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PHYSICAL: 51 Baring Street, Worcester, 6850 POSTAL: Private Bag X3055, Worcester, 6849 TEL: 023 346 8000 FAX: 023 347 2012 WEB: breedegouritzcma.co.za EMAIL: info@bgcma.co.za


The mission of the Breede-Gouritz Catchment Management Agency is to manage water resources responsibly, through continuous engagement with all stakeholders, and to devolve decision-making to the lowest level for the benefit of all water users in the Breede-Gouritz Catchment, including the environment. The Agency’s strategic priorities are to: ensure quality water for all people and the environment; address water allocation reform; ensure good administration of registration and licensing; inspire change in attitudes towards the environment; and promote economic growth in a sustainable way. These priorities are carried out in order to: address the developmental needs of the people and contribute to the eradication of poverty; ensure fair, equitable and well-controlled water allocation, while maintaining the integrity of the natural resource; manage the ecosystem in a sustainable manner; and allow all stakeholders a voice in how it manages our water resources.


Chairperson: Mr BE Mnisi Deputy Chairperson: Mr TE Abrahams Board Members: Mr AP Barnes, Dr O Curtis, Ms B Damane, Mr MJ Delport, Ms EM Palmer, Mr HM Russouw, Mr CJU Swart Chief Executive Officer: Mr Jan van Staden (Acting) Chief Financial Officer: Ms Zanele Mngoma

Senior Management: Ms Prudence Mahlaba (Acting Senior Manager: Water Resources) Communications Officers: Malehlohonolo Mlabateki

FINANCIAL INFORMATION* 2019/20 2018/19 2017/18

AUDIT OUTCOME Clean Audit Financially Unqualified Financially Unqualified FINANCIAL POSITION R’000 R’000 R’000

Current Assets n/a 100 273 44 126

Non-Current Assets n/a 3 368 4 064 Total Assets n/a 103 641 48 191

Current Liabilities n/a 10 708 6 776

Non-Current Liabilities n/a - Total Liabilities n/a 10 708 6 776 Total Net Assets n/a 92 933 41 415


Total Revenue n/a 115 847 76 433

Exchange Transactions n/a 50 048 16 433

Non-Exchange Transactions n/a 65 800 60 000 Total Expenditure n/a (64 330) (54 390)

Employee Costs n/a (39 605) (33 063) Surplus/(Deficit) for Year n/a 51 518 22 080


Operating Activities n/a 25 549 8 934 Investing Activities n/a (534) (852) Cash & Equivalents – Year End n/a 34 174 9 159 UIFW EXPENDITURE** n/a - -

HUMAN RESOURCES 2019/20 2018/19 2017/18 Posts Approved n/a 86 86 Posts Filled n/a 65 51



PHYSICAL: MAXSA Building, 13 Streak Street, Nelspruit, 1200 POSTAL: PO Box X11214, Nelspruit, 1200 TEL: 013 753 9000 FAX: 013 753 2786 WEB: www.iucma.co.za EMAIL: information@iucma.co.za


The vision of the Inkomati-Usuthu Catchment Management Area (IUCMA) is to supply sufficient, equitable and quality water resources for all in the Inkomati-Usuthu Water Management Area. The mission of the IUCMA is to efficiently manage water resources by empowering our stakeholders in our quest to contribute towards transformation by promoting equal access to water and protecting our environment. The Agency supports the cooperative management of the Inkomati basin as an internationally shared watercourse. The decision-making environment of the Agency, including delegated functions, enables collaborative action towards equity, sustainability and efficiency in a continually evolving socio-economic system. The Agency manages the resources adaptively, cooperatively and progressively to achieve social, economic and environmental justice, and promote healthy living. The Agency’s functions are derived from the National Water Act 36 of 1998. They are, among others, to: s80-investigate and advise interested persons on the protection, use, development, conservation, management and control of the water resources in its water management area; develop a catchment management strategy; coordinate the related activities of water users and of the water management institutions within its water management area; promote the coordination of its implementation with the implementation of any applicable development plan; promote community participation in the protection, use, development, conservation, management and control of the water resources in its water management area; s19&20-prevent and remedy effects of pollution; and control emergency incidents in respect of water resource pollution or potential water resource pollution. Other delegated functions include; S25, 33, 34, 35, 40, 41, 42, 44, 53, 54, 55, 57 and 58.


Deputy Chairperson: Mr Sam Mthembu Board Members: Mr M Gangazhe, Dr T Kelly, Mr TH Mathebula (Board Secretary), Ms Miranda Sikhakhane, Ms SD Wiggins, Mr Linda Carol Zulu Chief Financial Officer: Mr ZAT Zitha Senior Management: Ms P Chuene (Internal Audit Specialist: Office of the CEO), Ms S Govere (Manager: Finance), Ms W Mabuza (Manager: Revenue), Mr HM Makhubele (Manager: Institution and Participation), Mr TH Mathebula (Board Secretary), Ms S Mbatha (Manager: Supply Chain), Mr AA Mbhalati (Manager: Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement), Dr JB Molwantwa (Executive: Water Resources Management), Ms LF Nemathaga (Manager: Water Resource Authorisation), Mr G Nevari (Manager: Strategic Support), Mr T Sawunyama (Manager: Resource Planning and Operations), Mr M Selepe (Manager: Resource Quality Monitoring), Mr C Sewela

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