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Public TVET Colleges


PHYSICAL: Sports Science Institute of South Africa Building, 4th Floor, Boundary Road, Newlands, Cape Town, 7700 POSTAL: PO Box 2553, Clareinch, 7740 TEL: 021 686 1634 WEB: www.drugfreesport.org.za EMAIL: info@saids.org.za


The mission of the South African Institute for Drug-Free Sport (SAIDS) is to detect, deter and prevent the use of prohibited substances and methods in the South African and international sporting environment that are contrary to the principles of fair play and the health and wellbeing of athletes. SAIDS’ strategic goals are to: conduct an effective and efficient documented doping prevention programme that is independent, unannounced, reliable, secure and suitable for the purpose of detecting and deterring the use of prohibited substances and methods; implement a comprehensive national education and awareness programme that is relevant to specific target groups, accessible, valid and measurable, for the purpose of preventing and deterring the use of prohibited substances and methods; and manage and administer the operations of the agency in a fiscally conservative manner by adopting and implementing efficiency measures and practices that are in compliance with the legislation that governs public entities.


Chairperson: Judge Lex Mpati Deputy Chairperson: Mr Graham Abrahams Board Members: Dr Harold Adams, Mr David Bayever, Dr Shuaib Manjra, Dr Maria Claudina Peenze, Dr M’Zwakhe Qobose, Mr Mathew Quinn, Prof Linda Skaal, Dr Phato Zondi Chief Executive Officer: Mr Khalid Galant Chief Financial Officer: Mr Onke Ngwane CA (SA) Senior Management: Mrs Wafeekah Begg-Jassiem (Legal Manager), Dr Amanda Claassen-Smithers (Education Manager), Mr Fahmy Galant (General Manager) Communications Officers: Ms Nazleema Khan (Receptionist)

FINANCIAL INFORMATION* 2019/20 2018/19 2017/18


Financially Unqualified Clean Audit Financially Unqualified


Current Assets 6 125 7 430 4 646

Non-Current Assets 905 811 866 Total Assets 7 031 8 240 5 513

Current Liabilities 4 819 7 972 8 172

Non-Current Liabilities - 3 3 Total Liabilities 4 819 8 240 8 175 Total Net Assets 2 214 264 (2 662)


Total Revenue 33 595 29 291 28 627

Exchange Transactions 4 869 4 029 2 759

Non-Exchange Transactions 28 726 25 262 25 868 Total Expenditure (31 645) (26 339) (26 369)

Employee Costs (7 905) (7 224) (5 789) Surplus/(Deficit) for Year 1 950 2 952 2 257


Operating Activities (1 038) 3 420 (3 721) Investing Activities (387) (177) (114) Cash & Equivalents – Year End 4 379 5 795 2 554 UIFW EXPENDITURE** 1 422 105 93

HUMAN RESOURCES 2019/20 2018/19 2017/18 Posts Approved 17 15 18 Posts Filled 17 15 16



PHYSICAL: 112B High Street, Eastern Cape, Makhanda (Grahamstown), 6139 POSTAL: PO Box 115, Makhanda (Grahamstown), 6140 TEL: 046 622 7226 FAX: 046 622 4645 WEB: salb.org.za EMAIL: admin@salb.org.za


The South African Library for the Blind renders a library and information service to blind and visually impaired people through the production of accessible South African reading material in the development of a comprehensive library collection and rendering of advisory services to promote access to information. The Library’s mandate is to: provide a free library and information service that is responsible to the needs of the blind and the printhandicapped user; build up a balance and appropriate collection of South African and other documents, and make them accessible for the use of blind and print-handicapped readers; produce documents in special mediums such as Braille and audio formats for use by its readers; develop standards for the production of such documents; research production methods and technology in the appropriate fields; and acquire and disseminate the technology required by blind and printhandicapped people to read.


Chairperson: Adv M Masutha Deputy Chairperson: Mr X Yekani Board Members: Mr M Buthelezi, Ms M Kganedi, Ms D Maraka, Dr H Mphidi, Dr S Neerputh, Ms E Ramaoka, Mr N Ravgee Chief Executive Officer: Mr Mandla Ntombela Chief Financial Officer: Yasheen Ramcharan Senior Management: Mr Neels de Lange (Head: Human Resources), Ms Pumla Mahanjana (Senior Manager: Production and Standards Department), Mr Siya Mini (Senior Manager: ICT), Ms Linda Ngaleka (Senior Manager: Library Information Services) Communications Officers: Ms Mercy Thinyane

FINANCIAL INFORMATION* 2019/20 2018/19 2017/18


Clean Audit Clean Audit Financially Unqualified

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