4 minute read

Estate Agency Affairs Board of South Africa (EAAB

The mission of the South African National Energy Development Institute (SANEDI) is to advance innovation of clean energy solutions and rational energy use, which effectively supports South Africa’s national energy objectives and the transition towards a sustainable low-carbon energy future. SANEDI’s main function is to direct, monitor and conduct applied energy research and development, demonstration and deployment, as well to undertake specific measures to promote the uptake of green energy and energy efficiency in South Africa.


Chairperson: Mr Nkululeko Buthelezi (Interim) Board Members: Mr Gerhard Fourie, Ms Phuthanang Motsielwa, Mr Mmboneni Muofhe, Ms Nomawethu Qase, Ms Deborah Ramalope Chief Executive Officer: Ms Lethabo Manamela (Interim) Chief Financial Officer: Ms Lethabo Manamela (CFO and Interim CEO) Senior Management: Dr Minnesh Bipath (General Manager: Smart Grids), Mr Barry Bredenkamp (General Manager: Energy Efficiency), Ms Keorapetse Kgaswane (Project Officer: Smart Grids), Ms Denise Lundall (Project Officer: Cool Surface Project), Mr David Mahuma (General Manager: Working for Energy), Sizwe Mhlangu (Corporate Planner), Ms Ashanti Mogosetsi (Project Manager: Appliance Standards and Labelling), Ms Lusanda Radebe (Project Manager: Working for Energy), Mr Tebogo Snyer (Project Manager: Working for Energy), Mr Teslim Yusuf (Project Manager) Communications Officers: Mr Funanani Netshitomboni (Acting Communications and Stakeholder Engagement Lead) AUDIT OUTCOME Financially Unqualified Financially Unqualified Clean Audit


Current Assets 253 510 238 542 249 994

Non-Current Assets 8 954 8 523 6 926 Total Assets 262 464 247 065 256 920

Current Liabilities 30 591 36 886 74 114

Non-Current Liabilities - - Total Liabilities 30 591 36 886 74 114 Total Net Assets 231 873 210 179 182 806


Total Revenue 96 333 117 440 142 597

Exchange Transactions 17 391 20 341 17 744

Non-Exchange Transactions 78 942 97 099 124 853 Total Expenditure (74 640) (90 066) (146 430)

Employee Costs (38 203) (36 406) (47 437) Surplus/(Deficit) for Year 21 693 27 374 (3 833)


Operating Activities 23 760 (10 036) (4 454) Investing Activities (4 250) (5 308) (6 363) Cash & Equivalents – Year End 249 029 229 520 244 864 UIFW EXPENDITURE** 2 1 727 66

HUMAN RESOURCES 2019/20 2018/19 2017/18 Posts Approved 58 59 63 Posts Filled 52 56 59



PHYSICAL: Elias Motsoaledi Street (Church Street West Extension), R104 Pelindaba, Madibeng District, North West, 0240 POSTAL: PO Box 582, Pretoria, 0001 TEL: 012 305 4911 FAX: 012 305 3111 WEB: www.necsa.co.za EMAIL: communication@necsa.co.za


The mission of the South African Nuclear Energy Corporation SOC Ltd (NECSA) is to develop, utilise and manage nuclear technology for national and regional socio-economic development through: applied research and development; commercial application of nuclear and associated technology; fulfilling the state’s nuclear obligations; contributing to the development of skills in science and technology; total commitment to health, safety and care for the environment; developing and empowering its human resource base; and satisfying stakeholder expectations.


Chairperson: Mr David Nicholls Board Members: Ms Adila Chowan, Dr Gregory Davids, Mr Mashukudu James Maboa, Dr Namane Magau, Ms Senamile Masango, Ms Letlhogonolo Noge-Tungamirai, Mr Joseph Shayi Chief Executive Officer: Mr Loyiso Tyabashe Chief Financial Officer: Ms HNB Khumalo Senior Management: A Chikane (Acting Chief Information Officer), Mr Z Ismail (Acting Chief Audit Officer), Mr FM Mkhabela (Chief Risk Officer), Mr M Mondi (Group Executive: Human Resources and Real Estate and Asset Management), Mr Ayanda Myoli (Divisional Executive: Engineering and Technical Services), Mr U Natha (General Manager: Strategy and Performance), Mr MU Ramatsui (Chief Executive: Pelindaba Enterprises), Ms MA Rasweswe (Group Executive: Nuclear Compliance and Services), Ms NF Tengimfene (General Manager: Corporate Communication and Stakeholder Relations), Mr TJ Tselane (Chief Technology Officer), Dr JR Zeevart (Acting Divisional Executive: Research and Technology Development)

FINANCIAL INFORMATION* 2019/20 2018/19 2017/18


Disclaimer Disclaimer Disclaimer


Current Assets 1 236 425 1 432 446 2 119 382

Non-Current Assets 6 524 053 6 610 884 5 815 172 Total Assets 7 760 478 8 043 330 7 934 554

Current Liabilities 498 607 868 126 1 101 057

Non-Current Liabilities 6 451 327 6 424 124 5 283 829 Total Liabilities 6 949 934 7 292 250 6 384 886 Total Net Assets 810 544 757 131 1 549 668


Total Revenue 2 720 062 4 005 232 3 356 847 Total Expenditure (2 851 575) (4 127 115) (3 463 835)

Employee Costs (1 041 332) (1 085 250) (985 583) Surplus/(Deficit) for Year (131 513) (121 883) (106 988)


Operating Activities (365 404) (284 826) 115 992 Investing Activities 68 031 290 726 (629 920) Cash & Equivalents – Year End 171 881 324 909 475 697 UIFW EXPENDITURE** 7 504 335 138 74 423

HUMAN RESOURCES 2019/20 2018/19 2017/18 Posts Approved 2 017 2 083 1 936 Posts Filled 1 821 1 900 1 962

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