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National Health Laboratory Service (NHLS
PHYSICAL: ETDP SETA House, 2-6 New Street, Gandhi Square, South Marshalltown, Johannesburg CBD POSTAL: Private Bag X105, Melville, 2109 TEL: 011 372 3300 FAX: 086 693 0394 WEB: www.etdpseta.org.za EMAIL: info@etdpseta.org.za
The vision of the ETDP SETA is to be a promoter and facilitator in the development and improvement of the skills profile of the sector’s workforce in order to benefit employers, workers and employees in the sector in the following ways: skill levels of employees and workers are raised; a healthy balance between supply and demand in the labour market; diverse, flexible routes for initial and in-service education and training; a variety of career paths are available; quality of education and training provision is improved; levy grant scheme is efficiently administered; regular liaison with providers, other SETAs, the Department of Labour, the Department of Education, the National Skills Authority (NSA), and the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) and its structures; internal and external communication is effective in order to advance national human resource and skills development; dialogue and interaction between public and private entities in the sector with regard to skills transfer and training delivery is encouraged; employers, workers and employees in the sector benefit from quality training, higher productivity and harmonious mutual dependencies.
Chairperson: Mr Duncan Hindle Board Members: Ms Patricia Chlioane, Ms Thembisa Futshane, Ms Simone Geyer, Ms Linda Ingram, Dr Thokozani Mathebula, Ms Nolitha Mboniswa, Mr Amos Vusi Monyela, Ms Lindiwe Martha Motshwane, Mr Mandla Mthembu, Mr Nkosipendule Ntantala, Ms Helen Ntlatleng, Mr Dimakatso Moses Peo, Dr Vijayanthimala (Mala) Singh, Ms Faseega Solomon Chief Executive Officer: Ms Sesi Nombulelo Nxesi Chief Financial Officer: Ms Nonhlanhla Dick Chief Operations Officer: Dr Timothy Makofane Senior Management: Mr Tommy Baloyi (Manager: Performance, Monitoring and Reporting), Mr Mzikayise Dondolo (Chief Risk Officer), Ms Constance Gadzikwa (Chief: Information Communication Technology), Ms Winnie Kananda (Manager: Office of the CEO), Ms Veli Msane (Manager: Supply Chain), Ms Sibongile Nhlabathi (Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist), Ms Zokhanyo Pikahse (Manager: Finance), Mr Mabu Raphotle (Manager: Skills Planning and Research), Mr Maswazi Tshabalala (Acting Manager: ETDQA) Communications Officers: Ms Anna-Joy Motene (Head of Department: Marketing and Communication)
FINANCIAL INFORMATION* 2019/20 2018/19 2017/18
AUDIT OUTCOME Financially Unqualified Financially Unqualified Clean Audit FINANCIAL POSITION R’000 R’000 R’000
Current Assets 1 295 489 1 335 913 1 106 005
Non-Current Assets 10 477 7 916 5 136 Total Assets 1 305 966 1 343 829 1 111 141
Current Liabilities 158 845 145 226 105 848
Non-Current Liabilities - - Total Liabilities 158 845 145 226 105 848 Total Net Assets 1 147 121 1 198 603 1 005 293
Total Revenue 1 073 593 1 030 637 926 723
Exchange Transactions 90 021 87 218 72 933
Non-Exchange Transactions 983 572 943 419 853 790 Total Expenditure (1 125 077) (837 327) (738 350)
Employee Costs (97 269) (92 568) (86 936) Surplus/(Deficit) for Year (51 484) 193 310 188 373
Operating Activities (32 593) 232 000 143 900 Investing Activities (5 413) (4 948) (1 588) Cash & Equivalents – Year End 1 285 907 1 323 913 1 096 860 UIFW EXPENDITURE** 2 842 864
HUMAN RESOURCES 2019/20 2018/19 2017/18 Posts Approved 141 139 133 Posts Filled 127 127 123
PHYSICAL: Sentinel House, Sunnyside Office Park, 32 Princess of Wales Terrace, Parktown, Johannesburg POSTAL: PO Box 5983, Johannesburg, 2000 TEL: 011 274 4700 WEB: www.ewseta.org.za EMAIL: info@eseta.org.za
The mission of the Energy and Water Sector Education and Training Authority (EWSETA) is: comprehensive research and a sound understanding of the skills demand and supply forces in its sector; coordinating, facilitating and providing quality assurance for sector relevant skills development programmes for its stakeholders, aligned with stated national skills development priorities; and establishing a sector skills pipeline with a positive impact on government’s economic growth policies, employment creation and the eradication of poverty. EWSETA’s responsibility is to manage skills development through strategic sector skills planning within the framework of the National Skills Development Strategy III. This includes developing a sector skills plan and implementing the sector skills plan by: establishing learning programmes; approving Workplace Skills Plans and the Annual Training Report; allocating grants to employers, education and training, providers, and workers; monitoring education and training in the sector; registering learning programme agreements; and promoting learnerships and other training programmes. The role of EWSETA also includes facilitating the creation of learnerships with employers in the sector via the following: finding workplaces where learners can do practical work; supporting people who create learning material; helping to wrap up learnership agreements; and registering learnership agreements.