YES PHILIPPINES NewsMagazine (UK/Ireland Edition) - Issue 4

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UK & IRELAND EDITION PHILIPPINES ISSUE 4 F R E E C O P Y ONLY TRUE LOCAL COVER to COVER FROM The Filipino Community Newspaper YE S NEWSMAGAZINE MERVIC MONOCILLO London Nurse The UK's World Singing Champion at the World Championships of Performing Arts 2018 in the US ...still a Proud PINOY!

Yand t he Republic of Ireland

about the stories of all the triumphs, performances, and events that have created waves in the community this past month

Most of us came to these foreign lands to try our hands at better jobs ?at a better life We came here for one major reason: to work and earn for ourselves and our families Many fulfill this goal and thrive ?some even manage to go beyond

In this month?s issue, we will talk about the lives of our fellow Filipinos who not only established their careers but also made a name for themselves doing other crafts that they love just as much

Mervic Monocillo is a nurse in the UK, but she is also a classical/kundiman singer on the side Her singing talent has opened many doors for her and she even recently represented the UK in this year's prestigious World Championship of Performing Arts in West Hollywood California

Right after her story is a feature on Romulo Palma, a nurse at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, who has founded the Royaltys aimed at discovering and helping people with aspirations of succeeding in the worlds of international

pageantry and modeling

Another Filipina that made a name for herself here is long time nurse Eden Iquin-Serrano who moved with her husband to the UK in the hopes of getting a better life Not only was she able to achieve this, she also thrived and even became a multi-millionaire investor and entrepreneur

This issue contains many successes, but it also talks about one reality that happens no matter how much we try to stay safe Joel Alama was an undocumented migrant who faced an incident at work that led to his death three years ago As we remember his life on his 3rd anniversary, we celebrate and recognise a fellow Filipino and a hero who put a co-worker?s life before his own as he tried to save a fellow fisherman before they faced the end

Along with these heartwarming stories we also covered various events and festivities that took place all over the United Kingdom and Ireland such as the Aguman Kapampangan UK and the Dublin Festival of Families We also covered the Taste of Cavan, an annual food fiesta, and the Asian Day that hosted the first ever beauty pageant Mrs Asian Isle of Wight where Filipinos showcased their beauty and talent

We thank you for your continuous support as we share the stories of many Filipinos that inspire, entertain, and inform This copy in your hands is filled with many more community stories covering the news, events, and sports life here in the UK and ROI so sit back and relax as you read your way through our latest issue Happy reading!

ISSUE 4 4 This Edition is distributed all over theUnited Kingdom (England, Wales,Scotland & Northern Ireland)& Republicof Ireland Publisher MARY SOL PIMENTEL Managing Edit or SARAH MAE LARAGAN Art Direct or JOHN KNUCKLES MAYANG SEGISMUNDO Writ ers/ Cont ribut ors KACEY COLEEN LIM VANDA MARIE BRADY MARIAN PLAZA AL ANGELO ANTONI TRIXIE BAUTISTA BEA SANCHEZ MICAH LEE MIZPAH LEE CAROL PANDAY RAYMUND RODRIGUEZ PEPS VILLANUEVA Advert ising KARLA DUCAY Circulat ion AMIK GARCINIEGO BIEN EVANGELISTA ABI BREWER We write our own editorial content/materials and not just reprint them from websites and Philippine publications. WHAT MAKES YES PHILIPPINES NEWSMAGAZINE DIFFERENT? We are a TRUE PUBLISHER and not a FRANCHISE PUBLISHER. We are a true Community Newspaper as we feature the people, stories, events and activities of Filipinos living in the UK & Republic of Ireland on our paper from cover to cover. We have a more extensive distribution covering the UK & Ireland. ES Philippines New sMagazine is back on it s fourt h issue t o celebrat e and recognise t he st ories of t he Filipinos based in t he Unit ed Kingdom
We are
this issue is jam-packed with it from page to page
'Most of us came to these foreign lands to try our hands at better jobs ? at a better life We came here for one major reason: to work and earn for ourselves and our families Many fulfill this goal and thrive ? some even manage to go beyond.'
Let t er From The Publisher


Th e Si n gi n g Nu r se f r om Lon d on ...

Con q u er s t h e W or l d Cl a ss St a ge!

INNATE tal en t i s a m yth

That?s the an sw er you? l l get w hen you do a qui ck Googl e r esear ch on w hether or n ot on e can l ear n cr eati vi ty, m usi cal pr ow ess, or an y k i n d of el i te-l evel i n cl i n ati on

It would take you alot of time and practice to match those considered talented and gifted,they say W hile that doesn? t sound easy, the point is,natural talent is nothing but an out-dated misconception

That?s what the internet and some pieces of literature might tell you However,that?s not entirely the case with a UK-based Filipina nurse and singer who was has been impressing audiencesand winning accolades almost all her life Case in point,she made it through W orld Championship of Performing Arts 2018 with flying colours


M ervic M onocillo,formerly M ervic Legaspi Fabilo,is a classical/kundiman singer hailing from M iagao,Iloilo Recently,she represented the United Kingdom in W COPA,a prestigious contest where the world?s best performers compete and are judged by a panel of the entertainment industry's most accomplished personalities ?I am proud to have been chosen as

one of the delegates of the UK ?A truly talented performer,M ervic bagged 9 medals all in all,along with 4 plaques with a gold medal for being aW orld Champion Vocals Division


M ervic M onocillo wasborn a singer Even when she was still an itty bitty one,she had already let everyone know how powerful her voice is by crying so loud that the other crying babies in the nursery room would be silenced They would listen to her belt,so to speak,and all of them would soon fall asleep

At 1year old,she started singing afew verses Her mom,fascinated with the

kid?s adorable warble,would put M ervic on top of tables There,the soon-to-be award-winning performer would dance and sing before her mother?s eyes Soon,at the age of 2,M ervic started singing in public,and people loved it so much that they would throw coins on the stage or even hand her some money

The young Ilongga joined her first singing contest during her town?s Christmasprogram by the time she was5 Not only did she win her debut competition,she was also awarded the ?M ost Talented Child of the Year?

Little did everyone know that the award wasjust the first of many Even more so,perhaps,no one could have ever predicted that in singing contests,M ervic will also meet her other half,Russell M onocillo


It is safe to say that the Filipina possessesinborn talent It doesn? t mean,however,that she didn? t need people to guide her and didn? t have to put in time and effort for the craft just like everyone else It?s quite the opposite as she has been training and practising for all her life,starting early at her own home

A singer,host,speaker,and M unicipal Planning Officer,M ervic?s dad was popular in their town in IloIlo As talented ashe was,the family?spillar didn? t really have the chance to perform professionally Despite that, he somehow influenced hislittle angel to become the performer that she is now

M ervic?s mother,on the other hand, wasa teacher known for performing in school-organized programs and writing winning piecesfor declamation contestants Once when she was 8,M ervic joined a school-level Literary M usical contest Up to this day,M ervic still remembersher M om?s words ?M y mother told me to sing these songs feeling it through the heart?

Yearslater,M ervic would make both her parentsand the entire Filipino Community proud

World Champion Singer Mervic Monocillo works as a Neuro/Stroke Rehab Nurse (L-R) WCOPNational Director - Athena Alcantara, World Champino Singer - Mervic Monocillo and UK team delegate - Saf Je Sais DK Benaskar

?I cannot tell you everything because the space will be filled up with all the stories I?ll tell ?

These are M ervic?s first words when asked about her W COPA experience Going into her story,we realize that she has indeed a lot to tell

Tracing back her W COPA journey,one can say that M ervic is a reluctant champion,at least in the beginning W ay before W COPA,Athena Alcantara, the National Director of the United Kingdom?s W COPA Team,has been convincing the singer to perform in the London Barrio Fiesta Although undoubtedly talented,M ervic declined to these invitations,fearing her genre might not suit the audience

Athena waspersistent, but M ervic never said yes That was until last year

In the comeback concert of W COPA multi-medalist/semifinalist Joel M iranda, Athena and M ervic met again

Although M ervic wasn? t singing at that time,as she was assisting her husband as a sound crew or ?taga bigay ng microphone?, Athena did not let the chance passto convince the singer once again This time,however,it?s for W COPA W ith nudges from M r Jun Degamon and M r Joel M iranda, M ervic finally said yes As it turned out,it wasn? t a bad decision after all

?M y experience of performing live in a world-class show and entertainment and have the experience of how it feels to be in a big,big stage and perform in front of hundredsof people gave me more boost to master my craft and go out there confident to

say I am a world-class Performer a world-class Champion and Grand Finalist?,M ervic said while sharing how overwhelmed and happy she wasto represent the UK in W COPA


Of course,the singer faced some challenges during the competition The hardest one among them is becoming ill during the semi-finals up to the Grand finals She had colds and later on a chest infection that led to an asthma attack By the time the grand finalists were chosen,M ervic?s voice washoarse ?I was fighting my battle,but my voice which is my number one weapon is giving up I nearly didn? t make it to the final night?,M ervic recalling her

As a nurse,M ervic would like to use her talent to give joy to patients by putting up concertsand shows,a venue where patients can enjoy all kinds of music that bring back happy memories and lift their minds and spirits Soon,she hopes to get involved more with developing programs that will help patients enjoy their life


No matter where Filipinos go,we never forget where we came from Along with us,we bring a

piece of our culture and heritage That?s what M ervic did in her London Barrio Fiesta appearance after W COPA On stage, M ervic reminded the audience of the beauty of the Filipino music through a beautifully sang Kundiman Before her performance ended,she said something every Pinoy in the crowd would want to hear:

?I was representing the UK pero Filipino po ang aking puso?

Although M ervic will forever be thankful for the opportunity that the United Kingdom has given her and her family,she has always been involved with the Filipino Community In fact,she has been a member of the UK/Filipino Chaplaincy Choir as well asa former member of the British Filipino M aster Chorale now called

?I have alwaysbeen a Filipino by heart The blood that runs through my veins is the blood of a Filipino I represent the Filipino Community here in United Kingdom who are not only hard working and honest but are also skilled and talented ? my heart remains a true Filipino,a unique race ?

W oul d-Be Gr an d Fi n al i st W as Chosen an d Con vi n ced to Joi n greatest W COPA hurdle AFTER W COPA: A Nur se W i th New l y Di scover ed Pur pose HARAYA M ervic also participated in one of the showsof the English National Opera She doesall of these while remaining active in church activities and church choirs



FILIPINOS ar e k n ow n to be the n um ber on e pagean t en thusi asts al l over the w or l d The Phi l i ppi n es have on ce agai n been put i n the w or l d m ap w i th Pi a W ur tzbach?s 2015 M i ss Un i ver se ti tl e

(the most prestigious beauty pageant in the world) followed by the country?s official announcement asthe 2016 M iss Universe Host Country just a year after Pia won the coveted crown Oh well!

In the UK,a registered nurse at the Queen Elizabeth (QE) hospital in Birmingham has been making the headlines by producing beauty title holders and one that supports this advocacy Beauty is truly defined as passion for those who serves its purpose - W ORLD PEACEAND AN INSPIRATION TO FOLLOW YOUR DREAM S

M olly,ashe is fondly called in waray-waray, with his real name Romulo T Palma,is a native of Pagsanghan, a municipality in the province of Samar He is so proud to

years ago, The RoyaltysM aker of Kings & Queensa talent scout discoverer in which M olly is the Director and CEO was born!

Since itslaunching,Royaltys has already produced beauty pageant title holdersand pageant contestants locally and internationally In a period of two years,it has gained popularity asit showcased the talents of Kiara Gel Gregorio, who started her career in the world of pageantry after winning the M utya ng Pilipinas-UK and have represented the Filipino UK community in the M iss Earth 2016 where she was crowned M iss Earth Air

Another talent is M iss Christa Borja,Binibining Pilipinas 2017top 15 and M iss M anila

But it?s not just

but also the male talentsas well whom they tag as Royaltys Kings They are Paul RenzVeloM r

mention where his rootsare as a pageant critic ashis love for modelling and pageantry started at a very young age He then transformed into a beauty pageant coach in order for his classic touch of artistry be brought to the fore And two

Bulletin People?s Choice award,and Kimberly Escartin, M iss Great Britain Universe 2017finalist Just recently,one of Rolyaltys?talents,Kacey Coleen Lim,brought home the crown of M iss Summer W orld 2018 held in Albania & M s Kisha Biroczki bagging the Best Kids M odel of the Universe - Teen edition in M ilan,Italy last June 2018

All of Royaltys talentsare trained with a series of workshops and trainings These talents,all based and residing in the UK,highlight their exposure to a lot barrio fiestas and eventsall over the UK through their hosting and modelling skills Surely,the Royaltys,with M olly asits Director,will go a long way and give us something to look forward to as pageant lovers

M olly travelsto London from Birmingham,back and forth,to attend a lot of their Royaltysevent engagements These eventsserve as their network in promoting their advocacies and fulfilling their dutiesin raising awareness to discover more talents in support of their cause

These women have brought so much pride and honour to Royaltys and the Philippines aswell the women who are making noise Tourism Philippines International 2016,M r Jules Chan- Best Body Beautiful 2017, and John Alfred Bendana- Best Global M odel Philippines 2017 The Royaltys Makers of Kings and Queen Kisha Birockzi - Best Teen Global Model of the Universe 2018 John Alfred Bendaña - Best Global Model-Philippines 2017 Ms Summer World 2018 Ms Kacey Coleen Lim Jules Chan - Mister Body Beautiful 2017 Paulo Renzo Velo - Mister Tourism Internatinal - Philippines 2016
ISSUE 4 14



How a former OFW nurse in the UK became a multi-millionaire investor and entrepreneur OR

In just a few years after settling in the UK,Eden and Jamie finally achieved the ultimate OFW dream: a high paying job that?s more than enough to pay the bills,a car,extra money for savings,travel,and other material goods that the family could ever want As long as they stay employed and worked hard at their jobs,the family can enjoy the comfortable income that they have grown accustomed to But in spite of their growing income,something was amiss

They arrived in the UK in 2000,with then 3-year-old daughter, Jaemien, and 2-year-old son Jert,in tow In no time,Eden began working at the local hospital The tremendous demand for nurses at that time opened many opportunitiesand more hospital shifts,and Eden quickly settled into a nursing career,which paid a generous salary and benefits,plus extra pay for overtime Like other Filipino nurses,Eden took additional shiftsduring her days off to earn more money M eanwhile,at the time,Jamie, took on odd jobs, starting asa

?I was working 5 to 7days a week,on 13-hour shifts, while Jamie also worked full time at his job,?said Eden ?M y daily routine was all about time pressure:child care and school runs,chores,and my job I would sleep for about 4 hours,then wake up to go to work Unti-unti kong naramdaman ang pagod,and I started thinking how long I can keep up with this routine,?she said

W ith Eden?s physically demanding job,she can barely manage to take the kids to school and get a few hours rest before starting on a new shift at the hospital Even holidays were not spared from their usual routine


carer at a local care home,while studying at night to have his skills accredited in the UK After months of sleepless nights and hard work,he finally secured a job as an architect, spending long hours in an office

?I am always working during Christmas,and eventually the kids got used to it asthey were growing up But one time,my daughter spoke to me She said,?M um,when will you stop working?W e rarely see you because you are either working or tired and asleep You care for your patients,but why don? t you care for usand spend time with us??Those words struck me W e were so busy working,pre-occupied about paying our bills,our mortgage,and providing a good future for our kids Hindi namin naisip na mas malaki pala ang kapalit,?said Eden

Shocked and struck by their daughter?s words,Eden and Jamie realized that they were paying a much higher price for the well-paying jobs The comfortable life they have built abroad was far from being a fairy tale - and it was a story shared by thousands of OFW s abroad

namin ?

They turned to books,trainings, and looked up to millionaires such as Robert Kiyosaki and W arren Buffet Determined to find out the secret to wealth and escape from employment, Eden and Jamie soon found the answer

"Sabi nga ni W arren Buffet:If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep,you will work until you die That is true The reality is,when you are an employee,your only capital is your strength and energy One day,it will not be enough,"said Eden "All the books we read,all the trainings we attended, and all the millionaireswe know,iisa lang ang sinasabi:mag-invest at mag-negosyo And the time to do it is now,"she said

In 2006,after rigorously attending several investment classes and training programs,Eden

ISSUE 4 10
Fs, Eden Iqui n -Ser r an o w or k ed as a n ur se
St Jam es Un i ver si ty H ospi tal i n
Un i ted K i n gdom Li k e
m i l l i on s of Fi l i pi n os w ho ven tur ed abr oad, Eden an d her husban d, Jam i e, had bi g dr eam s an d exci ted about the good l i fe that w or k i n g abr oad often br i n gs
at the
e noticed na maraming OFW s ang bumabalik sa hirap dahil sa utang,bisyo,o kaya naman dahil sa hindi pag manage ng finances nila habang abroad,? said Jamie ?M arami din OFW s na tumatanda abroad kaka-trabaho,hindi man lang na enjoy ang time with family,at nagkakasakit It wasa major wake-up call for us Gusto naming ibahin ang future
We were so busy working, pre-occupied about paying our bills, our mortgage, and providing a good future for our kids. Hindi namin naisip na mas malaki pala ang kapalit, " "
Eden Iquin-Serrano worked as a nurse at the St James University Hospital in Leeds, United Kingdom Eden and Jamie arrived in the UK in 2000, with then 3-year-old daughter, Jaemien, and
2-year-old son Jert
Jamie and Eden Serrano (in blue) with FRICH Mentors, Terence and Tet Lim

and Jamie decided to invest in real estate,which,according to the couple,is where 95%of all millionairesinvest their money in "Propertiescontinue to increase in value through time almost automatically W e started to invest in rental properties in the UK, leveraging the rental income to increase our portfolio,''said Jamie "There really is treasure in real estate "

In 2013,Eden and Jamie met former OFW s-turned-multi millionairesTerence and Tet Lim,who founded a campaign for OFW s called the FRICH (free and rich) revolution The FRICH revolution is a massive global movement that aims to educate,empower,and provide opportunities to overseas Filipinosto acquire a life of wealth, happiness,and true freedom Together,Terence and Tet Lim serve as FRICH M entors to all overseas

Filipinoswho want to be free and rich,without the need to work abroad again

"After meeting our mentorsTerence and Tet Lim,we saw the huge potential in the Philippines and we decided to level up our businessand investments,"said Eden "Kahit saan kami mapunta, kami ay may pusong OFW The best thing about this business is that nakakatulong kami sa kapwa OFW s by teaching them how to invest,why to invest,and how to get started on a business even without capital or previous experience Alam namin ang lahat ng hirap at sakripisyo ng isang OFW ,kaya tulong-tulong tayo to get the life we deserve: a life of wealth and freedom "

To date,the highly-successful couple have amassed more than 10 rental properties in the UK and in the Philippines,which they have bought and rented out over the years

W ith the staggering passive income earned from these properties,along with their multi-million peso real estate business,Eden and Jamie began millions- earning ten times more than their combined income from their jobs

As proud investors and business owners,in 2016, they made a major decision "After 16 years of sacrifice,hard work,and investing,we finally quit our jobs and living our dreams asinvestors and entrepreneurs,"said Eden "Now,at a young age,we

don't have to worry about our finances,we have time to do the things we want,travel wherever we want,and spend as much time with our kids aswe want "

Asked about their advice to fellow OFW s,the couple said,"Take time to learn paano mag-invest at mag-negosyo Don't be afraid - if we can do it, anyone can do it Life is so short - the time to take action is now Enjoy the most precious things in life:time and freedom "

Like Eden and Jamie Serrano,are you an overseas Filipino who wants to have a free and rich life?Join the revolution at:www freeandrich com

11 ISSUE 4
Did you know t hat you could st art your int ernat ional lifest yle freedom business for absolut ely ZERO capit al? Som e of our fellow overseas Filipino m igrant s have achieved Financial Freedom and w ent back hom e happily for good...FREE & RICH and NEVER HAVE TO WORK AGAIN. Som e rem ained living abroad but are now freelance ent repreneurs, free from em ploym ent and enjoying t he lifest yle of having an Int ernat ional Freedom Business T H I S COU L D B E Y OU ! Please like us on Facebook FRICH REVOLUTION UK At t end our series of Sem inars in t he UK - London, Cam bridge, Manchest er, Leeds and ot her cit ies Or you can regist er your int erest on w w w edenserrano com FRICH REVOLUTION UK JOIN THE w w w.frichrevolut
Proud parents
Eden and Jamie on daughter Jaemien's graduation with son Jert Serrano family on a holiday


Remembering the Deceased Undocumented Fisherman on his 3rd Death Anniversary


FORTY-SIX-YEAR-OLD Joel Al am a di ed at Letter k en n y Un i ver si ty H ospi tal i n Coun ty Don egal , Ir el an d on August 28, 2015, four days after a w or k pl ace i n ci den t i n w hi ch he m ade effor ts to save the l i fe of hi s fel l ow cr ew m em ber Jam es Joyce w ho al so di ed i n the sam e i n ci den t on boar d the Oi l eán an Ói r

Despite the very best medical care,James passed away after a number of hours and Joel passed away four days later Toxic gas from a mixture of stagnant water and seawater in the boat?s refrigeration system killed the two fishermen The vessel nor the crewmen had equipment to monitor the atmospheres within the tanks

A negligence claim wassubmitted and an out-of-court settlement payment was agreed In June 2018,Joel?sfamily has received compensation that can last them more than a lifetime The M inistry of Transport have established improved Health and Safety workplace regulationsfor fishing vessels

Joel was aqualified automotive mechanic from Sarangani province in the Philippines

Although no amount of compensation will bring Joel back,the family achieved justice in that the memory of Joel washonoured and will continue to be remembered not only by an estimated 700 undocumented fishermen in Ireland but also by other migrant groups in the country

Undocumented migrants,who may not be having it easy and continue to live in the shadows,have the right to a safe workplace and can be protected by law Regardlessof the immigration status,the health and safety of any worker is the employer?s priority and responsibility

Joel heroically made the ultimate sacrifice in attempting to rescue James and for that,we recognise him for his brave action as we celebrate his life this month

Joel and hisfamily would not have achieved justice they deserved without the family?sfull cooperation,the care and support of the staff of Letterkenny University Hospital, Emergency Services/Gardai/Fire Brigade/Ambulance Paramedic in Donegal,the assistance of Raymond Garrett and Vanda Brady of Outreach Ireland,and the expertise of Keans Solicitors who wasrecommended by Honorary Consul M ark Congdon

The legal team acknowledged that the case could not have been brought to a conclusion without the assistance of Raymond Garrett and Vanda Brady As a result,it wasagreed that a token payment for the in excess of 350 working hours they spent for bringing the case to conclusion would be paid Thispayment was made by the insurance company separate from the family?s compensation,and with the family?sapproval A full and transparent report on the servicesrendered wassubmitted to both legal teams and recently to the Philippine Embassy London


Paul Horan,Solicitor and uncle of James Joyce has confirmed on 15th of August 2018 that the family of James Joyce will be paying tribute to Joel Alama in the form of an inscription on a

?The parents,sister,brother and extended family of

again to formally acknowledge and record their eternal gratitude to Joel Alama, James?sfellow crewman,who heroically made the ultimate sacrifice in attempting to rescue James He is remembered often in their thoughts and prayers and his name is being inscribed with that of James on the public memorial for fishermen at Killeany,Inishmore on the Aran Islands No words will ever convey the depth of gratitude of the Joyce family The family of the late Joel Alama should be justly proud of him - a true selfless hero Ar deasDé go raibh a ainm dílis ?

Saranggani Senator M anny Pacquiao will be informed of the case and it is hoped that he will be giving recognition to Joel and hisfamily in the form of a message and/or a personal visit

ISSUE 4 12
public memorial for fishermen in Killeany, Inishmore on the Aran Islands where Joel and James were from The family would wish that the sentiments expressed hereunder would be conveyed to those in attendance and particularly to Joe?s family: James Joyce would wish Joel Alama who died in August 2015 after an accident on an Irish fishing trawler Photograph: The Guardian Joel's wife Anastasia with sons Jacint (L) and Joel Jr (R) Joel 's wife and sons with (L to R) Juanita Alama Luna and Outreach Ireland Coordinators Vanda Marie Brady and Raymond Garrett Joel's wife and sons with Outreach Ireland Coordinator Raymond Garrett
13 ISSUE 3
ISSUE 4 14
15 ISSUE 4


H ERE have been substan ti al chan ges to appeal pr ocedur e an d l aw i n the l ast decade Today

Im m i gr ati on Law i s m or e chal l en gi n g than ever W hat i s the secr et to a successful appeal ? The an sw er ? Pr epar ati on , Pr epar ati on , Pr epar ati on

The processstarts with good appeal grounds which should refer to relevant law All too often,I come across groundsthat appear only to plead to the good graces of the Tribunal,this will not work Judges are required to apply the law and no matter how sympathetic the Judge may be to your case,they are bound by legal doctrine Apply the law to your facts The grounds need not be long,but they must be relevant Remember quantity doesnot mean quality

For the hearing itself,start with a good statement Remember that the Judge will not know your case and will be dealing with numerous cases on the day A generic statement will at best be unhelpful Always provide a chronology of datesas this will put

into context the history of your case This is particularly important when your case involves lengthy residence in the UK,where many events have taken place such asthe birth of children

Your bundle for the hearing should be indexed and paginated with the core documentssuch as statements taking prime position If you are including foreign documents,these must be translated Always bring the original documents with you but they do not need to be included in the bundle you send to the Tribunal Do not forget to send acopy of your bundle to the Home Office?s Presenting Officer?sUnit If you need an interpreter, you must inform the Tribunal as soon asyou can, preferably when you lodge your appeal It is good practice to call them a week before your hearing to check that they have arranged for an interpreter

On the day of the hearing,your witnesses should bring their original IDs such as passports in case the Tribunal requires confirmation of their identity Be prepared to wait as there is no allocated time other than that your hearing will be listed for the morning or afternoon session Beware that if you are raising a ?new matter?the Home Office is required to consent to the new matter?s consideration on the

day If they do not,then the matter will be adjourned or heard without the new matter M y experience is that the Home Office increasingly object to ?new factors?even where they do not amount to new matters Do not readily accept the Home Office?s contention that the new factor is a new matter ?be prepared to argue against this

A difficult and seemingly impossible case can be won By the same token,a straightforward case can be lost because of lack of preparation A very recent case I dealt with proves this The case relates to a same sex couple both without leave to remain The Tribunal Judge held that their removal will violate their Human Rights in that they will not be able purse their relationship On the 28th of August 2018, both received their grant of leave As I have said, preparation,preparation,preparation

16 ISSUE 4
Ms Lira Sim on Cabat bat is a senior part ner and founder of Douglass Sim on Solicit ors w it h over 25 years legal experience She specialises in all aspect s of Im m igrat ion, Hum an Right s and Fam ily law She is renow ned for her t enacious and frank advice as reflect ed in her success rat e in Im m igrat ion
Tribunals, Judicial Review and High Court cases For det ails of t he successful appeals visit t he w ebsit e w w w douglass-sim on com
17 ISSUE 4


Christagale Borja 27 years old Maiden Vale, London Miss Beauty & Talent International 2018 - UK Representative
19 ISSUE 4

Aguman Kapampangan UK

GUMAN Kapampangan UK, founded in 1993, is a non-profit organisation dedicated to serving the less fortunate people of the Kapampangan region

Kalangitan 2nd Cut Capas,Tarlac IMAZHome (an orphanage)

Bahay Pag-ibig (elderly home)

Kapampangan Development Foundation (KDF), working with JesusA Datu Medical Center, acharity hospital for disabled indigents

Fulfilling their promiseof increasing educational opportunities, AK UK has resourced and maintained 14 librariesin Pampanga Furthermore, the Livelihood Project hasdistributed cacao, coconut and mangosteen seedlingsto barangaysand schoolsfor planting

AK UK hassustained itscommitment with the HELP, safeguarding the heath and wellbeing of a widerange of people in Pampangaand itssuburbs, through the KDF Health services provided areprosthesis, cleft-lip or palate surgeries, eye surgery,dental procedures, wheelchairs, crutchesand walkers

AK UK hascomealong way from itsmodest beginning, continually striving to ?work for the common good?through the provision of social, educational and health services otherwise inaccessible to poor residentsof Pampanga Through this, the vision of improved HELP(Health, Education and Livelihood for Pampanga) wascreated

Consistent diligence hasenabled AK UK support and maintain numerouslife changing projectssuch as:

In addition to dinner and dance events, seaside excursionsand varioussocial gatherings, oneof the most notable fundraising eventsthat Aguman Kapampangan carry out annually isMrs PhilippinesUK, acompetition empowering mothers

Morethan just a?beauty pageant? , Mrs PhilippinesUK candidates, together with their friendsand family who havecomealong to support their mothers, sistersand daughters, haveactively increased awarenessof and contributed towards AK UK?songoing charitable efforts Without these extraordinary women, their hard work, and also our friends, AK UK would beunable to provide sustainable support to our many beneficiaries

Aguman Kapampangan UK hasgained generous

supporters, sponsorsand donors; whose ongoing loyalty and confidence haveequally contributed to the association?ssuccess Thehardworking and dedicated officers? past and present ?have madeAK UK successful, contributing to the association's garnening the Presidential Award for Filipino Individualsand Organisations Overseas2012, ?Lingkod sakapwa Pilipino Award?

AK UK continually receivesrequestsfor help And to beableto respond efficiently and timely to these requestsof extending support to our lessfortunatecabalen, we haveorganised fund-raising projects

Pleasesupport AK UK by: attending disco fundraising events, buying raffle tickets, sending donations, or simply by spreading the word about the charitable projectsand events! Your help and kindnessistruly appreciated

For its25th anniversary AK UK will hold thisyear?sMrsPhilippinesUK on:

Saturday 22nd September 2018

At Baden Powell House 65 ?67 QueensGate South Kensington SW7 5JS 6:00 ?11:00 PM

Smart casual attire Tickets£15



A night to remember

OVER the past many weeks, a group of Filipinos have been practicing for a very special concert This would take place in Dublin, Ireland on Saturday, 25th of August

TheHoly Father, PopeFrancis, will join 70,000 familiesin oneof the most significant and beautiful events- The Festival of Families A truly special concert which isat the very heart of the world familiesprogram

The Filipino Cultural Team have been working on variousprojectsover the years They are very much part of the city fusion and brighter future project, which isan international festival celebrating Irish National St Patrick day Theteam havebeen working closely on thisproject for 12 yearsand havealso been involved in numerousprojectson aworldwide scale, and arealwaysdelighted to perform It will beawarm, moving, deeply engaging and unforgettableexperience?a very special occasion to attend in person or to watch from different partsof the world

The Festival of Familiesalso bringstogether an exciting line-up of creative performances and talents It isacast of thousandsfeaturing ahost of contemporary Irish and

international singers, performers, choirs, musicians, dancers, aswell ashundredsof volunteers- all together creating aunique experience

Theprogramme includescommunity-based artists aswell assome well-known local and international artists Joined by an orchestra of over 50 musicians; over 700 Irish, sean-nósand contemporary dancers, including 500 from Irish danceschoolsacrossthe country; a 1,000 strong choir; 100 community groups; and 300 flag bearers

TheFilipino groupsrepresenting the Philippinesin thisspecial festival of familiesaremembersof the following communities?Crumlin Filipino community,Kilkenny Filipino Community,The

We have19 teenagers and 40 adultswho will join other membersof the Irishcommunitiesfrom Columbia, Venezuela, Latviaand Poland just to nameafew Please check out world families2018 web site and enjoy the concert on the 25th of August

ISSUE 4 20
The ?Feeding Program?in Barangay
Lumad nga BisayaIreland, TheFilipino cultural organization of Ireland and TheBray Filipino community


21 ISSUE 4

Filipino Delicacies are a hit in Irish Top Food Event

TASTE of Cavan, an annual food fiesta featuring taster dishes and local produce to the public, was held at the Equestrian Centre in Cavan on August 10-11, 2018

Filipino Delicacies, astall sponsored by the Peace Project of Cavan County Council, wasset up by Cavan town-based Filipina-moms JadeArbo and MyraLynch Theduo, along with their children and friends, presented a widearray of home-cooked nativedesserts that over 6000 visitorshavenot tried before,

offering the Irish community an opportunity to try something different The event isreputed asoneof the country?stop food eventsand the largest food show of itskind that draws record crowdsjust to experiencedisplaysand demonstrations from internationally-renowned chefs

Filipino Delicacieswasoneof 120 exhibitorsthat showcased aunique and colourful samplesof traditional dessert favouritesthat include ubehalaya (purple yam), buko pandan (young coconut with fragrant leaf flavouring), suman (sweet sticky rice) in banana leaves, sapin-sapin (glutinousrice), kutsinta (brown rice cake) with grated fresh coconut, puto-keso (white steamed cakestopped with cheese), turon (caramelised banana fritters), and Filipino sponge cake Celebrity Chef Neven Maguire, TDof Monaghan-Cavan, local paper Anglo-Celt and Cavan TV visited the stall to chat with or interview the talented motherswho, unlike other exhibitors, offered only freesweet tastersand did not sell their productsdespite the very high demand and positive feedback The full-time nurse and carer are looking forward to joining the event again next year

Asian Day hosted the first ever Mrs Asian Isle of Wight 2018

The wholeday event wasdivided into parts, thefirst part werecomposed of cultural presentationsand live performances Thiswashosted by MsCristina Arago and Broadcast Journalist Mr Sonny Laragan The highlight of the evening wasthe beauty pageant in search for the most beautiful Mrsof the Island

Thecompetition wasparticipated by six

of Gloucestershire,

Joy Hartley (Best in Talent); Marcelina Blackburn (Best in National Costume); Lily Varney (Miss Congeniality); and Eva Moore (Miss Photogenic)

At the end thewinning smile of Rosalie Lorrison from Oxford won thejudges' heartsasshe wascrowned the first ever MrsAsian Isleof Wight 2018 The First Runner-up was Joy Hartley of Nottingham and second Runner-up was Janice Suarezof London The contestantshad five roundsof competition composed of National Costume, Casual Summer Wear, Talent Round, Evening Gown and Question and Answer portion TheSpecial and Minor awardswerebagged by Janice Suarez(Best in Summer Wear and Best in Gown);

Selecting the winnerswere the main role of the board of judges composed of the following: Mr Rey

ON Sunday, 29th July 2018 the annual Asian Day was held at the Isle of Wight The event was spearheaded by Madam Aireen Gauntlett amazing ladies: Lily Varney MarcelinaBlackburn of London, Eva Moore of Essex, Joy Hartlley of Nottingham, RosalieLorrison of Oxford and Janice Suarezof London MrsAsian Isleof Wight was hosted by Mr Wilmar Marcosand MissSummer World 2018 Kacey Coleen Lim Abesamis- publisher of One Philippines, MsJolinaLoftusMsYemi Hertfordshire, British Model Kyle Vosper, Binibining PilipinasFinalist ChristaBorja and Gentlemen of the PhilippinesTourism International Paul Renzo Velo The Asian Day wasaday festivity that hasbrought together the Asian community especially the Filipinosliving in the island and itssurrounding Boroughs In spite of the storm that hashit the island during the day it hasnot dampened the spirit of everyone who attended the occasion There was an abundance of Filipino food prepared by Sumang Catering Services, music and dancing The MrsAsian Isle of Wight is organised to showcase the age-defying beauty and classof women from any background By Kacey Coleen Lim (L-R) Vanda MarieBrady,Myra Lynch, Jade Arbo with her son Jairiuswho baked the cakes, and Angel Tan Irish localshaving a tasteof Filipino home-cooked native desserts by Vanda Marie Brady HostsMsCristina Arago and Broadcast Journalist Mr Sonny Laragan Rosalie Lorrison from Oxford - crowned the first ever MrsAsian Isleof Wight 2018 Rosalie Lorrisonfrom Oxford with First Runner-up Joy Hartley of Nottingham and Second Runner-up Janice Suarezof London
23 ISSUE 4
SEND US NEWS OF YOUR COMMUNITY EVENTS & ACTIVITIES We welcome details of your stories, including success, awards, appointments and events. Send your items by email to :
Communi t y Cal endar
ISSUE 4 24
DAY 1- JULY 21
Photos by MERVIN PURI KZ Tandingan Bangs Garcia Iñigo Pascual Lassy Maymay Entrata & Edward Barber Yeng Constantino
Photos by MERVIN PURI Lito Lapid John Pratts PJ Endrinal FPJ?s Ang Probinsyano Cast Yassi Pressman Coco Martin
ISSUE 4 26 Something to sell? We welcome details of your stories, including success, awards, appointments and events Send your items by email to : SEND US NEWS OF YOUR COMMUNITY EVENTS & ACTIVITIES RADIO IS A TO PROMOTE FUN WAY YOUR BUSINESS Looking for Love? Special Greetings? Services to offer? Coming Soon! CLASSIFIED ADS SECTION For more info, email us on: info@yesphilnewsmag com 07850 740 553 Call us to find out how
ISSUE 4 27 The Only TRUE LOCAL New spaper serving t he Filipino Com m unit y in t he Unit ed Kingdom & Ireland Promote your Business 020 8133 8668

London?s 2018 Philippine Studies Conference on Representing Cordillera Sparks Talks on Cultural Appropriation

THE Igorot community in the United Kingdom gives London a glimpse of traditional dances and songs from the Cordillera at SOAS University of London on 14 July 2018

HE2018 PhilippineStudiesConferenceignited discussionson cultural ownership, commodification, and appropriation in the context of thePhilippinesCordillera during a two-day conferenceat SOASUniversity of London on 13-14 July 2018

Researchers, anthropologists, cultural advocates, artists, and diplomatsgathered from all over the United Kingdom to participate in the conference?sacademic discussions, film showing, book fair, and exhibit UK-based Cordilleransperformed traditional dancesand songsat the closeof the conference

?Thisyear we chose to focuson the Cordillera but with a specific look at cultural appropriation It istimely becauseit isnot only an academic issue it isalso apolitical and economic issue,? said Dr Cristina Martinez-Juan, Senior Teaching Fellow at the South East Asia Section of the SOASUniversity of London?sSchool of Languages, Cultures, and Linguistics ?We thought that by gathering artists, academics, actual community organizerswho do work on the Cordillera, and representativesfrom the different groupsin the Cordillera, we can highlight theseissuesin asetting that isopen and we can discussthem without fear of misrepresentation ?


conference Many of Dr Salvador-Amores? worksprobesthe issueof cultural representation, commodification, and appropriation Her interest to openly discussand study these issuesin-depth, particularly in the context of the Cordillera, sprang from arangeof research she hasconducted in the region, particularly in Kalinga and Ifugao

?TheIgorotshavealwaysbeen misrepresented in the past, and it isdifficult to disentanglethese misrepresentationsto the present Today,the Igorotsare no longer what they used to be, they are global Filipinosand they havearich tradition to beproud of, wherever they are,?she said

ThePhilippine Embassy in London supported the event and itsthrust in promoting adeeper understanding on the rich cultural heritage of the Cordilleras The conferencewasprimarily organized by SOASUniversity of London

PhilippineAmbassador to the United Kingdom Antonio Manuel Lagdameo believesthat events such asthe PhilippineStudiesConference providea powerful and effectiveplatform in addressing cultural misrepresentation and in promoting deeper cultural understanding

?ThePhilippine StudiesConference presentsan opportunity to engage different people in constructive dialogue in order to addresscritical issuesrelated to culture,?said the Ambassador

?For cultural diplomacy to be effective, it must provideavenueswherewe can paint aclear and authentic picture of the people who represent the different facetsof our culture ?

Second Secretary and Consul Rommel A Romato and Third Secretary and Vice-Consul Stacy Danika S Alcantara-Garcia represented the Embassy during the conference

Internationally-Acclaimed Filipina Author Brings the Cordilleras to London with New Book, BONE TALK

?Asayoung bookworm reading my way through my school library,I read many books with historical settings: poor Oliver Twist, orphaned in Victorian London, Tom Sawyer sneaking onto steam shipson the Mississippi River, kingsand swordsand knights But why wasnot asingle book set in the Philippines whereI grew up?Why couldn't adventures spring from my history too?Bone Talk ismy attempt to fill thisstory gap It'san adventure set right in the middle of acultural collision, when turn-of-the-century American soldiers encountered a headhunting Filipino warrior people What wasit liketo encounter the outsideworld for the first time?What wasit liketo meet your invader and to realise that everything you knew wasabout to change?? Gourlay explained her inspiration for writing BoneTalk

Readers, writers, illustrators, publishers, and many of Gourlay?savid fansgathered from all over the United Kingdom to grab copiesof Gourlay?slatest work

?Just read @candygourlay?s#BoneTalk in one sitting, couldn? t put it down It?sa mountain boy?spowerful and often violent adventure, with graphic imagesthat will stick with mefor along time Makesmewant to learn more about the history of the Philippines,?

British-American illustrator and children?s bookswriter Sarah McIntyregushed in social media

?Storiesbuild bridgesof cultural understanding,?said Ambassador Lagdameo ?Booksand the storiesthey bear are someof the most effective waysby which we can make Philippineculture and valuesresonate with the British public ?

Analyn Salvador-Amores, Museum Director of Museo KordilyeraEthnographic Museum, delivered the keynoteduring the first day of the AWARD-winning UK-based Filipino author Candy Gourlay ignited Britain?s curiosity on Cordillera culture with the launch of her new book, Bone Talk, during the 2018 Philippine Studies Conference at SOAS University of London on 13 July 2018 Bone Talk tellsthe story of Samkad and Little Luki who dream of becoming great warriors The adventurebeginswhen the two friends meet a boy from the lowlandswho shareswith them storiesabout the world and the people beyond their mountain village PhilippineAmbassador Antonio Manuel Lagdameo, astaunch supporter of Philippine artistsin the United Kingdom, commended Gourlay on her latest work Manila-based Filipino illustrator Kerby Rosanesdesigned the cover art of Bone Talk Gourlay?sdebut novel Tall Story,which was published in 2010, won the Crystal Kite Award for Europe in 2011 and wasshortlisted in at least 13 international prizes Shine, her second novel released in 2013 won the Crystal KiteAward for the British Islesin 2014
Igorot UK Gives London a Glimpse of the Cordillera
Photo courtesy of Candy Gourlay Dr DeirdreMcKay,Senior Lecturer in Social Geography and Environmental Politicsat Keele University,discussesthe Igorot diaspora?sconcept of home during her key noteon the conference?ssecond day Photo by Candy Gourlay Dr Analyn Salvador-Amorestacklesthe issueson cultural appropriation and commodification during her keynoteat the opening of the conference Photo by Candy Gourlay MariaCarmen Domingo-Kirk discusses the originsand connotationsof the world, ?Igorot ?Photo by Stacy Garcia Miniature figureswearing the traditional attireof the different peoplesin the Cordillerasaredisplayed during the PhilippineStudiesConference Photo courtesy of Cindy Gourlay Candy Gourlay talksabout the cultureof the Cordillera during thelaunch of Bone Talk at the Kahlili Theater in SOASUniversity of London Photo by Krizza MaePacleb PhilippineAmbassador to theUnited Kingdom Antonio Manuel Lagdameo (right) holdshis copy of Candy Gourlay?snewest masterpiece, BoneTalk, a story of adventureand discovery set in the Cordilleras Gourlay holdsa copy of her children?sbook, IsIt a Mermaid?which waslaunched last April Photo by Stacy Garcia Candy Gourlay?sBone Talk isastory of adventure and discovery set in the Philippines? Cordillera region Photo courtesy of Candy Gourlay HE Igorot community in the United Kingdom gives London a glimpse of traditional dances and songs from the Cordillera at SOAS University of London on 14 July 2018

PH Assumes ASEAN London Committee Chairmanship

ASEAN-British tiesthrough

?I would liketo expressmy deep appreciation to

the ALCin the first half 2018,?said

in advancing the goalsof ASEAN

year ?

AsALCchair, Ambassador Lagdameo will lead and coordinate variousinitiativesgeared towards strengthening the relationsbetween ASEAN and the United

Ambassador, the ALCdiscussed itsline-up of activitiesand

projectsaimed at promoting the ASEAN brand

Filipina Scientist to PH Ambassador: I want the PH to reap the benefits of science

Iwant to return to the Philippines to train future scientists,?said Bicolana scientist Jhalique Jane Fojas who is currently completing her PhD in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Neurophysics) from Cambridge University in the United Kingdom (UK)

Fojasisalso pursuing a Mastersof Medical Sciences degree in Clinical Investigation (Neurology and Neuropsychiatry) at Harvard University in the US

Philippine Ambassador Antonio Manuel Lagdameo received Fojasat the chancery on 08 August 2018 when she visited the Embassy to discussthe developmentsof an initiativeshe and another Filipino student, Reg Lagaac, havebeen pushing for in

the past two years Through the effortsof Fojasand Lagaac, the CambridgeGlobal Health Partnership group will bebringing their technology and expertise to threehospitalsin the Philippines, particularly in Legazpi, Bacolod, and Davao The group aimsto provide freeworld-classmedical servicesto the poorest communitiesin these areas

Thisisonly the start of Fojas?dream to make a differencein the livesof Filipinosthrough science Having been educated in Harvard Medical School and Cambridge University after obtaining her bachelor?sdegree from the University of the Philippines, Fojasispassionateabout using what she has learned from two of the world?smost prestigiousuniversitiesin making quality healthcareaccessibleto all

During her stint in Cambridge, Fojas developed anon-invasive device to treat drug addiction According to Fojas, asimilar device wasapproved in the UK to treat Parkinson?s disease Shehasalso been working on a project to bring psychiatry to the community in an effort to zap the stigma many people today still associate with obtaining treatment for issuesin mental health

?Funding and opportunitiesremain abig challenges,?Fojasdisclosed when asked about the challengesthat young scientistslike her are confronted with in their pursuit to bring knowledge, technology,and innovation home ?Wealso need acollaborativespace wherewe, overseasFilipino scientists, can gather in to share what we havelearned from our work That isone of my dreams? to establish anational laboratory ?


undertaken by our overseasFilipino scientists We are herenot only to listen but to providelinksand to establishmeaningful partnershipsand networksknowing fully well that for scientific work to flourish, it must be fuelled by strong collaborationsthat transcend nationality or geographic boundaries?

Ambassador Lagdameo underscored the high calibre of overseasFilipino scientistsand how the indelible marks they have madein their respective fields ?Through the trailsthey haveblazed in both the natural and social sciences, overseasFilipino scientistshave madean impact in their respective fieldsthat have advanced the global scientific agenda ?

Fojasisset to meet with representativesfrom the PhilippineDepartment of Health towardsthe end of the year before the full implementation of the medical mission After which, she returnsto Harvard Medical School to completeher studies

Consul General and Deputy Chief of Mission Senen T Mangalileand Third Secretary and Vice Consul Stacy DanikaAlcantara-Garcia participated in the discussion during Fojas?courtesy call with the Ambassador

PHILIPPINE Ambassador Antonio Manuel Lagdameo assumed the chairmanship of the ASEAN London Committee (ALC) during an official turnover ceremony at the residence of Myanmar Ambassador and outgoing ALCChair Kyaw Zwar Minn on 31 July 2018 The ALCisan organisation of ASEAN member stateswith diplomatic missionsin the United Kingdom Theorganisation aimsto strengthen Incoming ASEAN London Committee (ALC) Chair Philippine Ambassador Antonio Manuel Lagdameo receives the wooden gavel from outgoing ALCChair Myanmar Ambassador Kyaw Zwar Minn during the ceremonial turnover at the Myanmar Ambassador?s residence on 31 July 2018 Photo by Kristine Leilani Salle London-based ASEAN heads of post join hands in the iconic ASEAN pose during the first ALCmeeting under the Philippines?chairmanship Photo by Kristine Leilani Salle variousactivitiesand initiatives Chairmanship in the ALCisrotated among ASEAN headsof post every six months Myanmar, led by Ambassador Minn, for successfully leading Ambassador Lagdameo I promise to continue hiswork, through the ALC, in the UK during the Philippines?chairmanship for the second half of this Kingdom During the meeting chaired by the prioritiesfor the second half of 2018, including such asthe ASEAN Film Festival and the ASEAN Family Day ALCChair Philippine Ambassador Antonio Manuel Lagdameo (second from right) leads a discussion with ASEAN Heads of Post on the year?s line-up of activities aimed at strengthening ASEAN-British ties Photo by Kristine Leilani Salle Lagdameo lauded Fojas? determination in seeing her dream through ?ThePhilippine Embassy supportsthe work Philippine Ambassador Antonio Manuel Lagdameo listensto Dr Jhalique Jane Fojas?planson working with other Filipino scientistswho, likeher, are interested to contribute to nation building through science Photo by Stacy Garcia Dr Jhalique Jane Fojasisan overseasFilipino student who hasdeveloped non-invasive portable technology that may potentially treat drug addiction Photo by Stacy Garcia
30 ISSUE 4
ISSUE 4 31

The Home of Filipino-British Bask etball KAMPI SUPER SUMMER LEAGUE 2018

The heat is on as t he t eam s bat t le for playoff posit ions

In the MensOpen Division, Controllers(7-0) continue to dominateand remain undefeated, recently edging out anarrow 2 point victory against Rivals(4-3) The competitivenessof these two teamson court, youwould never know they are friendsand relativesoff the court Their will to win, always produceshigh quality basketball whenever these two teamsplay Shockers(5-1) led by Joeward Jamil (2017 West MVP) scored a season record of 50 pointsagainst the London Lions(2-5) ashe steershisteam to contend for astrong finish Their upcoming games against undefeated Controllersand then Rivalsaretough testsand will prove to be crucial for all three teams

Mapogos(4-2) bounced back from defeat by Shockers, dealt Sunics (5-1) their first lossof the season asthey also continueto contend for a strong regular season finish It will bean interesting few remaining gamesfor these teamsand definitely makesthe battle for positionsin the Premier Elitegroup wide open and will go right up to the wire on the last day of regular season

At the bottom half of the table, the battle linesare drawn on who can sneak into the top 6, with both Wildcards(2-4) and London Lions(2-5) fighting for that last spot to join the ?best of the best? Westside Kings(1-6), Hoopstars(1-5) and Silangan (1-5) look like they arealmost certain to only make the Conference Cup thisyear, but some upsetsand strong finishesfor any of these talented teamscould mean that it all comesdown to goal average at the end Right now,it?sstill early to call

TheU21 Development Division seemsto bealot morecertain on who will make the playoffs, with Young Sultan (6-0) already guaranteed an automatic spot in the Semi-Finalswith their undefeated run WildcardsWarriors(4-1) arecertain to finish second and also go straight to the Semi-Finalsproviding they win their last game Aces(2-2), Batang Controllers (2-2) and Generation of Miracles(2-3) should make the playoff round while Silangan Jnrs(1-4) and Hoopsters(0-5) will fight for that last spot for the playoffsand avoid elimination

In the U17 Grassrootsdivision, the top position has been held by DLWildcards(4-1) with their victories against all the other teamsuntil their recent defeat by Barako Strikers(4-6) who havegone on aquiet run and will likely creep into first place if they remain undefeated DLWildcardsstill havethe best chance to finish in the top 2 and head straight to the Semisbut Bunsong Controllers(2-1) may cause asurprise if they win by largemarginsin their last two gamesand take that spot However based on Barako?sform, that may beatough challenge for them so right now it?sa little early to call With the remaining teamsall guaranteed playoff spots, Hounslow Warriors(1-3), OmegaYouth (1-3) and Hope Warriors(0-4) will now hope that their final placingswill give them afighting chance to vie for a strong playoff round

Our Veteran?s40 and above division remainswideopen within the top three teams, Bobcats(5-0), Poker Boys(4-1) and Luzviminda Bros(4-1) who all want to securetheir automatic placesin the Semi-Finals It may go down to the wire and goal averagesthat sealstheir fate Bobcats, who are undefeated, statistically look to bethe favoritesto finish first but will need to fend off Poker Boysin their last gameof the season to guaranteethat No doubt, Poker Boyswill put up a strong fight to stop them in their tracksand with Luzviminda on their tail by a small margin on goal average, these teamswill not leave it to chance and will fight for top two Notably, the foot of the table looksto also beinteresting as Bisons(2-4), Omega Enfield (1-5) and Idols(1-5) haveplayed all their gamesand now await to see how Hounslow Kings(1-4) will perform in their last gameof the season, (consequently against Luzviminda) to determine who will bethe team that getseliminated

With now only amonth to go until the Grand Championship Day on 16th September, expect lots of exciting action asthe drama unfoldsasthese teamsin all divisionsbattle it out for achance to win aKAMPI Championship, the most coveted titlesin the Fil-Brit Community Keep up to date with all the resultsand newsby following KAMPI Basketball UK on Facebook and Instagram For general enquiries, pleaseemail kampibasketballuk@gmail com

AFTER an exciting 10 weeks of the biggest Filipino-British Basketball league in the UK, all 30 teams continue to battle it out to finish the best positions for the upcoming playoffs in the next few weeks


M erseyside Volleyball League

Shamrock Ireland

The teamswho participated in the maiden volleyball tournament wereF-Squad, Lady Jaguars, V Spocks, Blackpool, Benguet and

The Finalswasreally exciting and breathtaking, ending in 3 setsbeing played Ultimately,F-Squad from Leedstook home the championship trophy against V Spocksfrom Manchester who ended up garnering the Runner up position

Third place went to Shamrock from Dublin whileLondon-based Benguet team came 4th

For the Mythical 6, the following playersrounded up the selection: ChrisEmilleBagasbas(Shamrock ), ElaineChu (V Spocks), MichaSiachongco (V Spocks), Jenny Ubasa (F-Squad), Ethel Rivera (F-squad) and Karen Karimi (F-Squad) Karen Karimi wasawarded the tournament?sfirst MVPaward

Officiating the gameswereMel Medenilla and Akli Dumas

The TableOfficialswere composed of: Bong, Zel, Amy, Myckesole, Chantal, Stephen, Chloe, Joy and Mitch

The maiden tourney wastruly a successand the organisers would like to thank the following friendsand sponsors: Amik Garciniego, Ria Yambao, Trisha Ferriol, Beth Giron, Abi Brewer, Bong &Hazel Umali, Amy Mercado, Amir, Bert,




Colchester Filbrit wins Gold & Bronze Medals in recent World Tae Kwon-Do Competition

On the first day of competition, Gerolaga wasentered in two events?the Men?sRed Patternsand Men?sRed Sparring Lightweight division The 20-year old Taekwondoin won handily the Gold in the Men?sRed Pattersevent earlier in the day with hisaccuracy in performing the requisite 24 movements

For hissecond event, the Men?sRed Sparring Lightweight Division, Gerolaga?s first fight wasagainst Wales Hisopponent wasaggressive and apressurefighter Adrienne decided that counter-attacking would bethe best way to win the fight He knocked down hisopponent 30 secondsinto the fight with aspinning heel kick

The quarter-finalswasagainst Ireland It waslike aDavid and Goliath match as Adrienne?sopponent was6?6??tall Patienceand working around hislead leg proved effective and won Adrienne the fight Unfortunately,he wasdefeated in the semi-finals Hisopponent caught him early in the fight with ahead kick greatly affecting him ashe lost hiscomposure and game plan He, however, wasawarded the BronzeMedal in the event

With these latest wins, Adrienne now has3 world titlesunder hisbelt However he could not haveachieved hissuccessesin the sport without the support of hissponsors East LinksResidential, GoodfellasBarbersColchester and of course hisever supportive parents- Jing and Noralyn Gerolaga

THE first MYCKESOLE &BONGMerseyside Volleyball League was held in Woodchurch Leisure Centre in Birkenhead, Wirral last 15 July 2018 Chubby,Ian, Keith, Joy,Cheetan and Siju Special thankswasalso extended to Debbie Ryan, the manager of Woodchurch Leisure Centre for her support in accommodating the tournament at the venue Mykesoleand MerseysideVolleyball League will be holding the next tournament on November 17 &18 FILBRIT Adrienne Gerolaga from Colchester won Gold and Bronze medals in the recent Tae Kwon-do International World Championships held at the Birmingham Arena last July 21 &22 Colchester Filbrit Adrienne Gerolagawinning the Gold medal in the Men'sRed Patternscompetition Adrienne winning hisfirst sparring match against Wales Adrienne'squarter-finalsmatch against Ireland - a David and Goliath showdown


SUMMER SEASON 2018: Final Result s & Aw ards Night

LAST17 July 2018, the premier Volleyball tournament in the UK (PLVL) awarded the outstanding players and winning teams of its recently concluded Summer Season


The women?sdivision opened the 2017-2018 Pin-Lon Summer League on the 6th of May There were6 teamscompeting - Chaos, Crossfires, D?Movers, London Pride Strikers, Greyhoundzand Eagle Stone Ladies

After the preliminary round that concluded on the24th of June, the 6 teamswere divided into two Divisionsbased on their rankings with Division 1 having the top 3 teamsand Division 2 having the bottom 3

Semi-final round matchesbetween the teamswithin their respective Divisionswereplayed on the 8th of July Crossfirecontinued their winning streak over the other two teamsin Division 1 With D?Movers winning over Chaos, Bronze has been awarded to Chaosand the championship match commenced

between Crossfire and D?Movers

Women?sDivision 1 Results

Champion (Gold): Crossfires

Silver: D?Movers

Bronze: Chaos

Mythical Awardees: Baby LaneLacaden, Miles Beronque, Mhaiye Guiruela,Michelle Hadnagy

Best Setter: Zemzem Abella

Best Blocker: Michelle Hadnagy

Best in Defense: Charity Dangle MVP: Zemzem Abella

Division 2 teamsended up in a three-way tie and to break this, the point system wasused With London Pride Strikersand Greyhoundzboth leading in points over EagleStone Ladies, the two teamshad to fight it out during the championship match

Women?sDivision 2 Results

Champion (Gold): London Pride Strikers

Silver: Greyhoundz

Bronze: Eagle Stone Ladies

Mythical Awardees: LyannaRamos, Chiqui Anis, CatherineGatdula, ChonaYenogacio, Michelle Aranzano, Bonno Valmoria

Best Setter: Mitzi DeChavez

Best Spiker: MhiraInes

Seasonal MVP: Baby Lanne Torres

FinalsMVP: Mhira Ines

Mixed Division

Mixed Division semi-final round started on the 10th of June with Chaos(rank 4) winning over Eagle Stone Hardhitters(rank 5), which meant that Chaosqualified to competein the Bronzematch on the 8th of July

Rivals(rank 1) had tight matches with Wild Eagles(rank 2) and Squad Greyhoundz(rank 3) but still ending up victoriousover these two teams

Squad Greyhoundz?swin over Wild Eaglesin the semi-final round was pivotal asthisgivesGreyhoundz the opportunity to fight for the Championship trophy against the Rivals For Wild Eagles, thismeant aface off with Chaosand fight it out for the Bronzetrophy

Mixed Division Results

Champion (Gold): Rivals

Silver: Squad Greyhoundz

Bronze: Wild Eagles

Mythical Awardees:

TonTon Rusit,Divine,Sherman

Rull,Jun Omelis, Amador Ty,Ramil Pastera

Best Setter: Beitoy Ladublan

Best Spiker: RJRivera

Best Blocker: Jun Omelis

Best Server: NeousMc Laurent

Best in Defense: Baby Lanne Torres

Seasonal MVP: NeousMc Laurent

FinalsMVP: RJRivera

Best Manager: Bernadette Lagrimas

Best Coach: Beitoy Ladublan

Best Team Captain: Baby Anne Lacaden

Awarded by Pin-Lon Committees; LindaFeliciano,Aries Nunez,Json Okol, Mhaiye Guiruela,Shirley Tamundong and Pin-Lon supportersLeonida Calvo,Yunice Abejon MadelineDacuyan,Elizabeth Sanchez, Vivian Tapang

A big thank youand congratulationsto all the awardeesand the winning teams!

ISSUE 3 36
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