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WHY DID YOU CHOOSE TO BECOME A BARBER? I chose this career because it is my passion – I love making people look and feel great. I also love travelling, and I can do this job anywhere around the world.
IF YOU HAVE A MORE UNUSUAL CAREER, PLEASE EXPLAIN WHAT IT IS THAT YOU DO I do full male grooming. I cut, style, hot towel shave, shave, wax and massage men’s facial and head hair.
WHAT TRAINING DID YOU UNDERGO, AND WHERE? I studied and trained in Morocco at the Institute Parisien. I am fully trained in all aspects of barbering. meeting new people every day. I am from Morocco, so my English is not too good, but I practice with my clients every day and am improving quickly.
DESCRIBE A TYPICAL DAY ON THE JOB I get to work at 8:30am. I count the float for the day, make sure there is enough change in the till, check all my equipment, sanitise all equipment and work stations. Then I get myself ready for the clients, who start coming in at about 9:00am. I do cuts, faders, shave beards and hair, hot towel, facial massages and so on. I make sure to do my very best on each and every client, so they leave the salon happy and confident to conquer the day. The shop closes at 6pm. I do the cash up, making sure the money balances, then I make sure the salon is safe and locked up before I head home.
WHAT DO YOU ENJOY MOST ABOUT YOUR WORK? I am a people person; I love WHAT DON’T YOU LIKE ABOUT BEING A BARBER? I don’t like it when my clients are not happy with the end results of my work. One of the reasons I chose this field is because I love making people look and feel their best.
WHAT HURDLES HAVE YOU HAD TO OVERCOME? The biggest hurdle for me has been the cultural differences. I have had to adapt to South African culture. But after being here for three years, I now feel settled in.
WHAT’S BEEN THE HIGHLIGHT OF YOUR CAREER TO DATE? The highlight of my career has been the travelling. I have worked in Morocco, Dubai and now South Africa. My ultimate dream destination is Miami, Florida, in the US.
WHAT ARE YOUR FUTURE GOALS? My future goal is to open my very own barbershop in Miami.
IN YOUR LINE OF WORK, IS EXPERIENCE AS IMPORTANT AS FORMAL TRAINING? Yes, experience is just as important as formal training. In fact, some people only learn on the job, without any formal training.
IS THERE A TYPE OF PERSONALITY BEST SUITED? For this type of work, you need to be a people person. You also need to be dedicated and patient. Barbering is a job where you are constantly learning, so you need to love learning new things every day.