Post Matric - Western Cape 2021

Page 14

HOW TO SLAY IN 2022 – YOUR WAY From getting used to hybrid learning to having our parents become our teachers (!) this has been no ordinary Matric year. And the path you take next year will almost certainly have to include some out-of-the-box thinking. Start here…


fter getting through Grade 11 in 2020 (read: the year the world fell apart) largely unscathed and then completing Grade 12 amidst second and third waves of the Covid-19 pandemic, you’d think people would lay off the “So, what are you doing next year, after Matric?” inquisition. But alas, it’s a rite of passage to be pestered by wellmeaning, and in some cases just nosey, friends and family. Also, the reality is that no matter how hard life gets, it still goes on, and we still have to figure out how to make the most of it. So… let’s tackle the most obvious choice first: tertiary education. While there are other options besides studying further, many matriculants would like the opportunity to gain a formal tertiary qualification. Whether you’re afforded this opportunity as a result of bursaries, loans or generous relatives, making the right choice for YOU when it comes to what to study is crucial. Jobs within the industry you wish to enter may require either a certificate, diploma or bachelor’s degree, with the latter two options typically allowing for a greater range of jobs. It’s best to check job listings in the industry where your interests lie to see what types of qualifications are usually required. Remember, your subject choices determine which faculties and courses you could apply for, but your Matric pass is a result of your final marks and is your ticket into the tertiary world. It’s super important to put a concerted effort into your academics in order to give yourself as many tertiary options as possible after matriculating. Matriculating with a certificate pass allows you to apply for certificate courses at either TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) colleges or private colleges. Should you matriculate with a diploma pass, you’ll be able to apply for both certificate and diploma courses at TVET colleges, private colleges, universities of technology and even some academic universities. With a bachelor’s degree pass, you’re able to apply for any type of tertiary qualification, specifically a bachelor’s degree at an academic university or university of technology.

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