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South African Broadcasting Corporation SOC Limited (SABC
AUDIT OUTCOME Financially Unqualified Financially Unqualified Qualified FINANCIAL POSITION R’000 R’000 R’000
Current Assets 3 537 476 3 510 402 2 541 929
Non-Current Assets 4 070 748 3 862 062 4 206 353 Total Assets 7 608 223 7 372 464 6 748 281
Current Liabilities 588 256 576 088 601 763
Non-Current Liabilities 1 122 207 1 035 334 975 981 Total Liabilities 1 710 463 1 611 422 1 577 744 Total Net Assets 5 897 760 5 761 042 5 175 827
Total Revenue 1 330 269 1 331 854 1 369 382
Exchange Transactions 1 318 028 1 366 962 n/a
Non-Exchange Transactions 12 241 5 501 n/a Total Expenditure (1 193 550) (781 959) (755 309)
Employee Costs (534 445) (485 737) (453 806) Surplus/(Deficit) for Year 136 719 590 504 614 073
Operating Activities 138 785 207 937 170 045 Investing Activities (457 708) 560 850 (34 479) Cash & Equivalents – Year End 766 870 1 096 606 331 050 UIFW EXPENDITURE** 1 367 7 611 19 021
PHYSICAL: The Isle of Houghton, Old Trafford 3, 11 Boundary Road, Houghton, Johannesburg POSTAL: PO Box 31376, Braamfontein, 2017 TEL: 011 644 9800 FAX: 011 484 0204 WEB: www.nhfc.co.za EMAIL: info@nhfc.co.za
The mission of the National Housing Finance Corporation SOC Ltd (NHFC) is to provide innovative and affordable housing finance solutions to the low-to-middle income housing market. The Corporation’s strategic objectives are to: expand housing finance activities, through the effective provision of housing finance solutions, thus enabling low-to-middle income households to have the choice of renting or owning, or incrementally building, to meet their housing needs; facilitate the increased and sustained lending by financial institutions to the affordable housing market; mobilise funding into the human settlement space, on a sustainable basis, in partnership with the broadest range of institutions; conduct the business activities of the NHFC in a manner that ensures the continued economic sustainability of the NHFC, while promoting lasting social, ethical and environmental development; and stimulate the low-to-middle income housing sector, by providing robust, relevant and timely research and market analysis to practitioners and housing customers. On 1 October 2019, the National Urban Reconstruction and Housing Agency (NURCHA) and the Rural Housing Loan Fund (RHLF) were merged into the National Housing Finance Corporation SOC Ltd (NHFC).
Chairperson: Ms Phekane Ramarumo (Acting) Board Members: Ms Thembi Chilizi, Mr Johan Coetzee, Mr Adrian Harris, Mr Andrew Higgs (Company Secretary), Ms Anthea Houston, Mr Sango Ntsaluba, Mr Khehla Shubane, Mr Sizwe Tati (Acting CEO) Chief Executive Officer: Mr Siswe Tati (Acting) Chief Financial Officer: Mr Bruce Gordon (Acting) Senior Management: Mr Jabulani Fakazi (Executive Manager: Incremental Housing Finance), Mr Viwe Gqwetha (Executive Manager: Strategic Partnerships and Programme Management), Mr Lawrence Lehabe (Executive Manager: Projects Funding Programme), Mr Zola Lupondwana (Executive Manager: Credit), Mr Cleophus Mako Makola (General Manager: Human Resources), Ms Mandu Mamatela (Executive Manager: Corporate Strategy), Ms Valerie McLeod (General Manager: Legal), Ms Vuyokazi Menye (Chief Information Officer), Ms Nomsa Ntshingila (Executive Manager: Human Resources), Mr Sindisa Nxusani (Executive Manager: Corporate Support), Mr Mogotsi Oepeng (General Manager: Finance) Communications Officers: Ms Masego Maluleke (General Manager: Corporate Communications and Marketing)
FINANCIAL INFORMATION* 2019/20 2018/19 2017/18
AUDIT OUTCOME Financially Unqualified Financially Unqualified Financially Unqualified FINANCIAL POSITION R’000 R’000 R’000
Current Assets 2 332 100 2 278 578 1 066 770
Non-Current Assets 3 944 160 3 735 311 2 354 496 Total Assets 6 276 260 6 013 889 3 421 266
Current Liabilities 211 311 138 777 107 374
Non-Current Liabilities 1 437 632 1 474 252 227 576 Total Liabilities 1 648 943 1 613 029 334 950 Total Net Assets 4 627 317 4 400 860 3 086 316
Total Revenue 702 694 585 311 304 270 Total Expenditure (482 961) (439 661) (209 571)
Employee Costs (93 134) (67 561) (40 894) Surplus/(Deficit) for Year 219 733 145 650 94 699
Operating Activities 182 969 22 285 (173 331) Investing Activities (210 482) 43 290 65 777 Cash & Equivalents – Year End 1 105 890 1 058 470 330 443 UIFW EXPENDITURE** 6 511 2 437 -
HUMAN RESOURCES 2019/20 2018/19 2017/18 Posts Filled n/a 121 70