4 minute read
Seamstress | Security Analyst
WHY DID YOU CHOOSE TO BECOME A SEAMSTRESS? I enjoy textiles, working with different fabrics and putting things together. It’s just so satisfying and fulfilling.
WHAT TRAINING DID YOU UNDERGO, AND WHERE? I matriculated from high school in the DRC, and this was a subject that formed part of my studies. From there, I learnt through work experience.
WHAT DO YOU ENJOY MOST ABOUT YOUR WORK? I really enjoy sitting at the machine and sewing – the adrenaline I get from working the machine is exciting!
WHAT DON’T YOU LIKE? Cutting, measuring and ironing are my least favourite parts of the job, because then I’m on my feet for long hours, which is exhausting for my feet and back.
the African continent. This includes providing bespoke analysis and forecasting on terrorism, government stability, crime and social unrest. WHAT HURDLES HAVE YOU HAD TO OVERCOME? I’m still overcoming hurdles and that mostly has to do with my wages. Only a select few are willing to pay for quality, and also, racism is difficult to deal with.
WHAT’S BEEN THE HIGHLIGHT OF YOUR CAREER TO DATE? The highlight of my career has been sewing for huge organisations such as schools and restaurants.
WHAT ARE YOUR FUTURE GOALS? My future goal is to work for a company that pays me what I’m worth, so that I can lead a comfortable life with my kids. Hopefully I can one day start my own company.
IN YOUR LINE OF WORK, IS EXPERIENCE AS IMPORTANT AS FORMAL TRAINING? I believe training is way better! It’s a very hands-on job, so it’s WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO SOMEONE STARTING OUT IN YOUR CAREER? Provide quality work and stand up for what you believe is your worth.
DESCRIBE YOUR JOB IN THREE WORDS Exciting, competitive and (lots of hard) work.

WHY THIS UNUSUAL CAREER? I have always had a keen interest in politics, conflict and terrorism, and the manner in which these phenomena shape both global and continental security.
DESCRIBE WHAT A SECURITY ANALYST DOES We provide a broad range of clients analysis on the various political and security risks that could pose a threat to their safety and/or interests across DESCRIBE A TYPICAL DAY ON THE JOB A typical day at work involves setting up my working station, cutting, measuring, stitching, ironing and hooking curtains, blinds and cushions.
degree of spontaneity. Given the amount of written and verbal communication the role entails, candidates should also be confident communicators.
WHAT TRAINING DID YOU DO? I completed a university degree in political studies, and further pursed an Honours degree in the same discipline. During my postgraduate studies, I was offered a position at a Danish-based political risk consultancy, which allowed me to use the skillset I acquired to earn a living. I have been trained in various internal and external research and analytical methodologies, including those used by security agencies such as the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and other related institutions.
WHAT SKILLS ARE REQUIRED? I believe this industry is tailor-made for individuals who excel at working under continuous pressure, who enjoy doing research and who are able to make decisions with a EXPERIENCE VS TRAINING? While experience is always important, the training regimen provided by many organisations in this industry is comprehensive and will definitely compensate for any lack of practical experience for candidates who apply themselves.
DESCRIBE A TYPICAL DAY AT WORK Monitoring of classified, declassifi ed and open source intelligence, which I then assess and present to clients in written briefs of varying length and depth; verbal assessments; compilation and coordination of contingency and evacuation plans, which are used by our clients in the event of a crisis that could impact their safety or business continuity. better to gain knowledge through watching others and doing it yourself, rather than learning from a textbook so you can produce a certificate that says you can sew.
IS THERE A TYPE OF PERSONALITY BEST SUITED TO THIS WORK? You have to have patience, attention to detail, and be organised. You have to be a very strong person; it’s not for the faint-hearted. There are lots of deadlines to meet and the analytical aspect of it can be very stressful.
WHAT DO YOU ENJOY MOST? I am constantly exposed to information, which provides me with a broad understanding of many issues that are topical.
AND LEAST? As our company operates on a 24/7 basis, 365 days per year, I am often required to work shifts that some people would perceive as unsociable.
YOUR CAREER HIGHLIGHT? My analysis of the security threats across the African continent has been published by various media publications and think tanks. I am also often requested to provide insight on topical issues for major news networks. I was recently commissioned to author my first book.
ADVICE FOR NEWCOMERS? Tenacity, attention to detail and self-assuredness are crucial. Be respectful, tolerant and appreciative of people who are different to you.