4 minute read
Seamstress | Editor
WHY DID YOU CHOOSE TO BECOME A SEAMSTRESS? I enjoy textiles, working with different fabrics and putting things together. It’s just so satisfying and fulfilling.
WHAT TRAINING DID YOU UNDERGO, AND WHERE? I matriculated from high school in the DRC, and this was a subject that formed part of my studies. From there, I learnt through work experience.
DESCRIBE A TYPICAL DAY ON THE JOB A typical day at work involves setting up my working station, cutting, measuring, stitching, ironing and hooking curtains, blinds and cushions.
WHAT DO YOU ENJOY MOST ABOUT YOUR WORK? I really enjoy sitting at the machine and sewing – the adrenaline I get from working the machine is exciting!
WHAT DON’T YOU LIKE? Cutting, measuring and ironing are my least favourite parts of the job, because then I’m on my feet for long hours, which is exhausting for my feet and back. WHAT HURDLES HAVE YOU HAD TO OVERCOME? I’m still overcoming hurdles and that mostly has to do with my wages. Only a select few are willing to pay for quality, and also, racism is difficult to deal with.
WHAT’S BEEN THE HIGHLIGHT OF YOUR CAREER TO DATE? The highlight of my career has been sewing for huge organisations such as schools and restaurants.
WHAT ARE YOUR FUTURE GOALS? My future goal is to work for a company that pays me what I’m worth, so that I can lead a comfortable life with my kids. Hopefully I can one day start my own company.
IN YOUR LINE OF WORK, IS EXPERIENCE AS IMPORTANT AS FORMAL TRAINING? I believe training is way better! It’s a very hands-on job, so it’s

WHY DID YOU CHOOSE TO BE AN EDITOR? It came naturally. Since my teenage days I always wanted to know what was happening around me and read just about everything that came my way. I love words and that was obviously a major factor in my decision.
WHAT TRAINING DID YOU UNDERGO? I studied journalism with
the Writers Bureau College of Journalism, Manchester, United Kingdom.
IS THERE A TYPE OF PERSONALITY BEST SUITED TO THIS WORK OR TRAITS ONE SHOULD HAVE (OR NOT HAVE)? A passion for people and an unquenchable quest for knowledge are key traits for succeeding in this profession.
IN YOUR LINE OF WORK, IS EXPERIENCE AS IMPORTANT AS FORMAL TRAINING? In my view, experience sets one apart, it gives you the confidence to explore any subject under the sun. That’s why it’s very important for graduates to do a bit of writing on a freelance basis prior to seeking a full-time job. It’s a very competitive profession, as such editors usually prefer dealing with the tried and tested. So, get your byline out there for all to see. DESCRIBE A TYPICAL DAY IN THE LIFE OF WORKING AS AN EDITOR It’s frenetic. I check my diary first then edit freelance copy, read the business press, research ideas, then put pen to paper. And so it goes, every day...
WHAT DO YOU LIKE THE MOST ABOUT THE WORK THAT YOU DO? I like having the opportunity to interact with people from all walks of life and the constant flow of information that I have at my disposal. I also love the art of turning bare facts into a readable story. That is artistic! better to gain knowledge through watching others and doing it yourself, rather than learning from a textbook so you can produce a certificate that says you can sew.
IS THERE A TYPE OF PERSONALITY BEST SUITED TO THIS WORK? You have to have patience, attention to detail, and be organised. You have to be a very strong person; it’s not for the faint-hearted. There are lots of deadlines to meet and the analytical aspect of it can be very stressful.
WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO SOMEONE STARTING OUT IN YOUR CAREER? Provide quality work and stand up for what you believe is your worth.
DESCRIBE YOUR JOB IN THREE WORDS Exciting, competitive and (lots of hard) work.
WHAT DON’T YOU LIKE ABOUT YOUR JOB? The perennial deadlines.
WHAT HAS BEEN THE HIGHLIGHT OF YOUR CAREER AS AN EDITOR, SO FAR? The highlight would have to be editing Black Business Quarterly.
WHAT ARE YOUR GOALS FOR THE FUTURE? I would love to go into media ownership one day.
WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO SOMEONE STARTING OUT IN THE MEDIA INDUSTRY? The industry is not as glamorous as it is made out to be; it’s hard work as you need to be prepared to go the extra mile at all times.