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The South African National Roads Agency SOC Ltd (SANRAL


Chairperson: Dr Nozibele Mjoli Deputy Chairperson: Prof Sibusiso Vil-Nkomo Board Members: Dr Mosidi Makgae, Ms Massacha Khulekelwe Mbonambi, Ms Mpumi Msezane, Mr Dhesigen Naidoo (CEO), Dr Ntombifuthi Patience Nala, Mr Imraan Patel, Prof Aldo Stroebel Chief Executive Offi cer: Mr Dhesigen Naidoo Chief Financial Offi cer: Mr Fazel Ismail Senior Management: Dr Shafi ck Adams (Executive Manager: Water Resources and Ecosystems), Mr Jay Bhagwan (Executive Manager: Water Use and Waste Management), Dr Stanley Liphadzi (Group Executive: Research and Development), Ms Reshmili Lutchman (Executive Manager: Corporate Services), Prof Sylvester Mpandeli (Executive Manager: Water Utilisation in Agriculture), Dr Mandla Msibi (Group Executive: Innovation and Impact), Dr Valerie Naidoo (Executive Manager: Business Development and Innovation) Communications Offi cers: Ms Nomakhosazana Jonas (Executive Manager: Marketing and Communication) AUDIT OUTCOME Financially Unqualifi ed Financially Unqualifi ed Clean Audit


Current Assets 280 773 206 657 177 957

Non-Current Assets 16 979 17 126 18 359 Total Assets 297 751 223 783 196 316

Current Liabilities 172 573 136 077 108 304

Non-Current Liabilities 4 331 5 333 6 699 Total Liabilities 176 904 141 410 115 003 Total Net Assets 120 848 82 373 81 313


Total Revenue 330 557 284 299 292 780

Exchange Transactions 71 590 47 691 6 964

Non-Exchange Transactions 258 967 236 608 285 816 Total Expenditure (301 737) (280 801) (296 507)

Employee Costs (95 557) (83 244) (73 869) Surplus/(Defi cit) for Year 38 475 924 (5 684)


Operating Activities 63 729 30 938 (16 043) Investing Activities 6 865 (3 429) (1 862) Cash & Equivalents – Year End 240 878 160 933 133 861 UIFW EXPENDITURE** 174 1 357 762

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