1 minute read
Congratulations to our very own Angelo Paragoso who is in the cast of ?Nocebo?
Nocebo is a 2022 Filipino-Irish psychological thriller film directed by Lorcan Finnegan from a screenplay by Garret Shanley The film stars Eva Green, Mark Strong, Chai Fonacier, Billie Gadsdon, Cathy Belton and Anthony Falcon
Source: Wikipedia
The Creative Future Writers?Award 2023 is open! This year we are adding creative non-fiction alongside poetry and fiction
The theme for our 10th Awards is ?X?Your work should respond to the theme, implicitly or explicitly, but we're looking for quality writing first and foremost The theme is a creative prompt, not a requirement Send us your best work!
Twelve writers in three categories will receive:
* £20,000 worth of cash and development prizes
* be published in our anthology and eBook
* read at our showcase, part of the London Literature Festival 2023
* receive ongoing development support from Creative Future
The link to enter is: bit ly/ CFWA23 " ht t ps:/ / w w w w hat sonst age com / / com plet e-cast -k lling
Hey friends!
My name is Andrea Gat chalian - I?m a Filipina actor trained at Mountview I run a theatre company called Orange Peel Productions, and we are opening The Wolves at The Space Theatre from March 4-11
A finalist for the Pulitzer Prize, The Wolves, by Sarah DeLappe, is a liberating coming-of-age drama focused on nine adolescent female athletes in a contemporary society Through an unfiltered lens, we experience the teams?brimming humour, vigour, and insight, completely unobstructed by the male gaze
I would love it if you come along and watch if you could make it ht t ps:/ / space org uk/ event / t hew olves/