4 minute read

Instagram Secondhand Clothing Seller Panel Beater


WHY DID YOU CHOOSE THRIFTING? I’ve always loved thrifting and clothing! Finding gems at secondhand shops for such a bargain is a special feeling; it truly helped me develop and express my personal style in an affordable way.


DESCRIBE A TYPICAL DAY When you’re self-employed it’s important to create a routine and stick to it. Firstly, I keep my space organised – with lots of stock in such a make-shift space, things can get lost. I then answer any messages I get on Insta about item availability or measurements. I prepare my hair and make-up for the shoot; take photos of the clothing items sourced. I edit and save drafts of the photos on Insta.I also make time to clean, fix and package items. At the end of the day, I post extras on secondhand selling websites such as Yaga, to expand my business. WHAT DO YOU ENJOY THE MOST? The creativity: I adore styling and giving new life to old clothes! And the feedback from customers – it’s a lovely feeling getting messages about how happy they are with their purchases. I love slow fashion; I haven’t participated in fast fashion for years now and I have to say it feels good.

WHAT DON’T YOU LIKE? Some customers can be very frustrating to deal with. Ghosting, rude comments and creepy messages all accompany owning an Instagram store!

WHAT HURDLES HAVE YOU HAD TO OVERCOME? Creating something from scratch. At the beginning I was doing college online as well as running my store and I found it difficult to put my heart into both and still be successful. WHAT’S BEEN THE HIGHLIGHT? I’ve only been doing this a short while, so it’s hard to pinpoint one highlight. I would say when I started making enough money doing this (what I love) to be able to do it full time.

“I adore styling and giving new life to old clothes!”

EXPERIENCE VS FORMAL TRAINING? Many different types of formal training could be useful – business, design – but nothing helps as much as the things you learn along the way.

IS THERE A TYPE OF PERSONALITY BEST SUITED? You have to be able to put yourself out there and communicate well with others. CLEO LANGLEY INSTA SECONDHAND CLOTHING SELLER


Engaging with different personalities all day every day can be tricky. You must be kind, understanding and patient.

ADVICE FOR NEWCOMERS? Be patient and don’t give up. It’s an ever-growing environment with new thrift stores popping up every day, so you must try to stand out and be different!


WHY DID YOU CHOOSE THIS PROFESSION? Growing up, I always loved the motor industry and I figured if this drove me then why not get a qualification in what I was good at.

WHAT TRAINING DID YOU UNDERGO AND WHERE? I received my trade certification in spray painting and panel beating at Westlake College, where I got my qualification.

DESCRIBE A TYPICAL DAY ON THE JOB Pushing production and keeping the clients happy. Some days are more stressful than others, but it’s what keeps me motivated.

WHAT DO YOU ENJOY MOST ABOUT YOUR WORK? My favorite part of this job is seeing the end results after a job is completed as well as knowing that the customer is satisfied and as happy as what I am.

WHAT DON’T YOU LIKE? The job can be very demanding, stressful and tiring.

WHAT HURDLES HAVE YOU HAD TO OVERCOME? I believe that what you put in is what you get out and one main hurdle I have had to overcome is getting the work we do up to standard.


WHAT ARE YOUR FUTURE GOALS? From here on forward I would like to create a bigger working environment, so that we will be able to employ more people as well as allow the business to grow even bigger. IS THERE A TYPE OF PERSONALITY BEST SUITED TO THIS WORK, OR CERTAIN TRAITS ONE SHOULD HAVE (OR NOT HAVE)? You have to have a love for cars and looking forward to an end result of the repair and restoration. Having customer etiquette is very important and also taking action, using your own initiative.

IN YOUR LINE OF WORK, IS EXPERIENCE AS IMPORTANT AS FORMAL TRAINING? Yes, definitely. Panel beating is a hands-on job, so practical training is crucial.

WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO SOMEONE STARTING OUT IN YOUR CAREER? Firstly, love what you do. Do not allow yourself to be in a position that you do not want to be in, especially if it’s not what you want. RUDI HESS SPRAY PAINTER & PANEL BEATER


Put in everything that you have to give. Nothing is easy; you need to make the most of it, so you can get the best out of it.

DESCRIBE YOUR JOB IN THREE WORDS Passionate, detailed and challenging.

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