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Government Employees Pension Fund (GEPF
PHYSICAL: Building 9, Country Club Estate, 21 Woodlands Drive, Woodmead, Sandton POSTAL: Postnet Suite 321, Private Bag X26, Sunninghill, 2157 TEL: 011 235 1600 FAX: 086 679 0000 WEB: www.infraco.co.za EMAIL: info@infraco.co.za
The vision of Broadband Infraco SOC Ltd is to provide communication services to enable a connected and transformed society. The Company’s critical success factors are to: have access to funding; be customercentric; have a resilient network; have participation in WACS; have high-speed broadband connectivity for all provinces, districts and municipalities in South Africa; continue the delivery of the SA Connect Project; add redundant links to all six neighbouring countries of South Africa; and have good relationships with Transnet, Eskom and the provinces. The mission of Broadband Infraco is to strive to: expand the availability and affordability of access to communication services, including, but not limited to, underdeveloped and underserviced areas; and enable the acceleration of the State’s digital transformation through broadband connectivity.
Chairperson: Mr Mandla Ngcobo Board Members: Ms Zandi Kabini, Mr Lungile Mabece, Mr Andrew D Matseke (CEO), Mr Gift Mphefu, Ms Nokuthula Selamolela (Chairperson: Audit and Risk Committee), Ms Jennifer Shreiner Chief Executive Officer: Mr Andrew D Matseke Chief Financial Officer: Mr Ian Van Niekerk Senior Management: Ms Phumza Dyani (Chief Marketing and Sales Officer), Mr Mike Mojapelo (Executive: Compliance, Risk and Audit), Ms Irene Mokgohloa (Acting Executive: Human Resources), Mr Phatang Nkhereanye (Acting Company Secretary), Mr Gift Zowa (Chief Technical Officer) Communications Officers: Ms Relebogile Mohatlane
FINANCIAL INFORMATION* 2019/20 2018/19 2017/18
AUDIT OUTCOME Financially Unqualified Financially Unqualified Financially Unqualified FINANCIAL POSITION R’000 R’000 R’000
Current Assets 158 048 192 048 98 225
Non-Current Assets 1 131 186 1 155 130 1 151 967 Total Assets 1 289 234 1 347 178 1 250 192
Current Liabilities 487 063 409 782 252 155
Non-Current Liabilities 2 119 599 2 145 127 2 191 032 Total Liabilities 2 606 662 255 909 2 443 187 Total Net Assets (1 317 428) (1 207 731) (1 192 995)
Total Revenue 581 019 593 798 472 401 Total Expenditure (692 020) (608 534) (585 872)
Employee Costs (121 039) (110 297) (90 656) Surplus/(Deficit) for Year (111 001) (14 736) (113 471)
Operating Activities 117 143 143 142 45 083 Investing Activities (65 656) (67 721) (40 473) Cash & Equivalents – Year End 109 630 95 140 19 950 UIFW EXPENDITURE** 21 428 11 506 1 626
HUMAN RESOURCES 2019/20 2018/19 2017/18 Posts Approved 155 155 n/a Posts Filled 132 140 n/a
PHYSICAL: 420 Witch-Hazel Street, Eco Glade 2, Eco Park, Centurion, 0169 POSTAL: Private Bag X31, Highveld Park, 0169 TEL: 012 003 1400 / 0800 000 555 WEB: www.fpb.org.za EMAIL: clientsupport@fpb.org.za
The mission of the Film and Publication Board (FPB) is to ensure efficient and effective consumer protection through regulation of films, games and certain publications, while empowering the public, especially children, through robust information sharing. The Board regulates the media environment through the classification of content by: maintaining relevance to the values and norms of South African society through scientific research; balancing the right to freedom of expression with an obligation to protect children from exposure to potentially disturbing, harmful and inappropriate materials; and protecting children from sexual exploitation in media content, in order to educate the broader South African society to make informed choices.
Chairperson: Mrs NFT Mpumlwana Deputy Chairperson: Ms S Mangena Council Members: Mr N Ditlhake, Ms N Dubazana, Ms Y Makhasi, Adv N Mudunungu, Adv L Nevondwe, Dr N Skeepers Chief Executive Officer: Ms Abongile Mashele (Acting) Chief Financial Officer: Mr Mahomed Chowan Chief Operations Officer: Ms Abongile Mashele Senior Management: Mr Pandelis Gregoriou (Manager: Legal and Regulatory Affairs), Mr Samuel Lebepe (Manager: ICT), Ms Laurie Less (Shared Services Executive), Mr Oupa Makhalemele (Acting Manager: Research and Advocacy), Vuledzani Matidza (Manager: Finance), Ms Nthabiseng May (Manager: Client Support), Ms Lesego Mogoatlhe (Manager: Supply Chain), Ms Ngwako Molewa (Council Secretariat), Ms Relebohile Moloi (Manager: Operations), Mr Minesh Rampersahd (Internal Audit Manager), Qhinaphi Sitsila (Manager: Risk and Compliance), Dr Tebogo Umanah (Manager: Research and Advocacy) Communications Officers: Ms Lynette Kamineth (Manager: Communications and Public Education)
FINANCIAL INFORMATION* 2019/20 2018/19 2017/18
Financially Unqualified Clean Audit Financially Unqualified
FINANCIAL INFORMATION* 2019/20 2018/19 2017/18 FINANCIAL INFORMATION* 2019/20 2018/19 2017/18 FINANCIAL POSITION R’000 R’000 R’000
Current Assets 29 138 25 931 19 208
Non-Current Assets 19 310 18 111 18 044 Total Assets 48 448 44 042 37 252
Current Liabilities 14 059 14 560 14 951
Non-Current Liabilities 589 - Total Liabilities 14 648 14 560 14 951 Total Net Assets 33 801 29 457 22 301
Total Revenue 106 954 103 414 100 299
Exchange Transactions 7 581 8 837 8 615
Non-Exchange Transactions 99 373 94 577 91 684 Total Expenditure (102 636) (96 233) (92 833)
Employee Costs (89 686) (57 932) (53 242) Surplus/(Deficit) for Year 4 319 7 181 7 466
Operating Activities 4 047 9 169 12 404 Investing Activities (1 838) (2 364) (4 645) Cash & Equivalents – Year End 23 565 21 383 15 298 UIFW EXPENDITURE** - 436 4 169
HUMAN RESOURCES 2019/20 2018/19 2017/18 Posts Approved 94 94 90 Posts Filled 81 81 76
PHYSICAL: 21 Girton Road, Parktown, 2193 POSTAL: PO Box 545, Auckland Park, 2006 TEL: 011 484 0583 FAX: 011 484 0615 WEB: www.nemisa.co.za EMAIL: info@nemisa.co.za
The National Electronic Media Institute of South Africa (NEMISA), in collaboration with the Department of Communications and Digital Technologies (DCDT), is focused on the implementation of programmes for the development of the required skills and competencies to leverage the power of modern ICTs in South Africa, thereby contributing to socio-economic development, improving service delivery and improving competitiveness through ICTs. NEMISA’s mission is to provide a national integrated e-skills development approach for sustainable socio-economic development in South Africa and to radically advance human capacity development in e-skills (digital skills).
Chairperson: Ms Molebogeng Leshabane Board Members: Mr Lionel Adendorf, Prof Christian Adendorff, Ms Thobeka Buswana, Ms Bantu Bongekile Filana, Ms Nomonde Hlatshaneni, Mr Melvyn Lubega, Mr Trevor Rammitlwa (CEO) Chief Executive Officer: Mr Trevor Rammitlwa Communications Officers: Ms Victoria Tau (Marketing Officer)
FINANCIAL INFORMATION* 2019/20 2018/19 2017/18
AUDIT OUTCOME Financially Unqualified Financially Unqualified Financially Unqualified FINANCIAL POSITION R’000 R’000 R’000
Current Assets 23 226 46 076 54 295
Non-Current Assets 7 846 3 668 3 288 Total Assets 31 073 49 744 57 583
Current Liabilities 25 981 43 193 48 990
Non-Current Liabilities - - Total Liabilities 25 981 43 193 48 990 Total Net Assets 5 092 6 551 8 593
Total Revenue 115 490 99 386 98 988
Exchange Transactions 3 223 4 523 8 591
Non-Exchange Transactions 112 267 94 863 90 397 Total Expenditure (116 949) (101 428) (103 778)
Employee Costs (23 850) (21 956) (21 294) Surplus/(Deficit) for Year (1 459) (2 042) (4 790)
Operating Activities (15 845) (6 535) 7 075 Investing Activities (6 601) (862) (441) Cash & Equivalents – Year End 21 805 44 251 51 647 UIFW EXPENDITURE** 436 14 371 5 386
HUMAN RESOURCES 2019/20 2018/19 2017/18 Posts Approved 48 49 43 Posts Filled 45 41 39
PHYSICAL: Octave Street, Honeydew, 2040 POSTAL: Private Bag X06, Honeydew, 2040 TEL: 011 471 4400 FAX: 011 246 2610 WEB: www.sentech.co.za EMAIL: support@sentech.co.za
SENTECH is a B-BBEE level 1 South African state-owned company and leading provider of electronic communications network services to the country’s broadcasting and communications industry. SENTECH derives its mandate from legislation, particularly the SENTECH Act and the Electronic Communications Act (ECA). As holder of Individual Electronic Communications Network Services (I-ECNS) and an
SENTECH at a glance
SENTECH is a South African state-owned company (SOC) and the leading provider of electronic communications network services to the country’s broadcasting and communications industry. With the largest terrestrial signal distribution infrastructure for both radio and television, the Company is able to operate as a common carrier, offering wholesale services on an equitable, non-discriminatory, and non-exclusive basis. SENTECH provides broadcast transmission services for all of the South African Broadcasting Corporation’s (SABC’s) radio and television stations, for the country’s commercial radio and television stations, and for 118 community radio stations. Its 181 Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) sites enable it to provide infrastructure and connectivity to the retail, telecommunications and public sectors. Originally the SABC’s technical division, it became a wholly owned subsidiary of the SABC in 1992. In 1996, the SENTECH Act was amended, converting the Company into a separate stateowned entity operating as a common carrier responsible for providing broadcasting signal distribution services to licensed radio and television broadcasters. As the holder of the country’s Electronic Communications Network Services (ECNS) and Electronic Communications Services (ECS), Sentech operate a multimedia platform carrying voice, data and internet services between operators in South Africa and abroad. In 2020 SENTECH achieved its 8th consecutive clean audit and B-BBEE level 1.
Broadband Services
In November 2019, SENTECH launched a new product offering “SENTECH Connect” that provides high-speed broadband access and always-on internet connection for government facilities. Amongst others, SENTECH Connect provides a platform for e-health, e-learning and e-government services. It creates an opportunity for the creation of smart classrooms, smart city services, and enables a secure streaming platform that offers capabilities to carry over 500 participants. To date, SENTECH has established broadband network coverage in KZN, Northern Cape, and Eastern Cape, having connected well over 100 facilities to internet.
Streaming Services
SENTECH offers a white label Multiscreen Broadcast Platform with the most comprehensive, cost-effective and scalable suite of Over-The-Top (OTT) and TV Everywhere products and services. Whether you want a seamless end-to-end Multiscreen TV solution, or a standalone service, we can deliver an exceptional solution specifi cally designed around your needs. The fl exible and modular architecture allows easy ingestion, seamless integration to backend systems to manage all types of video, audio, linear and non- linear content for secure and scalable delivery in any format to any screen. SENTECH 5G
In March 2020, SENTECH successfully deployed two 5G test sites at the STP (Sender Technology Park) and the Nasrec disaster recovery site and developed a true Free-to-Air (FTA) streaming service. SENTECH is among the fi rst companies to deploy 5G Standalone (SA) and New Radio (NR), which take full advantage of new modulation techniques and multiple in/ multiple out (MIMO) technology, resulting in higher throughputs and lower data cost. Sentech’s focus is on building high speed islands of networks that seamlessly combine to provide end-to-end secured connectivity for government, industrial use cases, agriculture, education, health and smart villages and places. SENTECH 5G will enable government effi cient access to big data, cloud, artifi cial intelligence, and other data driven fourth industrial revolution (4IR) solutions.
About Transformation
SENTECH ensures that bids issued are geared towards women participation and or employment. The company has taken a position to channel all procurement towards companies who are at least 30% black women-owned.
In 2020, SENTECH achieved a BBBEE level 1 rating through implementing the Socio-Economic Strategy (SET) to drive transformation.
Enterprise and Supplier Development
SENTECH fulfi l its national obligation through Supplier and Enterprise Development (ESD) progammes that contribute to fi nancial growth to the Enterprises supported.