan : ergonomic spatial system and targeted spatial experience.

Elevation 1:75

Sectional Elevation 1:75 9

ASCENSION SANCTUARY 3D.entity Sem 2 – IT Design

In the leading from Art.dentity, in groups, we were required to transform our own 2D artwork into a 3D model, reflecting a similar ideology and geometry. Six exploration models were made by each groupmate using various techniques. The design intention of my final model was to create a representation of R2-D2’s sanctum for his ‘ascension’ from droid to sentient. The design concept of mainly utilising radial band elements from the ‘Ascension’ artwork is employed through interlock. Through this project, I was able to refine my ability as a group leader to manage the group’s success of producing a total of 28 models and two presentation boards. The understanding of the relationship between a 2D and 3D design was grasped. 10

Research into tower designs representing ‘Ascension’ aided in the design process of geometric applications.


Ascension Sanctuary was designed to represent R2’s sanctum in which (he) ascends through a datum. Hierarchy of three mobile spaces created. 12

Group models

SUN PAN Mini Chalet Proposal Sem 2 – IT Drawing

For this project, we were required to produce a presentation drawing set of a proposed mini chalet for an imaginary client, Ruemz of Taylor’s University. Our targeted users were students and guests while the building layout had to be according to hotel standards. The design concept of ‘Sun Pan’ extends to the idea of recuperation and conduciveness through the coolness of the materiality of the chalet and the warmth of the panaromical views of the tropical Sun, cascading through the many carefully oriented windows. This project has allowed me to further develop my technical drawing skills and rendering skills, in order to achieve a presentation format. The many basic details of construction at the Foundation level has allowed me to be more observant of building construction. 14

The chalet is situated amongst lush evergreen trees. While the Equatorial Sun’s warm embrace funnels through transom windows.

Detail of awning window 1:5

Chalet Section 1:25 Timber panelling and slate tiling create a spatial experience that invokes calmness.

Tall stationery and casement windows overlook the tranquil lake.

Plan view 1:25

North elevation 1:25

Warm parquet flooring coupled with cool slate tiles create balance and invigouration.

Site Plan 1:100 A sampan, envisioned for travel between the chalet and TULC contributes to a novel lifestyle.


TEMPLE OF ASCENSION Identity Tower Sem 2 – IT Design

In this final project, we were required to develop the model in 3D.entity into a 400 x 10 x 10mm miniature toy display tower model, focusing on form and space. The tower’s function should be explored based on the assigned lego character’s needs. The design intention of this tower was to design a tower which facilitates my client, R2D2’s sentient duty to enhance his narration of the Journal of the Whills. The design concept focuses on monolithic form-function based on Brutalism. This project has enabled me to utilise concepts of spatial and form manipulation in order to design spatial activities and experiences for the client. Accordingly, the applications of intangible elements via materiality and form have helped me enrich my design process. 16

Quality of internal space – Concepts of Ascension in spirituality

Bruder Klaus Chapel, a precedent on – monolithic form and ambience

Form manipulation was deeply explored starting with a solid cuboid.

Impression of Ascension 17

The spatial manipulation – inspired through Religion, History and Literature about the philosophy of Ascension

Sectional perspective NTS

Rabbula Gospel Art

Step well, Chand Baori

Flatland, Sci-Fi Novel 18

Carving as main technique – represents the ‘carving’ of Artoo’s sentience within his droid ‘shell’.


“Designing is a matter of concentration. You go deep into what you want to do. It's about intensive research, really. The concentration is warm and intimate and like the fire inside the earth - intense but not distorted. You can go to a place, really feel it in your heart. It's actually a beautiful feeling.” – Zumthor, Peter 21

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