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Competition Commission
PHYSICAL: Libertas Office Park, Cnr Libertas & Highway Streets, Equestria, Pretoria, 0184 TEL: 012 740 8400 WEB: www.sanas.co.za EMAIL: MphoP@sanas.co.za
The mission of the South African National Accreditation System (SANAS) is to create an impartial and transparent mechanism for organisations to independently demonstrate their competence and facilitate the beneficial exchange of goods, services and knowledge; and provide a service that is recognised as equatable to best international practice, while reflecting the demographics of South Africa in all that it does. SANAS, as the sole national accreditation body, performs the following functions: promoting the organisation as the sole national accreditation body in its scope of activity; encouraging and promoting the accreditation of calibration, testing and verification laboratories, certification bodies, inspection bodies, rating agencies, and any other type of body that may be added to its scope of activity; encouraging and promoting Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) compliance with the principles adopted by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) for GLP facilities; promoting the acceptance of SANAS activities and those of all accredited bodies accredited by SANAS or its international counterparts; promoting the recognition of accredited bodies, by users of conformity assessments; liaising with regional and international standard bodies and with technical regulatory and metrology organisations in respect of any matter related to accreditation; liaising with national regulators in respect of any matter related to accreditation; promoting the use of accredited bodies to facilitate trade; advising national, regional and international organisations on the conditions for accreditation and on other issues related to accreditation; establishing and maintaining a register of all accredited organisations in South Africa; initiating, negotiating, concluding and maintaining multilateral recognition arrangements; supporting government in activities on multilateral recognition arrangements; obtaining and maintaining membership of national or international organisations that may assist SANAS in achieving its objects and actively participating in such organisations; formulating and implementing national guidelines and standards to facilitate the accreditation process; promoting recognition and protecting the use of the SANAS logo nationally and internationally; promoting and protecting regional and international arrangement logos, such as those of the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) and the International Accreditation Forum (IAF); establishing appropriate technical committees; and investigating methods of facilitating trade through accreditation.
PHYSICAL: Forum Building, 159 Struben Street, Pretoria POSTAL: Private Bag X193, Pretoria, 0001 TEL: 012 309 3000 / 3774 WEB: www.transport.gov.za EMAIL: KhozaC@dot.gov.za
The mission of the Department of Transport (DOT) is to lead the development of integrated efficient transport systems by creating a framework of sustainable policies, regulations and implementable models to support government strategies for economic, social and international development. The objectives that the Department aims to achieve by providing policy framework, regulation and implementation models are: competitive transport costs; safety and security improvements; a reduction in infrastructure backlogs; improvement in access; and a reduction of time in transit.
Chairperson: Ms Patricia Lindi Tlou Board Members: Ms Iris Bologo (BoD member), Dr Tshenge Demana, Ms Zukiswa Kimani (BoD member), Mr Samuel Mlangeni, Dr Matshwenyego Sarah Mohlala, Ms Lerato Herriette Mothae, Mr Mpho Phaloane (Acting CEO), Mr Molefe Pule (BoD Member), Mr Fezile Flip Wetes Chief Executive Officer: Mr Mpho Phaloane (Acting) Chief Financial Officer: Ms Christi Warren (Acting) Senior Management: Mr Dawood Petersen (Company Secretary), Mr Mpho Phaloane (Executive: Accreditation), Ms Busi Radebe (Executive: Corporate Services) Communications Officers: Ms Tshenolo Molamu (Manager: Communications and Marketing)
FINANCIAL INFORMATION* 2019/20 2018/19 2017/18
AUDIT OUTCOME Financially Unqualified Financially Unqualified Clean Audit FINANCIAL POSITION R’000 R’000 R’000
Current Assets 48 403 49 399 117 386
Non-Current Assets 71 744 72 221 5 445 Total Assets 120 147 121 621 122 831
Current Liabilities 13 376 21 912 25 601
Non-Current Liabilities - - Total Liabilities 13 376 21 912 25 601 Total Net Assets 106 771 99 709 97 230
Total Revenue 115 343 110 510 104 625
Exchange Transactions 83 674 79 478 74 312
Non-Exchange Transactions 31 669 31 032 30 313 Total Expenditure (108 281) (108 032) (91 246)
Employee Costs (56 233) (53 118) (50 131) Surplus/(Deficit) for Year 7 062 2 478 13 379
Operating Activities 2 998 12 996 10 574 Investing Activities (4 798) (72 056) (1 904) Cash & Equivalents – Year End 45 998 47 798 106 859 UIFW EXPENDITURE** 12 366 13 639 26
HUMAN RESOURCES 2019/20 2018/19 2017/18 Posts Approved n/a n/a 72 Posts Filled n/a n/a 68
Department: T rans port REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA