UK & IRELAND EDITION PHILIPPINES ISSUE 5 F R E E C O P Y ONLY TRUE LOCAL COVER to COVER FROM The Filipino Community Newspaper YE S NEWSMAGAZINE UK & IRELAND EDITION DECEMBER 2018 ...and she reaches the World from her kitchen in NOTTINGHAM! KA BAYA N! CHRIST M A S 10 Tips to Guarantee You Give the Perfect Christmas Gift Dealing with Homesickness during the Holidays 6 Ways the British have a 'Hygge' Christmas M ERRY
2 Decem ber
In this issue, we look back at our uniquely Pinoy traditions Not worldwide traditions, like Santa Claus, reindeers and having mulled wine in the cold We look at Filipino traditions including Simbang Gabi, Noche Buena and our culture like starting the holidays as early as September
IT'S t hat t im e of t he year again w hen all you w ant t o hear is Jose Mari Chan?s Christ m as album This m ont h?s issue w ill be all about Christ m as, m ore specifically celebrat ing Christ m as t he Filipino w ay
For Filipinos, Christmas is something we all look forward to, and it is something that brings us joy and love It is the celebration of Jesus Christ, and the sacrifices done for us But for us Pinoys, it?s more than just that It?s about the traditions, the culture we do every single December, and it?s about the people we want to surround ourselves with
In this issue, we look back at our uniquely Pinoy traditions Not worldwide traditions, like Santa Claus, reindeers and having mulled wine in the cold We look at Filipino traditions including Simbang Gabi, Noche Buena and our culture like starting the holidays as early as September
While for some of us here in the UK, Christmas can be very different or lonely, and often times, we might feel a little homesick
For those who still don? t know what to get their loved ones, we?ve got tips for Christmas shopping and gift giving
We hope this issue will help you make the most of your Christmas, not only for the tips we?ve written about, but also through the stories shared within
Maria Mari Murga, is a Filipino-Spanish artist who?s love for our culture inspired her exhibit ?Liwanag?, which included paintings of Filipinos that were exhibited in the Philippine Embassy last October
You can also read the about the wish of a Pinay teenager from Inopacan, Leyte - Chynon Jade Montilla Yamson - whose only wish this Christmas is to be able to speak to her long-lost mother Mary Ann, who's left the Philippines in October 2009 for the UK and hasn't been seen by her family since for almost a decade She is making an appeal to anyone for help in contacting her mother
These are all stories of Filipinos, our culture, and most importantly our love for one another, which is all what the holidays is about One thing Filipinos also love to do this time of year is to give back to the less fortunate, especially those back home, and our families who are still there It?s in our nature to want to be with our family and the people that we love during this time of year
It?s also important to look back at this past year, what you have done, what you have achieved and be thankful And look forward to the new year and to new beginnings, and think about your goals and what you want for the year
From Yes Philippines, we hope you all have a lovely Christmas! Maligayang Pasko!
We write our own editorial content/materials and not just reprint them from websites and Philippine publications.
We are a true Community Newspaper as we feature the people, stories, events and activities of Filipinos living in the UK & Republic of Ireland on our paper from cover to cover.
We have a more extensive distribution covering the UK & Ireland.
Decem ber 2018 4 This Edition is distributed all over theUnited Kingdom (England, Wales,Scotland & Northern Ireland)& Republicof Ireland Publisher MARY SOL PIMENTEL Managing Edit or SARAH MAE LARAGAN Edit orial Assist ant MARIA ISABELLE ARCE Feat ures Edit or NICOLE WEBER Art Direct or JOHN KNUCKLES Writ ers/ Cont ribut ors TEP MAYO KACEY COLEEN LIM VANDA MARIE BRADY TRIXIE BAUTISTA CHRISTA BORJA MIZPAH LEE RAYMUND RODRIGUEZ PEPS VILLANUEVA Advert ising KARLA DUCAY Circulat ion FERNAN DOMINGO BIEN EVANGELISTA BELINDA WOOD
Let t er From The Publisher
10 Timeless PINOY Christmas Traditions
Ever y n ati on acr oss the gl obe has som ethi n g speci al to offer w hen w e speak of tr adi ti on , especi al l y dur i n g the hol i day season In the Phi l i ppi n es, Pi n oys k eep ol d tr adi ti on s al i ve because they val ue str on g fam i l i al bon ds These tr adi ti on s n ever fai l to i gn i te n ostal gi a i n ever y Fi l i pi n o's hear t.
HOW Christmas started in the Philippines is still a mystery It is even rumoured that the holiday wasintroduced by an Italian priest,Father Odoric M attiussi,who allegedly beat the Spaniards two centuries before they colonized the Philippines and introduced Catholicism Regardlessof its origin,Filipinos love Christmas and continue their traditions wherever they are in the world
Here are 10 timeless Pinoy Christmas traditions:
However,it is nothing but a common scene in the Philippines The season kicks off on the first of
Filipinoshave been putting up the Belen to pay homage to the birth of Jesus Christ Since most Filipinosare devoted Catholics,the Belen can be found almost everywhere in the nation during this season
3 Par ol
The parol is the Philippines'take on Christmas lanterns The star-shaped ornament exemplifies a
1 Ear l y Chr i stm as
Celebrating the Christmas season asearly as September might be bizarre for other nationalities
September As soon asthe "ber"months start, Christmasdecorations are put up and jolly Christmassongs are played
2 Bel en
The Yuletide season in the Philippines is embodied by a lot of symbols One of the most traditional and standard representations of Christmas in the Philippines is the Belen The Belen is a tableau or model that represents the nativity scene of Jesus Christ Thislong-standing tradition is owed to Italian Catholic friar St Francisof Assisi,who created the first crèche or manger scene in 1223 Thereafter,the whole world picked up crèche ? making,and ever since the Spanish colonial period,
rich history of what the Filipinoswent through during the Spanish colonization era In fact,the word parol itself comes from the Spanish word farol Parolssignal the start of Christmas season and are hung as early as September It also symbolizes the hope and faith Filipinos have to help them get through dark times
Decem ber 2018 6 8
CC Im age court esy of Mar on Paul Baylado on Flickr
7 ISSUE 6 Legal Advice! FREE Com e t o our free legal advice sessions at our Earls Court office every Tuesday from 5:00 pm Just book an appoint m ent .
4 Si m ban g Gabi
Filipinos'strong sense of Christianity is the reason why Simbang Gabi is a huge part of a Pinoy Christmas Over 86%of the Filipino population isRoman Catholic,more than 6% are devotees of other Christian congregations,and the remaining percentage is split by Islams, Buddhists,and others
The large population of Christiansin the Philippines make the nation one of the only two predominantly Christian nationsin Asia ?the other being East Timor Simbang Gabi was introduced by the Spaniards It was to allow farmersto hear mass and pray before going out to work in the fields The time-honoured Simbang Gabi masses are held daily from December 16th to 24th The services start as early as three in the morning
5 Post Si m ban g Gabi Sn ack s
6 Car ol l i n g
Once the Simbang Gabi servicesstart, the carolling commences Carolling is usually done by the children in barangays or neighbourhoods
Children form small groups and hop from one house to another The carollers don't only sing songs,they accompany it with the sounds from handmade instruments All of the instruments are improvised and made out of recycled materials Instruments such as drums and
back to the 16th century During that time,Filipino churchgoerswere mandated by Spanish friars to fast until Christmas morning Since the Filipinos were hungry after the midnight Christmas mass,they made up the midnight feast The native Filipinos'humour and wit is exemplified in this tradition because they managed to come up with a conventional way of beating their hunger while still conforming to the mandate of the Spanish priests Their logic while conjuring up the tradition
tambourines are made from empty biscuit tins and flattened bottle caps that are held together by a piece of wire Carolling is a significant part of every Filipino kid'schildhood because aside from getting to spread cheer from songs they also get coins from house owners
7 M on i to- M on i ta
Battling somnolence upon attending the nine-day Simbang Gabi service may seem quite challenging Others might deem this service ridiculousbecause of sacrificing a good night'srest However,completing the service just shows the devotion and resilience of Pinoys Aside from strengthening the hope of having petitions and wishes to be granted after finishing the service,another one of the perksof attending Simbang Gabi is the food that is sold outside the church These hot snacks are to warm up the handsand fill the stomachs of the churchgoers Delicious Filipino delicaciessuch as puto bumbong,bibingka,roasted kastanyas or chestnuts,and tsokolate are served hot at small stalls that are set up near the churches
Christmas time in the Philippines would not be
was that it is acceptable to eat at midnight because any second after midnight is technically considered a part of the next day's morning
9 Agi n al do
Aginaldo is a Christmas gift that is usually given in the form of money This representsthe generosity of Filipinos Christmas time is when ninongsor godfathers and ninangs or godmothers give out peso bills in colourful envelopesto their godchildren Aguinaldos are also given at work as Christmas bonuses
complete without
the "M onito- M onita"
This is a Filipino version of what other races would recognise as "Secret Santa" Thistradition showsthe thoughtfulness and creativity of Pinoys It is usually done during Christmas parties by all ages However, some exchanges start several weeks before the main Christmasparty and gifts are given every day or every week A creative twist to the Filipino version of Secret Santa is that there are different categories of gifts for each day or each week The gifts from M onitos and M onitas don't have to be expensive Giving little presents that show gratitude and care are the objectives of the tradition
8 Noche Buen a
Noche Buena is a traditional Christmas Eve feast done after attending the last Simbang Gabi service on December 24th The origin of this tradition roots
10 Pr ol on ged Chr i stm as Christmas decorations and songsin January is not an unusual sight for Filipinos Christmas season in the Philippines endson January 6th,which is the Three King's Day The prolonged Yuletide season in the Philippines is unique because this is the time when Filipinos who were not able to spend Christmas with their immediate family,relatives, and friendsextend their celebration
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CC Im age court esy of Marco Verch on Fl ckr
10 Tips To Guarantee That You Give The Perfect Christmas Gift
iT'Sthat time of the year when gift-giving is mandatory to those who celebrate Christmas
Shopping for holiday presentsis exciting? but it can also be very stressful Shopping centres are usually crowded,long lines in cashiers,and then,of course,your budget
But you don? t want your gift-giving to be perfunctory You want the receiver of your gift to be happy and thankful? and,most of all,to feel special You want the people on your list to know that you care,that they are important to you,and that you?ve put a lot of thought in your present
So if you?re short on ideas,confused, and need a rescuing in this hectic job of picking out gifts that will guarantee to delight the receiver,we?re here to help Because,really,it?s only a few more days before Christmasand you haven? t started shopping! Breathe in, relax,and read the following tipsfor a joyful,hassle-free holiday gift-giving!
1 M ak e a l i st of thei r i n ter ests You want the
person to feel like you know him/her M ake a list of people you?re giving gifts to,and take note of their passion and interests This will make it easier for you to come up with a gift Is your friend a book lover?Give her a gift certificate for abookstore Is your brother a fan of Star W ars?Get him a collectible item that he still doesn? t have Don? t just give random gifts? make sure that what you?re giving reflects the personality of that person Because sometimes,if you give your friend a gift that is totally not them,it can actually offend or hurt their feelings
2 Necessi ty gi ft People would be grateful for gifts that are extremely useful to them Don? t pressure yourself into giving extravagant gifts Instead,choose gifts that can actually make the person incredibly relieved for having received something that they really need Giftsthat are considered necessities would make their lives more efficient If your sister, for example,keeps borrowing your power bank,then why not buy one for her?Does your officemate keep losing his pens?Then buy him a bunch of pens to last him a year Instead of impressing them with your taste in gifts,try to be more compassionate and think of their needs
An organiser,a can opener,mobile phone
chargers,a corkboard,a key holder? take note of what they need Sometimes they can afford to buy these items for themselves,but are too busy to do so And here you are to save them They?ll love you for it
3 Avoi d cl othi n g or jew el r y M aybe you pride yourself for having great taste in fashion,but picking out clothes or jewelry for someone can be awfully tricky M ore often than not, you will fail Fashion and style preference is very personal It may end up ill-fitting for them,the color or cut might not exactly be what they would buy for themselves Avoid clothes or jewelry,because the receivers would feel pressured to wear them just for the sake of appearing grateful to you Just don? t
4 Li m i t your spen di n g People tend to shell out more money than they?re planning to during the holidays Don? t go to the shopping centre and target the most expensive items You will end up overspending M ake a budget list in advance? list down how much you want to spend for your friend, neighbour,niece,mom,boyfriend, colleague,and more Budgeting your money for presents in advance can help prevent you from ending up broke
5 Gi ve cash to n i eces an d n ephew s To save time searching for items,just give money to the little ones They will appreciate it and have agrand time shopping for what they want It wouldn? t hurt if you also give cash to M um and Dad,especially if they?re the practical kind You can never go wrong with cash
6 In tr oduce som ethi n g n ew Give something that will open up a new world for that person Gift them with a short
course,session,or membership to something that is new to them It must be something they?d be interested in, but would not normally spend on them Perhapsa three-day yoga session for someone who has never tried it?Tickets to the opera or the ballet to someone has never experienced it but have an interest in arts or culture?Guitar lessons,piano lessons,a ticket to an adventure Provide something new and give the person a chance to explore W ho knows?If they end up loving it,they will thank you for introducing it to them
7 Get cr eati ve Ditch the regular gift wrapper and go for custom-made, especially if you are the artsy type A DIY gift wrapper is not only impressive and unique,but will make the person feel extra special for the effort Buy arts and crafts materials,make your own design and prints,and get artistic In fact,make the gift-opening an event for the person,and he surely will never forget you
8 M ak e the gi ft? use your tal en t If you know how to cook,whip them their favorite dish,or bake them some goodies If you?re a potter,mold them a vase If you?re an artist,give a painting or a portrait If you?re a photographer, offer to give them afree photo-shoot If you?re a poet,write them a poem on pretty paper This will greatly help if you?re on a tight budget and if you want your gift to also represent you 9 Al w ays w r i te a thoughtful n ote Don? t just scrawl their name on the card that comes with your presents Just a sloppy ?M erry Christmas!?is also not a thoughtful note W rite a personal note and make that person feel special Tell them your wishes for them,your gratitude to their friendship,compliment them,write a funny joke that the person will get? a personal note makes your gift extra special M ake the person feel that you care
10 Ask Ask what they want It is as simple as that If you just don? t want to think,just ask them what they want They?ll be grateful,too
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6 Ways The British Have A ?Hygge?Christmas
YGGE, pr on oun ced as [hoo-gah] or [hue-guh], i s a Dan i sh w or d for cosi n ess It i s al so a type of l i festyl e that en com passes a m i x of happi n ess an d w ar m th that gr eatl y affects on e?s w el l bei n g
It is a term used to acknowledge a special feeling or moment that is experienced alone or with other people Localsof Denmark strongly believe that hygge is one of the main reasons why their nation is one of the happiest in the entire world Although the term wascoined by the Danish, hygge is experienced by everyone around the globe
Hygge can be observed anytime of the year However,Christmasseason is when hygge kicks in full gear The main reason why the Danish concept of cosiness isoften affiliated with Christmas isbecause of its impression of ?home?Christmasgives an essence of home which branches out to family, tradition,and friends that all link to feelings of warmth and happiness In the UK,localshave their own way of integrating it into their lives
Here are the top 6 ways the British have a ?Hygge?Christmas:
1 W assai l i n g
W assailing is a British Christmastide drinking custom that datesback to the
friends and family The drinking ritual is also done to ensure a good harvest of cider apples for the following year The drink varies depending on the part different bounds of Britain However,it was likely composed of heated up wine or cider mixed with different spices and fruits Going door to door giving good wishes and ahot drink of wassail is done to receive good luck for the coming year At present,this tradition still lives Some celebrate it with other people during wassailing festivities while others prefer carrying on the tradition inside their homes with family and friends by sharing a cup or bowl of wassail around the room
2 Chr i stm as Cr ack er s
hygge,the goal of the decorations is to give an impression of a ?feel at home? vibe From hanging mistletoes to putting up Christmas trees,the British have very interesting origins of their Christmasdecors The iconic mistletoe originated in England In fact,?mistletoe?itself is an Anglo-Saxon word Christmas trees are also a staple in householdsaround the world These are one of the main symbolsof Christmasand have been around for ten centuriesin northern Europe The first ever Christmas tree in the UK is dated back in the 1830s The ?Evergreen trend?started in 1841 when Prince Albert placed aChristmas tree at the W indsor Castle
4 M i n ce Pi es
Christmas crackers have been spreading cheer in British homessince the 1840s The cracker founder,Tom Smith,was a sweet-maker based in London He found hisinspiration from traditionally wrapped French bonbons A Christmas cracker consists of three cardboard tubes wrapped together by coloured foil or paper which are twisted at both ends These fun crackers have ?bangers?placed inside ? which are two stripsof chemically infused paper that causes a bang after the chemicals react with friction from pulling The concept of the cracker is for two people to each grab an end and pull The winner is the person who gets the bigger portion of the cardboard tubes and claimsthe prizesthat are inside of the middle tube
3 Chr i stm as Decor ati on (M i stl etoe, Chr i stm as tr ee, stock i n gs)
Anglo-Saxon period in the 1400s The term ?waes hael?means ?be well?and was used to pass on good wishes to
Aesthetic enhancesthe feel of hygge and Christmas The way furniture and decors are placed can separate a house from ahome W ith Christmas and
Homemade mince pies have been a part of traditional British cuisine since the Stuart period and Georgian era M ince pies only used to symbolise the statusof the rich during Christmas back then It then became a tradition for all walks of life in Britain to eat mince pies from Christmas to the Twelfth Night,because it is believed to give good fortune for the coming 12 months It is also a tradition for children to leave out mince pies for Father Christmas for when he visits their homesand give presents
5 Chr i stm as Str ol l Hygge can also be enjoyed outdoors during Christmasstrolls or winter
walks These walkscan be done anywhere Nature and fresh air in the countryside helps keep a calm mind Christmas strolls are also done when Boxing Day is approaching or when the day itself arrives The ambiance of beautiful Christmaslights and friendly people walking by help create a feeling of pleasantness
6 Boxi n g Day
Boxing Day is celebrated on the 26th of December It is a popular holiday in the UK and Commonwealth countriesfor visiting friends,shopping,and watching sportssuch cricket and soccer This day started 800 years ago when alms or collection boxes in churches were given to the less fortunate Additionally,it started
during the 1660s when servants who were required to work for the lords and aristocratson December 25 were given boxes filled with bonuses, leftover food,and small gifts The generosity,joy,and kindness that this holiday brings is definitely why it is celebrated by many locals each year
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CC Im age court esy of Liz Jones on F ckr
CC Im age court esy of Ne l Cum m ings on Flickr
CC Im age court esy of Henry Burrow s on F ickr
CC Im age court esy of Marco Verch on Flickr
CC Im age court esy of Krist offer Tro e on F ckr
HEholiday season is when families get together,bonding and cherishing their togetherness
tPerhapsyour family is in the Philippines? be it your parents,or kids,and close relatives And when the holiday season comes around, you can? t help feeling a pang of longing? yearning to spend your Christmas with your loved ones in the country that you call home,the Philippines
Homesicknessis a common occurrence especially during thistime Homesickness means difficulty adjusting to your new home environment,feeling displaced,feeling alienated by language and culture, and feeling cut off from your main support system, which is your family back home
The holidaysmaybe pretty and enchanting here in the UK,but it can never beat the festivities and the atmosphere of spending your Christmasand New Year celebrations in the Philippines So,naturally, you feel lonely,or possibly even depressed Do not fret,because you can very well beat homesickness with the tipsbelow:
1 Tr an sfor m your house i n to a hom e Try and change your home into comfortably Pinoy I?m not talking about making major renovations and replicate your home in the Philippines But decorating your home abroad the same way your family decoratesyour home in the Philippines can definitely lift your mood and give your house your personal Pinoy touch
2 Im m er se your sel f i n the Pi n oy cul tur e You should never feel pressured to fully embrace the UK culture just because you?re living here Treat yourself to Pinoy dishes,go to Pinoy restaurants, play OPM music,watch TFC,log in on Facebook and virtually socialize with friends and family back home
3 K eep con stan t com m un i cati on back hom e In the advent of social media and modern technology, it?s now super easy to keep in touch with loved ones abroad Constantly share photos with loved ones on Facebook or Instagram,call them over Skype or Viber,or Facebook messenger,which offer free video calls Knowing that your loved ones are just a tap away on your smartphone will ease your pain and loneliness Try not to feel guilt if you aren? t able to talk to them and see their face on video every day Every day will turn to every week,and every week will turn to every month,and you will realize that you can actually survive without desperately keeping in touch with them every single minute
4 K eep your hobbi es Living abroad doesn? t mean you have to change yourself Keep your passion and hobbies alive If you enjoy cooking,painting,reading a book,or doing photography,immerse yourself in them Setting time and schedules to do the things you love will keep those blues away
5 W al k or jog r egul ar l y Studies prove that regular exercise can help ease sadness and anxiety Instead
of exercising at home,or hitting the gym,go run around your neighborhood and orient yourself in your new environment Your daily runswill allow you to breathe in fresh air and help spike up your endorphins
6 Don? t keep all your homesickness suppressed Pour out all your feelings in a journal or adiary Do not be embarrassed about it W riting down all your thoughts and feelings on paper (or,if you want,on a laptop),can significantly reduce toxic emotions Getting the pain and loneliness off your chest and into paper can even help put things in perspective If you review your diary entry,you will realize that? you?ve got to admit? sometimes you?re just overreacting and overdramatizing things and that you?re actually doing okay!
7 M ak e a tr avel bl og Document your stay abroad? and enjoy yourself while doing it Snap photos,write about your experiencesin the UK,in your city, community,or neighborhood then share it to the world online By documenting your experiences,not only will you grow to love your new environment,but you can also contribute to travelers who search the Internet for tips and advice when planning to visit your town or city
8 Rel ax an d be pati en t You are not alone M illions are residing or working in a place far away from home
Acknowledge your homesickness and your feelings of sadness,but never believe that you will be stuck with the same emotions forever Relax,be patient,and expect that these feelings are temporary,and soon you will be able to love your new home and adjust to the idea of spending the holiday seasons away from people who are important to you
It?s the ti m e of the year w hen w e Pi n oys exper i en ce hom esi ck n ess Thi s hol i day season m ay tr i gger chi l dhood Chr i stm as festi vi ti es i n your hom etow n i n the Phi l i ppi n es: your fam i l y atten di n g the si m ban g gabi , the bi bi n gk a an d puto-bum bon g, an d the k i ds si n gi n g Chr i stm as car ol s i n your n ei ghbor hood An d m ost of al l , you m i ss your l oved on es back hom e i n the Phi l i ppi n es
9 Vol un teer During the holiday season,find homelessshelters,food banks,church feeding programs,or soup kitchensthat you can volunteer in Spending the holidays by helping other people will boost your energy and holiday spirit
10 Bui l d a n ew fam i l y Let?s say you are single and staying abroad W hy not build a new family?Take the initiative in inviting co-workers,neighbors,or church mates to bond? or even spend the holidays together Don? t sulk and wait for an invite and feel bad if you don? t get any Go out there,make friends, and build a new family in your new home Thiswill definitely cure your loneliness
11 Em br ace the n ew cul tur e Instead of resisting the culture of your new home, embrace it Learn to love it Educate yourself by researching about the country?s culture,or by talking to locals,and exposing yourself to their traditions Find out the holiday traditions in your city or community,and immerse yourself in them Doing something new is thrilling Experiencing a different kind of holiday tradition is exciting Do not deprive yourself of the joys of new dishes,new songs,new friends,and new sights and sounds
12 Eat r i ght, stay heal thy
Sometimes when we?re lonely and depressed,we tend to neglect ourselves Fight the urge to stay in bed and wallow in your tears,or compensate your negative emotions by gorging on junk food Always remember to maintain self-care Aside from exercising regularly,eat right Eat healthy You don? t need to eliminate sweets and go on a rigidly strict diet,but significantly increase your intake of healthy foods,because eating healthy will make you feel amazing? more energy,more happiness,and,asa bonus,you?ll lose weight and feel great about your body
Homesickness will not last forever Ride with the pain and loneliness,but never allow these negative feelings to eat you up Fight it Remember,you are simply in a different country? you are not in a war zone,you?re generally healthy,and your family,no matter how far away they are, will always be there for you Embrace your new life abroad and enjoy what your new country can offer you
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15 Decem ber 2018
Q & A
W hat i s i t l i k e to l i ve i n a househol d w i th a Span i sh Dad an d Fi l i pi n o M um ?
It is a great privilege to have two culturesfrom opposite hemispheres M y mum Carmen M urgahails from Zamboanga City while my dad Antonio is from Alicante H as the Fi l i pi n o cul tur e an d tr adi ti on been en gr aved i n your l i fe si n ce you w er e a k i d?
I grew up surrounded by Yakan clothes,sea shells,M aranao sculptures and Filipino food in our home In parallel,I received a European education
W hen w as the fi r st ti m e you vi si ted the Phi l i ppi n es an d w hat w as your fi r st i m pr essi on ?
The first time I visited the Philippines,I was9 months old I went back several times with my family In my last trip,I fell in love with the country and what started as a3-week business trip became a one-year travel backpacking around the archipelago
Can you tel l us how does the day star t an d en d for M ar i a M ar i M ur ga?
M y day startsas any young mother After family duties,I get in front of my easel and enter my own artistic world,feeling free and liberated I can work long hours concentrated until late at night
H ow w oul d you descr i be your styl e as an ar ti st?
As an artist,I wastrained in Florence (Italy) where I specialised in Renaissance painting techniques M y Filipino heritage from Zamboanga added vibrancy and multi-culturalism to my artwork
Back w hen you w er e sti l l tr ai n i n g i n Ital y,di d your w or k al r eady r efl ect Fi l i pi n o cul tur e?
Unconsciously,yes In my early years asan artist,I had a tendency to add vibrancy and high saturation levelsto colours,such as the colours found in Filipino indigenouscrafts I also developed an uninhibited natural taste for the human figure and nudity,which wasalso common among Filipino pre-colonial indigenouscultures,where females would openly speak about their own sexual tastes without social prejudices
W ho ar e your i n fl uen ces? Ar e ther e an y other ar ti sts i n your fam i l y?
From my Spanish side,we have quite a few architects in the family From my Filipino side,my mum and lola are incredibly creative women
W her e do you go or w hat do you do to get i n spi r ed?
Like Picasso,I believe inspiration comes while you are at work
W hat w as the i dea behi n d Li w an ag, your r ecen t exhi bi t at Phi l i ppi n e Em bassy?
The idea of Liwanag is to illuminate the powerful authenticity of Filipino provincial life from the shadows of the unknown Portraitsof fishermen,farmers and indigenous people reveal the essence of the Philippines:a multicultural and plurinational archipelago united in a visual poem of beauty,endurance,and human dignity
W hat w as your m i ssi on i n hol di n g the exhi bi ti on ?
After my year travelling around the Philippines,I created an artistic project aiming to give back to the Filipino people M otherhood made my endeavour quite challenging,but I just couldn? t forget the Filipinosand Filipinas I met during my year living in the country I felt I owed them this exhibition
It is said that you have worked with skilled woodcarvers in Zamboanga for this project Please tell us about the collaboration W here did the idea come from?
The idea of collaborating with Filipino woodcarverscame while travelling in Zamboanga I heard about master carpenter Rene and his team of craft makers in Zamboanga City W hen I visited their workshop,I wasamazed by their work Their creations are featured in M uslim M indanao areas,exalting a sophisticated elegance and fine craftsmanship characteristic of Islamic culture It has been an absolute pleasure to collaborate with them for this exhibition
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London-based Filipino Spanish art ist Maria Mari Murga t alks t o Yes Philippines about her love of her Filipino root s and how it has influenced her w orks.
Filipino men are truly charming
H ow di d you pr epar e for thi s pr oject?
During my travels around the country,I would always carry sketching materials and my camera with me I remember the names of most of the people featured in my artworks because I met them and their families and joined their daily lives I developed sketches on the spot,eventually ending the final artwork in my London studio
Pl ease tel l us about your fi r st exhi bi ti on at the Phi l i ppi n e Em bassy?
M y artwork had been awarded by the Royal Society of British Artists and The De Laszlo Foundation Subsequently,HEAmbassador Enrique M analo invited me to share my paintingsthrough an Exhibition at the Philippine Embassy
Apar t fr om the Fi l i pi n o cul tur e, fem al e for m s ar e al so r epr esen ted i n your w or k W hat i s i t about fem i n i n e featur es an d w om an hood i n gen er al that i n ter est you?
As a woman,I naturally feel more attracted towards the male figure and its powerful drama However,if I am representing the beauty of the female figure,I would rather feature awoman within a context where she is not allowed to show her body I like to represent female nude as a sign of rebellion
Do you have an y favour i te am on g the por tr ai ts of w om en i n your l ast exhi bi t? Can you tel l us m or e about the pi ece?
I would like to highlight the charcoal portrait of a young T?boli girl standing through a nipa hut window It is the portrait of Luvluv,a teenage T?boli girl who lives in a village in the mountains by Lake Sebu in South Cotabato She is wearing a T?nalak cloth weaved by the people of her tribe Her long shiny hair, dark skin,and typical native wide nose make her a unique natural beauty out of stereotypes
Tel l us about your phi l an thr opy w or k s
It is typically Filipino to give back In Zamboanga,I visited the Holy Rosary Family Centre and felt touched by their human work W e also provided sanitary provisions to the Tanglaw Buhay Centre,which physically and psychologically treats girl victims of human trafficking
Helping educate indigent children and treat people stricken with leprosy are two noble causes
W hy ar e these i m por tan t for you?
Because I believe the role of Art is to shape a better,more human society
Fol l ow M ar i a on : mar iamar imur ga@gmail com www mar iamar imur ga com
For an y quer i es on her ar tw or k s
17 Decem ber 2018
Maria w it h one of her w orks called "Zam boanguena w it h Spanish Mant illa"
One of her favourit es am ongst her w orks
The Charcoal port rait of a young I'boli girl st anding t hrough a nipa hut w indow
21years old
Law student
(University of Westminster)
Miss Philippines Air in Miss Philippines Earth 2016
Miss World Philippines finalist
Part-time host on The Filipino Channel's K World
18 ISSUE 6
Giel Hamlig Gregorio
Mother - Evangeline Gregorio from Cabanatuan City Father - Rael Gregorio from Cabanatuan City
19 ISSUE 6
Decem ber 2018 20 PUBLIC SERVICE A c hr ist m as Wish f r om a 16 - year ol d Teenager f r om Leyt e in t he p hil ip p ines CHYNON JADE MONTILLA YAMSON from Inopacan, Leyt e w ant s t o speak t o her long-lost m ot her MARY ANN w ho left for t he UK in Oct ober 2009 and never ret urned since. She is now a Grade 10 st udent at Tinago Nat ional High School. Chynon Jade is appealing for help in finding her m um Mary Ann. If you have any inform at ion on her w hereabout s, please cont act Pinoy Radio UK on pinoyradiouk@gm ail com or Yes Philippines at yesphilnew sm ag@gm ail com Chynon contacted Pinoy Radio UK (PRUK) first in September 2018 to ask for help in locating her mum She said that up to this time she hasn't still heard from her mum yet. She said she really misses her so much Chynon Jade furnished Pinoy Radio UK w it h t his last phot o of Mary Ann Mont illa Yam son t aken in 2008 Below phot o: Chynon's m um w it h dad Noel
21 Decem ber 2018 COMMUNITY NEWS
Romulo Café London makes it to the Favourite Tables 2018 Top 10 List of most popular restaurants in the UK
ROM ULO Café Lon don ,the Kensington-based Filipino restaurant,is ending 2018 on a high note,having been named the third most popular restaurant in the UK,as compiled by Favourite Tables,the UK-based social marketplace for restaurants, bistros and cafes The list reflects the locations most popular with dinersusing Favourite Tableswhen searching for a place to eat
The Favourite TablesTop Ten Restaurants cover the 12-month period to October 2018 Romulo Cafe is a new entry at number 3,sharing the list with Adams Restaurant (Birmingham),Ynshir (North W ales),The Dining Room at Chewton Glen (Hampshire),64 Degrees (Brighton),Lympstone M anor (Devon),The Old Downton Lodge (Ludlow),The Coal Shed (London),Pale Hall (North W ales) and Prevost (Peterborough)
Romulo Café ?s entry to the list is based on the number of visits to the restaurant?s page on the Favourite Tableswebsite,weighed against the Kensington-based Filipino restaurant?s level of social media engagement
Rowena Romulo,who founded Romulo Café London in 2016 asa tribute to her grandfather, General Carlos PRomulo,commented,?I?m really happy that we?ve made the Favourite Tables Top 10 list,because apart from proof of our growing popularity asa restaurant,it also acknowledgeshow important our customers and supporters on social media have been to our success M y partners,Head Chef Jeremy Villanueva,and I as well asall our staff are very grateful for this And we value our partnership with Favourite Tables,which continuesto help us in our effortsto mainstream fine Filipino cuisine in Britain ?
Chris Joseph,M anaging Partner of Romulo Café,said,?Romulo Café is part of the Filipino Food M ovement here in the UK,which is achieving a real groundswell of support beyond the Filipino community Recognition like this bodes well for the growing reputation of our country?s cuisine ?
Neil M arshall,founder of Favourite Tables,said,?Favourite Tables has from its inception focused on providing the best information on great restaurantsthat allows potential diners to make an informed choice W e were delighted when Romulo Café London chose us to partner with and help inform customersabout Filipino cuisine ?Their story has gone from strength to strength with Favourite Tablescustomers sharing their Romulo Café experiences and resulting in the restaurant making it,as anew entry this year,on to the Favourite Tables 2018 Top Ten list of the most popular restaurantsacross the UK Listed at number 3 ?
Rowena Romulo and Chef Jeremy Villanueva have designed three Festive M enusfor the 2018 Christmas season For a glimpse of these,visit
https://www romulocafe co uk/our-food/christmas-set-menus/
Visit Romulo Café London on Favourite Tables at http://www favouritetables com/restaurant/romulo-cafe-london/
To read the interview of Chef Jeremy Villanueva on Favourite Tables,visit
http://www favouritetables com/review/at-the-chefs-table-jeremy-villanueva-head-chef-romulo-cafe-london
Favourite TablesLimited
Telephone:+44 (0)148 774 0876
W ebsite:www favouritetables com
Facebook:https://www facebook com/FavouriteTables/
Instagram:www instagram com/favouritetables/
Email:Attn Thomasina M arshall-W atts news@favouritetables com
Decem ber 2018 22
Ow ners Row ena Rom ulo and Chris Joseph w it h Chef Jerem y and Team
Chef Jerem y Vi lanueva show s off Rom ulo Cafe s Christ m as fare
A Fest ive Menu at Rom ulo Cafe
23 ISSUE 6
Caviteños UK Association 6 Years On And Getting Stronger Each Year
AVITEÑOSUK Association, a 6-year-old Filipino Community (FilCom) organisation, hasevolved through the dedication of ahandful of patriotic and charitable individualswith the aim of spreading camaraderieamongst Caviteñosand fellow Filipinosresiding and working in the UK CaviteñosUK came into being on the 28th of July in 2012 with theinaugural meeting held at St PiusCommunity Hall in Ladbroke Grove, London W11 ThePresident-elect wasLito Famy of Noveleta, among whom the Executive Board wasalso elected namely Gilbert Santonil of Kawit, Calixto Villacarlosof Dasmariñas, Celia Villanueva and Karen Samonte of Cavite City and Ronald Sipat of General Trias respectively
Theassociation?saim isto represent Caviteños in the UK by highlighting the abundant cultural heritage of the Province of Cavite that comprises23 Municipalities TheIsland of Corregidor, a part of Cavite City,hashistorically played a vital rolein thedefence of the Philippinesagainst theJapanese Imperial Army during World War II TheProvince of Cavite had been in the forefront of history since the Spanish, American, and Japanese occupations TheCaviteñosUK Association hasheld several fundraising activitiesand hasdonated a considerable amount to thevictimsof typhoons and other calamitiesthrough the PhilippineRed Cross, ABS-CBN Bantay Bata, One Tacloban, and Typhoon Haiyan relief operations.
Theassociation strivesto give itsavid and newly found supportersa chanceto join its must-seeand unforgettable eventsduring the yearly Independence Day and Christmas Celebrations, which thegroup hasbeen hosting since 2012 The association makesit apoint to establish consistency in showing itsdevotion to itsobjective of holding fundraising activitiesboth past and present
CaviteñosUK hasalwayshad significant names in itspast themes It had theme nameslike ?Maytinis?and ?MaytinisReloaded?, a re-enactment of thebiblical scene; ?Wagayway Festival?, are-enactment of thefirst unfurling of the First PhilippineFlag in Imus; a historical presentation of ?Heroesof theRevolution?that paystribute to the men and women who helped or gave their livesfor theIndependence of the Philippinesfrom Spain.
Therecent Christmaspresentation ?Paskuhan sa London 2018?held on December 1 at the Millenium Hotel in London wastagged as association?sbest so far The event?shighlight wasaraffle with a Grand Prizeof £1,000 00 Thefundraising wasa roaring success The fundsraised for the evening havebeen earmarked for the association?sMedical Mission Outreach in February 19 next year in Indang, Cavite
CaviteñosUK Association would liketo congratulate all the raffle-draw winnersand thank everyonefor their undying support MABUHAY!
Decem ber 2018
AFTER 13 years in the UK, the ABS-CBN News Bureau Chief for Europe and the Middle East, Danny Buenafe, has reached the company?s retirement age and has returned to the Philippines to be with his family
A grizzled veteran who started in journalism right after he finished college, Danny became aprominent newspersonality after he was assigned to cover Congress and the Senate It wasat the height of hiscareer that he wassent abroad to establish the first ABS-CBN Media Bureauoutside the Philippines He organised the MiddleEast NewsBureaufour yearsbefore he opened the Europebureau
DKB, ashiscolleagues in the TV network call him, became quite activein the Filipino community activitiesso it wasno surprise that the different FilCom groupsorganised despedidasfor him YesPhilippinesisfortunateto havebeen involved with 3 of them Thefirst wasa dinner at Romulo Cafewhich coincided with the send-off for Dong Lingad
Thiswasfollowed by acommunity event at Bar FM which was organised by Rose Eclarinal and Adelina Duenas It was attended by representativesof the E-Learning Group, Cavitenos UK, BatangasAssociation UK, Bicol United UK, Friday Group, ENFiDUK, FWA UK, FWN, FilBrit UK Golfers, and Golden Ladies UK Also present werethe officersand staff of ABS-CBN The Filipino Channel (TFC), Crystal Travel, Shangri-la?sFinest Chinese Restaurant, and Global ExpressMoney Remittance
Thethird wasthe dinner organised by the Friday Group at Park City Grand Plaza Hotel with Ambassador Antonio Lagdameo, Consul General Senen &Yen Mangalile, and Career Minister VoltaireMauricio in attendance
Decem ber 2018 26 COMMUNITY NEWS
27 Decem ber 2018
Filipino Fashion icon JOHN HERRERA Wows London With His Latest Bridal Collection
EVERY girl dreams of her wedding dress ? and for some of the models at SUENO: a Filipino Bridal Fashion Showcase, the dream turned into reality
Theiconic and British Fashion Awardee, John Herreratravelled all the way from the Philippinesshowcasing his newest bridal collection last November 29 held exclusively at the Philippine Embassy in Suffolk Street, London
Theevent production wassuperbly executed by the organisersRonnie V Del Barrio and Henrik Bodilsen in collaboration with FACES(Filipino, Arts, Culture, Education and SportsUK), the Philippine Department of Tourism and presentersof ModaDe Filipinas The show dazzled the audiencewith its?fairy tale?collection Though Herreraisknown for many Avant Garde pieceswhen it comesto evening wear and special occasion for women, the haute couture bridal gowns showcased different silhouettes, fabrics, and necklinesproving that each piece never losesitsaim - elegance, chic and comfort for brides-to-be Herrera also showcased a sneak peek of hisgroom collection that perfectly portraysthe ?millennial? gentlemen
Pieceswerebeautifully curated in an intimatesetting bringing much attention to the detailsand itsintricatedesigns
Well-known journalists, entrepreneurs, and public figureswithin the Filipino community showed their support for the world-classFilipino designer
Varioustalentscomposed of stylists, make-up artistsand photographersassisted backstage Top modelslike Kiara Gel Gregorio, Trey Alcantara, Kassie Blake, Kacey Lim, and JamesFeliciano graced the runway where some, effortlessly modelled 4-foot detachable piece and overlay bridal trains At least 4 of the bridal gownsare now being displayed at Central St Martins, oneof the best universitiesfor art and design wheretop designerslike Alexander McQueen and Stella McCartney have studied
John Herrerafirst established hislinein Manilaspecialising in evening wear and occasion wear for women - then eventually launching hismen?sline in 2015 Herrera?sfirst show in London wasproduced by the British Fashion Council at the International Fashion Showcase in 2016 In that same year, heshowed hiscollection at the Tokyo Fashion week produced by the Japan Fashion Week Organisation (Asia Fashion MeetsTokyo) Today,the designer iswidely recognised all over the world and continuesto inspire hisaudienceswith thiscreative work
Decem ber 2018 28 COMMUNITY NEWS
Jam e Feliciano
Kiara Giel Gregorio
Kacey Coleen Lim Kassie Blake Cery Mose-Muse
John Herrera w it h t he m odels of his br dal collect on and t he show organiser Ronnie del Barrio
ISSUE 6 29
The Streetboys In ?Let?s Dance? Dancing With
WE dance to pleasure and entertain people It is also a great way for us to sweat and get fit
The 90?swasan era that brought forth a lot of unique artiststhat defined the period?s identity in pop-culture In the Philippines, aside from admiring western artists, the Filipinos also celebrated local talents TheStreetboysisone of the groupsthat embodied Philippine 90?spop The Streetboysisadance group that wasformed in 1993 They wereknown for their popular 1997 smash hit ?Boom Tiyaya? It isadancesingle from their album TurbulenceWild StreetDanz, which wasreleased by PolyGram RecordsPhilippines
Although thewhereaboutsof the other original membersare uncertain, some arereported to havedifferent successful careersin variousfieldsabroad Two of the members, Sphencer Reyesand Michael Sesmundo, came to the UK to find greener pastures At present, Reyesisworking in the engineering field and Sesmundo iscurrently taking acourse in the samefield Despitethem being away from the Philippine show business? limelight, they are still overwhelmed by Filipinoswho recognise them asbeing membersof the Streetboys
Hence, Starvision Eventsinvited Sphencer Reyesand Michael Sesmundo to ?Let?sDance? Theevent showcased different talentsin the UK It also facilitated zumba exercisesand street dancesto let the audiences be more involved The journey of "Let'sDance" begun in July when aconcept came to my mind Asthe founder of Starvision Events, I thought of producing a show that promoted health and fitnessthrough zumba exercise dancesled by Filipino Celebrities I then shared thisideato Gee Luengo and she agreed to co-produce it She isa songwriter (the champion of Mastersof Songwriting), apassionate singer, and askilled businesswoman Additionally,she had already been apart of Starvision events, such asthe ?Powerhouse?and ?Sing and Laugh out Loud?
The actual organisation of the said show wasin August With our team being thrilled to haveashow in London, we thought of expanding Which iswhy we decided to haveanother show in Eastbourne It took three months to organise everything We invited Jhermy Ezperanzate to moderatethe StreetboysPressConference at Bar FM,ShepherdsBush last November 2
Reyesand Sesmundo shared the story of how their group wasformed When they were still starting, they used to perform with only food and drinksastheir talent fees They also used to eat out on the streets That?s where their group name?Streetboys?came from Reyesand Sesmundo are actually brothers-in-law The Streetboys?friendship hasendured because all of them still in closecontact with each other
November 3rd became oneof the most exciting dayswe?ve had because it wasfinally the main show in London The show in Eastbourne last November 4th madeusfeel asexcited too Looking back at what we have achieved, we realize that all of our effortspaid off Aside from gaining beautiful memories, we also picked up lessonsfrom the shows Theminor flawsfrom our event will indeed improve usnot only asagroup but also asindividuals
The three showsradiatethe joy and happy memoriesthat we brought to the people who attended the shows
The bonding and laughter that Michael Sesmundo and Sphencer Reyeshad with the Starvision Family are priceless Themost important thing is, therewasfriendship formed from their common passion and objectives
?Nagpapasalamat kami saStarvision and masaya kami na nagkasama samatayo and nag-get together?, says Reyes
On behalf of Starvision Events, we would like to extend our gratitudeto all of our sponsors, most especially to Ethel Lim and Ali Hajj To all of the performers, hostsSassy Queen Vanessa and Joker DivaRandy Silverio, guests, crew - Grace Quinto, Armin Natividad, Fely Estacio, Harin Perrera, Rodel Saycon in London; Uni Hawkinsand Geny Callaghan in Eastbourne; to all the photographers, Jepoy Balighot, Dave Moscrop and Bonnie Salvador and everyonewho supported the three shows, thank youso much
We would also like thank Freddie and MyleneGonzalesfor our PressCon venue; Alice Macahis, who provided a temporary abodefor the artists; Ronnie Ramos for the ride from London to Eastbourneand also for bringing them to Heathrow Airport; and to Marben Orfiano, founder of TheCordillera Connection, for fetching Reyes and Sesmundo from the airport in Luton when they arrived Lastly,thisevent would not bepossiblewithout the partnership and friendship of Starvision Eventswith GeeLuengo
Watch out for the MissTransformation 2019 and the comeback of Mister and MissBody Beautiful 2019 in London under Starvision Events MissTransformation isopen to all Transwomen of any nationality who wants their story to beknown Furthermore, the Mister and MissBody Beautiful are open for all who have healthy lifestylesin mind Please contact Starvision Eventsin starvisionproduction16@gmail com for inquiries
Decem ber 2018 30
Sphencer Reyes and MIchael Sesm undo perform ing t o audiences in London and East bourne
your items by mail to : info@yesphilnewsmag com
The audience dancing w it h t he perform ers Presscon at Bar FM Sphencer and Michael w it
h St arvis
Fam ly Ela Hida go
Gee Luengo w
host s Sassy Queen Vanessa dn Randy Silverio
We welcome details
your stories, including success, awards, appointments
events Send
31 Decem ber 2018
Travel costsare at an all-time low for the west, and many tour the world aspart of their jobs. While millennialsand generation X show a lot more concern for environmental issues, sustainable travel isone that needsmore attention
HEN you?re in paradise you might not even think about the hard work it takesto keep it that way
Tourism issues have only existed fairly recently,along with the rise of environmental issuesin general
M ore and more people are travelling, which means more places are becoming developed for tourism This can cause problems,especially when the rate of people entering a location isfaster than the rate of industrial development
Boracay Island has been awarded the accolade of most beautiful island on earth more than once,but its popularity has caused it many issues The island just reopened from a six-month hiatus - to rehabilitate its ocean life,clean up itsonce pristine white sandy beaches,and fix the infrastructure that ruined the island?s beauty
But what caused the island to shut out tourists for half ayear?
?There are too many people,the
Wpopulation in the last 20 years increased from 2,000 people to 50,000 There are too many buildings, and some of our lakes and W etlands have been covered by soil to be able to put up a resort or building,?says estate agent Elena Brugger,who has been living in Boracay for over 30 years
The increase in tourism has caused hundreds of resorts to be built around the island and asa result the environment has been affected by beach eroding
To create a sustainable tourist destination,it takes two factors The first is proper planning of the island, Brugger says The problem with Boracay ?is that the drainage was never done properly The other factor is to have strict implementation of laws of what can and can? t happen in the island,?she adds These rules will include environmental lawsespecially with littering and if they are followed island shutdownscan be avoided
On a positive note,the island?s rehabilitation has ?put things in order and put all the infrastructure in place including the sewage and
drainage systems?that the island lacked,says Brugger There should be a balance in tourism,?the environment and the people should be balanced with the ecological and the carrying capacity of an island should be considered
?If there is no earth there is no business so things like laws and rules with regards to taking care of environment should be considered,? said Brugger
Other tourist destinations around the world have also seen issues with tourism M aya Bay in Koh Phi Phi island in Thailand,which was famous for being the location for the film The Beach starring Leonardo DiCaprio, has also been shut indefinitely for similar issues
In a cityland article Feargus
O?Sullivan writes about Iceland?s tourism boom faces many issues as well ?Too many tourists are coming to Iceland without being fully prepared for itsextreme terrain and weather There?s more to Iceland visitors?poor behavior than simple lack of preparation,however The Icelandic public has been losing it recently over visitors?bad behavior,
sick of people who treat the country assome sort of fire-and-ice theme park where elves arrive to magically tidy up their mess ?said O?Sullivan
Tom Gibson,a spokesperson from Responsible Travel in London,said that the impact that tourism creates locally do not just result from hotels and transportation,but also from ?tourists themselvesand how they act and behave For this reason we make our travellers part of the processby asking them to feedback on how they saw the responsible tourism policies in action?
Gibson says that their travel agency aimsto ?connect customers with an exciting and alternative holiday which seeksto offer the most authentic experience with the least damage to people and places? There are ways to travel sustainably,and an easy way to do it is to book your holiday with an ethical travel agency
It?s important that we know the right way to travel both with respecting the culture and the environment we are visiting After all we are visiting placesthat people actually live in,we are visiting people and animal?s homesand we need to treat it right
32 Decem ber 2018 Travel & Tourism
Beach clean up in Boracay
Im age by Elena Brugger
Boracay looking good aft er init ial phase of rehabilit at ion
Boracay resident Elena Brugger
Im age by E ena Brugger
33 Decem ber 2018
How to Apply for a New Philippine E-Passport or Renew Your Existing One
APPLYINGfor a new Philippinee-passport or renewing your existing one isnot asdifficult or complicated asyouthink it is, for aslong asyou have all of the necessary requirementssorted out before youvisit the Philippine Embassy
An e-passport isthe latest iteration of the Philippine passport You?ll know that you have an e-passport because it?sthe maroon booklet with the electronic chip icon on the front page Thelatest update of our Philippine passport ispacked with security featuresaimed at protecting youfrom identity theft, among others What?smore, the new Philippinepassport isnow valid for ten years, with the exception of minors(17 yearsold and below) who will still beissued a five-year validity passport
In thisfeature, we?ll run you through two processes: applying for anew Philippine e-passport and renewing your existing Philippine e-passport for applicantsaged 18 yearsand older
How to Apply for aNew Philippine Passport
? Duly accomplished application form (Form No 1? NEW)
? Original copy of Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) ?authenticated Birth Certificate on Security Paper
? Original copy of the PSA-authenticated Marriage Certificate (applicable only for married women who wish to usetheir married surname)
? At least one(1) Valid IDand a photocopy of any of the following:
o Social Security System (SSS) / Government ServiceInsurance System (GSIS) Unified Multi-Purpose Identification (UMID) Card
o Land Transportation Office (LTO)
o Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC) ID
o OverseasWorkersWelfare Administration (OWWA) / Integrated Department of Labor and Employment (iDOLE) card
o Commission on elections(COMELEC)
Voter?sIDor Voter?sRegistration Record from the COMELECHead or Regional Office
o PhilippineNational Police (PNP) ID
o School ID(for students)
? Passport processing fee (GBP55 00)
? Self-addressed stamped envelope (if you would like to receive your new passport by post)
1 Fill up thepassport application form (Form No 1-NEW) completely and correctly You may download acopy online at our website or youcan fill up the form on-site at the Consular Section?s Preparation Room
2 Prepare your supporting documents
3 Visit thePhilippine Embassy in London
Once you arrive at the Embassy,get a queuing number at the Consular Hall and approach the Processing Counter once your number iscalled After the processor verifiesthat all your requirementsarein place, pay the passport processing fee of GBP55 00 at the cashier Once that?s done, proceed to the Passport Encoding Room to haveyour passport photograph and biometric data captured With that, you?re done Now all youhaveto do isto wait for your passport to besent by post (assuming youprovided aself-addressed stamped envelope) or to wait for usto notify you that your passport isready for pick-up
How to Renew Your Philippine e-Passport Requirements:
? Duly accomplished application form (Form No 2? RENEWAL)
? Original copy of the latest passport and a photocopy of the data page
? Passport processing fee (GBP55 00)
? Self-addressed stamped envelope (for applicantswho wish to havetheir passportssent back to them by post)
1 Fill up the passport application form (Form No 2? RENEWAL) completely and correctly You may download acopy online at our website or youcan fill up the form on-site at the Consular Section?s Preparation Room
2 Prepare your supporting documents, if applicable
3 Visit the Philippine Embassy in London
Once you arrive at the Embassy,get a queuing number at the Consular Hall and approach the Processing Counter once your number iscalled After the processor verifiesthat all your requirementsarein place, pay the passport processing fee of GBP55 00 at the cashier Once that?s done, proceed to the Passport Encoding Room to haveyour passport photograph and biometric data captured With that, you?re done Now all youhaveto do isto wait for your passport to besent by post (assuming youprovided aself-addressed stamped envelope) or to wait for usto notify you that your passport isready for pick-up
Just afew remindersbefore you get started:
? Personal appearanceisrequired for all applicants
? To ensure entry to countrieswith strict dresscodes, all applicantsare required to wear decent clothing for passport photo capture
? Plunging necklines, sleeveless clothing, spaghetti strapped tops, see-through tops, sando, tube tops, halters and the likeare prohibited
? Earringsand colored contact lenses are not allowed during datacapture
? Only immediate family membersare allowed to get the passport in behalf of the applicant Immediatefamily members
include father, mother, brother, sister, spouse, and children of legal age
o The passport will only be released to an immediate family member with proper authorization letter
o The passport of the minor applicant shall be released only to parentsor adult siblings or to an authorized representative with Special Power of Attorney or Affidavit of Support and Consent
? Passportsunclaimed after six (6) monthswill becancelled per Department
Order No 37-03
? An applicant must beaFilipino citizen to beeligible for the Philippine passport
? ThePhilippine passport isvalid for ten (10) yearsfor those who are aged 18 yearsand above; and five(5) yearsfor those who are younger than 18 yearsold
? Processing time usually takesaround four (4) to six (6) weeks
? Supporting documentsmay be required for special cases
Applying for anew Philippinee-Passport or renewing your existing one isliterally as easy as1-2-3 For aslong asall your documentsare completeand sorted out, you?ll have your Philippinee-Passport in no time
34 Decem ber 2018 EMBASSY NEWS/ UPDATE
The Philippine e-Passport can be distinguished through the electronic chip icon on the front cover.
35 Decem ber 2018
Books by Filipino Author Nominated in UK?s Oldest Children?s Book Awards
TWO booksby award-winning Filipino author Candy Gourlay havebeen nominated for the 2019 CILIPCarnegieand KateGreenaway Medals
The list of nomineeswaspublished on 05 November, in the official websiteof the award giving body TheCILIPCarnegie and Kate Greenaway Medalsare the United Kingdom?soldest children?sbook awardswhich recognise outstanding writing and illustration in booksfor children and young people
?So honoured to find both Bone Talk and IsIt a Mermaid (for Francesca Chessa's amazing illustrations!) on thisyear's nominationslistsfor the Greenaway and Carnegie Medals! Thank you, to the librarianswho nominated our books
Thank you to our publishers, David Fickling Booksand Otter-Barry Books,?
said Gourlay in a Facebook post Bone Talk joinsa list of 137 books nominated for the CILIPCarnegieMedal, which recognisesoutstanding books written in English for children and young adults, whileIsIt aMermaid?isone of 117 booksnominated for the Kate Greenaway Medal for ?distinguished illustration ?
?The nomination of Candy?sbooksin one of the UK?smost prestigiousawardsfor children?sand young adults?booksis
another moment of pride for all Filipinos,? said Ambassador Antonio M Lagdameo ?Candy hasdone an excellent job in using her literary magic to sharePhilippine valuesand culture to young people in the UK ?
Winnersof the medalswill beannounced on 17 June 2019 after a rigid judging and selection processconducted by apanel of 14 children'sand youth librarians representing all regionsof CILIP'sYouth LibrariesGroup ? who volunteer their timeasjudges
Sinceher debut novel Tall Story (2010), Gourlay hasreaped several awardsin recognitionof her engaging writing style In 2012, Tall Story won the National Children?sBook Award of the Philippines and the Crystal KiteAward for Europe in 2011 Tall Story wasalso shortlisted for 13 prizessuch asthe Waterstones Children?sBook Prize, the Branford Boase Award, the Blue Peter Book Award, and the UKLA Children?sBook Prize Her second novel, Shine, waslonglisted for the Guardian Children?sFiction Prizeand won the Crystal Kit Award for the British Islesin 2014
Prior to moving to the UK, Gourlay worked asa journalist in the Philippines, particularly for the weekly tabloid, Mr & Ms Special Edition Gourlay hailsfrom Davao City,Philippines (S ALCANTARA)
PH Embassy to Help Repatriate Filipino Seafarer in Ireland Port Mishap
THEPhilippine OverseasLabor Office (POLO) of the PhilippineEmbassy in London iscoordinating the appropriateresponse to the case of Filipino seafarer DennisGomazReganawho perished when asteel container dropped on him at Southbank Quay,Ringsend, Dublin on 14 November while he wasdoing lashing work aspart of container lifting operations on hisvessel Reganawasacrew member of the Antigua and Barbuda-flagged container ship MV Francop
?Our thoughtsand prayersare with the family of Mr Regana
The Embassy iscoordinating closely with Outreach Ireland and with local authoritiesin Dublin regarding thisunfortunate event,?said Ambassador Antonio M Lagdameo ?The Embassy will make surethat hisfamily will receive the benefits stipulated in hisemployment contract aswell asthe benefits from hisOWWA membership We will also work with Ireland to ensure that thistragedy will not happen to any Filipino worker again ?
The Embassy?sWelfare Officer Connie C Marquezreported to the Ambassador that the deceased seafarer?sactive OWWA membership ensuresthat Regana?sfamily will receive death benefitsof Php 200,000, funeral grant of Php 20,000, scholarship grant for one of hischildren until he or she finishes college, and astart-up capital of Php 15,000 to enablehis family to start asmall business
The Embassy iscoordinating with Regana?semployersand recruitment agency to arrangefor the immediate repatriation of hisremains Embassy officialsare also closely monitoring the investigation of thisincident by Ireland'sHealth and Safety Authority (HSA) (S ALCANTARA)
Decem ber 2018 36 EMBASSY NEWS/ UPDATE
Filipino nurse at LyndeHousein Richmond was recently recognized asthe Nurse of the Year at the2018 Barchester Care Awards
A Filipino is Barchester?s Nurse of the Year
Ridel Francisco landed at the top spot of this prestigiousnational care accoladefrom among 1,500 nominationsfrom people acrossthe United Kingdom (UK) After being shortlisted asoneof four divisional winners, Ridel wasinterviewed by apanel of judgesfor the final round
?I am very proud and very honoured to be receiving this award,?Ridel said in an interview with the Richmond and Twickenham Times ?We work hard hereat our homewith a focuson thepeople we carefor, and not for accolades But it really isvery special to be recognised in thisway ?
The awardscelebrate staff and volunteerswho go the extra mile in caring for residentsand patientsliving in carehomes and mental health hospitals
?Hisenthusiasm at LyndeHousekeepshisteam on their toesand they?reall the better for it,?said Barchester?sJulia Atherton, Director of Nursing and oneof the judgesfor the Nurse of theYear category ?Alwayslearning and improving, but never short of time for any resident in his care, Ridel?ssensitive yet hands-on approach demonstrates the high standard of carehe setson himself, which is nothing short of exemplary ?
?Filipinosarevalued all over the world for our selflessand committed brand of service that we extend to others,?said Ambassador Antonio M Lagdameo ?Ridel?srecognition provesthat indeed, Filipino nursesare among the world?s best ?(S ALCANTARA)
37 Decem ber 2018 EMBASSY NEWS/ UPDATE
Ridel Francisco proudly holds his trophy and plaque after being recognised as the Nurse of the Year at the 2018 Barchester Care Awards
Photo courtesy of barchester com
Season 2
WHETHERplaying barefoot on the rough streetsalong the road or smooth court floorsabroad, the love of Pinoysfor basketball knowsno bounds TheHanover Basketball League wascreated to bring Filipino basketball to the UK Thisevent bringstogether atight community of both Pinoy basketball playersand spectators
Ten teamsjoined the much awaited HBLOver 35sLeague - Season 2 The defending champions, theShockers, will try to show their strength once more
The LuzvimindaBrothers, the Beermen, and the Wildcard Legends, which are fan favourites, areexpected to beapart of the semi-finals
Meanwhile, although the Titans, Iron Eagles, London Idols, and London Bullsarethe underdogs, they arestill expected to play like prosdespite being the new addition to the league
Since the start of the tournament last September, the gameswere held at the Crest Academy Neasden every two in the afternoon during Sundays Theformat of the gameis Single Round Robin, making every team face each other off at least once
The much-awaited quarterfinalsstarted last 25 November 25 with top teamsLuzviminda Brothersand London Bullsleading the standings On the first game of the eliminations, Luzviminda Brothersbagged the first spot of top four with a 19-point victory against the Beermen, with afinal score of 98-79
The second game of the day between the London Idolsand Titanswasfaster paced with a lot of ball movement, passing skills, and fast plays The gamewaswon by the London Idols with a score of 91-83 Meanwhile, in the third game, the London Bullslead by Ardy Larong went up against WildcardsLegends
The Bullsshocked the spectatorsby beating the Legendsdespite being new to the league with the scoreof 77-65 The final gameof the day wasbetween the defending champs Shockersof Joeward Jamill and Iron Eaglesof Glenn Catalan Thetwo teamsdid not fail the fanswhen they went head to head TheShockersproved why they arethe champsby beating the Iron Eagleswith a close10-point win with afinal scoreof 88-78
The semifinalists, Luzviminda Brothers, London Idols, London Bullsand defending champs Shockerswill face off on December 9 for Win or Go Home games Thewinnerson that day will be up for the Finalsof the HBLCommissioner'sCup and Governor'sCup on December 16 at the Crest Academy Neasden
The stakesarehigh for the four teams Fansareexcited Mark your calendarsand support your team asthey battle for the best team of the season
Decem ber 2018 38 SPORTS NEWS
SEND US NEWS OF YOUR COMMUNITY EVENTS & ACTIVITIES We welcome details of your stories, including success, awards, appointments and events Send your items by mail to : info@yesphilnewsmag com
ISSUE 6 40