8 minute read
South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC
government is benefitting from technological developments to provide better and more efficient services; data intelligence – providing indicators and data to enable empirical-based planning, governance and overall decision-making; innovation – exploring new and better ways of delivering services; research and knowledge management – by examining the best practices from around the world, local government can draw on global expertise to inform its own practices; IGR advocacy and structured engagement – ensuring that local government is fully represented at various levels, including the National Council of Provinces, various parliamentary committees, and intergovernmental relations; strategic partnerships – identifying organisations and programmes that will assist SALGA and local government to achieve shared developmental goals; and strategic profiling – serving as a platform for conversations about local government and educational initiatives.
Chairperson: Ms Thembisile Nkadimeng (President) Deputy Chairperson: Mr Deon de Vos (Deputy President), Ms Zandile Gumede (Deputy President), Mr Sebenzile Ngangelizwe (Deputy President) National Executive Committee Members: Bongani Baloyi (Chairperson: Energy and Electricity), Mr Memory Booysen, Mr Gibson Chirwa (Chairperson: MPU), Ald Anton Coetsee (Chairperson: WC), Mr Mpho Khunou (Chairperson: Municipal Finance and Fiscal Relations WG), Mr Mxolisi Koyo (Chairperson: EC ), Ms M Letsie, Ms Xanthea Limberg, Ms Flora Maboa-Boltman, Mr T Justice Makolomakwa, Ms Linah Malatjie, Ms Nomfundo Mkhulisi (Chairperson: KZN), Ms OM Mlamleli, Ms Busisiwe Modisakeng (Chairperson: GP), Ms Maria Fetsang Molosiwa (Chairperson: NW), Ms Sofia Mosikatsi (Chairperson: NC), Mr Thami Ngubane (Chairperson: Water and Sanitation WG), Mr Xola Pakati (Chairperson: MID Working Group), Ms Gillian Pieters , Mr Stanley Ramaila (Chairperson :Health and Emergency Services), Mr Sipho S’thonga, Mr Pule Shayi, Ms Jesta Sidwell, Mr Xolani Sotashe (Chairperson: Human Settlements and Municipal Planning WG), Mr Bhekumzi Charles Stofile (Chairperson: Councillor Welfare, Governance and International Relations WG) Chief Executive Officer: Mr Xolile George Chief Financial Officer: Ms Themeka Mthethwa Chief Operations Officer: Mr Lance Joel
Senior Management: Mr Kutlwano Chaba (Chief Digital Officer), Ms Pindiwe Gida (Portfolio Head: Human Capital and Corporate Services), Mr Mthobeli Kolisa (Chief Officer: Infrastructure Delivery, Spatial Transformation and Sustainability), Ms Khomotso Letsatsi (Chief Officer: Municipal Finance, Fiscal Policy and Economic Growth), Mr Rio Nolutshungo (Chief Officer: Municipal Capabilities and Governance) Communications Officers: Mr Sivuyile Mbambato (Media Relations Officer), Ms Tebogo Mosala (Senior Manager: Marketing and Communications)
FINANCIAL INFORMATION* 2019/20 2018/19 2017/18
Clean Audit Clean Audit Clean Audit
Current Assets 272 028 229 449 213 604
Non-Current Assets 55 349 59 935 57 766 Total Assets 327 377 289 384 271 371
Current Liabilities 107 933 108 930 102 284
Non-Current Liabilities 3 789 5 288 7 250 Total Liabilities 111 722 114 218 109 535 Total Net Assets 215 655 175 165 161 836
Total Revenue 711 689 655 293 605 631
Exchange Transactions 659 872 606 197 559 633
Non-Exchange Transactions 51 817 49 096 45 998 Total Expenditure (671 199) (641 964) (597 442)
Employee Costs (91 048) (100 380) (83 072) Surplus/(Deficit) for Year 40 490 13 329 8 188
Operating Activities 56 618 29 914 (13 587) Investing Activities (2 748) (10 162) (28 210) Cash & Equivalents – Year End 162 912 110 444 89 059 UIFW EXPENDITURE** 3 179 1 038
HUMAN RESOURCES 2019/20 2018/19 2017/18 Posts Approved 591 522 542 Posts Filled 390 418 452
PHYSICAL: OR Tambo Building, 460 Soutpansberg Road, Rietondale, Pretoria, 0084 POSTAL: Private Bag X152, Pretoria, 0001 TEL: 012 351 1000 FAX: 012 329 1000 WEB: www.dirco.gov.za EMAIL: webmaster@dirco.gov.za
The mission of the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) is to promote South Africa’s national interests and values, the African Renaissance and the creation of a better world for all. The Department’s strategic objectives are to: protect and promote South African national interests and values through bilateral and multilateral interactions; conduct and coordinate South Africa’s international relations and promote its foreign policy objectives; monitor international developments and advise government on foreign policy and related domestic matters; protect South Africa’s sovereignty and territorial integrity; contribute to the formulation of international law and enhance respect for the provisions thereof; promote multilateralism to secure a rules-based international system; maintain a modern, effective and excellence-driven department; provide consular services to South African nationals abroad; and provide a world-class and uniquely South African State Protocol service.
Minister: Dr Naledi Pandor (Minister of International Relations and Cooperation) (ANC) Deputy Minister: Mr Alvin Botes (Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation) (ANC), Ms Candith Mashego-Dlamini (Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation) (ANC) Director General: Mr Kgabo Mahoai (Acting) Chief of Staff: Ms B Makoko (Chief Director: Chief of Staff) Deputy Directors General: Mr TC Monyela (Public Diplomacy) Senior Management: Mr Z Amien (Director: Office of the Deputy Minister), Ms S Baloi (Chief Director: Multimedia), Mr J De Allende (Director: Head of Office of the Deputy Minister), Ms L de Jong (Acting
international relations & cooperation
Department: I nternational R elations and C ooperation REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA
Chief Director: State Events), Ms M Greeff (Director: Publishing and New Media), Mr N Kgwete (Director: Media Liaison), Ms N Makuwa (Acting Chief Director: Strategic Communications and Marketing), Ms N Mdledle (Director: Intergovernmental and Provincial Protocol), Mr T Moeng (Director: Radio, Television and Video), Mr M Mogale (Director: Early Warning Services), Ms P Mokazi (Director: Office of the Deputy Minister), Ms M Monaisa (Director: Internal Communication and Social Media), Mr D Motaung (Directorate: Media Research, Analysis and Speechwriting), Dr S Moulton (Director: Office of the Director General), Ms C Naidoo (Deputy Director: Office of the Director General), Mr A Neswiswi (Director: Public Participation), Mr SD Nyambi (Chief Director: Office of the Deputy Minister) Communications Officers: Mr Frans Luyanda (Director: Parliamentary Liaison Officer), Mr L Ngqengelele (Director: Media Liason Officer) Secretaries: Ms Carmen Heydenreich (Deputy Director: Personal Assistant), Ms Z Istain (Deputy Director: Personal Assistant), Ms J Razwiedani (Director: Administrative Secretary)
Total Final Appropriation 6 567 282 6 587 329 6 446 946 Actual Expenditure 6 310 044 6 370 239 5 996 856 Employee Compensation 3 137 506 3 088 959 3 018 810 Goods and Services 2 126 988 2 323 595 2 227 415 Capital Assets 58 221 54 256 59 976 UIFW EXPENDITURE** 255 849 291 239 259 546
HUMAN RESOURCES 2019/20 2018/19 2017/18 Posts Approved 2 431 2 434 2 453 Posts Filled 2 132 2 193 2 223
PHYSICAL: OR Tambo Building, 460 Soutpansberg Road, Rietondale, Pretoria, 0084 POSTAL: Private Bag X152, Pretoria, 0001 TEL: 012 351 1000 FAX: 012 329 1000 WEB: www.dirco.gov.za/department/african_renaissence/index.htm EMAIL: info@dirco.gov.za
The vision of the African Renaissance and International Cooperation Fund (ARF) is a democratic, non-racial, non-sexist, conflict-free,developmental African continent. The ARF is committed to promoting South Africa’s national interests and values, the African Renaissance and the creation of a better world for all. In order to ensure that funding through the ARF is effective, the ARF has adopted the values of the Paris and Rome declarations on aid effectiveness. The ARF will ensure that the following key values are adhered to: the recipient country must take ownership of the process of determining the immediate-, medium- and long-term actions that will address the issues contained in its project proposal; the recipient country must achieve an understanding of the political, economic and security considerations; and a needs assessment should be conducted with direct involvement and ownership of the process by the country concerned. Integrated planning and coordination are critical in ensuring that South Africa’s efforts are in line with the development needs of the identified country. In addition to the above, the ARF will conduct its business while constantly adhering to the values of the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO), namely: patriotism, loyalty, dedication, Ubuntu, constitutional values (Chapter 10) and Batho Pele.The aim of the African Renaissance and International Cooperation Fund is to: enhance cooperation between the Republic and other countries, in particular African countries, through the promotion of democracy, good governance, the prevention and resolution of conflict, socio-economic development and integration, humanitarian assistance and human resource development; to repeal three Acts; and to provide for matters incidental thereto.
Chief Financial Officer: Ms H Bhengu (Acting) Chief Operations Officer: Ms D Mathlako
FINANCIAL INFORMATION* 2019/20 2018/19 2017/18
AUDIT OUTCOME Clean Audit Clean Audit Financially Unqualified FINANCIAL POSITION R’000 R’000 R’000
Current Assets 918 029 862 439 1 092 993
Non-Current Assets - - Total Assets 918 029 862 439 1 092 993
Current Liabilities 450 095 422 603 295 893
Non-Current Liabilities - - Total Liabilities 450 095 422 603 295 893 Total Net Assets 467 934 439 836 797 100
Total Revenue 109 825 113 975 170 954
Exchange Transactions 63 553 75 283 148 711
Non-Exchange Transactions 46 272 38 692 22 243 Total Expenditure (45 021) (136 839) (42 084) Surplus/(Deficit) for Year 20 120 (57 376) 143 984
Operating Activities 55 589 (196 725) (1 398 513) Investing Activities - - Cash & Equivalents – Year End 918 029 862 439 1 059 164 UIFW EXPENDITURE** - - 598
PHYSICAL: 256 Madiba Street, Pretoria POSTAL: Private Bag X65, Pretoria, 0001 TEL: 012 406 1000 FAX: 086 272 8986 WEB: www.publicworks.gov.za EMAIL: dg.pa@dpw.gov.za
The Department of Public Works and Infrastructure is committed to the attainment of a transformed built environment sector by: providing strategic leadership to the South African construction and property industries; establishing and ensuring compliance to policy and legislative prescripts for the management of state-owned and leased-in immovable assets, and South African construction and property sectors; providing strategic direction on the integration of public works priorities; and contributing to the national goals of job creation and poverty alleviation through Public Works Programmes. The Property Management Trading Entity, within the Department of Public Works ensures the effective management of the state’s immovable assets to contribute towards economic and social development and transformation of the built environment.
public works & infrastructure
Department: P u b lic W ork s and I nf ras tru ctu re REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA